Reference List

This list includes references used to derive specimen records as well as those with scientific name Sarotherodon melanotheron listed in key words.

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REFTypeCut-and-Paste Reference
41440 Database Anonymous. 2023. Ruskin Fish Slam Data. USGS.
42848 Database Anonymous. 2023. Ft. Myers Fish Slam data.
1929 Web Page Bernice Pauahi Bishop Museum. 2000. Pearl Harbor Legacy Project. Accessed on 05/10/2013.
24369 Database Center for Invasive Species and Ecosystem Health. 2024. EDDMapS: Early detection and distribution mapping system. The University of Georgia, Tifton, GA. Accessed on 01/27/2019.
14047 Report Coles, S.L., R.C. DeFelice, and L.G. Eldredge. 1999. Nonindigenous marine species introductions in the harbors of the south and west shores of Oahu, Hawaii.
41442 Database Cooperative Invasive Species Management Area. 2023. Southwest Florida Cooperative Invasive Species Management Area invasive fish roundup.
470 Report Courtenay, W.R., Jr. 1985. Florida Atlantic University Quarterly Reports for 1985 to U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Gainesville, FL.
165 Journal Article Courtenay, W.R., Jr., H.F. Sahlman, W.W. Miley II, and D.J. Herrema. 1974. Exotic fishes in fresh and brackish waters of Florida. Biological Conservation 6(4):292-302.
690 Conference Proceedings Devick, W.S. 1991. Pattern of introductions of aquatic organisms to Hawaii freshwater habitats. Pages 189-213 in W.S. Devick, ed. New directions in research, management and conservations of Hawaiian freshwater stream ecosystems. Proceedings of the 1990 Freshwater Stream Biology and Fisheries Management Symposium. Hawaii Department of Land and Natural Resources, Division of Aquatic Resources. Honolulu, Hawaii.
462 Journal Article Dial, R.S., and S.C. Wainright. 1983. New distributional records for non-native fishes in Florida. Florida Scientist 46(1):8-15.
23945 Report Dutka-Gianelli, J., D. Tremain, and R. Paperno. 2009. Fish assemblages in tidal and non-tidal freshwater tributaries of the Indian River Lagoon. Final report for Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission Project SWG06-010. Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission.
414 Journal Article Fagade, S.O. 1971. The food and feeding habits of Tilapia species in the Lagos Lagoon. Journal of Fish Biology 3:151-156.
26338 Journal Article Faunce, C.H. 2000. Reproduction of blackchin tilapia, Sarotherodon melanotheron, within an impounded mangrove ecosystem in east-central Florida. Environmental Biology of Fishes 57(4):353-361.
23943 Journal Article Faunce, C.H., and R. Paperno. 1999. Tilapia-dominated fish assemblages within an impounded mangrove ecosystem in east-central Florida. Wetlands 19(1):126-138.
29166 Database Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission. 2016. FL FWC Long-term monitoring database. Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission, Tallahassee, FL.
18857 Database Florida Museum of Natural History. 2009. Ichthyology Collection database. University of Florida, Gainesville, FL.
25899 Database Florida Museum of Natural History. 2013. Florida Museum of Natural History ichthyology collection. Accessed through GBIF data portal, Florida Museum of Natural History, Gainesville, FL. Accessed on 04/09/2013.
24485 Database Florida Museum of Natural History. 2012. Specimen records of blackchin tilapia (Sarotherodon melanotheron) in the UF collection. Provided by Rob Robins on 22 March 2012. Florida Museum of Natural History.
26212 Database GBIF. 2013. Global Biodiversity Information Facility (GBIF) Database. Global Biodiversity Information Facility. Accessed on 03/05/2024.
1161 Journal Article Gilmore, R.G., P.A. Hastings, and D.J. Herrema. 1983. Ichthyofaunal additions to the Indian River Lagoon and adjacent waters east-central Florida. Florida Scientist 46:22-30.
