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Global Biodiversity Information Facility (GBIF). 2008. Global Biodiversity Information Facility (GBIF) Data Portal.
Reference Details:
Reference Number: 18114
Type: Database
Author: Global Biodiversity Information Facility (GBIF).
Date (year): 2008
Title:Global Biodiversity Information Facility (GBIF) Data Portal.
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Species Profiles and Specimens that use this Reference:

Alopecurus geniculatus

    IL - state non-specific
    IL - state non-specific
    IL - state non-specific
    IL - state non-specific
    IN - state non-specific
    NY - state non-specific
    NY - state non-specific
    NY - state non-specific

Aplodinotus grunniens

    NM - Elephant Butte Reservoir, across reservoir from South Monticello Point.

Astyanax mexicanus

    TX - 6 mi. N Reagan Church
    TX - Wilbarger Creek at Lower Elgin Rd crossing
    TX - Colorado River at Little Webberville Park boat ramp
    TX - Cibolo Creek and FM 537
    TX - NA
    TX - Concho River, Billy J. Glasscock Ranch, 3.2 mi NE Paint Rock.
    TX - Colorado River at loop 150 in Bastrop
    TX - San Gabriel River at SH 29
    LA - Cross Lake, near Shreveport
    LA - Blanco R. at St. Hwy. 80 xing, 2 airmi E of San Marcos, 1 mi above mouth; BHB 77-12
    TX - Nueces County
    TX - Wilbarger Creek at Lower Elgin Rd (up and down ~100 m)
    TX - Cibolo Creek near given coordinates
    TX - NA
    TX - South Concho River, Head of River Ranch, 4 mi S Christoval.
    TX - Colorado River at loop 150 in Bastrop
    TX - Massey Lake Slough
    TX - Oxbow Lake 6.0 mi NW Brownsville
    TX - Colorado River at loop 150 in Bastrop
    TX - Spicewood Creek at Colorado Bend State Park
    TX - Cibolo Creek near given coordinates
    TX - Cibolo Creek at Co Rd 389
    TX - Waller County
    TX - Concho River, Vinson's, 3.6 mi W Paint Rock.
    TX - Brazos River Drainage: Salado Creek at FM 2268 off Hwy I35 at Salado City Park & Stagecoach Inn.
    TX - Colorado River at loop 150 in Bastrop
    TX - Cibolo Creek at Weir Road
    TX - Sandy Creek @ State HW 16
    TX - San Antonio River - Cibolo Creek at Hwy 539
    TX - NA
    TX - South Concho River, Head-of-the-River Ranch, 4.0 mi S Christoval.
    TX - Guadalupe River Drainage: 3/4 mi NE Loop 175 bridge
    TX - Nueces County
    TX - 6 mi. N Reagan Church

Cabomba caroliniana

    NY - Bronx County

Carex acutiformis

    IN - St. Joseph County

Carpiodes cyprinus

    TX - Llano River at mouth of Honey Creek.
    TX - James River at Echo Ranch in pool
    TX - Walnut Creek at Loyola Ln. and to approx. 100 m downstream
    TX - Brazos River at US 183/277 (at Seymour) and downstream up to ~100m
    TX - James River at Echo Ranch (Tom Noble property)
    TX - James River at Ziegler Ranch and James River Road
    TX - Brazos River at US 290
    TX - James River at Ziegler Ranch and James River Road
    TX - Wilbarger Creek at Lower Elgin Rd (up and down ~100 m)
    TX - Double Mountain Fork Brazos River at RR 1835
    TX - Walnut Creek at Loyola Ln. and to approx. 100 m downstream
    TX - James River at Echo Ranch in pool
    TX - Rio Grande mouth at Tornillo Creek
    TX - Llano River at Kingsland
    TX - James River at Ziegler Ranch and James River Road
    TX - James River at Echo Ranch (Tom Noble property)
    TX - Rio Grande at Alamito Creek confluence, off of 170
    TX - Wilbarger Creek at Lower Elgin Rd (up and down ~100 m)
    TX - James River at Ziegler Ranch and James River Road
    TX - Rio Grande near Candelaria
    TX - 4.3 mi W Llano on US 29, Johnson Creek
    TX - Llano River at Kingsland
    TX - James River at Ziegler property with ~50 m reach
    TX - San Saba River at CR214
    TX - Llano River at SH 3403 (the ''slab'')
    TX - James River at Ziegler property with ~50 m reach
    TX - Sabine River 64.0 mi upstream from mouth
    TX - Pedernales River at Hwy 290
    TX - Llano River by TX 29, about 5.0 air miles E of Llano at creek mouth (Little Sandy Creek?)
    OK - Hwy 60, 2 miles south of Cleo Springs; Sec 23/T22N/R12W; U07158585
    LA - Red River on sand bar, 0.8 mi N of LA Hwy 6 bridge, N of Natchitoches
    OK - Hwy 60, 2 miles south of Cleo Springs
    LA - Red River on sand bar, 0.8 mi N of LA Hwy 6 bridge, N of Natchitoches

Catostomus commersonii

    NM - San Juan River Fruitland irrigation canal ca. 3.7 to 4.3 miles below headgate
    NM - San Juan River Hogback Canal section 7
    KS - Arkansas River
    NM - Jemez River, at NM State HWY 485 bridge crossing, below Canones.
    NM - Rio Grande, at former confluence with the low flow conveyance channel, 16.0 miles downstream of the southern end of Bosque del Apache National Wildlife Refuge.
    LA - Mississippi River Mile 222.5 at Pohlman Slough Access (Illinois River Backwater), 5.5 miles north of Grafton
    SC - Station GC-01. About 8.5 miles east of the center of Mauldin
    CO - Quartz Creek.
    CO - Big Creek Lake, North Park.
    NM - San Juan River, ca. 0.5 miles downstream of US HWY 550 bridge, Cedar Hill.
    NM - Jemez River, 2.0 miles north of Canones, at study site.
    NM - Jemez River, 2.0 miles north of Canones, at study site.
    NM - Rio Jemez and Rio Guadalupe confluence area above SR 485, just NW of SR 485-SR 4 intersection, 7.5 air miles NNE of San Ysidro
    WY - Big Sandy River, just below Big Sandy Dam, 15.24 km N of Farson
    NM - Jemez River, at bridge crossing, NM State HWY 485.
    WY - Cottonwood Creek, a tributary to the Little Snake River, north of Dixon.
    WY - Boulder Creek, southeast of Pinedale and north of Boulder and downstream of Boulder Lake.
    WY - Duck Creek, west of Pinedale, upstream of US HWY 191 bridge.
    GA - Big Creek, Waller City Park, off of Oxbo Dr., City of Roswell
    NM - Jemez River, 2.0 miles north of Canones, at study site.
    NM - Jemez River, 2.0 miles upstream of NM State HWY 485 bridge.
    AR - Little Missouri River
    AR - Caddo River
    NM - San Juan River, 28.0 miles downstream of Farmington.
    CO - Sagauche Creek, at Division of Wildlife access, West of Sagauche.
    CO - Sagauche Creek, below diversion at Cunningham Ranch.
    WY - Savory Creek, 6.0 miles north of Savory.
    NM - Rio Grande Conveyance Channel, ca. 20.0 miles south of San Marcial.
    NM - Corrumpa Creek, upstream of Alamosita Creek at McLaughlin Bridge on NM State HWY 370, north of Clayton.
    CO - Yampa River, 3.0 kilometers west of the town of Hayden.
    NM - Jemez Creek, just above San Ysidro, off NM State HWY 4.
    NM - Jemez River, just above town of Jemez Springs, on NM State HWY 4, Santa Fe National Forest.
    CO - Animas River, at New Mexico and Colorado State Line, east of US HWY 550.
    NM - Rio Grande, at town of Truth or Consequences, off US Interstate 25.
    OK - 5 miles west of Ft. Smith
    WY - Willow Creek, east of Cora ca. of Lake Creek confluence.
    WY - Little Sandy Creek, northeast of Farson off of County Road 108, downstream of Eden Canal.
    NM - San Juan River Hogback Canal section 2.3
    OR - Calapooia
    OR - NA
    NM - Jemez River, at the confluence with Rio Guadalupe, off NM State HWY 485 near Canones.
    NM - Rio Grande, at former confluence with the low flow conveyance channel, 16.0 miles downstream of southern end of Bosque del Apache National Wildlife Refuge.
    NM - Gila River, at Fisherman's Point in the Gila Lower Box, US Bureau of Land Management.
    CO - Muddy Creek.
    CO - Little Snake River at Route 4N, about 0.5 miles S of Wyoming border, off Route 4 about 7.0 air miles W junction with CO 13, about 5.0 air miles WSW Baggs, Wyoming
    NM - Alamosa Creek, at Alamosa Warm Springs immediately upstream of Monticello Box at upper end of Monticello Canyon, ca. 7.6 kilometers southeast of Dusty, off NM HWY 52.
    NM - Jemez River, 2.0 miles north of Canones, at study site.
    UT - Dirty Devil River, 12.6 miles downstream of UT State HWY 24 bridge.
    KS - Walnut Creek
    WY - Savery Creek, northeast of Savery at mouth of Big Sandstone Creek.
    WY - Spring Creek, east of Boulder ca. Silver Creek confluence.
    WY - Fall Creek, southeast of Pinedale and west of Boulder Lake.
    GA - Vickery Creek, at Rosewell Road, Chattahoochee River National Recreation Area
    NM - Jemez River, at Canones.
    NM - Jemez River, at NM State HWY 485 bridge crossing.
    NM - Rio Grande, 9.5 kilometers downstream of north boundary of Elephant Butte State Park.
    AR - Little Missouri River
    AR - 2 miles South of Caddo Gap on Highway 8
    CO - Sagauche Creek, below Coleman Ranch.
    CO - Sagauche Creek, below old concrete bridge.
    WY - Little Snake River, at HWY 70, 1.0 miles west of the town of Dixon.
    WY - Big Sandy River, 18.0 miles southeast of the community of Farson, at WY State HWY 28 bridge.
    CO - Yampa River, 3.0 kilometers west of the town of Hayden.
    CO - Yampa River, 2.0 kilometers southeast of Craig.
    NM - Jemez River, just above San Ysidro, off NM State HWY 4.
    CO - NA
    NC - Long Branch, US 64 bridge, [ca. 18.9 air miles WSW center Brevard]
    NM - Bluewater Cr.
    MT - Union Creek, at Hwy 200 crossing, 9.46 km WSW of Greenough
    NM - San Juan River Hogback Canal section 5
    NM - San Juan River Hogback Canal section 2.1
    UT - Yellow Creek. Township - 3N; Range - 9E; Section - 29NW. Maps: 250k - Salt Lake City; 24k - Seven Tree Flat; 100k - Kings Peak.
    GA - Nancy Creek, Ridgewood Road NW, 2.5 miles ESE of Oakdale
    WY - Little Muddy Creek. Township - 19n. Range - 118w. Section - 3sw. Maps: 250k-Ogden, 24k-Warfield Creek, 100k-Kemmerer.
    SC - Station GC-07. Just inside the Simpsonville city limits, 1.4 mi southeast of intersection between Stokes Rd and SC 14
    NM - San Juan River, 3.5 miles upstream of the Mancos River confluence.
    GA - Rock Creek beneath St Rte 5 - US Rte 76 bridge, off Co Rte 151.
    NM - Gila River, at Redrock.
    NM - McKnight Canyon, ca. 11.3 kilometers upstream of Mimbres River.
    NM - Jemez River, from the Jemez Dam outfall to its confluence with the Rio Grande.
    UT - Dirty Devil River, 15.0 miles downstream of UT State HWY 24 bridge.
    WY - Snake River, southwest of Jackson from WY State HWY 22 bridge to Fish Creek confluence, eastern edge of Teton National Forest, Yellowstone National Park.
    WY - Loco Creek, north of Savery and ca. Savery Creek confluence.
    WY - Pole Creek, southeast of Pinedale and northwest of Boulder, upstream of US HWY 191 bridge.
    WY - Cottonwood Creek, a tributary to East Fork River, northwest of Big Sandy and downstream of State HWY 353.
    GA - Chattahoochee River, below Morgans Fall Dam, Chattahoochee River National Recreation Area
    WY - Sculpin Creek, ca. 3 kilometers upstream from Big Sandy River.
    NM - Jemez River, 2.0 miles north of Canones, at study site.
    NM - Jemez River, at NM State HWY 485 bridge crossing.
    NM - Jemez River, approximately 2 miles downstream of Jemez Canyon Dam.
    AR - Cossatot River
    OK - Blue River at Connerville - Pool and Riffle
    NM - Jemez River at San Ysidro on State Highway 4.
    CO - Davey Lake, south of Russell Lakes Wildlife Area.
    AR - Headwaters HWY 23 bridge 8 marker 1.07, 1.5 miles south of junction 23 and 16
    TX - 15 miles southwest of Junction on Bailey Creek, Hunger Ranch
    CO - Yampa River, 3.0 kilometers west of the town of Hayden.
    CO - Yampa River, ca. 2.0 kilometers southeast of the city of Craig.
    OR - Ochoco National Forest, Sawhill Creek; Tributary to Silver Creek, Malheur Basin
    CO - NA
    CO - Little Snake River at State Hwy 318 brdige, ca. 17 mi W of Maybell; trib. Yampa River - Colorado River drainage
    NM - Bluewater Creek, Bluewater.
    NC - Trib. of Dan R., 1.2 mi. E of Germantown
    GA - Camp Creek, at Harmony Grove Road, SW of Lilburn, ENE of Tucker
    WY - Bitter Creek, east of Point of Rocks, off of Interstate 80 at Union Pacific Railroad bridge.
    NM - San Juan River Hogback Canal section 2.4
    OK - 6 miles south, 2 miles west of Wheeless; U07232241
    ID - Big Hole River at Co. Rd. 83, 9 mi. S of Wisdom
    NM - Jemez River, at the NM State HWY 485 bridge crossing, below Canones.
    LA - Mississippi River Mile 222.5 at Pohlman Slough Access (Illinois River Backwater), 5.5 miles north of Grafton
    SC - Station GC-10. Approximately 2.1 miles due east of the center of Mauldin, southeast of Bethel Road
    GA - Conesauga River at Co. Rt. 392 bridge, 5.7 air mi. NE center of Cisco (same as NMB 1422)
    GA - Spring Creek (near spring source) at Co Rte 92, ca 0.5 air mi SW junction Co Rte 91 (near Harrisburg Church).
    NM - Rio Grande, confluence with low flow conveyance channel, 16.0 miles downstream of southern end of Bosque del Apache National Wildlife Refuge.
    NM - Jemez River, 2.0 miles north of Canones, at study site.
    UT - Dirty Devil River, 17.4 miles downstream of UT State HWY 24 bridge.
    NM - Jemez River, US Forest Service San Diego camp, NM State HWY 4.
    WY - Little Savory Creek, northeast of Savery and ca. McCarty Canyon Road.
    WY - Bird Gulch, northeast of Savery and upstream of Browns Hill Road crossing.
    WY - Silver Creek, east of Boulder and upstream of WY State HWY 353.
    GA - Chattahoochee River, Paces Mill, Hwy 41, National Recreation Area
    WY - Little Sandy Creek, northeast of Farson off of County Road 108.
    NM - Jemez River, 2.0 miles north of Canones, at study site.
    NM - Jemez River, at Zia Diversion Dam, San Ysidro.
    NM - Jemez River, from Rio Grande confluence upstream to 1 mile below Jemez Canyon Dam.
    AR - Cossatot River
    NM - East Fork Gila River, at Lyons Hunting Lodge Hot Spring, ca. 2.5 miles upstream from confluence with West Fork Gila River, off of NM State HWY15, Gila National Forest.
    NM - Jemez River, south of Jemez Springs at State Highway 4 and 485 bridge.
    CO - Saguache Creek, above and below HWY 114, west of the town of Sagauche.
    CO - La Garita Creek, near fence on US Forest Service boundary.
    WY - Little Snake River, north of Baggs at WY State HWY 789.
    CO - Yampa River, 3.0 kilometers west of the town of Hayden.
    NM - Corrumpa Creek, west of Weatherly Lake but exact locality unknown.
    KS - Bird Creek
    NM - Jemez River, at confluence with Rio Guadalupe, off NM State HWY 485 near Canones, Santa Fe National Forest.
    NM - Jemez River diversion dam, north of San Ysidro off NM State HWY 4.
    NM - San Juan River, Navajo Dam to Colorado line.
    NM - Bluewater Lake.
    CA - Guadaloupe Creek

