Reference Viewer

Cut-and-Paste Reference:
Holton, G.D. 1990. A field guide to Montana fishes. Montana Department of Fish, Wildlife and Parks Helena, MT.
Reference Details:
Reference Number: 208
Type: Book
Author: Holton, G.D.
Date (year): 1990
Title:A field guide to Montana fishes.
Publisher:Montana Department of Fish, Wildlife and Parks Helena, MT
Publisher Location:
Pages: 104 pp
Keywords: Montana fishes
Species Profiles and Specimens that use this Reference:

Ambloplites rupestris

    MT - Tongue River from WY state line to Yellowstone River
    WY - Tongue River

Ameiurus melas

    MT - Little Missouri drainage
    MT - Yellowstone drainage
    MT - Missouri drainage, eastern half
    MT - Flathead River
    MT - Clark Fork
    MT - Kootenai drainage
    MT - Missouri-Poplar (HUC6) non-specific
    MT - Yellowstone drainage, lower
    MT - Powder (HUC6) non-specific
    MT - Tongue (HUC6) non-specific
    MT - Big Horn (HUC6) non-specific
    MT - Yellowstone drainage, upper
    MT - Musselshell (HUC6) non-specific
    MT - Fort Peck Reservoir
    MT - Milk (HUC6) non-specific
    MT - Missouri drainage, upper
    MT - Missouri Headwaters (HUC6) non-specific

Ameiurus natalis

    MT - Yellowstone River
    MT - Tongue River
    MT - Powder River, lower
    MT - Beaver Creek of Little Missouri drainage
    MT - Yellowstone drainage, lower
    MT - Yellowstone drainage, upper

Carassius auratus

    MT - Clark Fork drainage
    MT - state non-specific
    MT - Yellowstone drainage
    MT - Little Missouri drainage
    MT - Missouri drainage, upper
    MT - Marias (HUC6) non-specific
    MT - Tongue (HUC6) non-specific
    MT - Missouri Headwaters (HUC6) non-specific
    MT - Yellowstone drainage, upper

Coregonus artedi

    MT - Fort Peck Reservoir
    MT - Fort Peck Reservoir
    MT - Fort Peck Reservoir
    MT - Missouri River from North Dakota to Judith River
    MT - Fort Peck Reservoir
    MT - Fort Peck Reservoir
    MT - Fort Peck Reservoir
    MT - Missouri-Poplar (HUC6) non-specific
    MT - Missouri drainage, upper
    MT - Missouri River from North Dakota to Judith River (central part of st

Coregonus clupeaformis

    MT - Flathead Lake, downstream to around Columbia Falls
    MT - Clark Fork from Noxon Reservoir to Idaho
    MT - Nelson Reservoir
    MT - Fresno Reservoir

Cyprinus carpio

    MT - Little Missouri drainage
    MT - Yellowstone drainage
    MT - state non-specific
    MT - Powder (HUC6) non-specific
    MT - Tongue (HUC6) non-specific
    MT - Milk (HUC6) non-specific
    MT - Missouri-Poplar (HUC6) non-specific
    MT - Yellowstone drainage, lower
    MT - Yellowstone drainage, upper
    MT - Fort Peck Reservoir
    MT - Musselshell (HUC6) non-specific
    MT - Marias (HUC6) non-specific
    MT - Missouri drainage, upper

Esox lucius

    MT - Yellowstone basin, eastern half
    MT - Little Missouri drainage
    MT - state non-specific
    MT - Clark Fork drainage
    MT - Kootenai drainage

Esox lucius × masquinongy

    MT - Little Missouri drainage
    MT - Yellowstone basin, eastern half
    MT - a few small reservoirs east of the Continental Divide in Missouri basin

Fundulus zebrinus

    MT - Yellowstone drainage
    MT - Little Missouri River
    MT - Fort Peck Reservoir, SE fork
    MT - Yellowstone drainage, lower

Gambusia affinis

    MT - scattered locations in the Missouri drainage
    MT - Flathead River, near Columbia Falls
    MT - Clark Fork River at southern end of basin
    MT - Yellowstone River near Boulder River

