Reference Viewer

Cut-and-Paste Reference:
Mehrhoff, L.J., J.A. Silander, Jr., S.A. Leicht, E.S. Mosher, and N.M. Tabak. 2003. IPANE: Invasive Plant Atlas of New England. Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology, University of Connecticut, Storrs, CT. Accessed on 04/14/2017.
Reference Details:
Reference Number: 29921
Type: Database
Author: Mehrhoff, L.J., J.A. Silander, Jr., S.A. Leicht, E.S. Mosher, and N.M. Tabak
Date (year): 2003
Title:IPANE: Invasive Plant Atlas of New England
Publisher:Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology, University of Connecticut
Publisher Location:Storrs, CT
Accessed on: 04/14/2017
Created on:
Keywords: EDDMapS, plants, true forget-me-not, Myosotis scorpiodes
Species Profiles and Specimens that use this Reference:

Butomus umbellatus

    MA - north shore of eastern portion of Winter Pond
    VT - On banks of Missisquoi River, in Missisquoi National Wildlife Refuge. áPart of river that abutts Route 78
    VT - Shelburne Bay Park; Begin at North end of second road West of LaPlatte River mouth. áGo North 10 meters on trail to wooden stairs to East. áTurn East (down stairs) and continue over rock for 20 meters to edge of mark - begin plot edge at marsh edge

Cabomba caroliniana

    MA - Burrage Pond WMA - marsh north of pond. is trailside. herbaceous marsh
    MA - Mann's Pond - shoreline west of dam
    MA - D. W. Field Park - Cross Pond near dam
    MA - Burrage Pond WMA - western edge of cranberry bogs at Great Cedar Swamp
    MA - small pond,north of Rawson st. and Cedar Meadow Pond,south of Burncoat Pond
    MA - Whittemore Pond
    MA - Ames Nowee State Park - s. edge of Cleveland Pond by dam
    MA - D. W. Field Park - southern edge of Upper Porter Pond is trailside. dam embankment.
    CT - pond on Rhode Island Line Road (North)
    MA - Burrage Pond WMA - east side of cranberry bogs
    MA - The location is at Bare Hill Pond, in Harvard, MA. (The online form didn't list Harvard, so I listed the nearest town, Ayer.)
    MA - Burrage Pond WMA - eastern edge of Burrage Pond near town line
    MA - Hunt's Pond - center of western shoreline by ledge
    MA - Hobart Pond dam
    MA - D. W. Field Park - edge of Waldo Lake and a narrow, manmade peninsula
    MA - southern end of Burncoat Pond
    MA - Bare Hill Pond Town Beach
    MA - Cook's Cove Headwaters to Lake Rohunta

Eichhornia crassipes

    MA - From the route 28 and route 6 rotary before the Bourne Bridge. áFollow Head of the Bay Rd. to Puritan Rd. turn onto Little Bay Lane (left) follow to dirt road on right which leads into the cranberry bogs (private land)
    MA - From route 195 take Faune Corna Rd. (Exit 12) north to Old Fall River Rd. áGo right (east) on Old Fall River Rd. To the pond. áThere's a small parking area on the left
    CT - Pinnacle Valley, immediately E of Lake Waramug. On Franklin parcel immediatley N/ NE of right-of-way that runs up the valley