Catostomus occidentalis

    CA - Little Truckee River
    CA - West Fork Carson River
    CA - West Fork Carson River
    CA - Tributary of Santa Maria River

Catostomus tahoensis

    CA - Cedar Creek
    CA - Cedar Creek
    CA - Cedar Creek
    CA - Cedar Creek

Etheostoma cragini

    MO - Dry Creek
    OK - Little River Swamp

Exoglossum maxillingua

    NY - Allegheny River [Allegheny Reservoir] near Wolf Run

Gila pandora

    NM - Mora River
    NM - Sapello River, at SR 266 in Las Tusas

Gila robusta

    NM - Dexter National Fish Hatchery
    CA - Salton Sea near Desert Shores

Hesperoleucus symmetricus

    CA - Hollow Tree Creek. Township:22n, Range:17w, Section:33; Maps:250k-Ukiah, 24k-Leggett, 100k-Covelo.
    CA - North Fork Yager Creek. Maps:250K-Redding, 24K-Owl Creek, 100K-Hayfork.
    CA - Canoe Creek.
    CA - Piru Creek. Township:4n, Range:18w; Maps:250k-Los Angeles, 24k-Piru, 100k-Los Angeles.
    CA - Tributaries to Six Bit Gulch Creek
    CA - 200 yds. above drinking fountain.
    CA - Isolated and drying pool about 5 miles northeast of Covelo.
    CA - Piru Creek. Township:4n, Range:18w; Maps:250k-Los Angeles, 24k-Piru, 100k-Los Angeles.
    CA - Redwood Creek.
    CA - North fork, Matilija creek.
    CA - Matilija Creek. Township:5n, Range:24w, Section:16; Maps:250k-Los Angeles, 24k-Old Man Mountain, 100k:Cuyama.
    CA - Santa Barbara-San Luis Obispo Co. Lone Cuyama River, at Hwy 166 Bridge #49-180, approx. 1 mi. W of Tepusquet Road
    CA - NA
    OR - Burns
    CA - Canoe Creek.
    CA - Matilija Creek. Township:5n, Range:24w, Section:16; Maps:250k-Los Angeles, 24k-Old Man Mountain, 100k:Cuyama.
    CA - San Jose Creek, 150 and 400 ft. above Hollister Ave., Goleta, CA
    CA - North Fork Yager Creek. Maps:250K-Redding, 24K-Owl Creek, 100K-Hayfork.
    CA - Price Creek. Township:2n, Range:1w, Section:27; Maps:250k-Eureka, 24k-Fortuna, 100k-Eureka.
    CA - Indian Cr., Mendocino Co., Calif.
    CA - Alamo Creek bridge on Highway 166.
    CA - Price Creek. Township:2n, Range:1w, Section:27; Maps:250k-Eureka, 24k-Fortuna, 100k-Eureka.
    CA - North fork, Matilija creek.
    CA - Alamo Creek, Old Bridge, just below new Hwy 166 bridge
    CA - Redwood Creek.
    CA - Hollow Tree Creek. Township:22n, Range:17w, Section:33; Maps:250k-Ukiah, 24k-Leggett, 100k-Covelo.
    CA - Yager Creek, 0.25 mi. above its mouth.
    CA - 200 yds. above drinking fountain.
    CA - Little Truckee River near Tallac, Calif.

Hiodon alosoides

    SD - Cheyenne River at SD Hwy 144, 3 mi ESE of Creston
    AL - Tallapoosa River, ca.1 mi.below Tallassee
    WY - Platte River, near Alcova
    AL - Tumkeehatchee Creek 4.3 miles south of Eclectic at Highway 14

Hypentelium etowanum

    MS - Porterville-Townsend Road crossing
    AL - Mallard Creek at US Highway 72
    AL - Trib. to Shoal Cr. at intersection with Co. Rd. 61 in Pruitton; T1S, R10W, Sec.8 NW1/4
    MS - Little Black Creek, on US 11, at Talowah, 4.7 miles N of Lumberton, [see georeference remarks]
    KY - Little Uchee Cr., ca.10 mi SE of Opelika, Hwy.169.; T18N R28E S29
    MS - Thompson Creek at 42
    MS - Chewacla Creek, County road 71; 8 miles E.of Tuskegee
    SC - Chattooga River at Earls Ford
    MS - Site 3, Catalpa Creek: T19N, R16E, Sec.28, NE1/4, SW1/4
    SC - Turkey Creek on St Rte 283, 9.4 mi E of Plum Branch, 14.5 mi SE of McCormick (Savannah River drainage).
    MS - Gorden Creek
    TN - Choctafaula Creek, 3.6 miles NE of Tuskegee, FSR 906, Tuskegee National Forest
    TN - Powell River at US Rte 25E bridge, 3.25 air mi SSE of Harrogate
    MS - Skillikalia Bayou near Redwood School & MS Hwy 3
    MS - none given
    AL - Cahaba River, Grant's Mill, downstream of Grant's Mill Road bridge
    AL - Cypress Creek at County Road 6
    TN - Conasauga River, ca. 1 river mi upstream of US Hwy 411 at large island
    AL - 0.6 miles north of intersection of State Route 231 and 9, on State Route 231. Coosa Tributary
    AL - unknown, 100 yards S of junction of county roads 37 and 12
    MO - Logan Creek @ 422, ~5.5 km E of Ellington

Labidesthes sicculus

    IA - Skunk River
    TX - Little Brazos at HWY 21 crossing
    TX - Brazos River at IH20
    TX - Brazos River at Worth Ranch (at Chick Bend)
    TX - Brazos River @HW 105
    TX - Big Elm Creek at US 77
    TX - Mud Creek At Hwy 6 North Of Hearne
    TX - Thompson''s Creek at CR1688 - Leonard Rd
    TX - Yegua Creek at SH 36
    TX - Old River at 444
    TX - Plum Creek
    TX - Tehuacana Creek
    TX - Little Brazos at HWY 21 crossing
    TX - Brazos River at SH 1189/1543
    TX - Brazos River at SH 16
    TX - Brazos River at SH6/SH340, E of Waco
    TX - Yegua Creek at SH 36
    TX - New Year Creek at CR 2447
    TX - Davidson Creek 100 Meters Upstream Of Burleson Cr 423 Northeast Of Somerville
    TX - Irons Creek at CR1458
    TX - Big Elm Creek at US 77
    TX - Coles Creek 125 Meters Upstream Of Sh 105 North Of Washington
    TX - Aquilla Creek in McLennan County
    TX - Brazos River at TX Farm Road 200, just S US 67, 3.5 air miles E Glen Rose
    TX - Brazos River at SH4, near Rochelle's canoe rental, up and downstream up to 300m
    TX - Brazos River at Pleasant Valley Rd. (Oakes crossing)
    TX - Brazos River at falls, just W of Marlin near and below crossing of SH 712 (falls down to 1st bend at approx. 1000 m)
    TX - Yegua Creek at TX 50
    TX - Big Elm Creek at US 77
    TX - Yegua Creek at TX 50
    TX - Big Elm Creek at US 77
    TX - Thompsons Creek at 1688
    TX - Mud Creek At Hwy 6 North Of Hearne
    TX - Plum Creek
    TX - Brazos River, Navasota
    TX - Brazos River at US 281
    TX - Brazos River at US 180
    TX - Brazos River at Fortune Bend
    TX - Brazos River at SH 105
    TX - Little River at CR 264
    TX - Yegua Creek at SH 36
    TX - Tehuacana Creek at FM2491
    TX - Yegua Creek at FM 50
    TX - Coles Creek 125 Meters Upstream Of Sh 105 North Of Washington
    TX - East Yegua Creek
    TX - Deer Creek

Lepisosteus oculatus

    FL - St. Mary's River 6 mi. upstream from Boulogne.
    TX - Oxbow #2 at Gene Howe Wildlife Management Area
    FL - Brightwater Canal
    TX - Buffalo Bayou just below Barker Dam above SR. 6 bridge 1 mile south of Addicks 17.5 mi. west of Holston
    FL - Lake Talquin from Cooks Camp to Soapstone Creek.
    TX - Oxbow #1 at Gene Howe Wildlife Management Area
    TX - Devil's River; Deep pool immediately below Dolan Falls
    GA - babbling brook [Coon Creek?], 5.5 miles N.of intersection of hwys 19 and 319
    FL - Tamiami Trail, 40 mi. W of Miami
    FL - Lake Talquin from Idlewilde Camp to Little River.
    TX - Oxbow #2 at Gene Howe Wildlife Management Area
    IN - Mitchell Lake, Y-Slough, 200-500 miles north of Mitchell Dam on east shore
    FL - 40 miles W of Miami on Tamiami Trail
    TN - French Broad RM 78, Newport
    FL - Lake in Gar Run off Choctawhatchee River.
    TX - Oxbow #1 at Gene Howe Wildlife Management Area
    MO - Mississippi River at Dorena access
    MI - Mona Lake

Lysimachia nummularia

    IL - NW quarter, Sec. 36, Orange township.
    MI - Pittsfield Twp. S side Textile Rd. 1/4 mi W of Platt Rd. Lt shade of Quercus alba; w/ Euonymus obovata, Hepatica acutiloba; fls bright yel; common.
    NY - Westchester County
    PA - Hills and fields NE of the intersection of state routes 16 and 116.
    WI - Ca. 6 miles S of Black River Falls at Dept. of Natural Resources State Canoe Landing site off of Hawk Island Road on Black River.
    NY - state non-specific

Lythrum salicaria

    IL - State route 23, ca. 1.0 miles W of US route 51; bottoms of the Kaskaskia River.
    MI - Gourneck Game Area, junction of Portage Road and US 131, Portage, MI.
    OH - St. Clair Twp. Collected in a creek on an island opposite side of the creek is trail to Gretchen Lock Sprucevale. A 3 ft. upright herb growing in average to wet clay loam; scattered in an opne exposure.
    PA - Deerfield Township Collected in the Pa. Fish Commission in Tidioute Bourough Access just off of Rt. 127. A common herb growing in wet-average loam in the open.
    WI - Ditch. Non-specific county record.
    WI - Seagull Bar State Natural Area, T30N R24E S9 & 16, ca. 0.2 mi SW of parking lot just SW of Marinette. Sandy spit in Lake Michigan dominated by shrubby Salix and Populus, and calm backwater behind spit dominated by Phragmites.
    WI - Pine River downstream (S) side of Richland Center. Four large healthy plants along steep bank of ,

Mentha aquatica

    IL - side yard 503 Bash Ct. Champaign
    MI - Greenland Twp. Mass farm, cult in fl bed S of house. Cult in fl bed S of house; full sun; clay loam soil; plnt very invasive, rhizomes; peppermint scent; fls lav.
    MI - Black Swampland

Moxostoma congestum

    TX - [Clear Fork Trinity River] @ US 377, WheAtland, TX
    TX - [Pond near Bridge Creek]

Moxostoma lachneri

    AL - tributary to Snake Creek, 5.6 air mi E Carrollton
    FL - Tributary to Choctawatchee River, 8.4 kilometers North of Bruce
    GA - Hudson R, US 441, 1 mi ENE Homer
    TN - Center Hill Lake and Cove, 5.9 miles NE of Smithville, Tech Aqua Lab
    GA - Wacoochee Creek, co.rd.379, 3 miles NE of Bleeker
    GA - Middle Fork Broad Rd at Co Rte 196 bridge, 6.6 air mi NNW Homer
    GA - Twomile Creek @ Walter Wood Road ~ 2 km SE Chestatee
    AL - Red Oak Creek, 9.1 air mi NW Franklin
    AL - Little Uchee Cr., 5.6 airmi WSW of Smiths, co.rd.12

Myosotis scorpioides

    PA - Sewickley Heights Township. Along stream, Audubon Rd., north-northwest of Glenfield. Along stream
    PA - Ligonier township. At base of hwy bridge PA 711 over Loyalhanna Creek; 0.5 km S of Ligonier (city). Marshy seepage slope. Common, open and wet areas.
    PA - New Bedford, 0.25 mi NW on Evergreen Road. Wet deciduous woods
    WI - Lincoln County
    WI - Marheime Creek. Edge of [creek].
    WI - Along shore of Lake Owen at a forest service picnic ground.
    WI - Ca. 6 miles S of Black River Falls at Dept. of Natural Resources State Canoe Landing site off of Hawk Island Road on Black River.

Nasturtium officinale

    IL - Woodland at the base of piney hills. South of Carbondale
    IN - Holliday Park Botanical Garden, small spring fed streams
    IN - Study rd. Near Blue Clay Falls. Wet ditch
    WI - Along Deer Creek at Mount Vernon. Abundant in mud along creek; blossoms present.
    WI - Smith Valley creek [Submerged in] . T16n, r7w, sec 14. SW 1/4 SW 1/4.
    WI - Dr. Alfred Gunderson farm near Coon Valley. T15n, r5w, sec 33. Of Washington township from spring that feeds trout pond.
    MI - Crooked Creek
    MI - 11 mi SSW of Cheboygan. Mullett Creek T36N R2W S16
    WI - 20 mi. East of LaCrosse on Hwy 33. Northeast bluff in Bohemian Valley across from the main creek. Northeast bluff across from the creek.
    WI - Along Co. K; in ditch. Growing in ditch along road in mud washed by water from a spring.