Gila atraria

    MT - Hebgen Lake, upper end of Madison River
    MT - Madison River from Hebgen Lake Downstream to the Missouri River to Canyon Ferry Lake

Lepomis cyanellus

    MT - Powder (HUC6) non-specific
    MT - Tongue (HUC6) non-specific
    MT - Yellowstone drainage, upper
    MT - Little Missouri drainage
    MT - Yellowstone drainage
    MT - Redwater River
    MT - Musselshell River at bend

Lepomis gibbosus

    MT - Yellowstone drainage, upper
    MT - Yellowstone drainage, lower
    MT - Marias (HUC6) non-specific
    MT - Missouri drainage, upper
    MT - Kootenai drainage
    MT - Clark Fork drainage
    MT - several locations on the western part of the Missouri River
    MT - Milk River drainage
    MT - Beaver Creek
    MT - Yellowstone River
    MT - Tongue River
    MT - Little Missouri drainage

Lepomis macrochirus

    MT - Missouri-Poplar (HUC6) non-specific
    MT - Yellowstone drainage, lower
    MT - Tongue (HUC6) non-specific
    MT - Yellowstone drainage, upper
    MT - Musselshell (HUC6) non-specific
    MT - Milk (HUC6) non-specific
    MT - Missouri River at Madison River
    MT - scattered locations in the eastern half of the Missouri basin
    MT - Yellowstone drainage
    MT - Beaver Creek
    MT - Missouri Headwaters (HUC6) non-specific

Micropterus dolomieu

    MT - Clark Fork River near ID state line
    MT - Kootenai drainage
    MT - Swan Lake
    MT - Missouri River near Hauser Dam
    MT - Fort Peck Reservoir
    MT - Milk River from Fort Peck Lake to Chinook
    MT - Musselshell River from Fort Peck Lake to just past bend
    MT - Poplar River
    MT - Yellowstone River
    MT - Tongue River
    MT - scattered localities in eastern half of Yellowstone basin

Micropterus salmoides

    MT - Missouri-Poplar (HUC6) non-specific
    MT - Tongue (HUC6) non-specific
    MT - Kootenai drainage
    MT - Clark Fork basin, northern 2/3
    MT - Little Missouri drainage
    MT - state non-specific
    MT - Yellowstone drainage
    MT - Belle Fourche (HUC6) non-specific
    MT - Yellowstone drainage, upper
    MT - Musselshell (HUC6) non-specific
    MT - Fort Peck Reservoir drainage
    MT - Milk (HUC6) non-specific
    MT - Missouri drainage, upper
    MT - Missouri Headwaters (HUC6) non-specific

Morone chrysops

    MT - Missouri River from ND to Fort Peck Lake
    MT - Yellowstone River near ND line
    ND - Lake Sakakawea (created by Garrison Dam)

Notemigonus crysoleucas

    MT - state non-specific
    MT - state non-specific
    MT - Yellowstone drainage, lower
    MT - Tongue (HUC6) non-specific
    MT - Yellowstone drainage, upper
    MT - Milk (HUC6) non-specific
    MT - Musselshell (HUC6) non-specific
    MT - Missouri drainage, upper
    MT - Missouri Headwaters (HUC6) non-specific

Notropis hudsonius

    MT - Fort Peck Lake, upstream to about Virgelle Ferry
    MT - Sun River, 1 location
    MT - Teton River, 1 location
    MT - Lake Elwell on Marias River
    MT - Lake Elwell on Marias River
    MT - Milk River, near Havre
    MT - Nelson Reservoir
    MT - Bighorn Lake
    MT - Bighorn Lake
    MT - Fort Peck Lake, upstream to about Virgelle Ferry
    MT - Sun River, 1 location
    MT - Teton River, 1 location
    MT - Lake Elwell on Marias River
    MT - Lake Elwell on Marias River
    MT - Milk River, near Havre
    MT - Nelson Reservoir
    MT - Bighorn Lake
    MT - Bighorn Lake
    MT - Fort Peck Reservoir drainage

