Reference List

This list includes references used to derive specimen records.

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Ref IDTypeAuthorDateTitle
18040 Web PageAdams, T.2008Turtles battle for turf with non-native species.
13222 Book ChapterAlbright, J.1999Hypotheticals, accidentals, and other oddities.
39982 NewsAlexander, E.2023Invasive species found in Kelowna pond
887 OtherAnonymous1994Wildlife integrity white paper.
12106 Web PageAnonymous1997Reptile and Amphibian Checklist Query Results.
12165 OtherAnonymous1998Trachemys scripta elegans records from the herpetology collection of the Florida Museum of Natural History.
12166 BookAshton, R.E. Jr., and P.S. Ashton.1991Handbook of Reptiles and Amphibians of Florida. Part Two: Lizards, Turtles and Crocodilians.
36139 OtherAvery, H., J. Spotila, and W. Bien.2007Effects of wetland fragmentation on freshwater turtle populations in the Delaware Estuary
19200 Journal ArticleBallinger, R.E., and J.D. Lynch1999Geographic Distribution. Trachemys scripta elegans.
12022 ReportBancroft, G.T., J.S. Godley, D.T. Gross, N.N. Rojas, D.A. Sutphen, and R.W. McDiarmid.1983Large-scale operations management test of use of the white amur for control of problem aquatic plants. The herpetofauna of Lake Conway: species accounts. Miscellaneous Paper A-83-5.
13209 BookBartlett, R.D., and P.P. Bartlett.1999A Field Guide to Florida Reptiles and Amphibians.
29169 NewsBrean, H.2016Predators force removal of endangered fish at Spring Mountain Ranch pond
13369 Web PageBreisch, A.R.2001New York State Amphibian and Reptile Atlas Project.
15915 NewsBrennan, P.2006O.C. Turtles Crowded Out.
15817 BookBrennan, T.C., and A.T. Holycross.2006A Field Guide to Amphibians and Reptiles in Arizona.
28401 Journal ArticleBrown, G.J III.2015Trachemys scripta (Pond Slider).
13313 BookBrown, H.A., R.B. Bury, D.M. Darda, L.V. Diller, C.R. Peterson, and R.M. Storm.1995Reptiles of Washington and Oregon.
36121 Journal ArticleBunnell, C. G.2005Field survey of red-eared sliders (Trachemys scripta elegans) in the lowerFraser River valley, British Columbia, in 2005
29907 ReportBureau of Natural and Cultural Resources 2015Florida Park Service Resource Management Annual Report
12088 OtherBurke, R.L.1997voluntary nonindigenous species report.
12121 Journal ArticleBury, R.B., and R.A. Luckenbach1976Introduced amphibians and reptiles in California.
12110 Journal ArticleButterfield, B.P., W.E. Meshaka, Jr., and J.B. Hauge1994Two turtles new to the Florida Keys.
12176 OtherCalifornia Academy of Sciences.1998output from the California Academy of Sciences database provided by Jens Vindum, collection manager.
25916 DatabaseCalifornia Academy of Sciences.2013California Academy of Sciences herpetology collection. Accessed through GBIF data portal,
704 BookCardoza, J.E., G.S. Jones, T.W. French, and D.B. Halliwell.1993Exotic and translocated vertebrates of Massachusetts. Fauna of Massachusetts Series No. 6.
25923 DatabaseCarnegie Museums2013Carnegie Museum herpetology collection. Accessed through GBIF data portal,
28099 Journal ArticleCasper, G.S., and T.G. Anton.2012Trachemys scripta elegans (Red-eared Slider).
24369 DatabaseCenter for Invasive Species and Ecosystem Health.2019EDDMapS: Early detection and distribution mapping system
14751 Journal ArticleChristiansen, J.L.2001Non-native Amphibians and Reptiles in Iowa.
12099 Journal ArticleCochran, P.A., J.B. Hodgson, and R.M. Korb1987New distributional records for reptiles and amphibians in Brown County, Wisconsin.
