Reference List

This list includes references used to derive specimen records as well as those with scientific name Dorosoma cepedianum listed in key words.

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23918 Journal Article Aday, D.D., R.J.H. Hoxmeier, and D.H. Wahl. 2003. Direct and indirect effects of gizzard shad on bluegill growth and population size structure. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 132:47-56.
37362 Journal Article Amberg, J.J., N.R. Jensen, R.A. Erickson, B. Sauey, and C. Jackson. 2018. Profiles of digestive enzymes of two competing planktivores, silver carp and gizzard shad, differ. Ichthyological Research 65:245-251.
17445 Web Page Anonymous. 2007. Gizzard shad in Lake Powell.
18243 News Anonymous. 2008. Gizzard shad explosion at Roosevelt. Payson Roundup. December 6.
42848 Database Anonymous. 2023. Ft. Myers Fish Slam data.
28090 Database Auburn University Museum. 2014. AUM Fish Collection. Auburn University, Auburn, AL. Created on 10/07/2014. Accessed on 10/19/2015.
271 Book Becker, G.C. 1983. Fishes of Wisconsin. University of Wisconsin Press, Madison, WI.
308 Book Beckman, W.C. 1952. Guide to the fishes of Colorado. Colorado Department of Game and Fish, Denver, CO.
30285 Journal Article Bennett, G.W. 1943. Management of small artificial lakes: a summary of fisheries investigations, 1938-1942. Bulletin of the Illinois Natural History Survey 22:357-376.
82 Book Burr, B.M., and M.L. Warren, Jr. 1986. A distributional atlas of Kentucky fishes. Scientific and Technical Series No. 4. Kentucky State Nature Preserves Commission, Frankfort, KY.
30286 Report Catalano, M., J.R. Dotson, L. De Brabandere, M.S. Allen, and T.K. Frazer. 2007. Biomanipulation Impacts on Gizzard Shad Population Dynamics, Lake Water Quality, and a Recreational Fishery. St. Johns River Water Management District, Palatka, FL.
19222 Report Colorado Division of Wildlife. 2010. Fishery Survey Summaries - Horsetooth Reservoir. Colorado Division of Wildlife.
19148 Report Colorado Division of Wildlife. 2010. Fishery Survey Summaries - Brush Hollow Reservoir. Colorado Division of Wildlife.
19153 Report Colorado Division of Wildlife. 2010. Fishery Survey Summaries - Martin Reservoir. Colorado Division of Wildlife.
19167 Report Colorado Division of Wildlife. 2010. Fishery Survey Summaries - Prospect Lake. Colorado Division of Wildlife.
19168 Report Colorado Division of Wildlife. 2010. Fishery Survey Summaries - Pueblo Reservoir. Colorado Division of Wildlife.
19151 Report Colorado Division of Wildlife. 2010. Fishery Survey Summaries - Horseshoe Reservoir. Colorado Division of Wildlife.
19195 Report Colorado Division of Wildlife. 2010. Fishery Survey Summaries - Boyd Lake. Colorado Division of Wildlife.
19208 Report Colorado Division of Wildlife. 2010. Fishery Survey Summaries - Chatfield Reservoir. Colorado Division of Wildlife.
19189 Report Colorado Division of Wildlife. 2010. Fishery Survey Summaries - Barr Lake. Colorado Division of Wildlife.
19190 Report Colorado Division of Wildlife. 2010. Fishery Survey Summaries - Bear Creek Reservoir. Colorado Division of Wildlife.
19194 Report Colorado Division of Wildlife. 2010. Fishery Survey Summaries - Boulder Reservoir. Colorado Division of Wildlife.
19209 Report Colorado Division of Wildlife. 2010. Fishery Survey Summaries - Cherry Creek Reservoir. Colorado Division of Wildlife.
19213 Report Colorado Division of Wildlife. 2010. Fishery Survey Summaries - Douglas Reservoir. Colorado Division of Wildlife.