Oncorhynchus aguabonita

    MT - Lindbergh Lake
    MT - Georgetown Lake
    MT - Georgetown Lake
    MT - Lake Agnes
    MT - Madison River, just north of Earthquake Lake
    MT - Park County, SE corner
    MT - SW corner of basin around and including Stillwater River

Oncorhynchus mykiss

    MT - Tongue (HUC6) non-specific
    MT - Musselshell (HUC6) non-specific
    MT - Fort Peck Reservoir
    MT - Milk (HUC6) non-specific
    MT - Marias (HUC6) non-specific
    MT - Missouri drainage, upper
    MT - Saskatchewan drainage

Oncorhynchus nerka

    MT - Missouri drainage, upper
    MT - Fort Peck Reservoir
    MT - Musselshell (HUC6) non-specific

Oncorhynchus tshawytscha

    MT - Fort Peck Reservoir

Osmerus mordax

    MT - Missouri River below Ft. Peck Reservoir
    MT - Yellowstone River near ND state line
    MT - Missouri River from North Dakota state line to Fort Peck Lake
    ND - Lake Sakakawea (created by Garrison Dam)

Perca flavescens

    MT - Little Missouri drainage
    MT - Yellowstone drainage
    MT - state non-specific
    MT - Clark Fork drainage
    MT - Kootenai drainage
    MT - Missouri-Poplar (HUC6) non-specific
    MT - Yellowstone drainage, lower
    MT - Tongue (HUC6) non-specific
    MT - Yellowstone drainage, upper
    MT - Musselshell (HUC6) non-specific
    MT - Fort Peck Reservoir
    MT - Milk (HUC6) non-specific
    MT - Marias (HUC6) non-specific
    MT - Missouri Headwaters (HUC6) non-specific

Poecilia latipinna

    MT - warm spring at Beaverhead Rock

Poecilia mexicana

    MT - Ruby River

Pomoxis annularis

    MT - Missouri River from Fort Peck Lake to Virgelle Ferry
    MT - Missouri River, from ND state line to Poplar
    MT - Milk River at Nelson Lake
    MT - Yellowstone River from ND state line to Bighorn River
    MT - Tongue River
    MT - Beaver Creek
    MT - Fort Peck Reservoir
    MT - Yellowstone River, lower
    MT - Yellowstone River, lower
    MT - Missouri River near the ND state line
    MT - Rosebud drainage
    MT - Missouri River just above Fort Peck Reservoir
    MT - Fort Peck Reservoir, Big Dry arm
    MT - Fort Peck Reservoir, Little Dry Arm

Pomoxis nigromaculatus

    MT - Fort Peck Reservoir
    MT - lower Big Horn
    MT - Redwater drainage
    MT - Rock drainage
    MT - Big Muddy drainage
    MT - Beaver Creek
    MT - Yellowstone River from ND state line to Bighorn River
    MT - Big Horn River drainage
    MT - Bighorn Lake
    MT - Missouri basin, most of eastern half
    MT - Cabinet Gorge Reservoir
    MT - Clark Fork near Plains
    MT - Missouri River near Madison River
    MT - Canyon Ferry Lake on the Missouri River
    MT - Lake Elwell on Marias River
    MT - Lodge drainage
    MT - Yellowstone-Lake basin, upper (Big Lake?)
    MT - Yellowstone drainage, upper
    MT - Musselshell (HUC6) non-specific
    MT - Prairie Elk-Wolf drainage
    MT - Missouri Headwaters (HUC6) non-specific
    MT - West Fork Poplar
    MT - Brush Lake closed basin
    MT - Tongue River
    MT - Wild Horse Lake
    MT - Battle drainage
    MT - Peoples drainage
    MT - Cottonwood drainage
    MT - Whitewater drainage
    MT - lower Milk drainage
    MT - Frenchman Reservoir
    MT - Beaver drainage
    MT - Porcupine drainage
    MT - middle Musselshell drainage
    MT - Flatwillow Creek
    MT - Arrow drainage (Kingsbury Lake?)
    MT - Jefferson drainage, near Three Forks
    MT - Tiber Reservoir (Lake Elwell)
    MT - Canyon Ferry Lake on the Missouri River