12056 BookConant, R.1951The Reptiles of Ohio.
700 BookConant, R., and J.T. Collins.1991A Field Guide to Reptiles and Amphibians of Eastern and Central North America.
13342 BookConant, R., and J.T. Collins.1998A Field Guide to Reptiles and & Amphibians. Eastern and Central North America. Third Edition, Expanded.
36141 Journal ArticleConner, C. A., B. A. Douthitt, and T. J. Ryan.2005Descriptive ecology of a turtle assemblage in an urban landscape
18627 Journal ArticleCooper, J.E.1959The Turtle Pseudemys scripta Feral in Maryland.
27253 Journal ArticleCove, M.V., and A.S. Maurer.2015The Snapping Turtle, Chelydra serpentina (Linnaeus 1758) (Testudines: Chelydridae), in the Florida Keys.
12134 Journal ArticleD'Alessandro, S., and C.H. Ernst1995Additional geographic records for reptiles in Virginia.
12129 BookDegenhardt, W.G., C.W. Painter, and A.H. Price.1996The Amphibians and Reptiles of New Mexico.
12025 ReportDeGraaf, R.M., and D.D. Rudis.1983New England Wildlife: Habitat, Natural History, and Distribution.
12109 OtherDemlong, M.1997personal communication (herpetologist, Phoenix Zoo, 455 N Galvin Parkway, Phoenix, AZ 85008 602-273-1341).
13902 BookDixon, J.R.2000Amphibians and Reptiles of Texas Second Edition.
36210 Journal ArticleDupuis-Desormeaux, M., K. McDonald, D. Moro, T. Reid, C. Agnew, R. Johnson and S.E. MacDonald.2021A snapshot of the distribution and demographics of freshwater turtles along Toronto's Lake Ontario coastal wetlands
12119 ReportDuquesnel, J.1996Scaly Visitors.
13508 OtherDvornich, K., and Dano.2001The Nature Mapping Program in Washington State [online].
12126 Journal ArticleEdgren, R.A., Jr.1943Pseudemys scripta troostii in Michigan.
14378 Journal ArticleEhret, D.J., and D. Parker2005Geographic distribution: Trachemys scripta elegans (Red-eared Slider). USA: Florida: St. Johns Co.
12141 Journal ArticleErnst, C.H., S.C. Belfit, S.W. Sekscienski, and A.F. Laemmerzahl1997The Amphibians and Reptiles of Ft. Belvoir and Northern Virginia.
15718 Journal ArticleFidenci, P.2006Trachemys scripta elegans (Red-eared slider). Reproduction.
13772 NewsFimrite, P.2004Turtles Battle for Marin Turf: Native Western Pond Species is Being Driven out of its Home in Marin Water District Lakes.
18582 DatabaseFlorida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission, (Larry Connor).2009FWC Exotic database as of 3-31-2009.
15949 Web PageFlorida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission.2007Florida's Exotic Wildlife species detail: Red-eared slider Trachemys scripta elegans.
25898 DatabaseFlorida Museum of Natural History2013Florida Museum of Natural History herpetology collection. Accessed through GBIF data portal,
26212 DatabaseGBIF2013Global Biodiversity Information Facility (GBIF) Database.
12125 Journal ArticleGordon, H., and J.A. Fowler1961A new locality record for Pseudemys scripta elegans in Michigan.
15902 NewsHall, W.A.2006The trouble with (non-local) turtles: Alien species might carry risky diseases that could harm local populations of reptiles.
13343 BookHarding, J.H.1997Amphibians and reptiles of the Great Lakes Region
12124 BookHarding, J.H., and J.A. Holman.1990Michigan Turtles and Lizards: A Field Guide and Pocket Reference.
29052 Journal ArticleHerpetological Review2016New county records for Iowa, Kansas, Missouri, and Nebraska, USA
17281 NewsHope, B.2007Chinatown Turtle Tug of War Felt in Central Park.
34112 NewsHopkins, C.2020New York City has a turtle problem
12152 BookHudson, G.E.1972The Amphibians and reptiles of Nebraska. Nebraska Conservation Bulletin 24.
12097 Journal ArticleHulse, A.C.1980Notes on the Occurrence of Introduced Turtles in Arizona.
14784 Book ChapterHulse, A.C.1998Amphibians and reptiles: review of status in Pennsylvania
701 Journal ArticleHutchison, A.M.1992A reproducing population of Trachemys scripta elegans in southern Pinellas County, Florida.
