Reference Viewer

Cut-and-Paste Reference:
Pflieger, W.L. 1997. The fishes of Missouri. Revised edition. Missouri Department of Conservation, Jefferson City, MO.
Reference Details:
Reference Number: 1737
Type: Book
Author: Pflieger, W.L.
Date (year): 1997
Edition: Revised
Title:The fishes of Missouri.
Publisher:Missouri Department of Conservation
Publisher Location:Jefferson City, MO
Pages: 372 pp
Keywords: grass carp, Ctenopharyngodon idella, Missouri, Phenacobius mirabilis, salmo trutta, rudd, Scardinius erythrophthalmus
Species Profiles and Specimens that use this Reference:

Ameiurus catus

    MO - Missouri River, Boone County
    MO - Big Creek arm of Truman Reservoir, Henry County
    MO - Mississippi River on Illinois border; at Perry/Cape Girardeau County border

Carassius auratus

    MO - Rose Pond [vicinity of Des Moines River, ~3 mi SW of Alexandria]
    MO - Adair County [SE part of county]
    MO - Lewis County [SE region adjacent to the Mississippi River]
    MO - Atchison County [NW region of county near the Missouri River]
    MO - Jackson County [near Kansas City and the confluence of the Missouri and Blue rivers]
    MO - Missouri River [vicinity of Dover]
    MO - Morgan County [NW part of county]
    MO - Grand River [south-central part of county]
    MO - Phelps County [NE part of county]
    MO - Camden County [Lake of the Ozarks region]
    MO - Perry County [SW part of county]

Cyprinella venusta

    MO - Stockton Reservoir in SW Missouri
    MO - Brush Creek below Stockton Reservoir
    MO - Cedar Creek below Stockton Reservoir

Esox lucius

    MO - Osage River below Harry S. Truman Reservoir

Esox masquinongy

    MO - Hazel Creek Lake in Adair County
    MO - Lake Girardeau

Fundulus catenatus

    MO - Cuivre River system
    MO - Loutre drainage
    MO - Moreau River
    MO - Lamine River drainage

Gambusia affinis

    MO - The Sny
    MO - Peruque-Piasa
    MO - Lower Missouri
    KS - Little Osage
    MO - South Fork Salt
    MO - Little Chariton
    MO - Harry S. Truman Reservoir
    MO - Current
    MO - Lower Missouri-Moreau
    KS - Lower Marais Des Cygnes
    MO - Lamine
    KS - Marmaton
    MO - Cuivre
    AR - Strawberry
    AR - Spring
    AR - Middle White
    MO - Bull Shoals Lake
    AR - Lower Black
    MO - Upper Black
    AR - Beaver Reservoir
    AR - Upper White-Village
    MO - Independence-Sugar
    MO - Lower Osage
    MO - North Fork White
    MO - South Fabius
    MO - Upper Grand
    MO - South Grand
    MO - Upper Gasconade
    MO - Bear-Wyaconda
    MO - Meramec
    MO - Lower Chariton
    MO - Lower Gasconade
    MO - Big Piney
    MO - North Fabius
    MO - Bourbeuse
    MO - Platte
    MO - Lower Missouri-Crooked
    MO - Pomme De Terre
    AR - Little Red
    MO - Salt

Lepomis gibbosus

     - Thompson (HUC8) non-specific

Lepomis megalotis

    MO - Lake St. Louis, and impoundment on Peruque Creek in St. Charles County

Micropterus dolomieu

    MO - Lamine River drainage

Micropterus punctulatus

    MO - Pomme De Terre (HUC8) non-specific
    MO - Niangua (HUC8) non-specific
    MO - Sac (HUC8) non-specific
     - Thompson (HUC8) non-specific
     - Upper Chariton (HUC8) non-specific
    MO - Perche drainage
     - Lower Missouri (HUC8) non-specific
    MO - Lamine (HUC8) non-specific
    MO - Lower Gasconade (HUC8) non-specific
    MO - Lower Osage (HUC8) non-specific
    MO - Lake of the Ozarks (HUC8) non-specific
    MO - South Fork Salt (HUC8) non-specific
     - Cahokia-Joachim (HUC8) non-specific
    MO - Whitewater (HUC8) non-specific
     - Upper Mississippi-Cape Girardeau (HUC8) non-specific
     - Marmaton (HUC8) non-specific
     - Upper Grand (HUC8) non-specific
    MO - Meramec (HUC8) non-specific
    MO - Bourbeuse (HUC8) non-specific
    MO - Big (HUC8) non-specific
    IL - Cache (HUC8) non-specific

Morone americana

    MO - Lake Contrary
    MO - Big Lake
    MO - Missouri River at western edge of state

Morone americana × saxatilis

    MO - state non-specific

Morone chrysops

    MO - Table Rock Reservoir
    MO - Bull Shoals Reservoir [White River]
    MO - Lake Taneycomo
    MO - Norfork Lake
    SD - Middle Big Sioux drainage
    SD - Lower Big Sioux drainage
    IA - Little Sioux drainage
    IA - Blackbird-Soldier drainage
    IA - Big Papillion-Mosquito drainage
    NE - Keg-Weeping Water drainage
     - Upper Chariton (HUC8) non-specific
    MO - Tarkio-Wolf drainage
    MO - Upper Black drainage
    MO - Current drainage
    AR - Spring drainage
     - Thompson (HUC8) non-specific
    MO - Little Chariton drainage

Notropis boops

    MO - Missouri River, below Gasconade River
    MO - Gasconade River
    MO - Loutre River

Notropis buccatus

    MO - St. Francis drainage in Madison County
    MO - Logan Creek tributary, Reynolds County

Perca flavescens

    MO - Butler City Lake, Bates County (artificial lake)
    MO - Blue Jay Lake, Pulaski County (artificial lake)
    MO - Fayette City Lake, Howard County (artificial lake)
    MO - Ethel Lake, Macon County (artificial lake)

Pimephales vigilax

    MO - Chariton River, Chariton County
    MO - Missouri River scour holes directly connected to river in Howard and Saline counties
    MO - Stockton Reservoir in SW Missouri


The data represented on this site vary in accuracy, scale, completeness, extent of coverage and origin. It is the user's responsibility to use these data consistent with their intended purpose and within stated limitations. We highly recommend reviewing metadata files prior to interpreting these data.

Citation information: U.S. Geological Survey. [2024]. Nonindigenous Aquatic Species Database. Gainesville, Florida. Accessed [9/10/2024].

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For general information and questions about the database, contact Wesley Daniel. For problems and technical issues, contact Matthew Neilson.