Salmo trutta

    MT - state non-specific
    MT - Clark Fork basin, southern half
    MT - Yellowstone basin, western half [Upper Yellowstone drainage]
    MT - Yellowstone River, almost entire length
    MT - Fort Peck Reservoir
    MT - Tongue River, upper, in vicinity of Reservoir
    MT - Yellowstone drainage, lower
    MT - Musselshell (HUC6) non-specific
    MT - Marias (HUC6) non-specific
    MT - Missouri drainage, upper

Salmo trutta × Salvelinus fontinalis

    MT - Pacific Northwest drainage
    MT - state non-specific

Salvelinus fontinalis

    MT - Kootenai drainage
    MT - Clark Fork drainage
    MT - state non-specific
    MT - SW part of Yellowstone basin
    MT - Belly drainage
    MT - St. Mary drainage
    MT - Missouri-Poplar (HUC6) non-specific
    MT - Yellowstone drainage, lower
    MT - Powder (HUC6) non-specific
    MT - Tongue (HUC6) non-specific
    MT - Musselshell (HUC6) non-specific
    MT - Marias (HUC6) non-specific
    MT - Missouri drainage, upper

Salvelinus namaycush

    MT - Tiber Reservoir (Lake Elwell)
    MT - Tiber Reservoir (Lake Elwell)
    MT - lakes around Flathead Lake
    MT - Bighorn Lake

Sander vitreus

    MT - Tongue River
    MT - Big Horn River drainage
    MT - Beaver Creek
    MT - Milk River drainage
    MT - Poplar River
    MT - Missouri River from ND state line to Canyon Ferry Lake
    MT - Marias River
    MT - Yellowstone drainage, upper
    MT - Musselshell (HUC6) non-specific
    MT - Missouri drainage, upper
    MT - Muddy drainage
    MT - lower Milk drainage
    MT - middle Milk drainage
    MT - Beaver drainage
    MT - Missouri River, above Fort Peck Reservoir
    MT - upper Milk drainage
    MT - Missouri River, upper
    MT - Holter Lake Reservoir on the upper Missouri River
    MT - Yellowstone River, lower
    MT - Yellowstone River, lower
    MT - Yellowstone drainage, upper
    MT - Tongue River, lower
    MT - Yellowstone River, upper, near state line
    MT - lower Big Horn
    MT - upper Big Horn
    MT - Clarks Fork Yellowstone
    MT - lower Musselshell drainage
    MT - middle Musselshell drainage
    MT - Petrolia Lake (?), lower Flatwillow Creek
    MT - Yellowstone River from ND state line to Billings

Thymallus arcticus

    MT - Clarks Fork Yellowstone drainage in Carbon County
    MT - Rock Creek, Granite County
    MT - Missouri-Dearborn drainage, upper western edge
    MT - Flathead Lake, (northern areas), Pend Orielle drainage
    MT - Belly drainage

Umbra limi

    MT - Blacktail Creek within the Butte city limits

Xiphophorus hellerii

    MT - Ruby River
    MT - Beaverhead River

Xiphophorus variatus

    MT - Beaverhead River
    MT - Canyon Ferry Lake on the Missouri River
    MT - Granite County


The data represented on this site vary in accuracy, scale, completeness, extent of coverage and origin. It is the user's responsibility to use these data consistent with their intended purpose and within stated limitations. We highly recommend reviewing metadata files prior to interpreting these data.

Citation information: U.S. Geological Survey. [2024]. Nonindigenous Aquatic Species Database. Gainesville, Florida. Accessed [7/26/2024].

Contact us if you are using data from this site for a publication to make sure the data are being used appropriately and for potential co-authorship if warranted.

For general information and questions about the database, contact Wesley Daniel. For problems and technical issues, contact Matthew Neilson.