Reference List

This list includes references used to derive specimen records.

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Ref IDTypeAuthorDateTitle
19141 News 2007Invasive Species Targeted on Water in Upstate New York.
43342 News 2024Frog-bit Forum: New EFB population found inland in Marinette County, Wisconsin
16163 NewsAbruzzi, W.2007Frog's bit is the Park's latest invasive aquatic threat.
41579 DatabaseBragg, A.2022AIS plants from Lake Erie Drainage field surveys 2022
37585 ReportCahill, B.C., R.T. Goebel, and A.K. Monfils2021European Frog-bit (Hydrocharis morsus-ranae L.) Phenology and Reproductive Biology in Michigan
10773 Journal ArticleCatling, P.M., and W.G. Dore.1982Status and identification of Hydrocharis morsus-ranae and Limnobium spongia (Hydrocharitaceae) in northeastern North America.
24369 DatabaseCenter for Invasive Species and Ecosystem Health.2024EDDMapS: Early detection and distribution mapping system
27378 DatabaseCranberg, C., and R. Keller2020Illinois Database of Aquatic Non-native Species
10782 Journal ArticleDaniels, J.2000European Frogbit. What is it? Should we be worried?.
10786 OtherDepartments of Environmental Conservation and Fish and Wildlife, Vermont Agency of Natural Resources and the Nature Conservancy of Vermont.1998Vermont Invasive Exotic Plant Fact Sheet Series.
10772 Journal ArticleDore, W.G.1968Progress of the European frog-bit in Canada.
31942 NewsEichacker, C.2018European frogbit, an invasive water plant, discovered in Maine for first time
28080 DatabaseEnvironmental Assessment Program.2018Washington State Lakes Environmental Data Version 1.0
29057 NewsForeman, J., and S. LeSage.2016Invasive species alert: European frogbit detected in West Michigan lakes
10787 OtherHaber, E.2001USA Records of Hydrocharis morsus-ranae in the Collections of Agriculture and AgriFoods Canada, Central Experimental Farm, Ottawa, Ontario (DAO), from Invasive Plants of Canada Database, National Botanical Services, Ottawa.
27462 DatabaseiMapInvasives.2018Pennsylvania iMapInvasives
27712 DatabaseiMapInvasives.2019New York iMapInvasives
25944 DatabaseiNaturalist2024 
29255 DatabaseIsaac, B. (collections).2016Carnegie Museum of Natural History Herbarium (CM)
30461 NewsJackson, T.2017Volunteers needed to battle invasive plant at Old Woman Creek
19353 OtherKishbaugh, S.A.2006Dirty Dozen: Twelve (Give or Take) Aquatic Plants You Don't Want in Your Lake.
28145 DatabaseKishbaugh, S.A.2015NYS Exotic Aquatic Plant Locations 2015
36477 NewsKretlow, A.2021Invasive European frogbit found in Oconto County
28153 Journal ArticleLamont, E.E., R. Sivertsen, C. Doyle, and L. Adamec.2013Extant populations of Aldrovanda vesiculosa (Droseraceae) in the New World
29921 DatabaseMehrhoff, L.J., J.A. Silander, Jr., S.A. Leicht, E.S. Mosher, and N.M. Tabak2003IPANE: Invasive Plant Atlas of New England
27950 DatabaseMichigan State University Board of Trustees.2019Midwest Invasive Species Information Network (MISIN)
37885 DatabaseMI-EGLE2022Unpublished MI-EGLE Monitoring Data (2 spreadsheets)
703 Journal ArticleMills, E.L., J.H. Leach, J.T. Carlton, and C.L. Secor1993Exotic species in the Great Lakes: a history of biotic crises and anthropogenic introductions
23864 Journal ArticleMinshall, W.H.1940Frogbit-Hydrocharis morusu-ranae L. at Ottawa.
37628 ReportMonfils, A.K., R.A. Hackett, and B.C. Cahill2018Proceedings of the Aquatic Invasive Plant Species Stakeholders Workshop
41401 Journal ArticleMonks, A.M., Lishawa, S.C Wellons, K.C. Albert, D.A. Mudrzynski, B. Wilcox, and A. Douglas2019European frogbit (Hydrocharis morsus-ranae) invasion facilitated by non-native cattails (Typha) in the Laurentian Great Lakes
19331 DatabaseOntario Federation of Anglers and Hunters.2009OFAH Database All Species - 2009 Download.
16041 DatabaseParsons, J.2007Washington Aquatic Plant Monitoring Database
31186 DatabaseReznicek, AA, E.g., Voss, and B.S. Walters.2011Michigan Flora Online
30401 DatabaseSchaffner, B.2019Maine DEP Invasive Aquatic Plant Map
18818 Journal ArticleScribailo, R.W., and U. Posluszny1985Floral development of Hydrocharis morsus-ranae (Hydrocharitaceae).
28331 DatabaseSEINet Portal Network.2021Southwest Environmental Information Network
42445 ReportThe Nature Conservancy Great Lakes AIS Program2023Aquatic plant surveys for Oswego, Rochester, and Buffalo harbors 2021 & 2022
36478 NewsThorensen, K.2021New aquatic invasive species found in Wisconsin for the first time
18821 Journal ArticleTrebitz, A.S., and D.L. Taylor2007Exotic and invasive aquatic plants in Great Lakes coastal wetlands: distribution and relation to watershed land use and plant richness and cover.
37531 DatabaseTucker, A2019EDRR plant Survey, raw data
37529 ReportTucker, A., G. Annis, L. Chadderton and E. Elgin2019Detroit River at Gibraltar, MI 2018 aquatic plant survey results
37527 ReportTucker, A., W.L. Chadderton, G. Annis, E. Elgin2019Interstate aquatic invasive species prevention, early detection, and response: Aquatic plant survey mothods development and site assessment
18779 ReportU.S. EPA (Environmental Protection Agency).2008Predicting future introductions of nonindigenous species to the Great Lakes.
35441 DatabaseU-M Library Digital Collections.2021University of Michigan Herbarium Catalog Collection
17241 DatabaseUnited States Department of Agriculture (USDA).2008PLANTS Database.
10553 DatabaseUniversity of Georgia2021University of Georgia Herbarium (GA)
28698 ReportUS Environmental Protection Agency.2016National Wetland Condition Assessment: 2011 Technical Report. EPA-843-R-15-006
37943 DatabaseWarman, M.J.20212020 aquatic invasive plant survey in the Lake Erie Basin, Ohio


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Citation information: U.S. Geological Survey. [2025]. Nonindigenous Aquatic Species Database. Gainesville, Florida. Accessed [2/18/2025].

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