Reference List

This list includes references used to derive specimen records.

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Ref IDTypeAuthorDateTitle
29283 DatabaseAckerman, J. (director).2013University of Puerto Rico Herbarium (UPRRP)
29432 Journal ArticleAlam, S.K., L.A. Ager, T.M. Rosegger, and T.R. Lange.1996The Effects of Mechanical Harvesting of Floating Plant Tussock Communities on Water Quality in Lake Istokpoga, Florida
16045 DatabaseAlexander, J., S. Markos, J. Yost, R.L. Moe, E. Dean, and M. Nazaire.2016Consortium of California Herbaria (CCH)
42848 DatabaseAnonymous2023Ft. Myers Fish Slam data
29659 ReportAquatic Nuisance Species Program.2017Draft 2017 Annual South Carolina Aquatic Plant Management Plan - Part II
31435 ReportAshe, D., and T. Driscoll2013B. A. Steinhagen Reservoir 2013 Fisheries Management Survey Report
10240 BookAurand, D.1982Nuisance Aquatic Plants and Aquatic Plant Management Programs in the United States.
31253 DatabaseBaghai-Riding, N. (director).2017Delta State University Herbarium (DSC)
31831 ReportBaird, M.S., and J. Tibbs2017Limestone Reservoir 2016 Fisheries Management Survey Report
29521 DatabaseBarnett, J.2016Arkansas ANS Database (unpublished data).
17312 ReportBeck, P.A., and R.A. Ott.2006Statewide freshwater fisheries monitoring and management program survey report for Lake Palestine, 2005.
31929 ReportBennett, D., and K. Storey2014Lake Quitman 2013 Fisheries Management Survey Report
32016 ReportBennett, D., and K. Storey2015Lake Winnsboro 2014 Fisheries Management Survey Report
31930 ReportBest, A., and M. Webb2017Lake Raven 2016 Fisheries Management Survey Report
31938 ReportBest, A., N. Ragan, and M. Webb2016Sheldon Reservoir 2015 Fisheries Management Survey Report
31573 ReportBinion, G., and D. McDonald2017Coleto Creek Reservoir 2016 Fisheries Management Survey Report
31577 ReportBinion, G., and J. Findeisen2015Lake Corpus Christi 2014 Fisheries Management Survey Report
31445 ReportBister, T.J, and L.D. Wright2013Lake Bob Sandlin 2013 Fisheries Management Survey Report
31777 ReportBister, T.J, and L.D. Wright2015Lake O’ the Pines 2014 Fisheries Management Survey Report
31850 ReportBister, T.J, and L.D. Wright2016Martin Creek Reservoir 2015 Fisheries Management Survey Report
30787 ReportBister, T.J., and J.D. Lechelt.2016Fisheries Management Survey Report: Lake Wright Patman
31600 ReportBister, T.J., and J.D. Lechelt.2017Gilmer Reservoir 2016 Fisheries Management Survey Report
29238 DatabaseBotanical Research Institute of Texas2021Botanical Research Institute of Texas Philecology Herbarium (BRIT)
28341 ReportBrown, L.E., G. Nesom, S.J. Marcus, and D. Rosen.2004Trinity River NWR Plant List
18443 ReportBrown, L.E., G. Nesom, S.J. Marcus, and D. Rosen.2009Plants of Trinity River National Wildlife Refuge.
38014 Journal ArticleBurks, R.L., C.H. Kyle, and M.K. Trawick2010Pink eggs and snails: field oviposition patterns of an invasive snail, Pomacea insularum, indicate a preference for an invasive macrophyte
25610 DatabaseCalflora2021The Calflora Database: Information on California plants for education, research and conservation