19230 Report Colorado Division of Wildlife. 2010. Fishery Survey Summaries - Lonetree Reservoir. Colorado Division of Wildlife.
19234 Report Colorado Division of Wildlife. 2010. Fishery Survey Summaries - Lon Hagler Reservoir. Colorado Division of Wildlife.
19235 Report Colorado Division of Wildlife. 2010. Fishery Survey Summaries - McIntosh Lake. Colorado Division of Wildlife.
19228 Report Colorado Division of Wildlife. 2010. Fishery Survey Summaries - Lake Loveland. Colorado Division of Wildlife.
19245 Report Colorado Division of Wildlife. 2010. Fishery Survey Summaries - Standley Lake. Colorado Division of Wildlife.
211 Book Cooper, E.L. 1983. Fishes of Pennsylvania and the Northeastern United States. Pennsylvania State University Press University Park, PA.
146 Book Cross, F.B. 1967. Handbook of fishes of Kansas. State Biological Survey and University of Kansas Museum of Natural History Misc Publ No 45 Topeka, KS.
13979 Report Cudmore-Vokey, B., and E.J. Crossman. 2000. Checklists of the fish fauna of the Laurentian Great Lakes and their connecting channels. Canadian Manuscript Report of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 2550. Fisheries and Oceans Canada, Burlington, Ontario.
43394 Journal Article Curran, S.S., M.B. Warren, and S.A. Bullard. 2022. Description of a New Species of Bacciger (Digenea: Gymnophalloidea) Infecting the American Gizzard Shad, Dorosoma cepedianum (Lesueur, 1818), and Molecular Characterization of Cercaria rangiae Wardle, 1983, with Molecular Phylogeny of Related Digenea. Comparative Parasitology 89(1):9-29.
294 Journal Article Denoncourt, R.F., T.B. Robbins, and R. Hesser. 1975. Recent introductions and reintroductions to the Pennsylvania fish fauna of the Susquehanna River drainage above Conowingo Dam. Proceedings of the Pennsylvania Academy of Science 49:57-58.
30293 Journal Article DeVries, D.R. and R.A. Stein. 1992. Complex Interactions between Fish and Zooplankton : Quantifying the Role of an Open- Water Planktivore. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 49:1216-1227.
30291 Thesis or Dissertation Drenner, R.W. 1977. The Feeding Mechanics of the Gizzard Shad (Dorosoma Cepedianum). Unpublished Ph.D. dissertation. University of Kansas, Lawrence, KS.
705 Book Etnier, D.A., and W.C. Starnes. 1993. The fishes of Tennessee. The University of Tennessee Press, Knoxville, TN.
29268 Journal Article Evermann, B.W. 1918. The fishes of Kentucky and Tennessee: a distributional catalogue of the known species. Bulletin of the Bureau of Fisheries 35:295-368.
29447 Book Evermann, B.W. and S.F. Hildebrand. 1916. Notes on the Fishes of East Tennessee. US Government Printing Office.
1797 Journal Article Fetterolf, C.M., Jr. 1956. Stocking as a management tool in Tennessee Reservoirs. Proceedings of the annual conference of the Southeastern association of fish and wildlife agencies 10:275-284.
29945 Journal Article Fincel, M. J., Smith, M. J., Hanten, R. P., and Radigan, W. J. 2017. Recommendations for Stocking Gizzard Shad in a Large Upper Midwest Reservoir. North American Journal of Fisheries Management 37(3):599-604.
19562 Journal Article Finney, S.T., and M.H. Fuller. 2008. Gizzard shad (dorosoma cepedianum) expansion and reproduction in the upper colorado river basin. Western North American Naturalist 68(4):524-525.
19706 Report Florida LAKEWATCH, Department of Fisheres and Aquatic Sciences in cooperation with Florida FWCC. 2007. Long-term fish, plants, and water quality monitoring program: 2006 and 2007 data.