Notropis amabilis

    TX - White River- Silver Falls
    TX - San Gabriel River at Georgetown
    TX - Big Creek

Notropis girardi

    OK - Brier Creek
    OK - Washita River

Noturus flavus

    CO - St.Vrain Creek
    CO - St.Vrain Creek

Noturus insignis

    VA - Reed Creek 2.5 mi. SW of Wytheville.
    NY - Varna, Fall Creek at Freese Road bridge
    NY - Outlet of Dryden Lake below spillway
    NH - Merrimack River dst Franklin WWTP
    NY - Lafayette Corners, Fall Creek at Route 222 bridge
    NY - Varna, Fall Creek at Freese Road bridge
    NC - Dutch Creek at SR 1112 [Broadstone Road]/NC 194, [ca. 5.8 air miles WSW center Boone]
    VA - North Fork Holston, 7 km E of Broadford at Co. Rd. 630
    WV - Second Creek above bridge on US 219, 1.5 miles downstream from Second Creek, [ca. 40.5 air miles ESE center Beckley]
    VA - Burks Fork.
    NY - Schoharie Creek at unnumbered road, 0.1 mi E of NY Hwy 30A, 1.5 mi S of Sloansville
    NC - Watauga R. at xing nearest TN state line; DAE 91-46
    VA - Cove Creek.
    VA - Burks Fork.
    PA - Raccoon Cr., East Liverpool
    VA - North Fork Holston R, RM 73.2, swinging br
    VA - North Fork Holston R, RM 93.9, Broadford
    VA - Laurel Cr. at Hwy. 91; TVA 6208-2
    VA - North Fk. Holston R., Mile 97.8, above Laurel Cr. mouth
    NC - Watauga River, along US 321, 200 metres above Tennessee state-line, 2.8 miles NNE of Whaley.
    NY - Confluence of Fall and Virgil Creeks in Freeville, 75 m up Virgil Creek and 100 m above Rt. 336 bridge in Fall Creek
    VA - North Fork of Holston - Near Broadford
    VA - N fork Holston R. on Rt. 91, 1.7 mi. N McCready, 1.9 mi. N Saltville.
    NC - Watauga River, NC Highway 105 bridge, junction Highway 105 and CR 1112 [Broadstone Road], 3.75 miles SW Boone
    NC - Watauga River, at crossing of road between Hwy 105 and 194; Watauga River (Tenn.) drainage
    NC - Cove Creek, 100 yards above confluence with Watauga River, [ca. 8.4 miles WNW center Boone]
    VA - Reed Creek, near union with New River
    NY - Seneca Lake, Catherine Cr.
    NY - West Branch Fish Creek
    NC - N. America; USA; North Carolina; Avery; Watauga River above NC Hwy 321, 4.5 mi W of Sherwood
    NY - N.W. Oneida Co, Mohawk River
    NC - Watauga River at NC Hwy. 194 6 air mi. W of Boone.
    VA - Sinking Creek, 9.4 miles S of Mountain Lake Biological station, Route 604
    NC - Crab Creek, at NC 18, [ca. 7.3 air miles ENE center of Sparta]
    NC - Holston-Tennessee River Drainage: Watauga River @ River Road & Gauging Station ~ 14km ENE Boone (TJN 09-35)
    VA - Holston/Tennessee Drainage: Wolf Creek along VA-80 13 air km NNE Abingdon (TJN08-27)
    NY - Fall Creek at Route 13 bridge just S Lower Creek Road, ~5 mi. NE of Ithaca
    NC - Watauga River at SR 1200 [Guy Ford Road], [ca. 12.2 air miles WNW center Boone]
    VA - North Fork Holston River at mouth of Wolf Creek along VA Hwy 80, ca. 2 km SSE of Hayters Gap
    VA - Burks Fork
    VA - Burks Fork
    VA - North Fork Holston River just NE of Mendota along Co. Rd., near Va Hwy 640 and 802
    TN - Roan Cr. embay., Watauga Res.
    VA - Burks Fork
    VA - Burks Fork.
    VA - North Fork Holston R
    VA - North Fork Holston R, RM 78.0, McKenna Island
    TN - WRM 53.6, Watson Island
    VA - N. Fk. Holston R. at Rich Valley School, 7.2 airmi ene of jct. VA 91 & 107 in Saltville
    VA - Little Reed Island Creek, on US Hwys. 51-221 between Woodlawn & Hillsville.
    VA - N. America; USA; Virginia; Smythe; North Fork Holston, 7 km E of Broadford at Co. Rd. 630
    NY - 0.25 mi Below Carterville Dam, Off Hillsboro Road, Little River
    MD - Pocomoke River at Route 50, near Willards
    VA - Reed Creek at Graham's Forge.
    NC - Watauga River, SSR 1121 [River Road] bridge, just above mouth of Cove Creek, [8.5 air miles] WNW Boone
    NC - Watauga River at entrance of Cove Creek, and crossing of old NC Road 603 (=Co road 1121); Watauga River drainage
    NC - Watauga River, at SR 1200 [Guy Ford Road] bridge, [ca. 12.3 air miles WNW center Boone]
    VA - Little Walker Cr. at Hwy. 100 N. of Dublin, VA
    NC - Watauga River, 1.5 miles above [=upstream] mouth of Cove Creek, [ca. 7.2 air] miles WNW [center] of Boone
    NY - Keuka Lake
    NY - Salmon Creek
    NC - Watauga River at Hwy. 194, 3 mi. SW of Vilas.
    VA - New River Drainage, Backs Fork, 10 km NE of Hicksville @ Co. Rd. 662 crossing (DJM17-44)
    VA - New River between Eggleston and Pembroke, from just below a large spring inflow, to the upper portion of the riffle, [ca. 6.4 air miles ESE center Pearisburg]
    VA - Beaverdam Creek at VA Rd. 614 in Max Meadows.
    NY - Fall Creek at Route 90 bridge, 2 mi. E Summer Hill
    NY - Dryden Township, Fall Creek at Red Mills
    NC - Cove Creek at SR 1149 [Howard Edmisten Road], [ca. 8.2 air miles NW center Boone]
    VA - Reed Creek at state Highway 619 bridge at Grahams Forge, 2.2 mi. downstream from Glade Creek, and at mile 2.7, [ca. 9.6 air miles SW center Pulaski]
    VA - Burks Fork.
    NC - Kendrick Creek, at SR 1125 [E Millpond Road], near Roper, [ca. 8.8 air miles ESE center Plymouth]
    VA - Burks Fork
    NY - About 10 Stream km Upstream of Camden, Mad River
    TN - Watauga R. above Watauga Res. at end of unnumb. Co. Rt. off US 321 (Watson�s Island)
    VA - Burks Fork
    VA - Burks Fork.
    VA - Little R.;On the Line of Montgomery and Floyd Counties.
    VA - North Fork Holston R, RM 78.0, McKenna Island
    VA - North Fk Holston R, RM 78.0, McKenna Island
    VA - Main Channel N. Fk. Holston R. off st. Rt. 91, 1.25 airkm NE of Watson Gap and North Holston; and 2.5 airkm W of Broadford; PAM 93.103
    VA - Beaver Creek, Tributary to North Fork Holston River - Near Mouth
    NY - Fall Cr. below Ithaca Falls, from Lake St. upstream to below plunge pool
    NC - Cane River, 0.2 [road] miles [SSE] of US 19 W and SR 1417 [Hunting Dale Road], [ca. 7.1] miles NNW of Burnsville
    NC - Watauga River, at SR 194 and SR 1116 [Watauga River Road], [ca. 0.7] miles NW of Valle Crucis
    NC - Watauga River, SSR 1114 [Dewitt Barnett Road] bridge, 0.25 miles E Valle Crucis, [ca. 5.3 air miles W center Boone]
    NC - Watauga River at entrance of Cove Creek and crossing of old N.C. road 603 (= Co. road 1121) ; Watauga dr.
    NC - Laurel Creek, US Highway 321 bridge, [ca. 10.3 air miles WNW center Boone]
    NC - Watauga River at NC 105 bridge, [ca. 4.3 air miles WSW center Boone]
    NC - New River at mouth of Rock Creek, [2.0] miles [NNW] Twin Oaks, [ca. 4.7 air miles NW center Sparta]
    VA - Reed Creek, 1 mi SW of Wytheville on Route 21, New River drainage
    VA - N. America; USA; Virginia; Giles; New River at U.S. Hwy 460
    VA - Wolf Creek, on US 52 between Bastian and Novis; New River drainage
    NC - Watauga River 2.5 mi. S of jct. US Hwy. 421 on NC Hwy. 194.
    NY - Fall Creek at Route 13 bridge just S Lower Creek Road, ~5 mi. NE of Ithaca
    NY - Trib. of Virgil Creek at Mill Street in Village of Dryden (trib is outlet of Dryden Lake)
    NH - Merrimack River ust Seawall Falls Road
    NY - Fall Creek at Peth Road, 1 mi. SE Lake Como
    NY - Fall Creek, below bridge on Route 366 ~1.1 mi. N (upstream) junction of Route 38 in Freeville
    VA - Burks Fork.
    VA - Lick Creek
    NY - Little River at dam below Carterville
    VA - Burks Fork
    VA - North Fork Holston River, Wytheville
    VA - North Fork Holston R, RM 78.0
    VA - Lick Ck, North Fork Holston R, LCM 1.0
    VA - N. Fk. Holston R.
    VA - Thomas Cr., RM 0.2 at Holston View Rd.
    NC - Watauga River above NC Hwy 321, 4.5 mi W of Sherwood
    VA - Toms Creek at Co. Rd. 655 crossing just E of jct. with Co. Rd. 781, ca. 10.1 air km W of Blacksburg.
    VA - New River at U.S. Hwy 460
    NC - Watauga River, Highway 194 bridge, 0.75 air miles NW Valle Crucis, [ca. 6.5 air miles W center Boone]
    VA - North Fork of Holston R, 2.5 mi. WSW of Broadford on Rt. 91
    TN - East Fork Pigeon River just above conjuction with Little Pigeon River below dam at Sevierville
    NC - Baird Creek, junction of NC 194 and SR 1117 [Mast Gap Road/Valle Cay Drive], [ca. 6.4 air miles NE center Banner Elk]
    VA - Wolf Creek, about 1 mile N of Bastian, on US 21.
    NY - Catherine Cr.
    NH - Permigewasset R, at Smith R (T25), 2 mi S of Bristol, elev. 315', Belknap, Grafton, & Merrimack counties; *
    VA - Wolf Creek, on US 52 between Bastian and Novis; New River drainage
    NY - Litchfield, Herkimer, New York, Estados Unidos

Oncorhynchus clarkii

    OR - Pacific Ocean, North Fork Umpqua River off State Hwy. 138 at Umpqua National Forest, Colliding Rivers Viewpoint.
    OR - Willamette River. Township - 16S; Range - 4W; Section - 25. Maps: 250k - Salem; 24k - Coburg; 100k - Eugene. Upstream landmark - McKenzie River.
    WA - Snohomish River - Puget Sound, Snoqualmie River at Carnation Farm Road bridge, < 1 mi. N of Carnation
    WA - Pacific Ocean, Humptulips River at U.S. Hwy 101
    WA - Snoqualmie River, Harris Creek SW of Stillwater (T25N, R7E, Sec.4)
    WA - Snoqualmie River, Harris Creek and Trib., SW of Stillwater. T25N, R7E, Sec. 4
    WA - Snoqualmie River, Harris Creek SW of Stillwater (T25N, R7E, Sec.4)
    WA - Pacific Ocean, Nooksack River at Deming, Washington. In pools adjacent to river.
    CO - Nunn Creek
    CA - North FK Cottonwood Creek, White Mountains
    CO - Coyote Creek, ca. 8 miles S of Walden
    CA - Yosemite Valley, Sentinel Bridge.
    CA - Farringtons.
    OR - 1.5 miles below Paisley.
    WA - Snoqualmie-Snohomish-Puget Snd, Harris Creek, SW of Stillwater
    WA - Lake Sammamish near mouth of Issaquah Creek at south end of lake
    WA - Wannacut Lake ~4.6 miles SW of Oroville
    WA - Snoqualmie-Snohomish-Puget Snd, Harris Creek SW of Stillwater (T25N, R7E, S4)
    WA - Snoqualmie River, Harris Creek SW of Stillwater (T25N, R7E, Sec.4)
    WA - Wynoochee River at roadside stop on Wynoochee Valley Road (east side of river)
    WA - Elwha River, Madison Creek, South of Elwha.
    CA - Wheats Meadow Creek
    UT - Water Canyon Creek about 1 mile East of New Castle Res.
    CA - Clear Creek Camp 2 miles west of Westwood.
    CA - Pohono Bridge.
    CA - Warner Mountains, elev. 5500 ft.
    CA - Fall River Mills.
    WA - Snoqualmie-Snohomish-Puget Snd, Harris Creek, SW of Stillwater
    WA - Snoqualmie River at Carnation Farm Rd. bridge ~1.35 miles N of Carnation
    WA - Wannacut Lake ~4.6 miles SW of Oroville
    WA - Snoqualmie Rd. at carnation farm Rd. <1 mile N of Carnation
    WA - Bellingham Bay, Nooksack River at Wa Hwy 539 bridge
    WA - Harris Creek and Trib.; SW of Stillwater
    CA - Wheats Meadow Creek trib. to main fork Stanislaus River
    CA - trib. to East Fork Creek, lying in SE 1/4 sec26, NE1/4 S.35, NW1/4 s.36
    UT - SW of Cedar City, Water Canyon Creek, Isolated tributary to Santa Clara River, Pine Valley
    CA - Outlet, upper Blue Lake, trib., N fork of Mokelusnne (Sp?) River , near Markleeville.
    WA - Bumping Lake; 3 miles northeast at Goose Prairie; elev. 3300 ft.
    OR - Station 3.
    OR - Near Sherar's Bridge.
    OR - Willamette River. Township - 16S; Range - 4W; Section - 25. Maps: 250k - Salem; 24k - Coburg; 100k - Eugene. Upstream landmark - McKenzie River.
    WA - Snohomish River - Puget Sound, Snoqualmie River at Carnation Farm Road bridge, < 1 mile N of Carnation
    WA - Snoqualmie River at Carnation Farm Rd. bridge ~1.35 miles N of Carnation
    WA - Snoqualmie-Snohomish-Puget Snd, N Fk. Tolt River in Proctor Creek area
    WA - Snoqualmie River, Harris Creek SW of Stillwater (T25N, R7E, S4)
    WA - Harris Creek SW of Stillwater
    WA - Middle Fork Nooksack River, Lower Little Canyon Creek just upstream from Kulshan.
    CA - O'Harrel Canyon
    CA - None
    NM - Colorado Basin, San Juan System, South Fork Wheatfield Creek, Navajo Indian Reservation, 7700 feet elevation
    CA - Merced R., Cascades.
    WA - Bumping Lake; 3 miles northeast at Goose Prairie; elev. 3300 ft.
    OR - Burns.

Percopsis omiscomaycus

    MD - Old canal opposite Great Falls of the Potomac

Potamogeton crispus

    MI - 2.5 mi SE of Huron Beach. Hammond Bay Refuge Harbor, Lake Huron T37N R2E S14 SE1/4 of NW1/4
    MN - Lawrence Lake on Miss. River.
    OH - Occasional in turbid, muddy water of old Miami-Erie Canal widened into a lake, 3 mi N of the town of St. Mary's.
    WI - Latitude actually reads "43 degrees and 62 minutes north." In the n slough of French Island. Submerged in 1 ft of water in the sough of the creek.
    WI - Bluff Creek DNR Natural Area within Kettle Moraine SF South Unit on W side of County P Road. T4N-R16E, Section 19.