27712 DatabaseiMapInvasives.2019New York iMapInvasives
25944 DatabaseiNaturalist2024 
30142 NewsJon Hammond2017Natural Sightings: Sunning itself after a swim
12148 BookJones, K.B.1988Distribution and Habitat Associations of Herpetofauna in Arizona: Comparisons by Habitat Type. In: R.C. Szaro, K.E. Severson, and D.R. Patton (coordinators) Management of Amphibians, Reptiles and Small Mammals in North America.
35920 Journal ArticleKikillus, K., K. M. Hare, and S. Hartley.2010Minimizing false-negatives when predicting the potential distribution of an invasive species: a bioclimatic envelope for the red-eared slider at global and regional scales
659 Journal ArticleKing, W., and T. Krakauer1966The exotic herpetofauna of Southeast Florida
13900 Journal ArticleKlemens, M.W.1993Amphibians and Reptiles of Connecticut and Adjacent Regions.
23803 Journal ArticleKrysko, K.L., J.P. Burgess, M.R. Rochford, C.R. Gillette, D. Cueva, K.M. Enge, L.A. Somma, J.L. Stabile, D.C. Smith, J.A. Wasilewski, G.N. Kieckhefer, III, M.C. Granatosky, and S.V. Nielsen2011Verified non-indigenous amphibians and reptiles in Florida from 1863 through 2010: Outlining the invasion process and identifying invasion pathways and stages.
1503 Journal ArticleLaudenslayer, W.F., Jr., W.E. Grenfell, Jr., and D.C. Zeiner1991A check-list of the amphibians, reptiles, birds, and mammals of California.
12024 BookLazell, J.D. Jr.1976This Broken Archipelago: Cape Cod and the Islands, Amphibians and Reptiles.
15976 BookLemm, Jeffrey M.2006Field Guide to Amphibians and Reptiles of the San Diego Region.
33050 Journal ArticleLivo, L. J., C. Wild, T. L. Wilcox, B. Shipley, B. Lambert, J. Ehrenberger, T. Warfel, and J. Logan2017Distribution and activity season of the introduced Red-Eared Slider (Trachemys scripta elegans) in Colorado
15716 OtherLuben, M.2006Officer's Notebook: Return of the turtle.
13370 BookMartof, B.S., W.M. Palmer, J.R. Bailey, and J.R. Harrison, III.1980Amphibians and Reptiles of the Carolinas and Virginia.
21009 NewsMason, M.2011Red-Eared Sliders Invaside Connecticut.
1652 BookMcCann, J.A., L.N. Arkin, and J.D. Williams1996Nonindigenous Aquatic and Selected Terrestrial Species of Florida. Status, Pathways, Dates of Introduction, Range Distributions, and Significant Ecological and Economic Effects
12105 BookMcKeown, S.1996A Field Guide to Reptiles and Amphibians in the Hawaiian Islands.
36208 Web PageMichigan Department of Natural Resources (MIDNR).2007 
13258 BookMinton, S.A., Jr.2001Amphibians and Reptiles of Indiana. Revised 2nd Edition.
12143 BookMitchell, J.C.1994The Reptiles of Virginia.
12168 DatabaseMoler, P.1996Nonindigenous Records from Paul Moler's Database of Amphibians and Reptiles found in Florida.
27189 BookMoriarty, JJ., and C.D. Hall.2014Amphibians and reptiles in Minnesota
29152 DatabaseNational Museum of Natural History, Smithsonian Institution2016NMNH Extant Specimen and Observation Records
28831 DatabaseNew Jersey Invasive Species Strike Team.2018Interactive map
27724 Journal ArticleNguyen, J.2015Turtles on the Missouri.
29062 NewsOhnouna, A.2016Profs. plan to euthanize turtles that have taken over the biopond
12089 OtherOvertree, Lynn.1997voluntary nonindigenous species reporting form.
13257 BookPalmer, W.M., and A.L. Braswell.1995Reptiles of North Carolina.
25644 BookPennsylvania Sea Grant.2013 
12142 Journal ArticlePlatt, S.G., and W.E. Snyder1996Geographic distribution: Trachemys scripta elegans.
23922 Journal ArticleRahman, S.C., and P.R. Warny2011Pelodiscus sinensis (Chinese Softshell Turtle). Extra-limital winter survival.