25899 Database Florida Museum of Natural History. 2013. Florida Museum of Natural History ichthyology collection. Accessed through GBIF data portal, Florida Museum of Natural History, Gainesville, FL. Accessed on 04/09/2013.
26212 Database GBIF. 2013. Global Biodiversity Information Facility (GBIF) Database. Global Biodiversity Information Facility. Accessed on 03/05/2024.
26631 Journal Article George, C.J. 1983. Occurrence of the gizzard shad in the lower Mohawk Valley. New York Fish and Game Journal 30(1):113-114.
41251 Journal Article Getchell, R.G., E.R. Cornwell, S. Bogdanowicz, J. Andres, W.N. Batts, G. Kurath, R. Breyta, J.G. Choi, J.M. Farrell, and P.R. Bowser. 2017. Complete sequences of 4 viral hemorrhagic septicemia virus IVb isolates and their virulence in northern pike fry. Diseases of Aquatic Organisms 126(3):211-227.
1555 Report Gorges, M. 1994. Wyoming resident fish habitat management strategy. Bureau of Land Management, Wyoming State Office, Cheyenne, WY.
9047 Journal Article Griffiths, R.W., S. Thornley, and T.A. Edsall. 1991. Limnological aspects of the St. Clair River. Hydrobiologia 219:97-123.
1427 Journal Article Guillory, V. 1982. Fishes of the lower Mississippi River near St. Francisville, Louisiana. Proceedings of the Louisiana Academy of Sciences 45:108-121.
26275 Book Chapter Gustaveson, W., and G. Blommer. 2013. History of striped bass management in the Colorado River. Pages p. 15-24 in Bulak, J.S., C.C. Coutant, and J.A. Rice, eds. Biology and management of inland striped bass and hybrid striped bass. American Fisheries Society. Bethesda, MD.
37342 Journal Article Haberyan, K.A. 2021. Trophic cascade following the introduction of an omnivorous fish, Dorosoma cepedianum, in a Mid-continental reservoir (Mozingo Studies IV). The American Midland Naturalist 186(2):176-198.
13692 Report Halliwell, D.B. 2003. Introduced Fish in Maine.
41907 Journal Article Harris, B.S., A.L. Whitten, B.J. Smith, and C. Hayer. 2023. Fixed site sampling versus modified fixed site sampling with a random sampling component for optimizing early detection monitoring of non-native fishes. Northeastern Naturalist 30(1):9-23.
103 Journal Article Hartel, K.E. 1992. Non-native fishes known from Massachusetts freshwaters. Occasional Reports of the MCZ Fish Department 2:1-9.
40791 News Hlavaty, K. 2019. This is why thousands of dead fish were spotted in the Cuyahoga River. ABC 5 News. Cleveland, OH. Created on 03/22/2019. Accessed on 03/28/2023.
24398 Book Hoyer, M.V., and D.E. Canfield, Jr. 1994. Handbook of Common Freshwater Fish in Florida Lakes. University of Florida.
1362 Book Chapter Hubert, W. 1994. Exotic fishes. Pages 158-174 in Parish, T.L., and S.H. Anderson, eds. Exotic species manual. Wyoming Game and Fish Department. Laramie, WY.
25944 Database iNaturalist. 2024. Accessed on 08/13/2024.
30575 Web Page Iowa Department of Natural Resources. 2017. Gizzard Shad found in Iowa Great Lakes. Created on 08/29/2017. Accessed on 08/31/2017.
706 Book Jenkins, R.E., and N.M. Burkhead. 1994. Freshwater fishes of Virginia. American Fisheries Society, Bethesda, MD.
407 Journal Article Jordan, D.S. 1882. Report on the fishes of Ohio. Report of the Geological Survey of Ohio 4(1):735-1002.
1777 Report Jordan, D.S. 1882. Report on the fishes of Ohio. IN Report of the Geological Survey of Ohio. Vol IV, part I: Zoology. Nevins and Meyers, Columbus, OH.