Prosopium williamsoni

    CO - Cache la Poudre River

Pylodictis olivaris

    KS - Republican River, 1.5 mi E and 1 mi S of Clyde
    OK - Duck Trap Cove
    OK - Above Lake Lawtonka
    OK - 0.5 mile downstream from Hwy 44, 2 miles north of Burkburnett, Tx
    OK - (DEQ2010-23) 1 mile south, 2.5 miles west of Temple; U07311150
    OK - 2.5 miles north of Taylor; U07311500
    OK - (OWRB2005-04) NEAR PAWHUSKA (SEC 2/ T25N/ R9E)
    OK - Hominy Creek, 7 mi. W of Skiatook
    OK - T21N R15E S32
    OK - (OWRB2006-17) NEAR CAtOOSA
    OK - (DEQ2003-17) NEAR KEETONVILLE (U07176000)
    OK - 4M S,2.5 W.inOLA,T19NR16ES36
    KS - Arkansas River, 9.5 mi S, 11.5 mi E Hutchinson
    KS - Big Blue River, 0.25 miles below Rocky Ford dam
    OK - north of Willis, OK on Hwy 99. west on S Powell Rd. ApproximAtely 2 miles. Turn on Lake Road. ApproximAtely 2.5 miles south to lake shore. Take right trail west and then south to shore. Site is marked with pink post.
    OK - NA
    OK - T26N R16E S25
    OK - 2 1/2 S of COODY BLUFF T25N,R16E, S11
    OK - (DEQ2005-32) NEAR LENAPAH, Hwy 10 (U07171000)
    OK - U07171000 Verdigris River near Leneoh Hwy. 10
    OK - 2 1/2 S of COODY BLUFF T25N,R16E, S11
    OK - Near McKee store, above railroad bridge
    OK - north FORK of RED NEAR HEADRICK SEC 21 TWN 02N RNG 18WU07305000
    OK - 2 miles south of DAVIDSON At 183 bridge (T4S, R18W)
    OK - (DEQ2003-16) NEAR RAMONA (U07175500)
    OK - (DEQ2003-16) NEAR RAMONA (U07175500)
    TX - Henrietta
    OK - Near mouth
    OK - 0.5 mile downstream from Hwy 44, 2 miles north of Burkburnett, Tx
    OK - 1 mile south, 2.5 miles west of Temple; U07311150
    OK - 1 mile south, 2.5 miles west of Temple; U07311150
    KS - Republican River, SW1/4, At bridge south of town (1 mi) on Hwy. 24
    OK - 4M S.HULAH,T28NR12ES28
    OK - SPRinG RIVER At TWin bridgeS SEC 20 TWN 27N RNG 24EU07188450
    OK - 4M S,2.5 W.inOLA,T19NR16ES36
    OK - (OWRB2006-17) NEAR CAtOOSA
    OK - 3M W,.5M S.inOLA,T19NR16ES14
    KS - Republican River @ state line (Jewell/Republic Co. line)
    KS - Republican River, Scandia at Hwy 36 bridge
    OK - 0.5 mile downstream from Hwy 44, 2 miles north of Burkburnett, Tx
    OK - NA
    OK - 1.5M S. COODY BLUFF T25NR16ES6
    OK - U07171000 Verdigris River near Leneoh Hwy. 10
    OK - (DEQ2005-32) NEAR LENAPAH, Hwy 10 (U07171000)
    OK - 1 mile north of bridge at Coodys Bluff; Sec 25/ T26N/ R16E
    OK - SE & 1N of CHILDERS T27N,R17E, S35
    OK - 2 miles south of DAVIDSON At 183 bridge (T4S, R18W)
    OK - Hwy 62 east of Headrick; Sec 21/T2N/R18W; U07305000
    OK - SAND CREEK 3 miles E BARTLESVILLE N ZinC SEC 24 TWN 26N RNG 12E U07175387
    OK - (DEQ2009-17) County road 3500W near Ramona; U07175500
    OK - SAND CREEK 3 miles E BARTLESVILLE N ZinC SEC 24 TWN 26N RNG 12E U07175387
    TX - Henrietta
    KS - Solomon River, Beloit City Park , below dam
    OK - NA
    OK - 0.5 mile downstream from Hwy 44, 2 miles north of Burkburnett, Tx
    OK - 2.5 miles north of Taylor; U07311500
    OK - (DEQ2010-24) Hwy 5B, 2.5 miles north of Taylor; U07311500
    OK - 0.5 mile downstream from Hwy 44, 2 miles north of Burkburnett, Tx
    OK - (OWRB2005-04) NEAR PAWHUSKA (SEC 2/ T25N/ R9E)
    OK - SPRinG RIVER At TWin bridgeS SEC 20 TWN 27N RNG 24EU07188450
    OK - 3M W,.5M S.inOLA,T19NR16ES14
    OK - (OWRB2006-48) SEC 13/ T20N/ R14E
    OK - Hwy 88 bridge, T22N R15E S14
    OK - Verdigris River, 6 miles west, 3 miles south of Claremore; Sec 32/ T21N/ R15E
    KS - Republican River, Scandia at Hwy 36 bridge
    KS - Big Blue River, 0.25 miles below Rocky Ford dam
    OK - north of Willis, OK on Hwy 99 approx. 5 miles. west on S. Powell Rd. (Powell Church of Christ Sign) approx. 2 miles. As road curves turn left on House Creek Rd. follow road past red brick house and turn left (south) approx. 1 mile to agricultural field.
    OK - NA
    OK - T26N R16E S?
    OK - SE & 1N of CHILDERS T27N,R17E, S35
    OK - (DEQ2008-25) Near Lenepah; U07171000
    OK - At Coodys Bluff
    OK - 1.5 miles south of Coodys Bluff; Sec 6/ T25N; R16E
    OK - 2 miles W of TIPTON, 3.5 miles north Hwy 5 (T1N, R18W)
    OK - (DEQ2010-22) West of Tipton; U07306500
    OK - 2 miles W of TIPTON, 3.5 miles north Hwy 5 (T1N, R18W)
    OK - (DEQ2006-17) NEAR RAMONA (U07175500)
    OK - U07175500- Caney River near Ramona
    TX - Henrietta
    OK - Near mouth
    OK - Below bridge
    OK - 0.5 mile downstream from Hwy 44, 2 miles north of Burkburnett, Tx
    OK - 1 mile south, 2.5 miles west of Temple; U07311150
    OK - 1 mile south, 2.5 miles west of Temple; U07311150
    OK - 4M S.HULAH,T28NR12ES28
    OK - Bird Creek at Avant
    OK - Hwy 88 bridge, T22N R15E S14
    OK - (DEQ2003-17) NEAR KEETONVILLE (U07176000)
    OK - (OWRB2006-48) SEC 13/ T20N/ R14E
    OK - 5 miles east and 2 miles north of Talala; Sec15/T24E/R16E
    KS - Arkansas River, 9.5 mi S, 11.5 mi E Hutchinson
    KS - Republican River, at Scandia South of Hwy 36 bridge
    OK - (WJM3239) Fobb Bottom North Shore
    OK - NA
    OK - 1.5M S. COODY BLUFF T25NR16ES6
    OK - 1.5 miles south of Coodys Bluff; Sec 6/ T25N; R16E
    OK - Lee Creek, 1 mi. NW Short
    OK - north FORK RED RIVER W TIPTON SEC 05 TWN 01S RNG 19WU07306500
    OK - Hwy 62 east of Headrick; Sec 21/T2N/R18W; U07305000
    OK - U07175500- Caney River near Ramona
    OK - (DEQ2006-17) NEAR RAMONA (U07175500)
    TX - Lake Kemp (Wichita River), 10 mi E Seymour
    TX - Colorado River. 6.4 mi ESE Robert Lee. Ivey.
    TX - Colorado River, Smith Ranch, 6.5 mi ESE Robert Lee.
    TX - Canadian River at US 385
    TX - Lake Wichita, Wichita County
    NE - Little Blue River, Blue River
    OK - 0.5 mile downstream from Hwy 44, 2 miles north of Burkburnett, Tx
    OK - Near Oscar oil field
    OK - Hwy 81, 1 mile south of Terral; Sec 9/T8S/R7W; U07315500
    OK - Hwy 79, 7 miles SW of Waurika; Sec 12/T5S/R8W; U07312720
    OK - Hwy 79, 7 miles SW of Waurika; Sec 12/T5S/R8W; U07312720
    OK - 0.5 mile north of Waurika on county road; Sec 26/T4S/R8W; U07313600
    OK - Near Oscar oil field
    OK - SE of Blackwell; Sec 1/T26N/R1W; U07152000
    OK - Chikaska River 5.4 mi. NW Braman below dam of Lake Blackwell.
    OK - SE of Blackwell; Sec 1/T26N/R1W; U07152000
    TX - Beaver Creek, Sec 30,31/T5S/R9W, Red/Washita, 11130208
    OK - Red River at Hwy. 277; 2.5 mi. NE of Burkburnett.
    OK - Duck Trap Cove
    OK - Woodward Hollow
    OK - 0.5 mile north of Waurika on county road; Sec 26/T4S/R8W; U07313600
    OK - At mouth of Red Creek, 3 miles south of Oscar; Sec 20/T7S/R5W
    OK - (DEQ2010-25) Hwy 81, 1 mile south of Terral; Sec 9/T8S/R7W; U077315500
    OK - Hwy 79, 7 miles SW of Waurika; Sec 12/T5S/R8W; U07312720
    OK - 0.5 mile north of Waurika on county road; Sec 26/T4S/R8W; U07313600
    OK - SE of Blackwell; Sec 1/T26N/R1W; U07152000
    OK - SE of Blackwell; Sec 1/T26N/R1W; U07152000
    OK - Sec 13/T28N/R2W
    OK - SE of Blackwell; Sec 1/T26N/R1W; U07152000
    OK - Below Wister dam
    OK - Red River at Hwy. 81; 4.7 mi. N of Ringold.
    TX - Lake Wichita, Wichita County
    NE - Big Nemaha R., US 159, S of Falls City; DAE 90-56
    OK - 0.5 mile downstream from Hwy 44, 2 miles north of Burkburnett, Tx
    TX - Sec 30,31/T5S/R9W
    OK - Hwy 79, 7 miles SW of Waurika; Sec 12/T5S/R8W; U07312720
    OK - Hwy 79, 7 miles SW of Waurika; Sec 12/T5S/R8W; U07312720
    OK - Near Ringling; Sec 19/T5S/R4W
    OK - 0.5 mile north of Waurika on county road; Sec 26/T4S/R8W; U07313600
    OK - Hwy 81, 1 mile south of Terral; Sec 9/T8S/R7W; U07315500
    OK - SE of Blackwell; Sec 1/T26N/R1W; U07152000
    OK - Sec 13/T28N/R2W
    OK - SE of Blackwell; Sec 1/T26N/R1W; U07152000
    OK - SE of Blackwell; Sec 1/T26N/R1W; U07152000
    OK - Hwy 62, 5 miles west of Snyder
    OK - At Wister
    OK - At Robert Mayo boat ramp; Sec 34/T10N/R26E; U07246450
    OK - I-35, 5 miles north of Gainesville, Tx; Sec 36/T9N/R1E; U07316000
    OK - I-35, 5 miles north of Gainesville, Tx; Sec 36/T9S/R1E; U07316000
    OK - At Wister
    OK - Hwy 32
    OK - I-35, 5 miles north of Gainesville, Tx; Sec 36/T9N/R1E; U07316000
    OK - I-35, 5 miles north of Gainesville, Tx; Sec 36/T9S/R1E; U07316000
    OK - north of Willis, OK on Hwy 99 approx. 5 miles. west on S. Powell Rd. (Powell Church of Christ Sign) approx. 2 miles. As road curves turn left on House Creek Rd. follow road past red brick house and turn left (south) approx. 1 mile to agricultural field.
    OK - Red River along right bank at I-35.
    TX - Double Mountain Fork Brazos River at US283
    TX - 7 miles West of Wichita Falls
    OK - NA
    OK - Woodward Hollow
    OK - 0.5 mile north of Waurika on county road; Sec 26/T4S/R8W; U07313600
    OK - 0.5 mile north of Waurika on county road; Sec 26/T4S/R8W; U07313600
    OK - Near Ringling; Sec 19/T5S/R4W
    OK - At mouth of Red Creek, 3 miles south of Oscar; Sec 20/T7S/R5W
    OK - Hwy 79, 7 miles SW of Waurika; Sec 12/T5S/R8W; U07312720
    TX - Sec 30,31/T5S/R9W
    OK - SE of Blackwell; Sec 1/T26N/R1W; U07152000
    OK - (DEQ2010-10) SE of Blackwell; Sec 1/T26N/R1W; U07152000
    OK - SE of Blackwell; Sec 1/T26N/R1W; U07152000
    OK - At Robert Mayo boat ramp; Sec 34/T10N/R26E; U07246450
    OK - Near Le Flore
    OK - I-35, 5 miles north of Gainesville, Tx; Sec 36/T9N/R1E; U07316000
    OK - I-35, 5 miles north of Gainesville, Tx; Sec 36/T9S/R1E; U07316000
    OK - Hwy 32
    OK - north of Willis, OK on Hwy 99. west on S Powell Rd. ApproximAtely 2 miles. Turn on Lake Road. ApproximAtely 2.5 miles south to lake shore. Take right trail west and then south to shore. Site is marked with pink post.
    OK - Hwy 62, 5 miles west of Snyder
    OK - Near Le Flore
    OK - Below Wister dam
    OK - I-35, 5 miles north of Gainesville, Tx; Sec 36/T9N/R1E; U07316000
    OK - I-35, 5 miles north of Gainesville, Tx; Sec 36/T9S/R1E; U07316000

Rorippa sylvestris

    PA - Pittsburgh, North Side. Garden weed.
    WI - On Wisconsin River. On river.