Hydrocharis morsus-ranae

    VT - Mouth of Thorpe Brook, east of Town farm bay, south of Thompsons Point Road

Iris pseudacorus

    RI - Route 3 on left going north
    VT - Near Swanton dam
    MA - NRT's Sheep Pasture - meadow east of Queset Bk. 1500' S of Main St
    MA - Saugus River, Oakland Vale, Prankers Pond, behind retail stores on Rt 1 N
    VT - Just north of North Montpelier, Fish & Wildlife Boat Launch
    VT - Fish & Game Management Area, Hoyts Landing Parking Area
    MA - Eisner Camp for Living Judaism - shore of Housatonic River and DFW Boat Launch
    VT - Barton River trailhead
    CT - Scudder Preserve, Chester Land Trust. áSouth and east of intersection of Rte 148 and No. Main Street, north side of Chester Creek
    MA - NRT's Sheep Pasture - Queset Bk. at Main St. culvert
    VT - Star Lake, South end, in town of Belmont
    VT - Ethan Allen Homestead
    NH - At the boat landing, on the Connecticut River, at the end of Lower Boat Landing Rd
    CT - Mansfield Hollow State Park, West of Nitmuck Trail along shore of lake, in line with a small island
    MA - Rocky Woods Reservation (TTOR) Hartford Street, Medfield
    NH - tiny cove off of the CT River, just north of Clay Brook
    MA - NRT's Sheep Pasture - on Queset Bk. 1500' S of Main St
    MA - NRT's Sheep Pasture - 450' S. of Main St. near E. bank of Queset Bk
    MA - "Old Pond" w/ small dam in Moose Hill Reservation
    MA - South side of Mt. Washington road near Intersection of Rt 41 and Mt. Washington Road, across from Mill pond
    VT - Springfield Reservoir, just inside entrance gate, straddling driveway
    MA - Mann's Pond - shoreline west of dam
    MA - A section of Harvard Forest, along the north side of route 122
    MA - Guggins Brook Conservation Area (in back-water of Guggins Brook)
    NH - northeast of TransCanada boat launch off of Pine St., North Walpole
    VT - Along the edge of State forest Rd. and a pond
    NH - Site on a segment of the CT River in vicinity of Howard Island (x35)
    VT - Quechee, VT - Vermont Institute of Natural Science New Center Site; Northwest of Quechee Gorge and State Park
    MA - Connor Pond, a component of the Swift River Valley Trust
    NH - plot site is on the CT River just south of the Orford town boat launch on Boat LAnding Road
    MA - Clara B. Winthrop Preserve
    VT - Main street Peru
    VT - Quechee, VT - Vermont Institute of Natural Science; Northwest of Quechee Gorge and State Park (plot 101)
    MA - Rutland Brook Wildlife Sanctuary, Mass Audubon
    MA - On raised trail between Cattail Pond and Fowle Brook. áPark at Farmer's entrance off Lexington St. áWalk straight ahead. áAt "T" turn right. áPlant on right, marsh side
    MA - Moose Brook WMA, the section that is west of Sheldon Road
    ME - Westbrook Riverbank Park
    VT - On banks of Missisquoi River, in Missisquoi National Wildlife Refuge. áPart of river that abutts Route 78
    MA - Highland Park in Salem Woods at Golf Course is trailside. herbaceous marsh
    MA - West pond edge
    MA - Moose Brook Wildlife Management Area, heading southerly from Old Hardwick Road

Marsilea quadrifolia

    MA - Mann's Pond - shoreline west of dam
    MA - Stevens Pond; On Ipswich Road, West of intersection with Georgetown Road

Myriophyllum heterophyllum

    ME - Public boat launch below Great Falls Bridge
    MA - Burrage Pond WMA - western edge of cranberry bogs at Great Cedar Swamp
    MA - Crocker Pond - near dam
    CT - Upper Bolton Pond, halfway between north and south on east side, close to land point
    CT - pond on Rhode Island Line Road (North)
    MA - Burrage Pond WMA - east side of cranberry bogs
    ME - Lake House Rd., carry in boat ramp
    MA - Burrage Pond WMA - eastern edge of Burrage Pond near town line
    MA - Burrage Pond WMA - southern sector of cranberry bogs near Stump Pond
    ME - North end of Sebago Cut off south of trestle
    MA - Northeast section of Burncoat Pond,5 yards south of Town Beach