15308 News Knowles, S. 2002. Fish and Wildlife blunders in Lake Powell. Salt Lake Tribune. 2002 (27 August).
275 Book Lee, D.S., C.R. Gilbert, C.H. Hocutt, R.E. Jenkins, D.E. McAllister, and J.R. Stauffer, Jr. 1980. Atlas of North American freshwater fishes. North Carolina State Museum of Natural History, Raleigh, NC.
39408 Report Loch, J.S., A.J. Derksen, M.E. Hora, and R.B. Oetting. 1979. Potential effects of exotic fishes on Manitoba: an impact assessment of the Garrison Diversion Unit. Fisheries and Oceans Canada Freshwater Institute, Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada.
29291 Database Louisiana State University Museum of Natural Science. 2015. LSUMZ (LSU MNS) Fishes Collection. Louisiana State University Museum of Natural Science, Baton Rouge, LA. Created on 09/15/2015. Accessed on 01/04/2017.
40649 Journal Article Love, S.A., N.J. Lederman, R.L. Anderson, J.A. DeBoer, and A.F. Casper. 2018. Does aquatic invasive species removal benefit native fish? The response of gizzard shad (Dorosoma cepedianum) to commercial harvest of bighead carp (Hypophthalmichthys nobilis) and silver carp (H. molitrix). Hydrobiologia 817(1):403-412.
162 Book Menhinick, E.F. 1991. The freshwater fishes of North Carolina. North Carolina Wildlife Resources Commission, Raleigh, NC.
134 Journal Article Miller, R.R. 1957. Origin and dispersal of the alewife Alosa pseudoharengus, and the gizzard shad, Dorosoma cepedianum, in the Great Lakes. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 86(1956):97-111.
30281 Report Miller, R.R. 1960. Systematics and Biology of the Gizzard Shad (Dorosoma cepedianum) and Related Fishes. U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Washington, D.C.
109 Book Minckley, W.L. 1973. Fishes of Arizona. Arizona Fish and Game Department, Phoenix, AZ.
184 Journal Article Minckley, W.L., and L.A. Krumholz. 1960. Natural hybridization between the clupeid genera Dorosoma and Signalosa, with a report on the distribution of S. pretenensis. Zoologica 44(4):171-180.
30006 Journal Article Minder, M., and M. Pyron. 2018. Dietary overlap and selectivity among silver carp and two native filter feeders in the Wabash River. Ecology of Freshwater Fish 27:506-512.
38620 Database Montana Fish, Wildlife, and Parks. 2000. Montana unauthorized fish introduction database. Montana Fish, Wildlife, and Parks.
26316 Thesis or Dissertation Moore, C.M. 1988. Food habits, population dynamics, and bioenergetics of four predatory fish species in Smith Mountain Lake, Virginia. Unpublished Ph.D. dissertation. Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, Blacksburg, VA.
217 Book Moyle, P.B. 1976. Inland fishes of California. University of California Press Berkeley, CA.
17443 Journal Article Mueller, G.A., and J.L. Brooks. 2004. Collection of an adult gizzard shad (Dorosoma cepedianum) from the San Juan River, Utah. Western North American Naturalist 64(1):135-136.
30283 Journal Article Mundahl, N.D. 1990. Sediment processing by gizzard shad, Dorosoma cepedianum (Lesueur), in Acton Lake, Ohio, U.S.A>. Journal of Fish Biology 38:565-572.
29449 Database NatureServe. 2008. Native Fishes Database by HUCs. NatureServe, Arlington, Virginia.
32115 Journal Article Neely, B.C., and J.D. Koch. 2018. Effects of Gizzard Shad reduction on relative abundance, growth, and body condition of Bluegills and Largemouth Bass in a small Kansas impoundment. North American Journal of Fisheries Management 38(4):856-866.
25976 Database North Carolina State Museum of Natural Sciences. 2013. North Carolina State Museum of Natural Sciences ichthyology collection. Accessed through GBIF data portal, North Carolina State Museum of Natural Sciences, Raleigh, NC. Created on 02/10/2009. Accessed on 04/11/2013.
