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Cut-and-Paste Reference:
Erdman, D.S. 1984. Exotic fishes in Puerto Rico. Pages 162-176 in Courtenay, W.R., Jr., and J.R. Stauffer, Jr, eds. Distribution, biology, and management of exotic fishes. John Hopkins University Press. Baltimore, MD.
Reference Details:
Reference Number: 1873
Type: Book Chapter
Author: Erdman, D.S.
Date (year): 1984
Book Title: Distribution, biology, and management of exotic fishes.
Editor: Courtenay, W.R., Jr., and J.R. Stauffer, Jr.
Chapter Title:Exotic fishes in Puerto Rico.
Publisher:John Hopkins University Press
Publisher Location:Baltimore, MD
Pages: 162-176
Keywords: Puerto Rico, Lepomis microlophus, redear sunfish
Species Profiles and Specimens that use this Reference:

Ameiurus catus

    PR - Caonillas Reservoir
    PR - Dos Bocas Reservoir
    PR - Guayabal Reservoir
    PR - Garzas Reservoir
    PR - Matrullas Reservoir
    PR - Guajataca Reservoir

Ameiurus nebulosus

    PR - Carite Reservoir
    PR - Guajataca Reservoir
    PR - Comerio Reservoir
    PR - Melania Reservoir near Guayama
    PR - Patillas Reservoir
    PR - central Rio La Plata
    PR - La Plata Reservoir (probably)
    PR - Caonillas Reservoir
    PR - Dos Bocas Reservoir
    PR - Loco Reservoir
    PR - Luchetti (Yauco) Reservoir
    PR - Lajas valley drainage canals
    PR - Rio Hondo of the Guanajibo drainage
    PR - Cano Tiburones (Barceloneta) at the NW-most part in P.R.

Astronotus ocellatus

    PR - Aibonito farm pond

Carassius auratus

    PR - Guajataca Reservoir
    PR - unspecified waters in Isabela
    PR - small pond in the hills of Guayama
    PR - Guayabal Reservoir

Cichla ocellaris

    PR - non-specific; farm ponds and reservoirs
    PR - Toa Vaca Reservoir on the Toa Vaca River in southern PR, just north of Guyabal
    PR - La Plata Reservoir

Ctenopharyngodon idella

    PR - golf course ponds at Dorado Beach Hotel
    PR - ponds at Cabo Rojo

Dorosoma petenense

    PR - Cidra Reservoir [=Lago de Cidra]
    PR - Carite Reservoir
    PR - Garzas Reservoir
    PR - La Plata Reservoir
    PR - Guajataca Reservoir

Gambusia affinis

    PR - Patillas Reservoir
    PR - Melania Reservoir near Guayama

Hypophthalmichthys molitrix

    PR - golf course ponds at Dorado Beach Hotel

Ictalurus punctatus

    PR - Cidra Reservoir [=Lago de Cidra]
    PR - Dos Bocas Reservoir
    PR - Loiza Reservoir

Lepomis auritus

    PR - Guajataca Reservoir
    PR - Coamo Reservoir
    PR - Dos Bocas Reservoir
    PR - Garzas Reservoir
    PR - Loco Reservoir
    PR - Matrullas Reservoir
    PR - Rio Jayuya
    PR - Rio Maricao near the Fish Hatchery and farther downstream in the Rio Guanajibo drainage
    PR - Guineo Reservoir (Laguna El Guineo)

Lepomis gulosus

    PR - Carite Reservoir

Lepomis macrochirus

    PR - Carite Reservoir
    PR - Comerio Reservoir
    PR - island-wide
    PR - La Plata from Aibonito to Comerio
    PR - Cartagena Lagoon

Lepomis microlophus

    PR - Garzas Reservoir
    PR - Guajataca Reservoir
    PR - Loiza Reservoir

Micropterus coosae

    PR - Rio Maricao near the Fish Hatchery
    PR - Rio Jayuya upstream from the town of Jayuya
    PR - El Cantil, a rock-sided pool upstream from Jayuya
    PR - Caonillas Reservoir, downstream from Jayuya

Micropterus salmoides

    PR - newly created reservoirs
    PR - all major reservoirs
    PR - Comerio Reservoir
    PR - Rio La Plata upstream to Cayey
    PR - Cartagena Lagoon
    PR - Tortuguero Lagoon
    PR - Rio Anasco Lagoon

Morone chrysops

    PR - Loiza Reservoir above Carraizo dam

Oncorhynchus mykiss

    PR - inland waters
    PR - inland waters

Oreochromis mossambicus

    PR - island waters
    PR - Loiza Reservoir near Carraizo dam

Oreochromis urolepis hornorum

    PR - ponds at Maricao and elsewhere
    PR - Mona Island [midway between Dominican Republic and Puerto Rico]

Oreochromis urolepis hornorum × mossambicus

    PR - ponds at Maricao and elsewhere

Pethia conchonius

    PR - Rio Arroyata, a trib of the Rio La Plata, between Cidra and Naranjito near route 172
    PR - Loiza Reservoir

Pimephales promelas

    PR - non-specific; four reservoirs and several ponds

Poecilia reticulata

    PR - state non-specific
    PR - Aibonito Reservoir
    PR - Comerio Reservoir
    PR - Rio Matrullas
    PR - Cayey Reservoir
    PR - Adjuntas Reservoir (=Garzmas Res.?)

Salmo trutta

    PR - Rio Espiritu Santo at the El Yunque Forest

Tilapia rendalli

    PR - Loiza Reservoir near Carraizo dam
    PR - Rio Piedras

Xiphophorus hellerii

    PR - Quebrada Honda, just above its junction with Rio La Plata near Aibonito
    PR - Arecibo drainage near Utuado

Xiphophorus maculatus

    PR - Quebrada Honda at its junction with Rio La Plata at La Plata, 11 km NE of Aibonito
    PR - Loiza drainage near Loiza Reservoir
    PR - Rio Abajo Forest Station north of Utuado


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Citation information: U.S. Geological Survey. [2025]. Nonindigenous Aquatic Species Database. Gainesville, Florida. Accessed [2/15/2025].

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