NAS - Nonindigenous Aquatic Species
International Game Fish Association. 1994. World records. IN IGFA. World Record Game Fishes. International Game Fish Association.
Reference Number: 693 Type: Book Author: International Game Fish Association. Date (year): 1994 Edition: Title:World records. IN IGFA. World Record Game Fishes. Publisher:International Game Fish Association. Publisher Location: Volume: Pages: 145-226 URL: Keywords: world record fishes
Cynoscion nebulosus × xanthulus TX - Calaveras Reservoir near San Antonio
Esox lucius × masquinongy IL - Lake Summerset, Davis MI - Roland Lake, Twin Lakes MN - Leech Lake NY - St. Lawrence River NY - Freehold, Catskill Creek NY - Tioughnioga River PA - Susquehanna River PA - Susquehanna River, Selinsgrove WI - Round Lake (Big Round Lake) WI - White Sand L., Lac du Flambeau Indian Reservation, Lac du Flambeau Station
Morone chrysops × mississippiensis OK - Kiamichi River OK - Kiamichi River
Morone chrysops × saxatilis AR - Little Red River, Heber Spring GA - New Savannah Dam, Augusta MO - Osage River, Warsaw OK - Sooner Lake, [Greasy Creek] Red Rock OR - Ana Reservoir, 75 miles northwest of Lakeview near Summer Lake OR - Ana Reservoir, 75 miles northwest of Lakeview near Summer Lake PA - Nockamixon, Lake [~10 mi NW of Doylestown] TN - J. Percy Priest Reservoir, Nashville TN - J. Percy Priest Reservoir, Nashville TX - Lake Austin, Austin VA - Leesville Reservoir
Oncorhynchus clarkii × mykiss CO - South Platte River, at Spinney Mountain Reservoir
Salmo trutta × Salvelinus fontinalis NY - Connetquat River, Oakdale, Long Island NY - Connetquat River, Oakdale, Long Island WI - Lake Michigan
Sander canadensis × vitreus OH - Lake Logan
The data represented on this site vary in accuracy, scale, completeness, extent of coverage and origin. It is the user's responsibility to use these data consistent with their intended purpose and within stated limitations. We highly recommend reviewing metadata files prior to interpreting these data.
Citation information: U.S. Geological Survey. [2025]. Nonindigenous Aquatic Species Database. Gainesville, Florida. Accessed [3/14/2025].
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