29919 Database Numerous. 2008. NatureServe. Accessed on 05/01/2008.
19146 News O'Brien, J.A., JR. 2010. Vernon Town Council Approves Spending For Herbicide. Hartford Courant. 2010 (April 21):2 pp.
26849 Database Ohio State University. 2014. Ohio State University Museum mammology collection. Accessed through GBIF data portal, Ohio State University, Columbus, OH. Created on 12/18/2013. Accessed on 05/19/2014.
39533 Journal Article Ortenburger, A.I., and C.L. Hubbs. 1926. A report on the fishes of Oklahoma, with descriptions of new genera and species. Proceeding of the Oklahoma Academy of Science 6:124-141.
666 Book Page, L.M., and B.M. Burr. 1991. A field guide to freshwater fishes of North America north of Mexico. Volume 42. Houghton Mifflin Company, Boston, MA.
39526 Journal Article Parker, J.C. 1965. An annotated checklist of the fishes of the Galveston Bay System, Texas. Publ. Institute of Marine Science 10:201-220.
26384 Journal Article Patrick, P.H., A.E. Christie, D. Sager, C. Hocutt, and J. Stauffer, Jr. 1985. Responses of fish to a strobe light/air-bubble barrier. Fisheries Research 3:157-172.
38816 Journal Article Peterson, G.S., J.C. Hoffman, A.S. Trebitz, C.I. Hatzenbuhler, J.T. Myers, J.E. Ross, S.L Okum, and E.M. Pilgrim. 2022. Early detection monitoring for non-indigenous fishes; comparison of survey approaches during two species introductions in a Great Lakes port. Biological Invasions 24:463-478.
18796 Journal Article Phelps, Q.E., B.D.S. Graeb, and D.W. Willis. 2008. Influence of the Moran effect on spatiotemporal synchrony in common carp recruitment. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society(137):1701-1708.
1477 Journal Article Propst, D.L., and C.A. Carlson. 1986. The distribution and status of warmwater fishes in the Platte River drainage, Colorado. Southwestern Naturalist 31(2):149-167.
30289 Journal Article Rogers, W.A. 1975. Four New Species of Gyrodactylus From Fishes of Alabama. The Journal of Parasitology 61(1):51-53.
30288 Journal Article Rogers, W.A. and J.P. Hawke. 1978. The Parasitic Copepod Ergasilus from the Skin of the Gizzard Shad Dorosoma cepedianum. Transactions of the American Microscopical Society 97(2):244.
25985 Database Royal Ontario Museum. 2014. Royal Ontario Museum ichthyology collection. Accessed through GBIF data portal, Royal Ontario Museum, Toronto, Ontario. Created on 03/10/2014. Accessed on 12/19/2014.
40789 News Scofield, D. 2023. Spotted in Lake Erie: non-native fish species found floating dead near Edgewater Park. News 5. Cleveland. Created on 03/28/2023. Accessed on 03/28/2023.
98 Book Smith, C.L. 1985. The inland fishes of New York State. New York State Department of Environmental Conservation, Albany, NY.
105 Book Smith, P.W. 1979. The fishes of Illinois. University of Illinois Press, Urbana, IL.
26021 Database South African National Biodiversity Institute. 2013. South African Institute of Aquatic Biodiversity specimen collection. South African Institute of Aquatic Biodiversity, Grahamstown, South Africa. Created on 10/01/2010. Accessed on 04/11/2013.
30290 Journal Article Sroufe, S.A. Jr. 1958. Mazocraeoides olentangiensis, n. sp., a Monogenetic Trematode Parasitic on the Gills of the Gizzard Shad, Dorosoma cepedianum (Le Sueur). The Journal of Parasitology 44(6):643-646.
25995 Database Sternberg Museum of Natural History. 2013. Sternberg Museum of Natural History ichthyology collection. Accessed through GBIF data portal, Fort Hays State University, Hays, KS. Created on 04/03/2007. Accessed on 04/11/2013.
