Reference List

This list includes references used to derive specimen records as well as those with scientific name Potamopyrgus antipodarum listed in key words.

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REFTypeCut-and-Paste Reference
19316 News 2010. New aquatic invasive species surfaces at Tahoe. Tahoe Daily Tribune. 2010 (June 4):1 pp.
30241 Report 2017. Michigan Fishing Guide. Michigan Department of Natural Resources.
20334 Journal Article Alonso, A., and J.A. Camargo. 2003. Short-term toxicity of ammonia, nitrite, and nitrate to the aquatic snail Potamopyrgus antipodarum (Hydrobiidae, Mollusca). Bulletin of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology 70(5):1006-1012.
18191 Journal Article Alonso, A., and P. Castro-Diez. 2008. What explains the invading success of the aquatic mud snail Potamopyrgus antipodarum (Hydrobiidae, Mollusca)? Hydrobiologia 614(DOI 101007/s10750-008-9529-3):107-116.
38831 Journal Article Alonso, A., P. Castro-Díez, A. Saldana-López, and B. Gallardo. 2019. The New Zealand mud snail Potamopyrgus antipodarum (J.E. Gray, 1853) (Tateidae, Mollusca) in the Iberian Peninsula: temporal patterns of distribution. BioInvasions Records 8(2):287-300.
42323 Web Page Anonymous. 2023. Invasive New Zealand mudsnails discovered in Lake Tahoe. Created on 09/22/2023. Accessed on 09/25/2023.
42321 News Anonymous. 2023. Invasive New Zealand mudsnails discovered in Lake Tahoe. California Department of Fish and Wildlife. Created on 09/21/2023. Accessed on 09/25/2023.
42112 Database Anonymous. 2023. New Zealand Mudsnail reports. Valley Water.
33706 News Backus, P. 2019. Invasive New Zealand mud snails found at Hamilton fish hatchery. The Ravalli Republic. Hamilton, Montana. Created on 09/25/2019. Accessed on 09/25/2019.
42479 News Bartlett, A. 2023. Invasive species reported in Bay Area fish hatchery for the first time. Created on 10/15/2023. Accessed on 10/31/2023.
20366 Journal Article Baur, B., and B. Ringeis. 2002. Changes in gastropod assemblages in freshwater habitats in the vicinity of Basel (Switzerland) over 87 years. Hydrobiologia 479(1-3):1-10.
28235 Report Bear, B. 2012. 2012 aquatic invasive species monitoring results. Wyoming Game and Fish Department, Cheyenne, WY.
28236 Report Bear, B. 2013. 2013 aquatic invasive species monitoring results. Wyoming Game and Fish Department, Cheyenne, WY.
28237 Report Bear, B. 2014. 2014 aquatic invasive species monitoring and results. Wyoming Game and Fish Department, Cheyenne, WY.
28332 Database Bear, B. 2015. Wyoming AIS Detections 2010-2015. Wyoming Game and Fish Department.
17522 Journal Article Bersine, K., V.E.F. Brenneis, R.C. Draheim, A.M.W. Rub, J.E. Zamon, R.K. Litton, S.A. Hinton, M.D. Sytsma, J.R. Cordell, and J.W. Chapman. 2008. Distribution of the invasive New Zealand mudsnail (Potamopyrgus antipodarum) in the Columbia River Estuary and its first recorded occurrence in the diet of juvenile Chinook salmon (Oncorhynchus tshawytscha). Biological Invasions 10(DOI 101007/s10530-007-9213-y):1381-1388.
34233 Journal Article Bodis, E., P. Borza, I. Potyo, M. Puky, A. Weiperth, and G. Guti. 2012. Invasive mollusc, crustacean, fish and reptile species along the Hungarian stretch of the River Danube and some connected waters. Acta Zoologica Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae 58(Suppl):29-45.