10516 OtherCalifornia Division of Plant Industry.1996Detection Manual: Township Map of Alligatorweed Infestations.
31874 ReportCartabiano, E.C., and K.W. Storey2017Mill Creek Reservoir 2016 Fisheries Management Survey Report
10677 DatabaseCarter, R. (curator).2015Valdosta State University Herbarium (VSC)
24369 DatabaseCenter for Invasive Species and Ecosystem Health.2024EDDMapS: Early detection and distribution mapping system
10264 Journal ArticleChester, E.W.1988Alligatorweed, Alternanthera philoxeroides (Mart.) Griseb. in Kentucky.
10623 BookChester, E.W., B.E. Wofford, and R. Kral.1997Atlas of Tennessee Vascular Plants Volume 2. Angiosperms: Dicots.
28165 DatabaseClark, J.L. (curator), J. Lopez-Bautista (curator), S. Ginzbarg, R.R. Haynes, and B. Keener.2009University of Alabama Herbarium (UNA)
29060 DatabaseCoastal Protection and Restoration Authority (CPRA) of Louisiana.2019Coastwide Reference Monitoring System-Wetlands Monitoring Data
10269 Journal ArticleConner, W., C. Sasser, and N. Barker1986Floristics of the Barataria Basin Wetlands, Louisiana.
28526 ReportCoulson, J.R.1977Biological control of alligatorweed, 1959-1972
30723 NewsCowles, S.2017Destructive river weed found in Blackwater
10534 ReportCraft, B.R., and D. Kleinpeter.1989Vegetation and salininty changes following the installation of a fixed crest weir at Avery Island, LA.
28736 ReportDavid, J.T., M. Walker, and B. Salyers.2014Part VI-A, waterbody management plan series: Henderson Lake - lake history & management issues
10752 BookDiggs, G.M., Jr., B.L. Lipscomb, and R.J. O'Kennon.1999Shinners and Mahler's Illustrated Flora of North Central Texas.
33510 Journal ArticleDillon, R.T. Jr. and Dutra-Clarke, A.V.C.1992Biomphalaria in South Carolina
28877 Journal ArticleDuncan, R.S., B. Kuhajda, C.A. Hodges, and A.L. Messenger.2016Population structure and habitat use of the endangered watercress darter
10661 DatabaseFarid, A. (curator).2018University of South Florida Herbarium (USF)
31984 ReportFindeisen, J., and G. Binion.2015Lake Texana 2014 Fisheries Management Survey Report
28791 DatabaseFlorida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission, Invasive Plant Management Section.2017Annual aquatic plant survey 1982-2017
10702 DatabaseFlorida Museum of Natural History2021University of Florida Herbarium (FLAS)
19145 Journal ArticleFuller, P.L., M.G. Pursley, D. Diaz, and W. Devers2010Effects of Hurricane Katrina on an incipient population of giant salvinia Salvinia molesta in the lower Pascagoula River, Mississippi.
26212 DatabaseGBIF2013Global Biodiversity Information Facility (GBIF) Database.
29018 DatabaseGentry, J.L. (director and curator).2013University of Arkansas Herbarium (UARK)
29953 Journal ArticleGold, A.C., S.P. Thompson, and M.F. Piehler.2017Water quality before and after watershed-scale implementation of stormwater wet ponds in the coastal plain
29842 Journal ArticleGunn, S.M., and E.W. Chester.2003Vascular flora of the Duck River Unit, Tennessee National Wildlife Refuge, Humphreys County, Tennessee
17807 NewsHall, C.2008Paddlers pluck trash, garbage from Scotts Creek.
10454 NewsHartmann, L.H.1994Prohibited plants on increase in Southeast Texas.
10233 ReportHelton, R.J., and L.H. Hartmann.1996Statewide Aquatic Vegetation Survey Summary, 1995 Report.
10629 ReportHelton, R.J., and L.H. Hartmann.1997Statewide Aquatic Vegetation Survey Summary, 1996 Report.
10641 Journal ArticleHoagland, B.W., and N.A. McCarty1998Noteworthy Collections: Oklahoma.
10732 Conference ProceedingsHooker, K.L., and H.M. Westbury.1991Development of wetland plant communities in a new reservoir.
25944 DatabaseiNaturalist2024 
10114 Journal ArticleJohnson, J., R. Helton, L. Hartmann, and J. Cox1991Weedy waters: foreign plants clog Texas waterways.