25998 Database Texas Natural Science Center. 2013. Texas Natural History Collections ichthyology collection. Accessed through GBIF data portal, Unversity of Texas at Austin, Austin, TX. Created on 02/02/2011. Accessed on 04/11/2013.
30672 Report Trautman, M.B. 1935. A second planting of gizzard shad in Whitmore Lake, Michigan. (Fisheries research report: 320). Michigan Department of Natural Resources, Ann Arbor, MI.;view=fulltext.
30694 Report Trautman, M.B. 1935. The gizzard shad, and its introduction into Whitmore Lake, Michigan in August of 1935 (Fisheries research report: 315). Michigan Department of Natural Resources, Ann Arbor, MI.;view=fulltext.
28091 Database University of Alabama Biodiversity and Systematics. 2014. UAIC Ichthyological Collection. University of Alabama Biodiversity and Systematics, Tuscaloosa, AL. Created on 07/21/2014. Accessed on 10/19/2015.
25948 Database University of Kansas. 2013. University of Kansas Biodiversity Institute ichthyology collection. Accessed through GBIF data portal, University of Kansas, Lawrence, KS. Created on 06/26/2012. Accessed on 04/10/2013.
25978 Database University of Nebraska State Museum. 2013. University of Nebraska State Museum vertebrate collection. Accessed through GBIF data portal, University of Nebraska, Lincoln, NE. Created on 04/03/2007. Accessed on 04/11/2013.
17444 Web Page Utah Department of Natural Resources. 2008. Gizzard Shad.
27495 Journal Article Vashro, J. 1995. The bucket brigade. Montana Outdoors 26(5):34-35.
1390 Report Walker, P. 1993. A list of the endemic and introduced fishes of Colorado-March 1993. Aquatic Resources Section - Fish Health Unit.
27068 Journal Article Walleser, L.R., M.B. Sandheinrich, D.R. Howard, M.P. Gaikowski, and J.J. Amberg. 2014. Spatial and temporal variation of the gill rakers of Gizzard Shad and Silver Carp in three midwestern rivers. North American Journal of Fisheries Management 34(5):875-884.
40452 Journal Article Wang, J.Z., D. Chapman, J. Xu, Y. Wang, and B.H. Gu. 2018. Isotope niche dimension and trophic overlap between bigheaded carps and native filter feeding fish in the lower Missouri River, USA. PLOS One 13(5):e0197584.
27183 Journal Article Webber, P.A., and M.T. Jones. 2013. Continued Gizzard Shad (Dorosoma cepedianum) range expansion in the Colorado River Basin. Western North American Naturalist 73(1):110-112.
24198 Book Whitehead, J.P. 1985. FAO Species Catalogue. Vol. 7. Clupeoid Fishes of the World (Suborder Clupeoidei). An annotated and illustrated catalogue of the herrings, sardines, pilchards, sprats, anchovies and wolf-herrings. Part 1 - Chirocentridae, Clupeidae and Pristigasteridae. Volume FAO Fisheries Synopsis No. 125, Vol. 7. Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations.
30282 Report Williamson, K.L. and P.C. Nelson. 1985. Habitat Suitability Index Models and Instream Flow Suitability Curves: Gizzard Shad. U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Fort Collins, CO.
306 Book Woodling, J. 1985. Colorado's little fish: a guide to the minnows and other lesser known fishes in the state of Colorado. Colorado Division of Wildlife, Denver, CO.
30287 Report Wynne, F. 2013. Removal of Undesirable Fishes From Warmwater Ponds. Kentucky State University Cooperative Extension Program, Mayfield, KY.
28411 News Wyoming Game and Fish Department. 2015. Gizzard shad transplant already paying off. Wyoming Game and Fish Department. Created on 10/19/2015. Accessed on 01/04/2016.


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Citation information: U.S. Geological Survey. [2025]. Nonindigenous Aquatic Species Database. Gainesville, Florida. Accessed [1/19/2025].

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