9393 Journal Article Bondesen, P., and E.W. Kaiser. 1949. Hydrobia (Potamopyrgus) jenkinsi (Smith) in Denmark illustrated by its ecology. Oikos 1:252-281.
9286 Journal Article Bowler, P.A. 1991. The rapid spread of the freshwater hydrobiid snail Potamopyrgus antipodarum (Gray) in the middle Snake River, southern Idaho. Proccedings of the Desert Fishes Council 21:173-182.
9289 Journal Article Bowler, P.A., and T.J. Frest. 1991. The non-native snail fauna of the middle Snake River, southern Idaho. Proceedings of the Desert Fishes Council 23:28-44.
20405 Journal Article Broekhuizen, N., S. Parkyn, and D. Miller. 2001. Fine sediment effects on feeding and growth in the invertebrate grazers Potamopyrgus antipodarum (Gastropoda, Hydrobiidae) and Deleatidium sp. (Ephemeroptera, Leptophlebiidae). Hydrobiologia 457(1-3):125-132.
20406 Journal Article Broekhuizen, N., S. Parkyn, D. Miller, and R. Rose. 2002. The relationship between food density and short term assimilation rates in Potamopyrgus antipodarum and Deleatidium sp. Hydrobiologia 477(1-3):181-188.
33514 Journal Article Brown, K., B. Lang, K.E. Perez. 2008. The conservation ecology of North American Pleurocerid and Hydrobiid gastropods. Journal of the North American Benthological Society 27(2):484-495.
20906 Thesis or Dissertation Bruce, R.L. 2006. Methods of fish depuration to control New Zealand mudsnails at fish hatcheries. Unpublished M.S. thesis. University of Idaho, Moscow, ID.
28272 News Burns, R. 2015. Invasive New Zealand mud snails found on HSU campus. Created on 12/04/2015. Accessed on 12/21/2015.
37968 Journal Article Butkus, R., and G. Višinskienė. 2020. The aquatic invader Potamopyrgus antipodarum (Gray, 1843) is a poorer food item for benthivorous fishes than native snails. Aquatic Invasions 15(3):473-481.
34754 Journal Article Butkus, R., E. Šidagytė, V. Rakauskas, and K. Arbačiauskas. 2014. Distribution and current status of non-indigenous mollusc species in Lithuanian inland waters. Aquatic Invasions 9(1):95-103.
26266 Database California Department of Fish and Game. 2009. California Aquatic Non-native Organism Database (CANOD). California Department of Fish and Game, Office of Spill Prevention and Response. Created on 03/08/2011. Accessed on 07/20/2011.
30737 Web Page California Department of Fish and Wildlife. 2017. Invasive New Zealand mudsnails found in Carmel River -- residents and visitors urged to help prevent further spread. Created on 10/20/2017. Accessed on 10/20/2017.
37952 Database California Department of Fish and Wildlife. 2022. Collection data for New Zealand Mudsnail, provided by T. Jensen. California Department of Fish and Game, Sacramento, CA. Accessed on 03/23/2022.
39652 Database California Department of Fish and Wildlife. 2022. New Zealand mudsnail 2022 field surveys. California Department of Fish and Wildlife.
42480 News Callahan, M. 2023. Invasive New Zealand mudsnails found at Lake Sonoma fish hatchery. The Press Democrat. Created on 10/17/2023. Accessed on 10/31/2023.
26678 Web Page Casey, J. 2009. University of Washington Freshwater Ecology & Conservation Lab: Potamopyrgus antipodarum report. Created on 12/07/2009. Accessed on 01/16/2014.
24369 Database Center for Invasive Species and Ecosystem Health. 2019. EDDMapS: Early detection and distribution mapping system. The University of Georgia, Tifton, GA. Accessed on 01/27/2019.
29092 Thesis or Dissertation Cimino, S.A. 2016. An Investigation of Invasion: Boater Knowledge Concerning Aquatic Invasive Species and the Influence of the New Zealand Mud Snail on Benthic Food Webs. Unpublished M.S. thesis. Portland State University, Portland, OR.