36209 Web PageRideau River Biodiversity Project2007 
17280 ReportSchmidt, C.A., C.A. Drost, and W.L. Halvorson.2006Vascular Plant and Vertebrate Inventory of Montezuma Castle National Monument.
13553 Web PageShell, R.K.2002Pet store turtle take over?.
36140 Journal ArticleSmith, G. R., and J. B. Iverson.2004Diel activity patterns of the turtle assemblage of a northern Indiana lake
12122 Journal ArticleSmith, H.M., and A.J. Kohler1978A survey of herpetological introductions in the United States and Canada
13901 OtherSomma.2004personal observation.
19484 NewsSouthwest Riverside News Network staff.2010Authorities: Thousands of red-eared slider turtles being abandoned across Southland.
31353 Journal ArticleSpear, M.J., A.K. Elgin, and E.K. Grey.2018Current and Projected Distribution of the Red-Eared Slider Turtle, Trachemys scripta elegans, in the Great Lakes Basin
15913 Journal ArticleSpinks, P.Q., G.B. Pauly, J.J. Crayon, and H.B. Shaffer2003Survival of the western pond turtle (Emys marmorata) in an urban California environment.
12098 Journal ArticleStein, R.J., W.K. Eames, and D.C. Parris1980Geographic Distribution: Chrysemys scripta elegans (Red-eared Slider).
19485 Thesis or DissertationStone, J.E.2010Distribution and abundance of non-native red-eared slider turtles (Trachemys scripta elegans) and native red-bellied turtles (Pseudemys rubriventris).
12127 Journal ArticleStuart, J.N.1995Geographic distribution: Trachemys scripta scripta (Yellowbelly Slider). USA: New Mexico: Socorro Co.
12128 Journal ArticleStuart, J.N.1995Notes on Aquatic Turtles of the Rio Grande Drainage, New Mexico.
13344 Journal ArticleStuart, J.N.2000Additional Notes on Native and Non-native Turtles of the Rio Grande Drainage, New Mexico.
20904 NewsTennant, D.2011On the invasive turtle hunt in Norfolk.
41443 Thesis or DissertationTerry, P.J.2015Elucidating the Conservation Status of Michigan's Red-eared Slider (Trachemys scripta elegans): A Phylogeographic Approach
15984 Book ChapterThomas, R.B.2006Trachemys scripta - Slider or Yellow-bellied slider.
14899 Journal ArticleTownsend, J.H., K.L. Krysko, A.T. Reppas, and C.M. Sheehy III2002Noteworthy Records for Introduced Reptiles and Amphibians from Florida, USA.
14257 Web PageU.S. Fish and Wildlife Service.2005National Wildlife Refuge System Invasive Species.
25961 DatabaseUniversity of New Mexico2013Museum of Southwestern Biology amphibian and reptile collection. Accessed through GBIF data portal,
19675 DatabaseWalsh, S.2010Aquatic invasive species of Guam.
12019 BookWilson, L.D., and L. Porras1983The Ecological Impact of Man on the South Florida Herpetofauna
32402 Journal ArticleWorks, A. J., and Olson, D. H.2018Diets of Two Nonnative Freshwater Turtle Species (Trachemys scripta and Pelodiscus sinensis) in Kawai Nui Marsh, Hawaii, Chinese Softshell, The Pond Slider
13765 NewsYoung, M.2004Invasive frogs in San Francisco pond evade eradication efforts.


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Citation information: U.S. Geological Survey. [2024]. Nonindigenous Aquatic Species Database. Gainesville, Florida. Accessed [9/14/2024].

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