Salvelinus fontinalis

    OR - FROG CR., RIVER MI.3.6
    MT - Prickly Pear Creek at Clancy, just W of I-15 at Exit 182, Jefferson Co.
    CO - Trappers Lake, between Stations J and K
    MN - Sucker Brook
    NE - White/Hat, White River
    CO - Trappers Lake, between Stations G and H
    SD - Ditch Creek, 14 mi. W Hill City
    NV - Marys River at head of Chalk Basin, on Jeep trail, ca. 5 mi ESE of Charleston
    CO - Trappers Lake, between Stations S and T
    OR - MCCOY CR.
    GA - Duck Creek just below confluence with Waterfall Branch at Co Rte 82 (Chamberlain Rd), 0.15 mi SW junction St Hwy 193.
    OH - Castilia Trout Club.
    MT - Prickly Pear Creek at Clancy, just W of I-15 at Exit 182
    CO - Trappers Lake, between Stations K and L
    MT - small brook below spring, 1 mi. N, 2 mi. W Maiden
    OR - CRANE CR.
    ID - Site Name:Thompson Creek. Township:4n, Range:16e, Section:22. Maps:250k-Hailey, 24k-Boyle Mountain, 100k-Sun Valley. Downstream Landmark: Warm Springs Creek Confluence (1.3 Miles) and Upstream Landmark:North Fork Thompson Creek Tributary (0.8 Mile).
    CO - Trappers Lake, between Stations O and P
    OR - HORSE CR.
    NV - N. America; USA; Nevada; Elko; Marys River at head of Chalk Basin, on Jeep trail, ca. 5 mi ESE of Charleston
    CO - Trappers Lake, between Stations T and A
    OR - ROGUE R.
    ID - Twin Lakes Ranch Creek
    OR - PARK CR.
    CO - Trappers Lake, between Stations H and I
    ID - North fork of reeds creek.
    ID - North Creek. Township:12S, Range:43E, Section:18. Maps:250K-Preston, 24K-Nounan, 100K-Preston. Downstream Landmark:Emigration creek tributary (1.3 miles) and Upstream Landmark:Mill Hollow tributary (3.8 miles).
    CO - Trappers Lake, between Stations L and M
    ID - Site Name:Thompson Creek. Township:4n, Range:16e, Section:22. Maps:250k-Hailey, 24k-Boyle Mountain, 100k-Sun Valley. Downstream Landmark: Warm Springs Creek Confluence (1.3 Miles) and Upstream Landmark:North Fork Thompson Creek Tributary (0.8 Mile).
    CO - Trappers Lake, between Stations P and Q
    OR - SAND CR.
    ID - East camas creek.
    ID - Site Name: Orogrande Creek. Township: 38n, Range: 7e, Section: 25. Maps: 250k-Hamilton, 24k-Larch Butte, 100k-Headquarters. Downstream Landmark: North Fork Clearwater River Confluence (3.4 Miles); Upstream Landmark: Knute Creek (0.8 Mile).
    OR - WOOD R.
    ID - Fisher Creek. Township:20n, Range:3e, Section:9. Maps:250k-Grangeville, 24k-Granite Lake, 100k-Riggins. Downstream Landmark: North Fork Payette River Confluence (4.0 Miles). Upstream Landmark: Jeep Trail Crossing (0.3 Miles).
    OR - Long Cr.
    NE - Dead Horse Creek
    OR - PARK CR.
    CO - Trappers Lake, between Stations O and P
    MT - NA
    CO - trib to Blue River at Frisco
    MT - Bear Creek ust of confluence with Devil Creek
    CO - Morrison.
    WY - Green River
    MT - Tributary of Giefer Creek near 3 Forks Campground Snoslip Montana
    OH - Miller Blue Hole, Sandusky Co, 2.4 mi NE of Vickery, Townsend township
    UT - Small unnamed lake, 1 mile South of Tamarack Lake and 2.5 miles SW of Spirit Lake
    NE - East Ash Creek
    CO - Trappers Lake, between Stations H and I
    OR - Klamath River, Cherry Creek
    CO - South Cottonwood River above Cottonwood Lake
    OR - SAND CR.
    OR - ROGUE R.
    CO - Haystack Ranch, Upper West Plum Creek, below Perry Park South Ranch
    NV - Reese River
    WY - Green River
    WY - Blacktail Deer Creek. Maps: 250k-Ashton, 24k-Blacktail Deer Creek, 100k-Yellowstone National Park North. Date On Field Label Is 11 Sept. 2000.
    MT - Bear Creek 400 yards upstream and 100 yards downstream from confluence with Devils Creek
    WY - East Fork, Smiths Fork. Township - 12N; Range - 115W; Section - 16SW. Maps: 250k - Ogden; 24k - Buck Fever Ridge; 100k - Evanston. Downmark - Gilbert Creek.
    MT - Jerry Creek. Maps: 250k - Dillon; 24k - Wise River; 100k - Butte South.
    WY - North Fork Shoshone River
    CA - At Mineral on state hwy. 36.
    WY - Yellowstone Park, Lewis River
    CA - Robinson Creek, between Twin lakes
    MT - Bear Creek approximatley 0.25 miles up and down stream from confluence with Devil Creek; 6.6 miles ESE of Essex Montana
    OH - Cedar Run, within Urbana township, near Tremont City, Urbana township
    MT - Belt Creek. Township - 14N; Range - 8E; Section - 29. Maps: 250k - White Sulfur Springs; 24k - Neihart; 100k - White Sulphur Springs. Downstream landmark - Carpenter Creek, Upstream landmark - Neihart, MT; Spring Gulch
    CA - Grassy Lake Recreation Area
    MT - Unknown. Township - 3S; Range - 2W; Section - 30. Maps: 250k - Bozeman; 24k - Potosi Peak; 100k - Bozeman. Downmark - North Meadow Creek confluence; Upmark - Upper Sureshot Lake.
    WA - Canyon Creek along Canyon Creek Road (Sec 30 Mt. Baker National Forest
    NV - Pine Creek
    MT - Little Boulder Creek. Maps: 250k-Butte, 24k-Boulder West, 100k-Butte North.
    MT - Highwood Creek. Township: 20N, Range: 8E, Section: 16. Maps:250K - Great Falls, 24K - Highwood Baldy, 100K - Belt. Downstream Landmark - Shaw Creek - Highwood MT. Upstream Landmark - Highwood Cr. Community Hall - Watkins Creek.
    MT - Jerry Creek. Maps: 250k - Dillon; 24k - Wise River; 100k - Butte South.
    CA - Sherwin Lake
    WY - Middle Fork Popo Agie River. Township - 32N; Range - 102W; Section - 24SW. Maps: 250k - Lander; 24k - Cony Mountain; 100k - Lander. Upstream landmark - Stough Creek.
    MT - Medicine Lodge Creek opposite Keystone Gultch
    CA - NA
    MT - Isolated pools along Bear Creek; at junction with Devil Creek
    MT - Clear Creek. Township - 29N; Range - 17E; Section - 16. Maps: 250k - Havre, 24k - Shambo SE; 100k - Rocky Boy. Downstream landmark - Wind Cr - Mick River confluence, Upstream landmark - Greenough Coulee - Whitepine Canyon - Battle Creek.
    MT - Belt Creek. Township - 14N; Range - 8E; Section - 29. Maps: 250k - White Sulphur Springs; 24k - Neihart; 100k - White Sulphur Springs. Downstream landmark - Carpenter Creek, Upstream landmark - Neihart, MT; Spring Gulch
    CA - Grassy Lake Recreation Area
    MT - Unknown. Township - 3S; Range - 2W; Section - 30. Maps: 250k - Bozeman; 24k - Potosi Peak; 100k - Bozeman. Downmark - North Meadow Creek confluence; Upmark - Upper Sureshot Lake.
    CA - NA
    CA - NA
    CA - Convict Creek
    CA - West Fork Carson Creek. Township - 10N; Range - 19E; Section - 7. Maps: 250k - Walker Lake; 24k - Carson Pass; 100k - Smith Valley
    MT - Jackson Creek. Maps: 250k - Bozeman; 24k - Bozeman Pass; 100k - Livingston.
    NV - North Fork Silver Creek. Township - 21N; Range - 44E; Section - 16NE. Maps: 250k - Millett; 24k - Vigus Butte NE; 100k - Edwards Creek Valley. Downstream landmark - Silver Creek Ranch, upstream landmark - road
    CO - N. Hardscrabble Creek.
    AK - Matsu Valley: Meadow Lakes area; Frog Lake
    CA - Cottonwood Creek
    MT - NA
    OR - West Fork Silver Creek.
    WY - Poison Creek. Maps: 250k-Sheridan, 24k-Hazelton, 100k-Buffalo.
    CA - Charity valley creek.
    WY - Middle Fork Boulder Creek. Township:33N, Range:105W, Section:31SW. Maps:250K-Lander, 24K-Raid Lake, 100K-Pinedale.Downstream Landmark-Junction Lake.
    CA - Yosemite Natl. Park, near Merced Lake; 7600-9000 ft. elev.
    CA - West Fork Carson River. Township - 10N; Range - 19E; Section - 7. Maps: 250k - Walker Lake; 24k - Carson Pass; 100k - Smith Valley. Downstream landmark - Red Lake Creek flows into it, Upstream landmark - Hope Valley Campground.
    WY - Site Name:North Leigh Creek. Township:45n, Range:117w?, Section:? Maps:250k-Driggs, 24k-Granite Basin, 100k-Jackson Lake. Downstream Landmark:Tin Cup Cr. and Upstream Landmark:Green Lake.
    CA - West Fork Carson Creek. Township - 10N; Range - 19E; Section - 7. Maps: 250k - Walker Lake; 24k - Carson Pass; 100k - Smith Valley
    MT - Jackson Creek. Maps: 250k - Bozeman; 24k - Bozeman Pass; 100k - Livingston.
    NV - North Fork Silver Creek. Township - 21N; Range - 44E; Section - 16NE. Maps: 250k - Millett; 24k - Vigus Butte NE; 100k - Edwards Creek Valley. Downstream landmark - Silver Creek Ranch, upstream landmark - road
    CO - N. Hardscrabble Creek.
    CA - Disaster Creek.
    CA - Cottonwood Creek
    MT - NA
    OR - West Fork Silver Creek.
    WY - Poison Creek. Maps: 250k-Sheridan, 24k-Hazelton, 100k-Buffalo.
    CA - Charity valley creek.
    WY - Middle Fork Boulder Creek. Township:33N, Range:105W, Section:31SW. Maps:250K-Lander, 24K-Raid Lake, 100K-Pinedale.Downstream Landmark-Junction Lake.
    WY - Site Name:Mud Springs Draw. Township:30n, Range:79w, Section:36sw. Maps:250k-Casper, 24k-Sheep Creek, 100k-Casper. Downstream Landmark:Bates Creek and Upstream Landmark:Old Casper Medicine Bow Hwy.
    NV - Middle Fork Mill Creek. Towhship:28n, Range:45e, Section:10nw; Maps:250k-Winnemucca, 24k-Goat Peak, 100k-Crescent Valley.
    SD - Castle Creek.
    NV - Franktown Creek
    WY - Site Name:Brokenback (Brodenback) Creek. Township:48n, Range:88w, Section:16. Maps:250k-Sheridan, 24k-Ten Sleep, 100k-Worland. Downstream Landmark:North Fork Brokenback Creek and Upstream Landmark:Sand Springs Draw.
    NV - Baker Creek
    OH - Cold Creek, within Erie Co, Erie County, township n/a
    OH - Miller Blue Hole outlet stream, Sandusky Co, ~2.2 mi NE of Vickery OH, Townsend Township
    OR - BLACK CR.
    CO - Trappers Lake, between Stations A and B
    OR - Klamath River, Coyote Creek
    CO - Trappers Lake, between Stations I and J
    ID - North fork of reeds creek.
    ID - North Creek. Township:12S, Range:43E, Section:18. Maps:250K-Preston, 24K-Nounan, 100K-Preston. Downstream Landmark:Emigration creek tributary (1.3 miles) and Upstream Landmark:Mill Hollow tributary (3.8 miles).
    CO - Trappers Lake, between Stations M and N
    NE - White/Hat, Beaver Creek
    CO - Trappers Lake, between Stations F and G
    CO - Trappers Lake, between Stations Q and R
    CO - Trappers Lake, between Stations R and S
    ID - East camas creek.
    ID - Site Name: Orogrande Creek. Township: 38n, Range: 7e, Section: 25. Maps: 250k-Hamilton, 24k-Larch Butte, 100k-Headquarters. Downstream Landmark: North Fork Clearwater River Confluence (3.4 Miles); Upstream Landmark: Knute Creek (0.8 Mile).
    CO - NA
    NV - Franktown Creek
    WY - Site Name:Brokenback (Brodenback) Creek. Township:48n, Range:88w, Section:16. Maps:250k-Sheridan, 24k-Ten Sleep, 100k-Worland. Downstream Landmark:North Fork Brokenback Creek and Upstream Landmark:Sand Springs Draw.
    NV - Baker Creek
    NV - Big Saw Mill Creek. Township - 11N; Range - 41E; Section - 8SE, Maps: 250k - Tonopah; 24k - Bakeoven Creek; 100k - Ione Valley. Downstream landmark - Reese River, Upstream landmark - Jeep Trail.
    CA - At Bridge 25-19 on state hwy. 89 on west shore of Lake Tahoe at Meek's Bay.
    MT - Bristow Creek, Kootenai National Forest.
    WY - Shell Creek, 1 mi. NW Shell
    ID - Grimes Creek. Township:8n, Range:5e, Section:13. Maps:250k-Challis, 24k-Grimes Pass, 100k-Deadwood River.
    CO - Trappers Lake, between Stations I and J
    CO - Poncha Creek, 10 mi. SW Salida
    NM - Lake Murphy, 10 mi. W of Mora
    SD - South Boxelder Creek, 2 mi. W Nemo, 4700 ft.
    ID - Site Name:Little Creek. Township:18n, Range:2e, Section:9. Maps:250k-Baker, 24k-Meadows, 100k-Mc Call. Downstream Landmark:Little Salmon River Confluence (5.8 Miles) and Upstream Landmark:Fish Creek Tributary (1.0 Mile).
    CO - Haystack Ranch: Upper West Plum Creek, below Perry Park South Ranch; T9S, R68W, sec 26 W2 SE4 SE4
    NV - Reese River
    MT - Bear Creek near confluence with Devil Creek
    CO - Upper Lake
    WY - Blacktail Deer Creek. Maps: 250k-Ashton, 24k-Blacktail Deer Creek, 100k-Yellowstone National Park North. Date On Field Label Is 11 Sept. 2000.
    MT - Little Boulder Creek. Maps: 250k-Butte, 24k-Boulder West, 100k-Butte North.
    MT - Highwood Creek. Township: 20N, Range: 8E, Section: 16. Maps:250K - Great Falls, 24K - Highwood Baldy, 100K - Belt. Downstream Landmark - Shaw Creek - Highwood MT. Upstream Landmark - Highwood Cr. Community Hall - Watkins Creek.
    MT - Jerry Creek. Maps: 250k - Dillon; 24k - Wise River; 100k - Butte South.
    MT - Site Name:Ruby Creek. Township:3s, Range:17w, Section:30. Maps:250k-Dillon, 24k-Big Hole Pass, 100k-Wisdom. Downstream Landmark:Big Mosehom Creek - Gory Creek and Upstream Landmark:Cow Creek - Pioneer Cr - Rabbit Creek.
    WY - Middle Fork Popo Agie River. Township - 32N; Range - 102W; Section - 24SW. Maps: 250k - Lander; 24k - Cony Mountain; 100k - Lander. Upstream landmark - Stough Creek.
    NV - Rabbit Creek. Township - 32N; Range - 57E; Section - 12NW. Maps: 250k - Elko; 24k - Noon Rock; 100k - Elko. Downstream landmark - SR 227.
    SD - White Wood Creek. Township:4n, Range:3e, Section:29; Maps:250k-Rapid City, 24k-Lead, 100k-Rapid City.
    OH - Mad River at Co Rd 153 bridge at Zanesfield.
    MT - Clear Creek. Township - 29N; Range - 17E; Section - 16. Maps: 250k - Havre, 24k - Shambo SE; 100k - Rocky Boy. Downstream landmark - Wind Cr - Mick River confluence, Upstream landmark - Greenough Coulee - Whitepine Canyon - Battle Creek.
    CA - Grassy Lake Recreation Area
    OR - Three Creek. Maps: 250k-Bend, 24k-Three Creek Butte, 100k-Bend. Township - 17s; Range 9e; Section 1. Downstream Landmark - Three Creek Butte. Upstream Landmark - Three Creek Lake
    NV - Chiatovich Creek
    MT - Bear Creek along braided stream channel
    MT - Bear Creek at confluence with Devil Creek
    WY - Site Name:North Leigh Creek. Township:45n, Range:117w?, Section:? Maps:250k-Driggs, 24k-Granite Basin, 100k-Jackson Lake. Downstream Landmark:Tin Cup Cr. and Upstream Landmark:Green Lake.
    CO - Upper West Plum Creek, above pond, Haystack Ranch, T9S, R68W, sec 35 SW4 SE4 NW4
    MT - Jerry Creek. Maps:250K-Dillon, 24K-Wise River, 100K-Butte South.
    CA - Parker Pass Creek
    NV - small spring near Hercules Gap, 11 miles NE of Ely, Nev.
    CA - Disaster Creek.
    WY - East Torrey Creek
    NV - Unnamed Stream; Township 18N; Range 18E; Section 28SE. Maps: 24k Mount Rose NW; 100k Carson City; 250k Reno. Downmark: Mt Rose (pack) Trail. Upmark: Dirt road crossing.
    WY - Dry creek. Township:4N, Range:5W, Section:31NW. Maps:250K-Thermopolis, 24K-Hays Park, 100K-Gannett Peak Downstream Landmark:Hidden Valley and Upstream Landmark:Relic Creek Marshy area.
    CO - Glacier Lake
    AK - Toad Creek on Grace Lake, 30 miles NE Ketchikan, SE Alaska
    NV - Middle Fork Cold Creek
    WY - Site Name:Mud Springs Draw. Township:30n, Range:79w, Section:36sw. Maps:250k-Casper, 24k-Sheep Creek, 100k-Casper. Downstream Landmark:Bates Creek and Upstream Landmark:Old Casper Medicine Bow Hwy.
    NV - Middle Fork Mill Creek. Towhship:28n, Range:45e, Section:10nw; Maps:250k-Winnemucca, 24k-Goat Peak, 100k-Crescent Valley.
    CA - Olympia, trout farm.
    NV - Galena Creek
    CA - Long Valley Creek. Maps:250k-Walker Lake, 24k-Mount Jackson, 100k-Bridgeport.
    NV - Trout Creek. Township - 37N; Range - 61E; Section - 20NE. Maps: 250k - Wells; 24k - Welcome; 100k - Double Mountain. Downstream landmark - Power Plant, Upstream landmark - Pack Trail
    NV - Big Saw Mill Creek. Township - 11N; Range - 41E; Section - 8SE, Maps: 250k - Tonopah; 24k - Bakeoven Creek; 100k - Ione Valley. Downstream landmark - Reese River, Upstream landmark - Jeep Trail.
    ID - Fisher Creek. Township:20n, Range:3e, Section:9. Maps:250k-Grangeville, 24k-Granite Lake, 100k-Riggins. Downstream Landmark: North Fork Payette River Confluence (4.0 Miles). Upstream Landmark: Jeep Trail Crossing (0.3 Miles).
    MT - East Fisher River, Kootenai National Forest.
    UT - Daggett Lake and outlet, 2 miles NE of SW corner of Daggett County
    ID - Grimes Creek. Township:8n, Range:5e, Section:13. Maps:250k-Challis, 24k-Grimes Pass, 100k-Deadwood River.
    NE - Middle Fork Soldier Creek
    CO - Trappers Lake, between Stations N and O
    OR - Miller Creek: Klamath drainage
    OR - HONEY CR.
    ID - Site Name:Little Creek. Township:18n, Range:2e, Section:9. Maps:250k-Baker, 24k-Meadows, 100k-Mc Call. Downstream Landmark:Little Salmon River Confluence (5.8 Miles) and Upstream Landmark:Fish Creek Tributary (1.0 Mile).
    AK - Ketchikan
    WY - NA
    MT - Bear Creek side pools and small tributary
    CA - Headwaters of McCloud R., 16 miles upstream from town of McCloud.
    WY - East Fork, Smiths Fork. Township - 12N; Range - 115W; Section - 16SW. Maps: 250k - Ogden; 24k - Buck Fever Ridge; 100k - Evanston. Downmark - Gilbert Creek.
    MT - Jerry Creek. Maps: 250k - Dillon; 24k - Wise River; 100k - Butte South.
    WY - North Fork Shoshone River
    MT - Site Name:Ruby Creek. Township:3s, Range:17w, Section:30. Maps:250k-Dillon, 24k-Big Hole Pass, 100k-Wisdom. Downstream Landmark:Big Mosehom Creek - Gory Creek and Upstream Landmark:Cow Creek - Pioneer Cr - Rabbit Creek.
    NV - Rabbit Creek. Township - 32N; Range - 57E; Section - 12NW. Maps: 250k - Elko; 24k - Noon Rock; 100k - Elko. Downstream landmark - SR 227.
    SD - White Wood Creek. Township:4n, Range:3e, Section:29; Maps:250k-Rapid City, 24k-Lead, 100k-Rapid City.
    CA - 38 miles NE of Exeter on US 198.
    CA - Lahontan River, Susan River off Silver Lake Rd., 1.6 miles W off Lassen Co. Rd. A21
    CA - Grassy Lake Recreation Area
    OR - Three Creek. Maps: 250k-Bend, 24k-Three Creek Butte, 100k-Bend. Township - 17s; Range 9e; Section 1. Downstream Landmark - Three Creek Butte. Upstream Landmark - Three Creek Lake
    NV - Chiatovich Creek
    NV - Pine Creek
    CA - Convict Creek
    OH - Miller Blue Hole outlet stream, Sandusky Co, ~2.2 mi NE of Vickery OH, Townsend Township
    MT - Thompson River
    MT - Jerry Creek. Maps:250K-Dillon, 24K-Wise River, 100K-Butte South.
    CA - Parker Pass Creek
    CO - 6 mi SW Fairplay
    NV - NA
    WY - East Torrey Creek
    NV - Unnamed Stream; Township 18N; Range 18E; Section 28SE. Maps: 24k Mount Rose NW; 100k Carson City; 250k Reno. Downmark: Mt Rose (pack) Trail. Upmark: Dirt road crossing.
    WY - Dry creek. Township:4N, Range:5W, Section:31NW. Maps:250K-Thermopolis, 24K-Hays Park, 100K-Gannett Peak Downstream Landmark:Hidden Valley and Upstream Landmark:Relic Creek Marshy area.
    CA - Inyo National Forest, outflow from SE end of Fifth Lake (upper Big Pine Creek), ca. 100 m below Fifth Lake see Mt. Goddard and Big Pine topos
    OH - Cold Creek, at Castilia, ~0.1 mi NW of Castalia, Margaretta township
    NV - Middle Fork Cold Creek
    CA - West Fork Carson River. Township - 10N; Range - 19E; Section - 7. Maps: 250k - Walker Lake; 24k - Carson Pass; 100k - Smith Valley. Downstream landmark - Red Lake Creek flows into it, Upstream landmark - Hope Valley Campground.
    SD - Castle Creek.
    NV - Galena Creek
    CA - Long Valley Creek. Maps:250k-Walker Lake, 24k-Mount Jackson, 100k-Bridgeport.
    NV - Trout Creek. Township - 37N; Range - 61E; Section - 20NE. Maps: 250k - Wells; 24k - Welcome; 100k - Double Mountain. Downstream landmark - Power Plant, Upstream landmark - Pack Trail
    OH - Miller Blue Hole outlet stream, Sandusky Co, ~2.2 mi NE of Vickery OH, Townsend Township

