NAS - Nonindigenous Aquatic Species
University of Oklahoma. 2013. Sam Noble Oklahoma Museum of Natural History recent invertebrates collection. Accessed through GBIF data portal, University of Oklahoma, Norman, OK. Created on 11/24/2009. Accessed on 04/11/2013.
Reference Number: 25989 Type: Database Author: University of Oklahoma Date (year): 2013 Title:Sam Noble Oklahoma Museum of Natural History recent invertebrates collection. Accessed through GBIF data portal, Publisher:University of Oklahoma Publisher Location:Norman, OK URL: Accessed on: 04/11/2013 Created on: 11/24/2009 Keywords: OMNH, invertebrate zoology
Ambloplites rupestris AR - P-2 Pools: 4.8 miles SE of Calico Rock at low water bridge on gravel road to Jones' cemetery OK - 7 miles north of Grove AR - P-6 Pools: 6.7 miles NW of Calico Rock, 2.2 miles SW of Wideman, 0.3 miles west of gravel county road to Wideman OK - Hwy 33 OK - (DM-22JUL99-03) 1 mile west of Hwy 82 OK - Baron on Hwy 59; U07196540 OK - 4M south of LOCUST GROVE OK - Two Creeks bridge OK - [No locality string in original GBIF record] OK - (DM-19JUN99-03) DOWNstream of Hwy 81 OK - DWIGHT MISSION, R23E T2N MO - At Grove OK - 10 miles west of Watts OK - Hwy 10 at Tahlequah; Sec 26/T17N/R22E OK - Hwy 51, 2 miles south of Eldon; Sec 27/T17N/R23E; U07197000 OK - Bryant Hollow OK - 6 miles north, 2 miles east of Hulbert OK - Near Tiff City, Mo; U07189000 OK - Sec 26,35/T20N/R24E OK - Hwy 51, 2 miles south of Eldon; Sec 27/T17N/R23E; U07197000 OK - 1 mile SW of Flint at Flint Creek Confluence; Sec 35/T20N/R24E OK - 1 MI N MARBLE CITY OK - 3.5 miles north, 0.5 mile east of Hwy 412 near Mosley; U07195780 OK - Below Teresita Ford AR - At JASPER OK - 2 miles south of Tahlequah OK - (DM-19JUN99-02) 1 mile west of TWin bridgeS OK - Mouth of Baron Fork near Tahlequah; Sec 26/T17N/R22E; U07196500 KS - Hwy 26 OK - Luck Spring OK - (OWRB2006-51) At MURPHY (SEC 16/ T19N/ R20E) OK - 2 miles from mouth at Welling OK - 2 miles south of Tiff City, Mo; Sec 20/T25N/R25E OK - Sec 22/T22N/R24E OK - Low water crossing; U07195520 OK - Round Hollow access; Sec 26/T19N/R23E; U07196100
Astyanax mexicanus TX - ECM86-10: south CONCHO RIVER TX - ECM87-03: At ANSON SPRinGS; HEAD of THE RIVER RANCH TX - ECM83-06: HEAD of THE RIVER RANCH; ANSON SRPinGS TX - SMP93-16: 0.5 miles DOWNstream from MinERAL WELLS CROSSinG; JUST below SELF CLEARinG (north of CHRISTOVAL) TX - ECM90-01: (Head of the River/Anson Springs) Head of the River Ranch, 4 km south Christoval TX - ECM86-04: At ANSON SPRinGS; HEAD of RIVER RANCH TX - ECM91-12: Rock Dam, Head of River Ranch TX - ECM87-04: .5 km below headspring on Head of the River Ranch, 4 km S Christoval; rock dam area TX - 0.85 km east of Paint Rock OK - BUNCOMBE CK TX - (SDW89-03) At HEAD of THE RIVER RANCH OK - POND ON ISLAND #2 TX - SMP92-2: HEAD of RIVER RANCH (HORR); 4 KM south of CHRISTOVAL; PANTHER BLUFF OK - 1.5 miles above Camp Jack Little OK - 2 miles south of D bridge OK - Below Denison dam TX - (ECM85-13) At HEAD of THE RIVER RANCH; 4 KM south of CHRISTOVAL TX - (ECM87-16) At HEAD of THE RIVER RANCH OK - 1.5 miles above Camp Jack Little TX - SMP93-33: At HEAD of THE RIVER RANCH OK - Near Camp Jack Little TX - SMP93-14: HEAD of RIVER RANCH; ROCK DAM OK - Rock breakwater OK - 200 yards above Kingston road TX - ECM87-06: ANSON SPinGS; HEAD of THE RIVER RANCH OK - At Lake Texoma OK - 1.5 miles above Camp Jack Little OK - At Lake Texoma
Lepomis megalotis MI - Above dam