42469 Database Colorado Parks and Wildlife. 2023. New Zealand mud snail (Potamopyrgus antipodarum) locations
. Accessed on 10/30/2023.
17666 Journal Article Cope, N.J., and M.J. Winterbourn. 2004. Competitive interactions between two successful molluscan invaders of freshwaters: an experimental study. Aquatic Ecology 38:83-91.
20465 Journal Article Costil, K., G.B.J. Dussart, and J. Daguzan. 2001. Biodiversity of aquatic gastropods in the Mont St. Michel Basin (France) in relation to salinity and drying of habitats. Biodiversity and Conservation 10(1):1-18.
25795 Database Dalton, Larry. 2012. Utah water bodies inspected for presence/absence of New Zealand mudsnail (Potamopyrgus antipodarum): an amalgamation of data collected by UDWR and others and synthesized by Larry Dalton, Aquatic Invasive Species Coordinator as ongoing updates (9-28-12). Utah Division of Wildlife Resources, Salt Lake City, UT. Created on 10/01/2012.
30635 News Dance, S. 2017. Invasive New Zealand mud snails found in Gunpowder River. The Baltimore Sun. Baltimore, MD. Created on 09/21/2017. Accessed on 09/25/2017.
18199 Journal Article Davidson, T.M., V.E.F. Brenneis, C. de Rivera, R. Draheim, and G.E. Gillespie. 2008. Northern range expansion and coastal occurrences of the New Zealand mud snail Potamopyrgus antipodarum (Gray, 1843) in the northeast Pacific. Aquatic Invasions 3(3):349-353.
38528 Journal Article Donne, C., K. Larkin, C. Adrian-Tucci, A. Good, C. Kephart, and M. Neiman. 2022. Life-history trait variation in native versus invasive asexual New Zealand mud snails. Oecologia 199:785-795.
33516 Journal Article Dorgelo, J. 1987. Density fluctuations in populations (1982–1986) and biological observations of Potamopyrgus jenkinsi in two trophically differing lakes. Hydrobiological Bulletin 21:95-110.
9394 Journal Article Dorgelo, J. 1991. Growth, food and respiration in the prosobranch snail Potamopyrgus jenkinsi (E.A. Smith)(Hydrobiidae, Mollusca). Verhandlungen des Internationalen Verein Limnologie 24:2947-2953.
13085 Journal Article Dybdahl, M.E., and C.M. Lively. 1996. The geography of coevolution: comparative population structures for a snail and its trematode parasite. Evolution 50(6):2264-2275.
13084 Journal Article Dybdahl, M.E., and C.M. Lively. 1998. Host-parasite coevolution: evidence for rare advantage and time-lagged selection in a natural population. Evolution 52(4):1057-1066.
9395 Other Cut-and-paste reference not available due to unhandled reference type. Please contact support to request the addition of the 'Other' type.
31770 Journal Article Dybdahl, M.F. and S.L. Kane. 2005. Adaptation vs. phenotypic plasticity in the success of a clonal invader. Ecology 86(6):1592-1601.
9396 Journal Article Dybdahl, M.F., and C.M. Lively. 1995. Diverse, endemic and polyphyletic clones in mixed populations of a freshwater snail (Potamopyrgus antipodarum). Journal of Evolutionary Biology 8:385-398.
31014 News Ellison, G. 2016. Invasive mud snail went unnoticed in Michigan for at least 3 years. MLive. Created on 02/02/2018. Accessed on 11/21/2016.
31344 Journal Article Evans, R.R., and S.J. Ray. 2008. Checklist of the Freshwater Snails (Mollusca:Gastropoda) of Pennsylvania, USA. Journal of the Pennsylvania Academy of Science 82(2/3):92-97.
9397 Journal Article Fox, J.A., M.F. Dybdahl, J. Jokela, and C.M. Lively. 1996. Genetic structure of coexisting sexual and clonal subpopulations in a freshwater snail (Potamopyrgus antipodarum). Evolution 50:1541-1548.