Salvelinus malma

    AK - Contact Creek
    CA - Near Bollibokka Mt.
    AK - Little Tok River
    OR - Long Creek
    AK - Contact Creek
    AK - Berry Creek
    AK - Charley River
     - Bering Sea
    NV - West Fork Jarbridge River at confluence of Sawmill Creek
    AK - Sacramento River
    OR - Long Creek
    AK - John River, slough below mouth of Wolverine Cr
    NV - West Fork Jarbridge River at confluence of Sawmill Creek
    OR - Lick Creek
     - Lake Aleknegik, between Happy Creek and Hansen Creek
     - Bristol Bay, Bering Sea

Salvelinus namaycush

    TN - Clinch River @ RM 79.5 (Norris Res. Tailwater)
    WY - Near Laramie
    CA - Scott Creek
    WY - Laramie
    OH - Cuyahoga River dst Lower Harvard
    AK - SE Alaska
    WY - Snake River, southwest of Jackson from WY State HWY 22 bridge to Fish Creek confluence, eastern edge of Teton National Forest, Yellowstone National Park
    AK - Unalaska creek
    ID - Sawtooth Lake

Semotilus atromaculatus

    AL - N. America; USA; Alabama; Escambia; Hall Creek at unnumbered road
    NM - Tinaja Creek, approximately 4.2 kilometer upstream of confluence with Canadian River, off US HWY 85.
    NM - Canadian River, ca. 2.1 kilometers downstream of Chicorica Creek confluence, off US HWY 85.
    AL - N. America; USA; Alabama; Coffee; Hays Creek at Hwy 189, 10 mi SW of Slba (Pea River)
    FL - N. America; USA; Florida; Okaloosa; Big Horse Creek, at FL Hwy 2, 3 mi E of Blackman
    NM - Vermejo River, at US HWY 64 bridge.
    NM - Vermejo River, ca. 0.4 kilometer upstream of Road Canyon confluence, Vermejo Park Ranch, off NM State HWY 555.
    AL - Spivey Mill Creek (was Little Omusee Creek), 3 mi NE of Headland on Co. Rd. 99 (was US Hwy 241)
    AL - Blue Spring, Conecuh River, 2.1 airmi NE of Dixie; T2N R14E S6
    NM - Coyote Creek, beaver pond in Coyote Creek State Park, 17.0 miles north of Mora and east of NM State HWY 434.
    FL - N. America; USA; Florida; Walton; Bull Hide Creek, at FL Hwy 285, 7.5 mi W of Defuniak Springs
    NM - Spring Arroyo, 3.0 miles north of Las Vegas. Elev. 2000-2100m.
    NM - Gallinas Creek, ca. 1.6 kilometer above Las Vegas, west of US Interstate 25.
    NM - Mora River, ca. 0.7 kilometer upstream of US Interstate HWY 25 bridge.
    AL - Unnamed tributary to Lightwood Knot Creek
    NM - Vermejo River, ca. 8.4 kilometer downstream of US HWY 64 bridge, off NM State HWY 505, 3.5 kilometers upstream of Stubblefield Arroyo confluence.
    NC - Trib. of Dan R., 1.2 mi. E of Germantown
    OK - NA
    NJ - Vineland
    SC - Station GC-09. About 2 miles due east of the center of Mauldin, near theintersection of Bethel Road and SC 14.
    NM - Una de Gato Creek, approximately 1.4 kilometer upstream of confluence with Chicorica Creek, east of US HWY 85.
    FL - N. America; USA; Florida; Santa Rosa; Escambia River tributary, at FL Hwy 184, 5.7 air miles NW of Pace
    NM - Vermejo River below mouth of Gonzales Creek.
    FL - N. America; USA; Florida; Santa Rosa; Tenmile Creek, 1.3 mi N of FL Hwy 184
    NM - Pecos River, at NM County Road B43B or South San Ysidro bridge, north of US Interstate HWY 25.
    NM - Cimarron River, off NM State HWY 21 at Spinger.
    AL - Jernigan Mill Creek at US Hwy 31, 0.66 mi N of Pollard
    GA - Creek at GA-FL state line, GA Hwy. 97 crossing.
    NM - Mora River, at Sapello River confluence, at Watrous off US Interstate HWY 25.
    NM - Coyote Creek, at NM State HWY 434 crossing, ca. 1.4 miles south of the intersection of NM State HWY 434 and 120, south of Black Lake.
    NM - Raton Creek, at the confluence with Doggett Creek.
    FL - Blount Mill Creek on Eglin AFB rd 400 ca 12 mi SW of Defuniak Springs.
    NM - Canadian River, at the bridge on NM State HWY 555, west of Raton.
    GA - Trib. to Chickasawhatchee Creek 0.2 mi. W Dawson, Hwy. 82.
    NM - Pecos Arroyo, at Harris Lake.
    NM - Canadian River, from 1.0 to 1.1 miles downstream of Stubblefield Canyon Road, Vermejo Park Ranch, off US HWY 85.
    OK - Blue River, bridge crossing at OK County Road E1770 or Harris Ranch Road, east of Connerville.
    NM - Canadian River, at the confluence with Potato Canyon, York Canyon Road, Vermejo Park Ranch off US HWY 85.
    AL - Jernigan Mill Creek at US Hwy 31, 0.66 mi N of Pollard
    NM - Hwy 24, 0.5 mile south of junction with Hwy 82
    AL - N. America; USA; Alabama; Escambia; Jernigan Mill Creek at US Hwy 31, 0.66 mi N of Pollard
    NJ - Debois Creek at Center Street culvert near SW corner East Freehold County Park, [0.8 air miles ESE center] Freehold (town)
    NM - Cieneguilla Creek, at south Angel Fire road, south of town of Angel Fire.
    AL - Sandy Creek, near Powell's Airport S of Geneva, ca. 6 mi, near Leddon Community (Pea River)
    NM - Mora River, at Loma Parda, north of NM State HWY 161.
    NM - Pecos River, 6.0 miles below Santa Rosa.
    ME - Merriland R. at jct. of US 1 & ME 9
    NM - Salado Creek.
    AL - Spring Creek, 2.5 mi NE of Black on Black-Hartford Hwy
    NM - Cimarron River at HW21, bridge crossing in Cimarron
    FL - Blue Creek at Ponce de Leon at roadside park along US Hwy 90
    NM - Raton Creek, about 8.0 kilometer above confluence with Chicorica Creek.
    NM - Gallinas River, at Las Vegas; Pecos River basin
    NM - Ponil Creek, ca. 3.2 miles upstream of State Route 204 and HWY 64 Junction on NM State HWY 204.
    NM - Coyote Creek, at NM State HWY 434 crossing, ca. 1.4 miles south of the intersection of NM State HWY 434 and 120, south of Black Lake.
    FL - Flat Creek about 10 mi. S Chattahoochee, Hwy. 269.
    AL - Hall Creek at unnumbered road
    AL - Claybank Creek, 3.5 mi SW of Ozark near jct. AL Hwy 27 & US Hwy 231
    AL - N. America; USA; Alabama; Escambia; Jernigan Mill Creek at US Hwy 31, 0.66 mi N of Pollard
    SC - Station RC-13. Approximately 2 miles from the center of Mauldin, near the intersection of Hamby Road and Laurens Road
    AL - N. America; USA; Alabama; Covington; Conecuh River, 3 mi NW of Andalusia on US Hwy 84
    NM - Coyote Creek, above Guadalupita, trib Mora River -> Canadian River
    AL - N. America; USA; Alabama; Covington; Rawls Point, 1.5 mi from Gantt
    AL - N. America; USA; Alabama; Coffee; Pea River tributary, at Hwy 6, 1 mi E of Kingston
    NM - Chicorica Creek, at Black Mesa, southeast of Raton, off US HWY 87, McAuliffe Ranch.
    NM - Segerstrom Creek, just upstream of its confluence with Lake Maloya, Raton, just south of Colorado border, off NM State HWY 526.
    AL - Jackson Cr., 4.1 airmi NNW of Gordon, co.rd.; T3N R29E S28E
    NM - Sapello Creek, at road bridge at Sapello; Canadian River basin
    AL - Poplar Creek.
    NM - Una de Gato Creek, at Eagle Tail Road, off NM State HWY 193, Alice Moore Ranch.
    AL - N. America; USA; Alabama; Escambia; Jernigan Mill Creek at US Hwy 31, 0.66 mi N of Pollard
    AL - Eden Creek
    AL - Hall Creek at unnumbered Co. Rd.
    KS - Verdigris River
    NM - Rayado Creek, approximately 1.0 mile downstream of NM County Road C12, Miami Lane bridge.
    NM - Cimarron River, ca. 1 mile upstream of HWY 21 bridge crossing.
    AL - N. America; USA; Alabama; Escambia; Jernigan Mill Creek at US Hwy 31/29, ca. 0.66 mi N of Pollard
    FL - N. America; USA; Florida; Walton; Alice Creek, 9.5 mi S of De Funiak Springs
    FL - Buck Branch, 1.25 mi N of FL Hwy 280, 7 mi W of De Funiak Springs
    NM - Cimarron River on US 85 at Springer
    NM - North Ponil Creek, approximately 0.75 miles upstream of South Ponil confluence, Philmont Boy Scout Ranch, off NM State HWY 204.
    NM - North Ponil Creek, at the northern boundary of Philmont Boy Scout Ranch, ca. 1.4 kilometer upstream of Cook Canyon, off US HWY 64.
    FL - Glen Julia at Glen Julia Park near Mount Pleasant
    NM - Cimarron River, at USGS Gauge Station 072070000, near town of Cimarron, Philmont Boy Scout Ranch, off US HWY 64.
    AL - Hall Creek at unnumbered road
    GA - Small creek on Hwy 97, 50 ft on Georgia side of Georgia-Florida line.
    NM - Mora River at Watrus.
    NM - Coyote Creek, at NM State HWY 434 crossing, ca. 1.4 miles south of the intersection of NM State HWY 434 and 120, south of Black Lake.
    WY - Savory Creek, 6.0 miles north of Savory.
    NM - Coyote Creek, at NM State HWY 434 crossing, ca. 1.4 miles south of the intersection of NM State HWY 434 and 120, south of Black Lake.
    AL - N. America; USA; Alabama; Escambia; Jernigan Mill Creek at US Hwy 31, 0.66 mi N of Pollard
    AL - Mill Creek, 1.2 mi.SE of Gordon, Hwy.95
    NM - Canadian River, approximately 4.5 kilometers downstream of Chicorica Creek Confluence, off US HWY 85.
    AL - North America | USA | Alabama | Henry | Foster Creek, ca. 7 miles N Columbia on Rt.95; drainage: Apalachicola River
    NM - Tributary Cimarron River along US 85, South side of Springer
    NM - Rito Vegoso, at Gallinas River confluence off NM County Road 24, south of Las Vegas National Wildlife Refuge.
    NM - Vermejo River, at TX diversion dam, from Pooler Canyon confluence to 0.3 kilometer upstream, Vermejo Park Ranch, off NM State HWY 555.
    AL - N. America; USA; Alabama; Henry; Spivey Mill Creek (was Little Omusee Creek), 3 mi NE of Headland on Co. Rd. 99 (was US Hwy 241)
    FL - Bear Creek trib. to Sweetwater Creek, 1.3 mi. E of Munson; Hwy. 4.
    FL - Sandy Creek, 1 mi W of jct. 183A on Hwy 183
    NM - Pecos River, at Villanueva State Park, ca. 3.7 kilometers downstream of NM State HWY 3, east of Villanueva.
    NM - Mora River, near Loma Parda on Wind River Ranch, off NM State HWY 161, mile marker 16, ca. 13.75 kilometers upstream from Interstate 25.
    NM - Arroyo Pecos at E edge of Las Vegas.
    FL - N. America; USA; Florida; Okaloosa; Gum Springs Creek, 3 mi N of Milligan
    AL - N. America; USA; Alabama; Covington; Unnamed tributary to Lightwood Knot Creek
    OK - Clear Boggy Creek at bridge
    NM - Vermejo River, ca. 0.3 kilometer downstream of Speilman Canyon confluence, off Speilman Road.
    AL - Blue Spring Run, Conecuh River, 2.1 airmi NE of Dixie; T2N R14E S6
    AL - N. America; USA; Alabama; Escambia; Jernigan Mill Creek at US Hwy 31, 0.66 mi N of Pollard
    NM - Una de Gato Creek, approximately 5 kilometer upstream of confluence with Chicorica Creek, of US HWY 87.
    NM - Coyote Creek, near confluence with Mora River, Thal Ranch.
    NM - Mora River, at La Cueva, junction of NM State HWY 518 and 442.
    NM - Vermejo River, at old Stage House.
    NM - Moreno Creek, north inlet of Eagle Nest Lake, Eagle Nest.
    FL - Juniper Creek, at FL Hwy 399, 1.5 mi W of Whitfield
    WY - Savery Creek, northeast of Savery at mouth of Big Sandstone Creek.
    NM - Vermejo River, ca. 4.0 miles downstream of US HWY 64, 0.2 miles upstream of Van Bremmer Creek.
    AL - Hall Creek at unnumbered road
    AL - Boggy Branch trib. of Sepulga R., 4.8 mi. SW of McKenzie on Rt. 84
    AL - Trib. to Abbie Creek 5 mi. N Headland, Hwy. 431.
    NM - Mora River, off NM State HWY 97 east of Valmora and west of Shoemaker.
    AL - N. America; USA; Alabama; Geneva; Small spring behind Highfall Church, 5.75 airmi NE of Choctawhatchee River Bridge
    NM - Canadian River, in York Canyon off of NM State HWY 555 at mile post 6.0, west of Raton.
    NM - Canadian River, from 4.4 to 4.5 miles downstream of the New Mexico/Colorado boder, Vermejo Park Ranch, off US HWY 85.
    NM - Pecos Arroyo, above Gallinas River confluence at NM County Road 23, east of US Interstate 25, Las Vegas.
    NM - Canadian River, from 3.5 to 3.6 miles downstream of Stubblefield Canyon Road, Vermejo Park Ranch, off US HWY 85.
    NM - Canadian River, from Coal Canyon downstream ca. 0.3 miles, National Rifle Association Whittington Center, off NM State HWY 555.
    NM - Pecos River, at River Ranch above Santa Rosa Lake USGS Gauging Station No. 08382650, ca 11.5 kilometers southeast of Colonias.
    AL - Persimmon Creek, 0.5 mi E of Greenville; Conecuh River system
    NM - Vermejo River, immediately below Leandro Creek on Vermejo Park Ranch.
    AL - Jernigan Mill Creek at US Hwy 31, 0.66 mi N of Pollard
    NM - Pecos River, at the U.S. HWY 60 bridge, directly west of Fort Sumner.
    NM - Sapello River, at SR 266, in Las Tusas, 1.7 air miles WSW Sapello
    NM - Canadian River, ca. 0.30 to 0.35 mile downstream of the confluence with Cimarron River, east of Raton.
    NM - Mora River, at Shoemaker Bridge, NM State HWY 97.
    NM - Stubblefield Lake and Vermejo River above.
    ME - Ogunquit R. on US 1 in Ogunquit
    NM - Pecos River, at the town of Fort Sumner.
    OK - Mingo Creek on Highway 33, 6 miles East of Tulsa
    NM - Mora River 6 mi. SE of Mora, NM Hwy. 3.
    GA - Spring near entrance of Abrams Creek into Flint River, about 11 mi NE of Albany; Flint R -> Apalachicola R dr.
    WY - Site Name: Sage Creek. Township: 1n, Range: 1w, Section: 5nw. Maps: 250k-Thermopolis, 24k-Fort Washakie, 100k-Riverton. Downstream Landmark: Norkok Meadows Cr.
    CO - Clear Creek, ca. 1/2 mi N of NW city limits of Denver, several mi above confluence of Clear Cr. & South Platte R
    NM - Ponil Creek, upstream of US HWY 64 bridge crossing.
    NM - Middle Ponil Creek, at the western boundry of Elliot Barker Wildlife Area, off NM State HWY 204.
    FL - Pine Barren Creek on dirt road off Hwy. 99; T5N R32W Sec. 20.
    AL - N. America; USA; Alabama; Escambia; Hall Creek at unnumbered road
    AL - N. America; USA; Alabama; Dale; Claybank Creek, 3.5 mi SW of Ozark near jct. AL Hwy 27 & US Hwy 231
    AL - Jernigan Mill Creek at US Hwy 31, 0.66 mi N of Pollard
    AL - Choctawhatchee River at US 84 bridge E of Clayhatchee.
    AL - Conecuh River, 3 mi NW of Andalusia on US Hwy 84
    NM - Coyote Creek, just below Guadalupita, trib to Mora River -> Canadian River
    TX - Big Brown Creek
    AL - Pea River tributary, at Hwy 6, 1 mi E of Kingston
    AL - Mill Creek, trib to Omusee Cr., 3.9 airmi NNW of Webb, co.rd.
    NM - Chicorica Creek, ca. 0.50 meters downstream of Lake Maloya outfall, off NM State HWY 72, Sugarite Canyon State Park.
    AL - Cedar Creek, 2.7 airmi NE of Pansey; T3N R29E S32E
    NM - Gallinas River, at Hot Springs above Las Vegas; Pecos River basin
    AL - N. America; USA; Alabama; Covington; Poplar Creek.
    NM - Chicorica Creek, at confluence with Blosser Arroyo, off NM State HWY 193, east of Raton, Alice Moore Ranch.
    AL - Jernigan Mill Creek at US Hwy 31, 0.66 mi N of Pollard
    AL - N. America; USA; Alabama; Covington; Eden Creek
    AL - N. America; USA; Alabama; Escambia; Hall Creek at unnumbered Co. Rd.
    NM - Jarosa Creek, ca. 0.75 mile upstream of its confluence with Coyote Creek, off of NM state HWY 434.
    NM - Raton Creek, at US HWY 85/87 and railroad bridge crossing, east of Raton.
    NM - Ponil Creek, immediately upstream of of Cimarron River confluence, off NM State HWY 204.
    AL - Jernigan Mill Creek at US Hwy 31/29, ca. 0.66 mi N of Pollard
    FL - N. America; USA; Florida; Okaloosa; Little Rocky Cr, 6 mi NE of Niceville, FL on Hwy 285
    FL - N. America; USA; Florida; Walton; Alice Cr, White Branch, 9.5 mi S of De funiak Springs
    NM - Mora River, 1 mile SE of Valmora
    NM - Ponil Creek, just downstream of the confluence of the North and South Ponil at the eastern boundary of Philmont Boy Scout Ranch, off US HWY 64.
    NM - North Ponil Creek, approximately 2.8 miles downstream of the northern boundary of Philmont Boy Scout Ranch, off US HWY 64.
    CO - Colorado River, Hot Sulfur Springs
    NM - Rayado Creek, ca. 3.2 miles upstream of NM State HWY 21 bridge, Philmont Boy Scout Ranch.