Menidia beryllina TX - Site 36: Highport Marina off Hwy 120 north of Pottsboronorth of Pottsboro on 120 between boat docks 43 and 44 OK - Confluence with Kiamichi, 33 57.110N/95 14.180W TX - Hwy 37 bridge (OK R20E S 6) TX - Site 40: Sheppard Air Force Base recreational area off Hwy 901 TX - Site 41: Slickum Slough Road TX - Site 34: Hwy 84 at Grandpappy Point Resort between boat docks 21 and 22 TX - Site 40: Sheppard Air Force Base recreational area off Hwy 901 TX - Site 36: Highport Marina off Hwy 120 north of Pottsboronorth of Pottsboro on 120 between boat docks 43 and 44 TX - Site 37: Hagerman Wildlife Refuge south of Biological Station TX - Site 40: Sheppard Air Force Base recreational area off Hwy 901 TX - Site 33: Hwy 84 at Grandpappy Point Resort by marina repair shop TX - 5 miles east Sheffield off 290 (Marley B. Ranch) (WJM2866) TX - Site 41: Slickum Slough Road TX - Site 38: Big Mineral Equestrian Area south of Gordonville TX - Site 35: Highport Marina off Hwy 120 north of Pottsboro TX - Site 39: Cedar Mills air strip north of Gordonville TX - Site 38: Big Mineral Equestrian Area south of Gordonville TX - Site 35: Highport Marina off Hwy 120 north of Pottsboro TX - Site 37: Hagerman Wildlife Refuge south of Biological Station TX - Site 36: Highport Marina off Hwy 120 north of Pottsboronorth of Pottsboro on 120 between boat docks 43 and 44 TX - Site 35: Highport Marina off Hwy 120 north of Pottsboro TX - Site 34: Hwy 84 at Grandpappy Point Resort between boat docks 21 and 22 TX - Site 37: Hagerman Wildlife Refuge south of Biological Station TX - Site 41: Slickum Slough Road TX - Site 39: Cedar Mills air strip north of Gordonville TX - Site 38: Big Mineral Equestrian Area south of Gordonville TX - Site 39: Cedar Mills air strip north of Gordonville
Oreochromis aureus TX - At Baker's Crossing 20.5 miles north of Comstock, TX (WJM2870)
Perca flavescens KS - At end of Pine Street in independence, KS (WJM2840) OK - Ardmore OK - Ardmore
Percina macrolepida OK - Near Watonga; Sec 27/T16N/R12W; U07239200 OK - Carter's Landing OK - Hwy 46 north of Gage; U07235500 OK - Sec 30/T22N/R23W OK - Hwy 46 north of Gage; U07235500 OK - Near Wetumka; Sec 12/T9N/R10E; U07242000 OK - CANADIAN RIVER NEAR WHITEFIELD SEC 12 TWN 09N RNG 19EU07245000 OK - CANADIAN RIVER NEAR WHITEFIELD SEC 12 TWN 09N RNG 19EU07245000 OK - WOLF CREEK At Hwy 183 bridge ABOUT 0.7 miles SE of FT. SUPPLY OK - (DEQ2005-05) NEAR WOODWARD, Hwy 34 (U07237500) OK - T20N, R17W, S24 AND 25
Salmo trutta CO - [No locality string in original GBIF record] CO - [No locality string in original GBIF record] MI - At northVILLE
Salvelinus fontinalis CO - [No locality string in original GBIF record] WY - [No locality string in original GBIF record]
Sander vitreus OK - Sec 24/T4N/R22E OK - Hwy 270, 2 miles south of Watonga OK - Canadian Point boat ramp OK - 2 miles south, 2 miles east on I-35 at Elephant Rock Road OK - Upper end at dam boat ramp OK - Sec 11/T19N/R9E OK - At Hickory Creek OK - NE corner of Ponca City at mouth of Acid Creek OK - At Lake Texoma OK - WEBBERS FALLS CITY HALL (SEC 8/ T12N/ R21E); U07194600 OK - WOODWARD, S 25 TS 23N R 20W
The data represented on this site vary in accuracy, scale, completeness, extent of coverage and origin. It is the user's responsibility to use these data consistent with their intended purpose and within stated limitations. We highly recommend reviewing metadata files prior to interpreting these data.
Citation information: U.S. Geological Survey. [2025]. Nonindigenous Aquatic Species Database. Gainesville, Florida. Accessed [2/18/2025].
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