9292 Report Frest, T.J., and E. Johannes. 1991. Mollusk fauna in the vicinity of three proposed hydroelectric projects on the middle Snake River, central Idaho. Final Report, Prepared for Don Chapman Associates, Inc, Boise, Idaho Deixis Consultants, 6842 24th Ave NE, Seattle, WA 98115.
9291 Journal Article Frest, T.J., and P.A. Bowler. 1993. A preliminary checklist of the aquatic and terrestrial mollusks of the middle Snake River sub-basin. Proccedings of the Desert Fishes Council 24:53-58.
26212 Database GBIF. 2013. Global Biodiversity Information Facility (GBIF) Database. Global Biodiversity Information Facility. Accessed on 03/05/2024.
40132 Journal Article Geist, J.A., D. Ethaiya, S.D. Tiegs. 2022. Coupling gear decontamination trials and angler surveys to minimize spread of invasive New Zealand mud snails Potamopyrgus antipodarum. North American Journal of Fisheries Management 42(4):1081-1093.
38160 Journal Article Geist, J.A., J.L. Mancuso, M.M. Morin, K.P. Bommarito, E.N. Bovee, D. Wendell, B. Burroughs, M.R. Luttenton, D.L. Strayer, and S.D. Tiegs. 2022. The New Zealand mud snail (Potamopyrgus antipodarum): autecology and management of a global invader. Biological Invasions 24:905-938.
15798 Journal Article Gerard, C., A. Blanc, and K. Costil. 2003. Potamopyrgus antipodarum (Mollusca:Hydrobiidae) in continental aquatic gastropod communities: impact of salinity and trematode parasitism. Hydrobiologia 493:167-172.
33551 Journal Article Gerard, C., and J. Le Lannic. 2003. Establishment of a new host-parasite association between the introduced invasive species Potamopyrgus antipodarum (Smith) (Gastropoda) and Sanguinicola sp. Plehn (Trematoda) in Europe. Journal of Zoology (London) 261(2):213-216.
26277 Journal Article Goldberg, C.S., A. Sepulveda, A. Ray, J. Baumgardt, and L.P. Waits. 2013. Environmental DNA as a new method for early detection of New Zealand mudsnails (Potamopyrgus antipodarum). Freshwater Science 32(3):792-800.
20577 Journal Article Golding, L.A., M.H. Timperley, and C.W. Evans. 1997. Non-lethal responses of the freshwater snail Potamopyrgus antipodarum to dissolved arsenic. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment 47(3):239-254.
17446 Database Great Lakes Indian Fish and Wildlife Commission (GLIFWC). 2017. Exotic Species Information Center. Great Lakes Indian Fish and Wildlife Commission. Accessed on 01/31/2018.
13623 Journal Article Grigorovich, I.A., A.V. Korniushin, D.K. Gray, I.C. Duggan, R.I. Colautti, and H.J. MacIsaac. 2003. Lake Superior: an invasion coldspot? Hydrobiologia 499(1-3):191-210.
33567 Journal Article Gust, M., T. Buronfosse, O. Geffard, R. Mons, H. Qeau, J. Mouthon, and J. Garric. 2010. In situ biomonitoring of freshwater quality using the New Zealand mudsnail Potamopyrgus antipodarum (Gray) exposed to waster water treatment plant (WWTP) effluent discharges. Water Research 44:4517-4528.
24671 Journal Article Hall, R.O. Jr., M.F. Dybdahl, and M.C. Vanderloop. 2006. Extremely high secondary production of introduced snails in rivers. Ecological Applications 16(3):1121-1131.
13865 Journal Article Hall, R.O., J.L. Tank, and M.F. Dybdahl. 2003. Exotic snails dominate nitrogen and carbon cycling in a highly productive stream. Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment 1(8):407-411.