26330 Book Chapter Hensley, D.A., and W.R. Courtenay, Jr. 1979. Tilapia melanotheron (Rüppell). Blackchin tilapia. Page 773 in Lee, D.S., C.R. Gilbert, C.H. Hocutt, R.E. Jenkins, D.E. McAllister, and J.R. Stauffer, Jr, eds. Atlas of North American freshwater fishes. North Carolina State Museum of Natural History. Raleigh, NC.
25944 Database iNaturalist. 2024. Accessed on 08/13/2024.
483 Other Cut-and-paste reference not available due to unhandled reference type. Please contact support to request the addition of the 'Other' type.
39028 Thesis or Dissertation Jennings, D.P. 1989. Behavioral aspects of cold tolerance in blackchin tilapia, Sarotherodon melanotheron (Pisces: Cichlidae), at different salinities. Unpublished M.S. thesis. University of Florida, Gainesville, Florida.
14009 Journal Article Jennings, D.P., and J.D. Williams. 1992. Factor influencing the distribution of blackchin tilapia Sarotherodon melanotheron (Osteichthys: Cichlidae) in the Indian River system, Florida. Northeast Gulf Science 12(2):111-117.
14980 Journal Article Jennings, D.P., and J.D. Williams. 1992. Factors influencing the distribution of blackchin tilapia Sarotherodon melanotheron (osteichthys: cichlidae) in the Indian River system, Florida. Northeast Gulf Science 12(2):111-117.
672 Book Chapter Maciolek, J.A. 1984. Exotic fishes in Hawaii and other islands of Oceania. Pages 131-161 in Courtenay, W.R., Jr., and J.R. Stauffer, Jr, eds. Distribution, ecology, and management of exotic fishes. John Hopkins University Press. Baltimore, MD.
24033 Journal Article MacKenzie, R.A., and G.L. Bruland. 2012. Nekton communities in Hawaiian coastal wetlands: the distribution and abundance of introduced fish species. Estuaries and Coasts 35:212-226.
41431 Journal Article Parenti, L.R., D.E. Pitassy, Z. Jaafar, K. Vinnikov, N.E. Redmond, and K.S. Cole. 2020. Fishes collected during the 2017 MarineGEO assessment of Kāne‘ohe Bay, O‘ahu, Hawai‘i. Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom 100(4):607-637.
29915 Database Schofield, P.J. 2017. Fishes of Indian River Lagoon, March-April 2017 (unpublished data). U.S. Geological Survey, Gainesville, FL. Created on 05/17/2017.
33259 Database Schofield, P.J. 2019. Fish Slam Data - Vero, Florida, Spring March 26-27, 2019. U.S. Geological Survey, Gainesville, FL. Created on 06/11/2019.
20915 Database Smithsonian Institution National Museum of Natural History. 2011. National Museum of Natural History Vertebrate Zoology Ichthyology Collection. Smithsonian Institution, Washington, DC. Accessed on 03/26/2013.
506 Journal Article Snodgrass, J.W. 1991. Winter kills of Tilapia melanotheron in coastal southeast Florida. Florida Scientist 54(2):85-86.
582 Journal Article Springer, V.G., and J.H. Finucane. 1963. The African cichlid, Tilapia heudeloti Dumeril, in the commercial catch of Florida. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 92:317-318.
39130 Journal Article Stauffer, J.R., Jr. 1986. Ontogenetic changes in the preferred temperatures of the blackchin tilapia, Sarotherodon melanotheron. Archiv fur Hydrobiologie 105(3):397-402.
28954 Journal Article Taylor, D.S., G.R. Poulakis, S.R. Kupschus and C.H. Faunce. 1998. Esturaine reconnection of an impoundment mangrove salt marsh in the Indian River Lagoon, Florida: short changes in fish fauna. Mangroves and Salt Marshes 2:29-36.
14257 Web Page U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. 2005. National Wildlife Refuge System Invasive Species. (Last accessed 2006).
33518 News Wu, N. 2019. Tilapia invasion along Napali Coast concerns state officials. Honolulu Star Advertiser. Honolulu, HI. Created on 08/08/2019. Accessed on 08/09/2019.
43383 Journal Article Yamasaki, L.S., T. Iwai, Jr., R.C. Klinger-Bowen, D.A. Weese, C.E. Fowler, J.L. Yacoub, and M.A. Wong. 2022. Identification of Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) and its hybrids in natural environments in Hawaii. Aquaculture 550:737805.


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Citation information: U.S. Geological Survey. [2025]. Nonindigenous Aquatic Species Database. Gainesville, Florida. Accessed [2/9/2025].

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