    AL - N. America; USA; Alabama; Escambia; Hall Creek at unnumbered road
    SC - Station GC-05. Approximately 2 miles northeast of the center of Simpsonville, on League Road
    NM - Gallina River, vicinity of El Porvenir.
    NM - Rayado Creek, on Philmont Scout Ranch.
    WY - Little Snake River, north of Baggs at WY State HWY 789.
    AL - MacRae Cr., 11.8 mi E of Abbeville on Ala.10
    AL - Jernigan Mill Creek at US Hwy 31, 0.66 mi N of Pollard
    WY - Louis Lake, northwest of WY State HWY 28, Bridger National Forest.
    NM - Canadian River, at New Mexico County Road A9 or Tinaja Road crossing, approximately 1.7 kilometers upstream of Tinaja Creek confluence.
    TX - Salt Fork of Red River, 2mi W of Ashtola
    GA - Tabler Creek trib. to Oconee River, 2 mi. N of jct. Hwys. 441 & 22 of County Rt. S1083.
    FL - Canoe Creek 0.1 miles South of State Highway 168
    NM - Vermejo River, Vermejo Park Ranch.
    AL - N. America; USA; Alabama; Barbour; Hamm Creek, 4.25 mi SW of Baker Hill (East Fork Choctawhatchee River)
    NM - Coyote Creek, at NM State HWY 434 crossing, just downstream of Black Lakes and south of Black Lake (town).
    FL - N. America; USA; Florida; Walton; Sandy Creek, 1 mi W of jct. 183A on Hwy 183
    NM - Vermejo River, ca. 1.1 to 1.3 miles upstream from confluence with Leandro Creek, Vermejo Park Ranch.
    NM - Mora River, at Wind River Ranch Headquarters, off NM State HWY 161, mile marker 16, ca. 12 kilometers upstream from Interstate 25.
    FL - Gum Springs Creek, 3 mi N of Milligan
    NM - Mora River, ca. 0.2 kilometer upstream of NM State HWY 518 bridge.
    OK - Muddy Boggy Creek at bridge
    NM - Vermejo River, from 1.6 to 1.8 miles upstream of Dawson, Vermejo Park Ranch, near old gauging station, off US HWY 64.
    AL - N. America; USA; Alabama; Barbour; Sikes Creek, 9/10 mi NE of Clio, at Hwy 23
    AL - Jernigan Mill Creek at US Hwy 31, 0.66 mi N of Pollard
    NM - York Canyon, at Vermejo Park.
    OK - Lake Texoma
    NM - Rito Cebolla, ca. 5.0 miles south of La Cueva off NM State HWY 518.
    NM - Vermejo River, 6.0 miles below Vermejo Park Headquarters near York Canyon confluence.
    NM - Vermejo Ditch, at inlet to Stubblefield Lake, downstream from flood control channel.
    FL - N. America; USA; Florida; Santa Rosa; Juniper Creek, at FL Hwy 399, 1.5 mi W of Whitfield
    AL - Tributary to Patsaliga Creek, 2 mi N (& E) on US Hwy 29, on a farm road (Co. Rd. 59) from Luverne to Petrey
    NM - Vermejo River, ca. 4 miles west of US Interstate 25 bridge on Vermejo Park Ranch.
    AL - N. America; USA; Alabama; Escambia; Hall Creek at unnumbered road
    AL - Jay Branch of Mill Cr., 2.4 mi. E of Evergreen; trib. of Murder Cr.
    AL - Omussee Creek, 6 mi. N Dotham, Hwy. 431.
    AL - Poplar Creek.
    AL - Small spring behind Highfall Church, 5.75 airmi NE of Choctawhatchee River Bridge
    NM - Cimarron River, at NM State HWY 21 bridge in Springer.
    NM - Canadian River, from 6.7 to 6.8 miles downstream of the New Mexico/Colorado border, Vermejo Park Ranch, off US HWY 85.
    NM - Potato Canyon, east of Raton on NM State HWY 555.
    NM - Canadian River, at confluence with Bruggerman Canyon, Vermejo Park Ranch, off US HWY 85.
    NC - No Known Tributary of Jumping Run, Kinston
    WY - Loco Creek, north of Savery and ca. Savery Creek confluence.
    NM - Canadian River, from 0.6 to 0.8 miles downstream of confluence with Number Five Canyon, Vermejo Park Ranch of US HWY 85.
    OK - Blue River at Connerville - Pool and Riffle
    AL - Little Escambia Creek at US Hwy 31
    AL - Hall Creek at unnumbered Co. Rd.
    NM - Ute Creek, at Ute Creek Mesa, ca. 3.6 kilometer upstream of Alamocita Creek, off NM County Road L3, Mary Gonzales Ranch.
    NM - Canadian River, Dos Rios Ranch ca. 0.1 to 0.3 miles downstream of the Santa Fe Trail crossing of the Canadian River, off NM State HWY56.
    KS - Verdigris River
    NM - Vermejo River, at Juan Baca Canyon on Vermejo Park Ranch.
    NM - Canadian River, ca. 2.8 to 2.9 miles upstream of NM State HWY 56 crossing, Bill Crawford Ranch.
    AL - N. America; USA; Alabama; Escambia; Jernigan Mill Creek at US Hwy 31, 0.66 mi N of Pollard
    FL - N. America; USA; Florida; Santa Rosa; West Fork Big Coldwater Creek at Co.Rd.399, ca. 6.4 air km SE of Jay
    NM - Sapello River at Sapello, 13 mi. N of Las Vegas, NM Hwy. 3.
    KS - North Branch Verdigris River
    WY - Site Name: Sage Creek. Township: 1n, Range: 1w, Section: 5nw. Maps: 250k-Thermopolis, 24k-Fort Washakie, 100k-Riverton. Downstream Landmark: Norkok Meadows Cr.
    FL - Canoe Creek 6 mi S of Century on US Rte 29.
    NM - Mora River, 1 mi below the town of Mora; Canadian River drainage
    NM - Middle Ponil Creek, at the eastern boundry of Elliot Barker Wildlife Area, off NM State HWY 204.
    FL - Bear Creek, 0.2 mi N of FL Hwy 4, 1.6 mi E of Munson (Sweetwater Creek)
    AL - N. America; USA; Alabama; Escambia; Jernigan Mill Creek at US Hwy 31, 0.66 mi N of Pollard
    GA - Trib to Carter Creek, 3.2 mi S of Cuthbert; at US 27 bridge, Flint -> Apalachicola drainage
    AL - N. America; USA; Alabama; Henry; East Fork Choctawhatchee River, 7 mi SW of Abbeville on AL Hwy 27
    NM - Cebolla River 4 miles south of La Cueva.
    AL - Foster Cr., 4.8 airmi N of Columbia, Hwy 95
    CO - Coal Creek.
    FL - Muddy Prong Yellow Leaf Creek at Co. Rd. 450, 1.5 mi SE of Westover
    NM - Cebolla Creek 4 miles south of La Cueva.
    AL - Little Escambia Creek at US Hwy 31
    NM - Chicorica Creek, ca. 0.65 miles downstream from Lake Alice, off NM State HWY 72, Sugarite Canyon State Park.
    NM - Canadian River, at Cimarron River Confluence.
    WY - Unnamed (Big Gulch). Maps: 250k-Rawlins, 24k-Grieve Reservoir, 100k-Baggs. Township:13n, Range:88w, Section:19ne.
    AL - Foley Creek (Forest Service map) or Monroe Creek on Co. map at Hwy 53, ca 4 mi SW Dixie.
    NM - Blosser Arroyo, at Eagle Trail Road, off NM State HWY 193, Alice Moore Ranch.
    NM - Raton Creek, at diversion spillway,off US HWY 87, Raton, McAiliffe Ranch.
    AL - Hall Creek at unnumbered road
    NM - Springer Ditch, immediately below diversion dam, at confluence of Ponil Creek and Cimarron River, off NM State HWY 58.
    MA - Charles River just E of Medway
    NM - Una de Gato Creek, immediately downstream of Throttle Dam, Johnson Park, off NM County Road A-40.
    NM - Cimarron River, immediately downstream of Rayado Creek confluence, off NM State HWY 21, west of Springer.
    GA - Flint River .5 mi E Cuthbert on US 82
    FL - Little Rocky Cr, 6 mi NE of Niceville, FL on Hwy 285
    FL - Alice Cr, White Branch, 9.5 mi S of De funiak Springs
    KS - North Branch Verdigris River
    CO - Clear Creek, in Denver at Interstate 76 bridge, between Lowell Blvd and US State HWY 287.
    NM - Middle Ponil Creek, ca. 0.9 miles downstream of Elliot Barker Wildlife Management Area south boundary, Philmont Boy Scout Ranch, off NM State HWY 204.
    AL - Omussee Cr., 5.8 mi. NE of Dothan on Rt. 241
    NM - Rayado Creek, ca. 0.5 miles upstream of NM State HWY 21 bridge, Philmont Boy Scout Ranch.
    AL - N. America; USA; Alabama; Escambia; Jernigan Mill Creek at US Hwy 31, 0.66 mi N of Pollard
    FL - Milligan Creek, Eglin Air Force Base Rd. 211
    AL - Hall Creek at unnumbered Co. Rd.
    AL - Chattahoochee R., 3.6 mi S of Columbia, HWY 95
    WY - Little Snake River, at HWY 70, 1.0 miles west of the town of Dixon.
    AL - Foster Cr., 5.0 mi N of Columbia, HWY 95
    NM - Mora River, Co. Rt. 97, 6 mi E jct. I-25, (Canadian River- Mississippi River Dr.)
    FL - Lindsey Branch trib. to Tombigbee River 6.6 mi. N of Pickensville.
    AL - Hall Creek at unnumbered road
    NM - Tinaja Creek, approximately 2.0 kilometer upstream of confluence with Canadian River, off US HWY 85.
    NM - Una de Gato Creek, approx 2.6 kilometer downstream of US HWY 64 bridge crossing.
    AL - Hays Creek at Hwy 189, 10 mi SW of Slba (Pea River)
    FL - Big Horse Creek, at FL Hwy 2, 3 mi E of Blackman
    NM - Vermejo River, ca. 1.75 kilometer upstream of Caliente Canyon confluence, off Speilman Road.
    AL - Hamm Creek, 4.25 mi SW of Baker Hill (East Fork Choctawhatchee River)
    WY - Little Savory Creek, northeast of Savery and ca. McCarty Canyon Road.
    KS - Simmons Creek
    NM - Vermejo River, ca. 0.8 to 0.9 miles upstream from its confluence with Rock Creek, Vermejo Park Ranch, off Cimarron Road.
    FL - Bull Hide Creek, at FL Hwy 285, 7.5 mi W of Defuniak Springs
    NM - Coyote Creek, 3.6 miles north of Guadalupita, off NM State HWY 434.
    NM - Mora River, ca. 3.0 kilometer downstream of Loma Parda, off NM State HWY 161.
    WY - Cottonwood Creek, a tributary to the Little Snake River, north of Dixon.
    NM - Vermejo River, ca. 3.7 kilometer downstream of Dawson, off US HWY 64.
    AL - Sikes Creek, 9/10 mi NE of Clio, at Hwy 23
    WY - Small pond on Battle Creek, ca. 580 meters upstream of Little Snake River, southwest of Rambler, WY or east of Savery, WY.
    CO - Big Creek Lake, North Park.
    SC - Station GC-12. About 0.5 miles north of the center of Mauldin, near the intersection of Bridges Road and Butler Avenue
    NM - Una de Gato Creek, immediately downstream of US HWY 64 bridge crossing.
    NM - Sapello River, at Sapello.
    FL - Escambia River tributary, at FL Hwy 184, 5.7 air miles NW of Pace
    NM - Cimarron River, 4.0 miles east of Cimarron and 1.0 mile south of NM State HWY 58, off Deer Run Road.
    FL - Tenmile Creek, 1.3 mi N of FL Hwy 184
    AL - N. America; USA; Alabama; Crenshaw; Tributary to Patsaliga Creek, 2 mi N (& E) on US Hwy 29, on a farm road (Co. Rd. 59) from Luverne to Petrey
    NM - Vermejo River, ca. 0.85 miles east of Interstate 25 bridge, on Vermejo Park Ranch.
    AL - N. America; USA; Alabama; Escambia; Jernigan Mill Creek at US Hwy 31, 0.66 mi N of Pollard
    KS - N. Fork Solomon River, SE Edmond upstream from bridge
    NM - Ocate Creek, just south of Colmor.
    AL - N. America; USA; Alabama; Covington; Poplar Creek.
    NM - Doggett Creek, tributary to Raton Creek, between Raton wastewater treatment facility outfall and Raton Creek confluence.
    FL - N. America; USA; Florida; Walton; Blount Mill Creek on Eglin AFB rd 400 ca 12 mi SW of Defuniak Springs.
    NM - Canadian River, off channel pond spillway ca. 9.3 miles downstream of the New Mexico/Colorado border, Vermejo Park Ranch off US HWY 85.
    NM - Chicorica Creek, upstream of Lake Alice along NM State HWY 526, Sugarite Canyon State Park.
    NM - Canadian River, at its confluence with Shingle Mill Canyon, Vermejo Park Ranch, off US HWY 85.
    WY - Green River, at Big Sandy River confluence, Seedskadee National Wildlife Refuge.
    AL - McRae Creek 11.8 mi. E of Abbeville at Hwy. 10.
    NM - Canadian River, ca. 0.3 miles downstream of confluence with Jones Canyon, Vermejo Park Ranch, off US HWY 85, near New Mexico/Colorado border.
    AL - N. America; USA; Alabama; Escambia; Jernigan Mill Creek at US Hwy 31, 0.66 mi N of Pollard
    AL - N. America; USA; Alabama; Escambia; Little Escambia Creek at US Hwy 31
    AL - N. America; USA; Alabama; Escambia; Hall Creek at unnumbered Co. Rd.
    NM - Ute Creek, at confluence with Asperos Canyon, off NM County Road L, west of Buyeros, Mary Gonzales Ranch.
    NM - Cieneguilla Creek, at south Angel Fire road, south of town of Angel Fire.
    AL - N. America; USA; Alabama; Geneva; Sandy Creek, near Powell's Airport S of Geneva, ca. 6 mi, near Leddon Community (Pea River)
    NM - Vermejo River, above Caliente Canyon.
    FL - Small trib. to Blackwater River 7 mi. E of Jay, Hwy. 4.
    AL - Jernigan Mill Creek at US Hwy 31, 0.66 mi N of Pollard
    FL - West Fork Big Coldwater Creek at Co.Rd.399, ca. 6.4 air km SE of Jay
    AL - N. America; USA; Alabama; Geneva; Spring Creek, 2.5 mi NE of Black on Black-Hartford Hwy
    NM - Ute Creek, ca. 4.4 kilometer upstream of US HWY 56 bridge, Wesley Floyd Ranch.
    FL - N. America; USA; Florida; Holmes; Blue Creek at Ponce de Leon at roadside park along US Hwy 90
    AL - Foster Creek 4.9 mi N of Columbia on St Hwy 95.
    NM - Sapello R, trib to Mora R, at Watrous, an upper trib of Red River (Canadian R system), Mora-San Miguel Co line
    NM - Middle Ponil Creek, in Chase Canyon, at NM State HWY 204 bridge crossing.
    FL - N. America; USA; Florida; Santa Rosa; Bear Creek, 0.2 mi N of FL Hwy 4, 1.6 mi E of Munson (Sweetwater Creek)
    AL - Jernigan Mill Creek at US Hwy 31, 0.66 mi N of Pollard
    SC - Station GC-07. Just inside the Simpsonville city limits, 1.4 mi southeast of intersection between Stokes Rd and SC 14
    AL - East Fork Choctawhatchee River, 7 mi SW of Abbeville on AL Hwy 27
    NM - Rio Fernando de Taos, at Fred Baca Park in Taos.
    WY - Little Snake River, downstream of Baggs and downstream of CO County Road 4n bridge.
    CO - Coal Creek.
    FL - N. America; USA; Alabama; Shelby; Muddy Prong Yellow Leaf Creek at Co. Rd. 450, 1.5 mi SE of Westover
    AL - Rawls Point, 1.5 mi from Gantt
    AL - N. America; USA; Alabama; Escambia; Little Escambia Creek at US Hwy 31
    NM - Chicorica Creek, ca. 1.0 mile south of Carisbrook, at diversion dam, off NM State HWY 72, Jim Bennett Ranch.
    SC - Bohemie Swamp, 13 miles S of Richland, [see georeference remarks]
    WY - Unnamed (Big Gulch). Maps: 250k-Rawlins, 24k-Grieve Reservoir, 100k-Baggs. Township:13n, Range:88w, Section:19ne.
    AL - N. America; USA; Alabama; Escambia; Foley Creek (Forest Service map) or Monroe Creek on Co. map at Hwy 53, ca 4 mi SW Dixie.
    SC - Station UE-06. Before Western South Carolina Sewer Authority monitoring station on Tubbs Mountain Road
    NM - Chicorica Creek, at confluence with Raton Creek, off US HWY 87, southeast of Raton, Alice Moore Ranch.
    AL - N. America; USA; Alabama; Escambia; Hall Creek at unnumbered road
    NM - Cimarron River, just downstream of C 12 Road, Miami Lane bridge crossing , ca 0.1 kilometer.
    GA - Trib. of Muckalee Cr., 3.4 mi. N jct. of Rts. 19 & 280 at S city limits of Americus on Rt. 19, 11 mi. S of Ellaville
    NM - Dry Cimarron River, at the confluence with Sumpters Canyon, ca.7.1 kilometer by road, downstream of the Junction of NM Hwy 456 and 551 on NM Hwy 456.
    NM - Cimarron River, ca. 2.5 miles upstream of US Interstate 25 bridge crossing.
    GA - N. America; USA; Georgia; Randolph; Flint River .5 mi E Cuthbert on US 82
    AL - Hays Creek on St Rte 189, 8 air mi SW of Elba.
    FL - Alice Creek, 9.5 mi S of De Funiak Springs
    FL - N. America; USA; Florida; Walton; Buck Branch, 1.25 mi N of FL Hwy 280, 7 mi W of De Funiak Springs
    CO - Clear Creek, at the city of Golden.
    NM - South Ponil Creek, ca. 1.2 miles downstream of Middle Ponil confluence, Philmont Boy Scout Ranch, off NM State HWY 204.
    TX - 8 mi S Palestine
    WY - Big Gulch Creek, northeast of Savery and upstream of Big Gulch Road crossing.
    AL - Jernigan Mill Creek at US Hwy 31, 0.66 mi N of Pollard
    FL - N. America; USA; Florida; Okaloosa; Milligan Creek, Eglin Air Force Base Rd. 211
    AL - N. America; USA; Alabama; Escambia; Hall Creek at unnumbered Co. Rd.
    CO - Clear Creek, ca. 1/2 mi N of NW city limits of Denver, several mi above confluence of Clear Cr & South Platte R
    NM - Sapello River, immediately above NM State HWY 518.
    NM - Canadian River, approximately 1.7 kilometer downstream of Curtis Creek Confluence, off US HWY 85.
    NM - York Canyon, at Vermejo Park.