28747 Journal Article Hansen, B.K., A.C. Krist, and T.M. Tibbets. 2016. Foraging differences between the native snail, Fossaria sp. and the invasive New Zealand mudsnail (Potamopyrgus antipodarum) in response to phosphorus limitation. Aquatic Ecology 50(2):297-306.
30785 Database Harris, B. 2017. Collection data on non-native aquatic species in Lake Michigan. U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service - Green Bay Fish and Wildlife Conservation Office, Green Bay, WI. Accessed on 11/16/2017.
40809 Journal Article Hartzell, S.M., and J.R. Frederick. 2023. First Records of the Invasive New Zealand Mudsnail (Potamopyrgus antipodarum) in the Potomac River Basin. Northeastern Naturalist 30(1):N13-N16.
14762 Journal Article Hauser, L., G.R. Carvalho, R.N. Hughes, and R.E. Carter. 1992. Clonal Structure of the Introduced Freshwater Snail Potamopyrgus antipodarum (Prosobranchia: Hydrobiidae), as Revealed by DNA Fingerprinting. Proceedings: Biological Sciences 249(1324):19-25. URL:
9398 Journal Article Hawkins, C.P., and J.K. Furnish. 1987. Are snails important competitors in stream ecosystems? Oikos 49:209-220.
27550 News Hayes, J. 2013. Invasive snail found in classic trout stream. Pittsburgh Post-Gazette. Created on 10/20/2013. Accessed on 06/16/2015.
9399 Journal Article Haynes, A., B.J.R. Taylor, and M.E. Varley. 1985. The influence of the mobility of Potamopyrgus jenkinsi (Smith, E.A.)(Prosobranchia: Hydrobiidae) on its spread. Archives of Hydrobiologie 103:497-508.
33987 News Hemmert, J.E. and T. Daly. 2019. Invasive snails found in Santa Ana River and Bear Creek. California Department of Fish and Wildlife. Sacramento, CA. Created on 12/13/2019. Accessed on 12/17/2019.
27122 Journal Article Herbst, D.B., M.T. Bogan, and R.A. Lusardi. 2008. Low specific conductivity limits growth and survival of the New Zealand mud snail from the Upper Owens River, California. Western North American Naturalist 68(3):324-333.
9413 Journal Article Holomuzki, J.R., and B.J.F. Biggs. 1999. Distributional responses to flow disturbance by a stream-dwelling snail. Oikos 87:36-47.
13083 Journal Article Holomuzki, J.R., and B.J.F. Biggs. 2000. Taxon-specific responses to high-flow disturbance in streams: implications for population persistance. Journal of the North American Benthological Society 19(4):670-679.
24092 Database Illinois Natural History Survey. 2011. Illinois Natural History Survey Collection Databases. Illinois Natural History Survey.
24851 Database iMapInvasives. 2016. Oregon iMapInvasives. Oregon Biodiversity Information Center, Portland, OR. Accessed on 04/09/2015.
27462 Database iMapInvasives. 2018. Pennsylvania iMapInvasives. Pennsylvania Natural Heritage Program, Pittsburgh, PA. Accessed on 12/15/2016.
9365 Journal Article Jacobsen, R, V.E. Forbes, and O. Skovgaard. 1996. Genetic population structure of the prosobranch snail Potamopyrgus antipodarum (Gray) in Denmark using PCR-RAPD fingerprints. Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 263:1065-1070.
9364 Journal Article Jacobsen, R., and V.E. Forbes. 1997. Clonal variation in life-history traits and feeding rates in the gastropod, Potamopyrgus antipodarum: performance across a salinity gradient. Functional Ecology 11:260-267.
20664 Journal Article James, M.R., I. Hawes, M. Weatherhead, C. Stanger, and M. Gibbs. 2000. Carbon flow in the littoral food web of an oligotrophic lake. Hydrobiologia 441(1-3):93-106.
43138 Report Jarrett, P.L., J. Arnold, and T. Koel. 2010. Yellowstone National Park 2010 red-rimmed melania survey report. National Park Service.