Myriophyllum spicatum

    VT - Retreat Meadows, setback/ backwater area of the lower west River- access off of Rte 30 just west of downtown Brattleboro
    VT - Lower portion of Broad Brook, right before it converges with the Connecticut River, plus along the VT shore N to inlet to Hunts Meadows and S to small setback cove (River side)
    VT - Retreat Meadows (West River backwater area) along the Rte 30 side
    VT - Ompompanoosuc River, just west of RR tracks & east of Rte 5 and before convergence with the CT River
    MA - Westborough WMA
    VT - Along Missisquoi River, east of I-89 underpass
    NH - CT River site off the TransCanada boat launch on Pine St., No. Walpole
    MA - North shore of pond, 5 meters South of Western-most gate/entry to boat ramp parking
    VT - Hunt's Meadows, Intersection of Cotton Mill Hill and Rte 142, backwater area of Connecticut River
    NH - Clay Brook, just below the covered bridge (Edgel Bridge) and before its convergence with the CT River
    MA - Flint Pond Boat ramp
    NH - CT River, off the Herricks Cove TransCanada "trailered" boat launch
    VT - Lake Champlain, mouth of Thorpe Brook Bog
    VT - Whites Cove backwater of Black River, just before it meets the CT River
    VT - Small cove on the north side of the West River, just before the West R. converges with the CT River; just west of Rtes 5 & 9 and east of the RR tracks
    MA - Crocker Pond - near dam
    MA - Shore of Pequot Pond in Hampton Ponds State Park-- South end of main beach
    CT - Osbornedale State Park
    VT - Approx. 2000 ft. north of the outlet of Broad Brook in Vernon(convergence with CT River) and just on the north side of the outlet (RR underpass/"culvert") in to/out of Hunts Meadows (backwater area west of the RR tracks
    VT - Mouth of Mill Brook, just before CT River and below Mill Pond in Windsor, VT (aka Kennedy Pd.)
    NH - CT River, NH side, just north of boat launch on Lower LAnding Rd. in Charlestown, NH
    CT - off of rte. 39 in New Fairfield
    VT - West River, in vicinity of islands in main stem just before convergence with the CT River; SW of "radio tower"
    VT - Shelburne Bay Park; Begin at North end of second road West of LaPlatte River mouth. áStart at "Leash dogs" sign. áGo North on trail for 675 meters. áTrail descends to dry stream bed. áGo Southeast (towards Lake) 15 meters to plot center
    NH - Site is along CT river, NH side, just north of North Star Canoe access, Balloch, (21-010)
    NH - Lower portion/mouth of Mink Brook, before convergence with the CT River; just below parking lot /substation at start of recreational trail (Mink Brook trail) off of Rte 10 at south end of Hanover village
    CT - Approximately 3 ft. west into river from #2
    VT - backwater area of the CT River approx. 1/2 mile WSW of Reeds Marsh and approx. 1 mile NNE of the village of Ely
    MA - Canoe launch off Spring Street
    VT - Fairfield Pond, boat launch area on the north end
    VT - North of day use area at Lake Carmi SP
    VT - Kill Kare State Park, canoe launch area
    VT - Thorpe Brook Bay
    NH - Backwater coves of the Connecticut River outside (SW) of the HInsdale boat launch cove
    NH - CT River, just above Wilder Dam and just north of the TransCanada substation on the shore
    NH - Connecticut River, Norm's marina and adjacent areas of the Connecticut River
    NH - CT River south of the town boat launch on Boat Landing Rd., off of Rte 10 at the south end of Orford village
    VT - CT River site just north of the VT Fish & Wildlife launch in North Thetford
    VT - Lower West River, just before convergence with the Connecticut River
    NH - Hinsdale boat launch cove, setback/ backwater area of Connecticut River; boat launch and access to cove off of Prospect st which is off Rte 119 just north of Hinsdale village
    VT - Fairfield Pond boat launch
    NH - CT River in vicinity of islands between Brattleboro, VT and Hinsdale, NH along Rte 119

Najas minor

    NH - Hinsdale boat launch cove, setback/ backwater area of Connecticut River; boat launch and access to cove off of Prospect st which is off Rte 119 just north of Hinsdale village
    CT - off of rte. 39 in New Fairfield
    NH - Backwater coves of the Connecticut River outside (SW) of the HInsdale boat launch cove

Nymphoides peltata

    ME - Rockport, SE corner of junction of School Street and Pascal Avenue
    CT - Osbornedale State Park
    CT - Great Meadow Pond, southeast of Great Meadow Brook dam by "boat launch."

Potamogeton crispus

    MA - D. W. Field Park - Thirtyacre Pond at southern edge
    MA - D. W. Field Park - Beaver Brook between Lower Porter Pond and culvert
    VT - Lower portion of Broad Brook, right before it converges with the Connecticut River, plus along the VT shore N to inlet to Hunts Meadows and S to small setback cove (River side)
    VT - Small cove on the north side of the West River, just before the West R. converges with the CT River; just west of Rtes 5 & 9 and east of the RR tracks
    VT - CT River off the hand-carry launch (just north of the trailered launch) at the TransCanada recreational area at Herricks Cove
    VT - Retreat Meadows, setback/ backwater area of the lower west River- access off of Rte 30 just west of downtown Brattleboro
    VT - Retreat Meadows (West River backwater area) along the Rte 30 side
    MA - D. W. Field Park - Cross Pond near dam
    VT - Hunt's Meadows, Intersection of Cotton Mill Hill and Rte 142, backwater area of Connecticut River
    VT - Whites Cove backwater of Black River, just before it meets the CT River
    NH - Connecticut River, Norm's marina and adjacent areas of the Connecticut River
    VT - Lake Champlain, small brook where Thorpe Brook and Kimball Brook come into the lake; near Point Bay Marina
    NH - Backwater coves of the Connecticut River outside (SW) of the HInsdale boat launch cove
    NH - CT River in vicinity of islands between Brattleboro, VT and Hinsdale, NH along Rte 119

Trapa natans

    MA - Meadow Pond - S of North Rd
    VT - Cold Spring, south of Benson Landing on Lake Champlain
    MA - Meadow Pond next to North Rd
    VT - Less than one mile south of Benson Landing on Benson Ln., pond on east side of road
    MA - Meadow Pond - cove near stone bridge and picnic table


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Citation information: U.S. Geological Survey. [2025]. Nonindigenous Aquatic Species Database. Gainesville, Florida. Accessed [2/17/2025].

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