Semotilus corporalis

    TN - Drainage of Lake Kanasatka at Hwy. 25, 1 mi. E Center Harbor.
    SD - Bardy Brook trib. to cold stream at western edge of Enfield, Hwy. 155.
    VA - Reed Cr. trib. to New R. S of Max Meadows, VA 121
    VA - Elliot Creek. Coordinates From Map, Not Gps.

Typha angustifolia

    IL - Knox College Field Station. 4 mi. S of Victoria [Green Oaks Biological Field Station]
    IL - East Fork Lake (Olney Lake)[Collected at] in Olney. An abundant herb growing in wet sand-loam in the open.
    IL - South of Hennepin Canal, Milan. Habitat: wetland.
    MI - 3 mi E of Cheboygan. Duncan Bay, Lake Huron T38N R1W S34 NE1/4 of SW1/4
    WI - Ponds in gravel pit. Small semi-permanent ponds in old gravel pit; with Typha latifolia (more abundant) and little else.

Umbra limi

    ND - Mouse River (Souris). Township:158n, Range:76w, Section 25nw. Maps: 250k-Minot, 24k-Towner NW, 100k-Velva. Downstream Landmark:J. Clark Sayler, Nwr.
    SD - Owen's Creek.
    ND - Souris River. Maps: 250k-Minot, 24k-Upham, 100k-Bottineau. Township:159n, Range:78w, Section:12ne. Downstream Landmark:Dam No. 326, 1.90 Miles NW. Upstream Landmark:Dam No. 320, 1.75 Miles SE.
    OH - Cherry Valley Run, 0.4 miles dst Washingtonville waste water treatment plant RM 2, OH
    TN - Rhea Springs Hatchery (origin of parental stock unknown), [ca. 85.8 kilometers WSW center] Knoxville
    MA - Mill River, Amherst, just below Rt. 116.
    SD - Owen's Creek.
    VT - Ethan Allen Homestead, off Rt 127 (Skelly Site VT-50)
    OH - Middle Fork Little Beaver Creek, SR 165 RM 28.8, north of Salem OH
    OH - Middle Fork Little Beaver Creek, Georgetown Rd RM 40.3, OH
    OH - water unknown, Section 23, ~0.1 mi W of Rockbridge, Good Hope township
    OH - Buck Run, at pipeline adjacent SR 324 RM 2.8, 2.32 miles southwest of Rockbridge OH, Good Hope township
    VT - Ethan Allen Homestead, off Rt 127 (Skelly Site VT-50)
    OH - Middle Fork Little Beaver Creek, ust Salem waste water treatment plant RM 38.3, OH
    MA - Longmeadow, Rasberry Brook, collected in pool where brook crosses the railroad tracks.
    OH - Scioto River, near Circleville, ~0.7 mi W of Circleville, Circleville township
    ND - Souris River. Maps: 250k-Minot, 24k-Upham, 100k-Bottineau. Township:159n, Range:78w, Section:12ne. Downstream Landmark:Dam No. 326, 1.90 Miles NW. Upstream Landmark:Dam No. 320, 1.75 Miles SE.
    VT - Black River
    ND - Mouse River (Souris). Township:158n, Range:76w, Section 25nw. Maps: 250k-Minot, 24k-Towner NW, 100k-Velva. Downstream Landmark:J. Clark Sayler, Nwr.
    OH - East Branch Middle Fork Little Beaver Creek, Leetonia Rd RM 3, OH
    TN - Rhea Springs Hatchery (origin of parental stock unknown), [ca. 85.8 kilometers WSW center] Knoxville
    VA - NA


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Citation information: U.S. Geological Survey. [2024]. Nonindigenous Aquatic Species Database. Gainesville, Florida. Accessed [12/9/2024].

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For general information and questions about the database, contact Wesley Daniel. For problems and technical issues, contact Matthew Neilson.