20675 Journal Article Jensen, A., and V.E. Forbes. 2001. Interclonal variation in the acute and delayed toxicity of cadmium to the European prosobranch gastropod Potamopyrgus antipodarum (Gray). Archives of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology 40(2):230-235.
26733 Report Johannes, E.J. 2013. Survey for Potamopyrgus antipodarum (New Zealand mudsnail) in the Chehalis River Surge Plain Area Preserve, Grays Harbor County, Washington. Final report for Contract #SC 14-144, Washington State Department of Natural Resources. Deixis Consultants, SeaTac, WA.
19541 Report Johannes, Edward J. 2010. Survey for Potomopyrgus antipodarum (New Zealand Mudsnail) with a Five-mile Radius of Capitol Lake, Thurston County, Washington. Washington Invasive Species Council.
23449 Journal Article Jokela, J., and C.M. Lively. 1995. Spatial variation in infection by digenetic trematodes in a population of freshwater snails (Potamopyrgus antipodarum). Oecologia 103(4):509-517.
28820 Journal Article Karatayev, A.Y., S.E. Mastitsky, L.E. Burlakova, V.A. Karatayev, M.M. Hajduk and D.B. Conn. 2012. Exotic molluscs in the Great Lakes host epizootically important trematodes. Journal of Shellfish Research 31(3):885-894.
17665 Journal Article Kerans, B.L., M.F. Dybdahl, M.M. Gangloff, and J.E. Jannot. 2005. Potamopyrgus antipodarum: distribution, density, and effects on native macroinvertebrate assemblages in the Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem. Journal of the North American Benthological Society 24(1):123-138.
22911 Journal Article Krist, A.C., and C.M. Lively. 1998. Experimental exposure of juvenile snails (Potamopyrgus antipodarum) to infection by trematode larvae (Microphallus sp.): infectivity, fecundity compensation and growth. Oecologia 116(4):467-474.
16166 Journal Article Krist, A.C., Lively, C.M., Levri, E.P., and Jokela, J. 2000. Further evidence for local adaptation and unidirectional gene flow in a snail-trematode interaction. Parasitology 121:395-401.
9287 Journal Article Langenstein, S., and P. Bowler. 1991. On-going macroinvertebrate analysis using the biotic condition index and the appearance of Potamopyrgus antipodarum (Gray) in Box Canyon Creek, southern Idaho. Proccedings of the Desert Fishes Council 21:183-194.
23207 Journal Article Leppäkoski, E., and S. Olenin. 2000. Non-native species and rates of spread: lessons from the brackish Baltic Sea. Biological Invasions 2(2):151-163.
31155 Journal Article Levri, E. P., Landis, S., Smith, B., Colledge, E., Metz, E., and X. Li. 2017. Variation in predator-induced behavioral changes in introduced and native populations of the invasive New Zealand mud snail (Potamopyrgus antipodarum Gray 1843). Aquatic Invasions 12(4):499-508.
16169 Journal Article Levri, E.P. 1998. The influence of non-host predators on parasite-induced behavioral changes in a freshwater snail. Oikos 81:531-537.
16170 Journal Article Levri, E.P. 1998. Perceived predation risk, parasitism and the foraging behaviour of a freshwater snail. Canadian Journal of Zoology 76:1878-1884.
16168 Journal Article Levri, E.P. 1999. Parasite-induced changes in host behavior of a freshwater snail: manipulation or byproduct of parasitism. Behavioral Ecology 10(3):234-341.
16167 Journal Article Levri, E.P. and * Fisher, L. 2000. The effect of a trematode (Microphallus sp.) on the response of the freshwater snail, Potamopyrgus antipodarum. to light and gravity. Behaviour 137:1141-1151.
16038 Journal Article Levri, E.P., A.A. Kelly, and E. Love. 2007. The invasive New Zealand mud snail (Potamopyrgus antipodarum) in Lake Erie. Journal of Great Lakes Research 33:1-6.