16079 Journal ArticleJulien, M.H., B. Skarratt, and G.F. Maywald1995Potential geographical distribution of alligator weed and its biological control by Agasicles hygrophila.
27722 DatabaseKeener, B.R., A.R. Diamond, L.J. Davenport, P.G. Davison, S.L. Ginzbarg, C.J. Hansen, C.S. Major, D.D. Spaulding, J.K. Triplett, and M. Woods.2017Alabama Plant Atlas. [S.M. Landry and K.N. Campbell (original application development), Florida Center for Community Design and Research. University of South Florida]
10147 Conference ProceedingsKight, J.1988Tennessee-Tombigbee Waterway.
32296 ReportLechelt, J.D., and T.J. Bister2018Lake Bob Sandlin 2017 Fisheries Management Survey Report
31886 ReportLechelt, J.D., and T.J. Bister 2017Lake Murvaul 2016 Fisheries Management Survey Report
28190 DatabaseLouisiana State University2020Shirley C. Tucker Herbarium (LSU)
10123 ReportLynch, J.J., J.E. King, T.K. Chamberlain, and A.L. Smith, Jr.1950Effects of aquatic weed infestations on the fish and wildlife of the Gulf states.
15971 ReportMadsen, J.D, R.M. Wersal, and W. Robles.2006Distribution of Hydrilla and Giant Salvinia in Mississippi in 2005.
19426 DatabaseMadsen, J.D.2010Invasive Plant Atlas of the MidSouth.
19381 DatabaseMadsen, J.D., G. Ervin, V. Maddox, & C. Abbott.2010Invasive Plant Atlas of the MidSouth.
29615 NewsMarks, J.2017How they do it — hint: carp — is a sight. But it’s curbing hydrilla on Lake Wylie
10733 DatabaseMcCook, L. (curator).2014Thomas M. Pullen Herbarium (MISS)
29204 DatabaseMcCormick, C. (curator).2016North Carolina Botanical Garden Herbarium (NCU)
28865 Thesis or DissertationMiller, H.M.2016Vascular Flora of the Possum Walk Trail at the Infinity Science Center, Hancock County, Mississippi
15838 ReportMississippi River Basin ANS Regional Panel.2006Mississippi River Basin ANS Regional Panel Annual Report to the ANS Task Force (9/1/05 to 8/31/06).
28854 DatabaseMoore, A.J. (curator), and A. Buthod.2016Robert Bebb Herbarium (OKL)
18442 NewsMoore, S.2009Group applauds biologists efforts to restore Trinity River refuge.
10049 BookMuenscher, W.C.1944Aquatic plants of the United States.
33777 DatabaseNatural Resource Information Systems (NRIS)2019Current Invasive Plants
13276 DatabaseNeel, M. (director), J. Hall (curator), and N. Anderson.2014Norton-Brown Herbarium (MARY)
10102 Journal ArticleNewman, M.J., and W.W. Thomaston1979Aquatic weed control in Georgia.
31495 ReportNorman, J., and R. Ott2015Cedar Creek Reservoir 2015 Fisheries Management Survey Report
31928 ReportNorman, J., and R. Ott2017Purtis Creek State Park Lake 2016 Fisheries Management Survey Report
32307 ReportNorman, J., and R. Ott2018Lake Palestine 2017 Fisheries Management Survey Report
31432 ReportNorman, J.D., and R.A. Ott, Jr.2013Lake Athens 2013 Fisheries Management Survey Report
10474 BookNorth Carolina Division of Water Resources.1996Economical and Environmental Impacts of N.C. Aquatic Weed Infestations.
