Butomus umbellatus
Butomus umbellatus
(flowering rush)

27 results for Butomus umbellatus (flowering rush)

Impact ID Scientific Name Impact Type Study Type Study Location Impact Description Reference
3810 Butomus umbellatus Competition Anecdotal Field The author states that in the St. Lawrence River area of the United States, that this species... 10394
3811 Butomus umbellatus Food Web Anecdotal Field The author states that muskrats commonly feed upon the flowering rush. 10394
3812 Butomus umbellatus Recreation Observational Field The dense stands of flowering rush impede recreation, such as swimming and fishing, at Twin Lakes... 17826
3905 Butomus umbellatus Competition Anecdotal Field Appeared to be outcompeting cattails and willows in Idaho. 10398
3906 Butomus umbellatus Habitat Alteration Anecdotal N/A Flowering rush may help stabilize sediment and reduce the impact of wave action. 19279
3907 Butomus umbellatus Navigation Anecdotal N/A Flowering rush has impacted water delivery in canals in Idaho, USA. 19279
3908 Butomus umbellatus Food Web Observational Field This species is part of the diet of waterfowl, and was observed to make up half of the stomach... 34984
5711 Butomus umbellatus Recreation Anecdotal N/A Butomus umbellatus can prevent and/or impede aquatic recreation as it can form dense mats... 5162
5712 Butomus umbellatus Competition Anecdotal N/A In Minnesota, Butomus umbellatus appears to have the ability to outcompete the native... 5162
7843 Butomus umbellatus Competition Anecdotal N/A Butomus umbellatus forms dense stands in southern Lake Champlain, where it appears to... 18753
7844 Butomus umbellatus Competition Anecdotal N/A Butomus umbellatus can displace native riparian vegetation via competition and could... 25146
7845 Butomus umbellatus Competition Observational Field Shannon diversity indices and the number of native plant species were greater at sampling stations... 25139
7846 Butomus umbellatus Water Quality Anecdotal N/A Butomus umbellatus is capable of forming dense mats, which could affect the availability... 25146
7847 Butomus umbellatus Water Quality Anecdotal N/A Butomus umbellatus infestations could also result in increased water temperatures and... 25143
7848 Butomus umbellatus Habitat Alteration Anecdotal N/A Butomus umbellatus infestations could result in increased water temperatures and altered... 25143
7849 Butomus umbellatus Habitat Alteration Anecdotal N/A In the western U.S., emergent monocultures of Butomus umbellatus have colonized and... 25143
7850 Butomus umbellatus Human Health Anecdotal N/A Concerns have arisen in the western U.S. regarding the role of Butomus umbellatus... 25143
7851 Butomus umbellatus Other Anecdotal N/A Wild rice (Zizania aquatica) has been identified as a species potentially threatened by... 25140
7852 Butomus umbellatus Other Anecdotal N/A Reduction in wild rice harvests from Butomus umbellatus could affect indigenous people who... 25149
7853 Butomus umbellatus Other Anecdotal N/A In the Aberdeen-Springfield canal system, Butomus umbellatus has colonized an estimated... 25143
7854 Butomus umbellatus Recreation Anecdotal N/A Butomus umbellatus can obstruct irrigation canals and interfere with industrial shoreline... 25125
7855 Butomus umbellatus Recreation Anecdotal N/A Flathead Lake (MT) has been infested by monocultures of flowering rush (Butomus... 25143
7856 Butomus umbellatus Other Anecdotal N/A Stands of Butomus umbellatus can become thick and undesirable, even in its native range. 25129
7857 Butomus umbellatus Harvest Anecdotal N/A Butomus umbellatus has been used as an aquatic ornamental plant, although it is now... 24291
7858 Butomus umbellatus Other Anecdotal N/A The roots and seeds of Butomus umbellatus are edible, and the plant has been investigated... 25141

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Citation information: U.S. Geological Survey. [2024]. Nonindigenous Aquatic Species Database. Gainesville, Florida. Accessed [10/25/2024].

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