16171 Journal Article Levri, E.P., and C.M. Lively. 1996. The effects of size, reproductive condition, and parasitism on the foraging behaviour in a freshwater snail, Potamopyrgus antipodarum. Animal Behaviour 51:891-901.
23533 Journal Article Levri, E.P., and L.M. Fisher. 2000. The effect of a trematode parasite (Microphallus sp.) on the response of the freshwater snail Potamopyrgus antipodarum to light and gravity. Behaviour 137(9):1141-1151.
27218 Journal Article Levri, E.P., and T.J. Clark. 2015. Behavior in invasive New Zealand mud snails (Potamopyrgus antipodarum) is related to source population. Biological Invasions 17:497-506.
18954 Journal Article Levri, E.P., and W. Jacoby. 2008. The invasive New Zealand mud snail (Potamopyrgus antipodarum) found in stream of the Lake Ontario watershed. Journal of the Pennsylvania Academy of Science 82(1):7-11.
16165 Journal Article Levri, E.P., Dillard, J., and Martin, T. 2005. Trematode infection correlates with shell shape and defense morphology in a freshwater snail. Parasitology 130:699-708.
27092 Journal Article Levri, E.P., E.D. Colledge, R.H. Bilka, and B.J. Smith. 2012. The distribution of the invasive New Zealand mud snail (Potamopyrgus antipodarum) in streams in the Lake Ontario and Lake Erie watersheds. BioInvasions Records 1(3):215-219.
34159 Journal Article Levri, E.P., N. Macelko, B. Brindle, J.E. Levri, T.J. Dolney, and X. Li. 2020. The invasive New Zealand mud snail Potamopyrgus antipodarum (J.E. Gray, 1843) in central Pennsylvania. BioInvasions Records 9(1):109-119.
38970 Journal Article Levri, E.P., R. Luft, and X. Li. 2019. Predator detection and a possible dispersal behavior of the invasive New Zealand mud snail, Potamopyrgus antipodarum (Gray, 1843). Aquatic Invasions 14(3):417-432.
18953 Journal Article Levri, E.P., R.M. Dermott, S.J. Lunnen, A.A. Kelly, and T. Ladson. 2008. The distribution of the invasive New Zealand mud snail (Potamopyrgus antipodarum) in Lake Ontario. Aquatic Ecosystem Health and Management 11(4):412-421.
30805 Journal Article Levri, E.P., S. Landis, B. Smith, E. Colledge, E. Metz, and X. Li. 2017. Variation in predator-induced behavioral changes in introduced and native populations of the invasive New Zealand mud snail (Potamopyrgus antipodarum Gray 1843). Aquatic Invasions 12(4):499-508.
16164 Journal Article Levri, E.P., S. Lunnen, C. Itle, T. Martin, B. Kincade, M. DeLisser, and L. Mosquea. 2007. Parasite-induced alteration of diurnal rhythms in a freshwater snail. Journal of Parasitology 93(2):231-237.
33537 Journal Article Lewin, I., and A. Smoliński. 2006. Rare and vulnerable species in the mollusc communities in the mining subsidence reservoirs of an industrial area (The Katowicka Upland, Upper Silesia, Southern Poland). Limnologica 36(3):181-191.
33147 Journal Article Loo, S.E., R. Mac Nally, and P.S. Lake. 2007. Forecasting New Zealand mudsnail invasion range: model comparisons using native and invaded ranges. Ecological Applications 17(1):181-189.
27957 News Lynch, J. 2015. Michigan hit with new invasive species. The Detroit News. Detroit, MI. Created on 09/03/2015. Accessed on 09/10/2015.
33550 Journal Article Lysne, S. and P. Koetsier. 2008. Comparison of Desert Valvata Snail Growth at Three Densities of theInvasive New Zealand Mudsnail. Western North American Naturalist 68(1):103-106.[103:CODVSG]2.0.CO;2.