31935 ReportOtt, R.A., and J.D. Norman2015Richland-Chambers Reservoir 2014 Fisheries Management Survey Report
32002 ReportOtt, R.A., and J.D. Norman2016Lake Tyler West 2015 Survey Report
32295 ReportOtt, R.A., and J.D. Norman.2018Lake Athens 2017 Fisheries Management Survey Report 
31919 ReportOtt, R.A., Jr., and J.D. Norman2014Lake Palestine 2013 Fisheries Management Survey Report
32001 ReportOtt, R.A., Jr., and J.D. Norman2016Lake Tyler East 2015 Survey Report
31695 ReportOtt, R.A., Jr., and J.D. Norman2017Lake Jacksonville 2016 Fisheries Management Survey Report
31979 ReportOtt, R.A., Jr., and J.D. Norman2017Striker Reservoir 2016 Fisheries Management Survey Report
31416 Journal ArticlePoormahdi, S., S.A. Graham, and I.A. Mendelssohn2018Wetland plant community responses to the interactive effects of simulated nutrient and sediment loading: implications for coastal restoration using Mississippi River diversions
10703 Journal ArticlePoppleton, J.E., A.G. Shuey, and H.C. Sweet1977Vegetation of central Florida's east coast; a checklist of the vascular plants.
29332 DatabasePorter-Utley, K.2015Keene State College Herbarium (KESC)
31473 DatabaseQuave, C. (curator).2016Emory University Herbarium (GEO)
10083 BookRadford, A.E., H.E. Ahles, and C.R. Bell.1968Manual of the Vascular Flora of the Carolinas.
31680 ReportRagan, N., and A. Best2016Highlands Reservoir 2015 Fisheries Management Survey Report
28968 Journal ArticleRaines, C.D., and L.E. Miranda.2016Role of riparian shade on the fish assemblage of a reservoir littoral
10714 DatabaseRegents of the University of California2015Jepsen online interchange for California floristics.
10559 Journal ArticleReimus, R.G., and W.B. Robertson, Jr.1997Plants of Dry Tortugas National Park: an annotated list and expanded checklist
29284 DatabaseSantiago-Valentín, E. (director).2012Botanical Garden of the University of Puerto Rico Herbarium (UPR)
33598 ReportSartain, B.2019Invasive aquatic plants and Lake Guntersville: history, impact and types
10540 Journal ArticleSasser, C., J. Gosselink, E. Swenson, C. Swarzenski, and N. Leibowitz1996Vegetation, substrate and hydrology in floating marshes in the Mississippi River delta plain wetlands, USA.
5104 ReportSchardt, J.D., and D.C. Schmitz.19911990 Florida aquatic plant survey report
28331 DatabaseSEINet Portal Network.2021Southwest Environmental Information Network
29277 DatabaseSERNEC Data Portal2019SouthEast Regional Network of Expertise and Collections
10298 BookSmith, E.B.1988An atlas and annotated list of the vascular plants of Arkansas.
16075 DatabaseSmithsonian Institution2019United States National Herbarium (US)
28166 DatabaseSolomon, J. (curator).2015Missouri Botanical Garden Herbarium (MO)
16137 ReportSouth Carolina Department of Natural Resources.2007South Carolina Aquatic Plant Management Plan.
17314 DatabaseSoutheast Exotic Pest Plant Council.2008Early Detection & Distribution Mapping System.
10399 Journal ArticleStalter, R.1973Factors influencing the distribution of vegetation of the Cooper River Estuary.
10332 Journal ArticleStalter, R., and J. Baden1994A twenty year comparison of vegetation of three abandoned rice fields, Georgetown County, South Carolina.
31576 ReportStorey, K.W.2016Cooper Reservoir 2015 Fisheries Management Survey Report
31592 ReportStorey, K.W.2016Lake Fork 2015 Fisheries Management Survey Report
31677 ReportStorey, K.W., and D. Bennett2016Lake Hawkins 2015 Fisheries Management Survey Report
32309 ReportStorey, K.W., E. Cartabiano.2018Sulphur Springs Reservoir 2017 Fisheries Management Survey Report
31682 ReportStorey, K.W., E.C. Cartabiano2017Lake Holbrook 2016 Fisheries Management Survey Report
27701 DatabaseTexas Invasive Plant and Pest Council2024Texas Invasives Database
30788 Web PageTexas Parks & Wildlife Department.2018Lake Survey Reports
28178 DatabaseThe New York Botanical Garden2018William and Lynda Steere Herbarium (NY)
10760 BookThomas, R.D., and C.M. Allen.1996Atlas of the Vascular Flora of Louisiana Volume II: Dicotyledons Acanthaceae - Euphorbiaceae.
