Reference List

This list includes references used to derive specimen records.

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Ref IDTypeAuthorDateTitle
704 BookCardoza, J.E., G.S. Jones, T.W. French, and D.B. Halliwell.1993Exotic and translocated vertebrates of Massachusetts. Fauna of Massachusetts Series No. 6.
1697 Journal ArticleChamp, M.A., J.T. Lock, C.D. Bjork, W.G. Klussmann, and J.D. McCullough, Jr1973Effects of anhydrous ammonia on a central Texas pond, and a review of previous research with ammonia in fisheries managment.
20827 DatabaseCornell University Museum of Vertebrates.2011Cornell University Museum of Vertebrates - Ichthyology Collection.
26212 DatabaseGBIF2013Global Biodiversity Information Facility (GBIF) Database.
18114 DatabaseGlobal Biodiversity Information Facility (GBIF).2008Global Biodiversity Information Facility (GBIF) Data Portal.
13692 ReportHalliwell, D.B.2003Introduced Fish in Maine.
103 Journal ArticleHartel, K.E.1992Non-native fishes known from Massachusetts freshwaters.
16076 BookHartel, K.E., D.B. Halliwell, and A.E. Launer.2002Inland fishes of Massachusetts.
25960 DatabaseHarvard University2013Museum of Comparative Zoology specimen collection. Accessed through GBIF data portal,
208 BookHolton, G.D.1990A field guide to Montana fishes.
25944 DatabaseiNaturalist2024 
13065 Journal ArticleMills, E.L., D.L. Strayer, M.D. Scheuerell, and J.T. Carlton1996Exotic species in the Hudson River basin: A history of invasions and introductions.
24224 DatabaseMontana Fish, Parks, and Wildlife.2012Montana Fisheries Information System (MFISH).
38620 DatabaseMontana Fish, Wildlife, and Parks2000Montana unauthorized fish introduction database
29022 DatabaseNational Fish Habitat Partnership.2016National Fish Habitat Partnership database
12017 BookOklahoma Wildlife Commission1963Know your Oklahoma fishes
1743 Journal ArticlePigg, J., R. Gibbs, and T. Beard1996Observations on two exotic fish species in Oklahoma.
18515 Journal ArticleSchilling, E.G., D.B. Halliwell, A.M. Gullo, and J.K. Markowsky2006First records of Umbra limi (Central mudminnow) in Maine.
1661 Book ChapterSchmidt, R.E.1986Zoogeography of the northern Appalachians.
14257 Web PageU.S. Fish and Wildlife Service.2005National Wildlife Refuge System Invasive Species.
27764 DatabaseUnited States Environmental Protection Agency2015Environmental Monitoring and Assessment Program (EMAP) Northeast Lakes 1991-1994.
1537 BookWhitworth, W.R.1996Freshwater fishes of Connecticut. Bulletin 114.
26017 DatabaseYale University2013Yale Peabody Museum ichthyology collection. Accessed through GBIF data portal,


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Citation information: U.S. Geological Survey. [2025]. Nonindigenous Aquatic Species Database. Gainesville, Florida. Accessed [3/14/2025].

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