30628 Web Page Maryland Department of Natural Resources. 2017. Aquatic invasive species confirmed in Gunpowder River. Created on 09/22/2017. Accessed on 09/22/2017.
27224 Report Merkes, C., K.N. Turnquist, C.B. Rees, and J. Amberg. 2015. Validation of eDNA markers for New Zealand mudsnail surveillance and initial eDNA monitoring at Mississippi River Basin sites. U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 2015-1037, Reston, VA.
27950 Database Michigan State University Board of Trustees. 2019. Midwest Invasive Species Information Network (MISIN). Michigan State University. Department of Entomology - Applied Spatial Ecology and Technical Services Laboratory, East Lansing, MI.
28593 Database Montalvo, A. 2016. New Zealand mudsnails data from Hot Creek, California (2003-2015)(unpublished). California Dept. of Fish and Wildlife, Rancho Cordova, CA. Created on 03/25/2016.
33718 Web Page Montana Fish, Wildlife, and Parks. 2019. FWP finds New Zealand mud snails in private fish hatchery near Hamilton. Created on 09/24/2019. Accessed on 09/24/2019.
19769 Database Montana State University. 2011. New Zealand mudsnails in the Western USA dataset (1995-2010).
33965 Journal Article Narr, C.F., and A.C. Krist. 2019. Improving estimates of richness, habitat associations, and assemblage characteristics of freshwater gastropods. Aquatic Conservation: Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems 2019:1-13.
37901 News NBC Montana Staff. 2022. Montana FWP finds invasive snails at fish hatchery. NBC Montana. Missoula, MT. Created on 04/01/2022. Accessed on 04/04/2022.
16599 Journal Article Neiman, M., and C.M. Lively. 2005. Male New Zealand Mud Snails (Potamopyrgus antipodarum) Persist in Colpulating with Asexual and Parasitically Castrated Females. American Midland Naturalist 154(1):88-96.
38031 Journal Article Nelson, D., and T.W. Armstrong. 2022. Invasion of the New Zealand mud snail (Potamopyrgus antipodarum) in the Green River below Flaming Gorge Dam. Biological Invasions 24(3):775-785.
35545 Journal Article Oliver, D.C., A.D. Loubere and J.A. Sorensen. 2021. Efficacy of low-dose EarthTec® QZ treatment for the control of New Zealand mud snails Potamopyrgus antipodarum in a hatchery environment. Management of Biological Invasions 12(1):85-95.
19331 Database Ontario Federation of Anglers and Hunters. 2009. OFAH Database All Species - 2009 Download.
24264 Journal Article Oplinger, R.W., and E. Wagner. 2011. Tests of the ability of five disinfectants to kill New Zealand mud snails. Journal of Applied Aquaculture 23:187-197.
32452 Journal Article Oscoz, J., P. Tomds, and C. Duron. 2010. Review and new records of non-indigenous freshwater invertebrates in the Ebro River basin (Northeast Spain). Aquatic Invasions 5(3):263-284.
37959 Web Page Pennsylvania Fish and Boat Commission. 2022. Clean your gear. Accessed on 04/21/2022.
31630 Web Page Pennsylvania Fish and Boat Commission (PAFBC). 2018. PFCB Issues Alert to Contain Invasive Species in Lehigh County. Created on 07/24/2018. Accessed on 07/24/2018.
9400 Journal Article Ponder, W.F. 1988. Potamopyrgus antipodarum — a Molluscan coloniser of Europe and Australia. Journal of Molluscan Studies 54:271-286.
18178 Database Post.D. 2008. New Zealand mudsnails in California. California Dept of Fish and Game.
16089 Other Cut-and-paste reference not available due to unhandled reference type. Please contact support to request the addition of the 'Other' type.
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Citation information: U.S. Geological Survey. [2024]. Nonindigenous Aquatic Species Database. Gainesville, Florida. Accessed [7/26/2024].

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