28851 DatabaseTriplett, J.K. (curator).2016Jacksonville State University Herbarium (JSU)
34403 ReportU.S. Fish and Wildlife Service1969Vegetative cover types of St. Vincent Island N.W.R.
18445 DatabaseUnited States Department of Agriculture (USDA) Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS).2009The PLANTS Database
17830 DatabaseUniversity of Florida Herbarium.2016Florida Museum of Natural History
10553 DatabaseUniversity of Georgia2021University of Georgia Herbarium (GA)
28698 ReportUS Environmental Protection Agency.2016National Wetland Condition Assessment: 2011 Technical Report. EPA-843-R-15-006
10002 DatabaseUSDA, NRCS.1997The PLANTS database (
13581 Journal ArticleValentine, J.M.1976Plant succession after saw-grass mortality in southwestern Louisiana.
10625 DatabaseWallace, L. (curator).2017Old Dominion University Herbarium (ODU)
30234 DatabaseWallace, L. (director).2006Mississippi State University Herbarium (MISSA)
10624 DatabaseWare, D. (director).1998Herbarium specimen voucher data, Herbarium of the College of William & Mary (WILLI)
31575 ReportWebb, M., A. Best, M. Gore2014Lake Conroe 2013 Fisheries Management Survey Report
31684 ReportWebb, M.A., A. Best2015Lake Houston 2014 Fisheries Management Survey Report
31598 ReportWebb, M.A., and M.S. Gore2010Gibbons Creek Reservoir 2010 Survey Report
19090 ReportWersal, R.M., J.D. Madsen, and M.L. Tagert.2006Aquatic plant survey of Ross Barnett Reservoir for 2005
10517 Journal ArticleWhite, D.A.1993Vascular plant community development on mudflats in the Mississippi River Delta, Louisiana, USA.
10701 Journal ArticleWoffard, B.E., and W.M. Dennis1976State Records and other Recent Noteworthy Collections.
28843 DatabaseWofford, B.E. (curator), Q.V. Ma (manager), and W.M. Dennis.2016University of Tennessee Herbarium (TENN)
10577 Journal ArticleWofford, Eugene, B.1977State Records and Other Recent Noteworthy Collections of Tennessee Plants II.
31486 ReportWright, L.D., and T.J. Bister2013Caddo Lake 2013 Fisheries Management Survey Report
31579 ReportWright, L.D., and T.J. Bister2014Lake Cypress Springs 2014 Fisheries Management Survey Report
31601 ReportWright, L.D., and T.J. Bister2014Gladewater City Lake 2013 Fisheries Management Survey Report
31836 ReportWright, L.D., and T.J. Bister2015Lone Star Lake 2014 Fisheries Management Survey Report
32010 ReportWright, L.D., and T.J. Bister2016Lake Welsh 2015 Fisheries Management Survey Report
28433 DatabaseWunderlin, R.P., B.F. Hansen, A.R. Franck, and F.B. Essig.2018Atlas of Florida Plants
10225 Web PageWunderlin, R.P., B.F. Hansen, and E.L. Bridges.1995Atlas of Florida Vascular Plants.
16114 Conference ProceedingsZeiger, C.F.1976Aquatic plant problems in Puerto Rico
28781 NewsZellers, R.2016Arkansas Outdoors Weekly Newsletter, Biologists wrestle alligatorweed on Arkansas lakes
10266 BookZolczynski, J., and M.J. Eubanks.1990Mobile Delta submersed aquatic vegetation survey 1987.
10586 BookZolczynski, J., and R. Shearer.1997Mobile Delta Submersed Aquatic Vegetation Survey, 1994.


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Citation information: U.S. Geological Survey. [2025]. Nonindigenous Aquatic Species Database. Gainesville, Florida. Accessed [1/20/2025].

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