NAS - Nonindigenous Aquatic Species
Moyle, P.B. 1976. Inland fishes of California. University of California Press Berkeley, CA.
Reference Number: 217 Type: Book Author: Moyle, P.B. Date (year): 1976 Edition: Title:Inland fishes of California. Publisher:University of California Press Berkeley, CA. Publisher Location: Volume: Pages: 405 pp URL: Keywords: California, fishes, Lepomis microlophus, redear sunfish, pomoxis annularis white crappie, dorosoma cepedianum, gizzard shad, Oncorhynchus kisutch
Acanthogobius flavimanus CA - Central Valley drainage CA - Sacramento-San Joaquin drainage, coast of CA - Pajaro drainage CA - Delta-Mendota Canal [E of Monterey Bay] CA - San Luis Reservoir CA - throughout the Delta from Elkhorn Slough to Tomales Bay
Alosa sapidissima CA - lower Klamath drainage CA - Central Valley CA - Coast of Sacramento River drainage CA - Sacramento River CA - Sacramento River CA - San Pedro, CA north to Alaska CA - Sacramento River to Red Bluff and in the lower reaches of the main tributaries (particularly the American, Feather and Yuba Rivers), as well as the Mokelumne and Stanislaus Rivers CA - lower reaches of the American River CA - lower reaches of the Feather River CA - lower reaches of the Yuba River CA - Mokelumne River CA - Stanislaus River CA - south Delta, sloughs CA - San Joaquin River CA - Klamath River CA - Russian River CA - Eel River in northern CA CA - Millerton Lake on San Joaquin River CA - Millerton Lake on San Joaquin River OR - whole coast of OR OR - whole coast of OR OR - Columbia River WA - coastal waters WA - Columbia River
Ameiurus catus CA - Central Valley drainage CA - Clear Lake drainage CA - Sacramento-San Joaquin drainage, coast of CA - Pajaro drainage CA - Lahontan drainage CA - South California drainage CA - San Joaquin River near Stockton CA - Clear Lake NV - state non-specific
Ameiurus melas CA - Upper Klamath drainage CA - Central Valley drainage CA - Pajaro drainage CA - Lahontan drainage CA - San Diego drainage CA - L.A. Basin CA - St. Maria-St. Ynez drainage CA - state non-specific CA - Salton Sea drainage CA - state non-specific CA - Colorado drainage CA - Sacramento River Delta
Ameiurus natalis CA - Upper Klamath drainage CA - lower Klamath drainage CA - Central Valley drainage CA - San Diego drainage CA - L.A. Basin CA - St. Maria-St. Ynez drainage CA - state non-specific CA - Colorado drainage CA - Lost River CA - a few reservoirs in southern CA CA - Sacramento River Delta CA - Sacramento River Delta
Ameiurus nebulosus CA - Upper Klamath drainage CA - lower Klamath drainage CA - Goose Lake drainage CA - Pit River drainage CA - Central Valley drainage CA - Sacramento-San Joaquin drainage, coast of CA - Clear Lake drainage CA - Pajaro drainage CA - Owens drainage CA - Mojave drainage CA - South California drainage CA - Colorado drainage CA - state non-specific CA - Clear Lake CA - Clear Lake CA - San Joaquin River at Friant
Archoplites interruptus CA - Russian River CA - Sacramento-San Joaquin drainage, coast of CA - Upper Klamath drainage CA - Owens Drainage CA - Clear Lake Reservoir CA - Crowley Lake drainage CA - Lake Almanor, Plumas County CO - state non-specific ND - state non-specific NE - state non-specific NV - state non-specific NV - Pyramid Lake NV - Walker Lake drainage SD - state non-specific UT - state non-specific
Austrolebias bellottii CA - Experimental ponds at the Agricultural Experiment Station at the University of California, Riverside campus
Carassius auratus CA - Central Valley drainage CA - Clear Lake drainage CA - Pajaro drainage CA - Mono Lake drainage CA - Owens drainage CA - Amargosa drainage CA - Mojave drainage CA - South California drainage CA - Colorado drainage CA - southern CA reservoirs CA - canals and sloughs of Central Valley drainage
Catostomus fumeiventris CA - June Lake, in Mono Lake drainage CA - Santa Clara drainage CA - Owens Valley native fish sanctuary
Catostomus occidentalis CA - upper Klamath River CA - Tributary of Santa Maria River CA - Whale Rock Reservoir CA - Morro Creek CA - Chorro Creek CA - Cayucos Creek
Catostomus tahoensis CA - Central Valley drainage CA - upper reaches of the Feather River, Sacramento system CA - upper reaches of the Rubicon River, Sacramento system
Cyprinella lutrensis CA - Salton Sea drainage CA - Central Valley drainage CA - Salton Sea, freshwater ditches nearby CA - Colorado River CA - Colorado River NV - Moapa (Muddy) River
Cyprinodon nevadensis CA - Mojave drainage
Cyprinus carpio CA - Central Valley drainage CA - Clear Lake drainage CA - Sacramento-San Joaquin drainage, coast of CA - Pajaro River drainage CA - Lahontan drainage CA - Owens drainage CA - Mojave drainage CA - South California drainage CA - Colorado drainage CA - Sonoma Valley, pond CA - Clear Lake CA - San Joaquin River at Friant
Dorosoma petenense AZ - state non-specific CA - Central Valley drainage CA - Pajaro drainage CA - Sacramento-San Joaquin drainage, coast of CA - San Diego drainage CA - L.A. Basin CA - St. Maria-St. Ynez drainage CA - state non-specific CA - Salton Sea drainage CA - Colorado drainage CA - Lake Havasu CA - San Vicente Reservoir CA - state non-specific CA - Long Beach to Humboldt Bay, in saltwater HI - state non-specific KY - state non-specific NV - state non-specific ME - state non-specific WV - state non-specific
Gambusia affinis CA - Pit River drainage CA - Central Valley drainage CA - Sacramento-San Joaquin drainage, coast of CA - Clear Lake CA - Pajaro drainage CA - Lahontan drainage CA - Death Valley drainage CA - South California drainage CA - Colorado drainage CA - state non-specific CA - Clear Lake CA - San Joaquin River at Friant
Gasterosteus aculeatus CA - Mono Lake drainage CA - Mojave drainage CA - Big Bear Lake (near Big Bear City)
Gila orcuttii CA - Cuyama River CA - Mojave drainage CA - St. Maria-St. Ynez drainage
Gillichthys mirabilis CA - Salton Sea
Hesperoleucus symmetricus CA - St. Maria-St. Ynez drainage CA - Cuyama River CA - Cuyama River CA - Eel River in northern CA
Hypomesus nipponensis CA - Dodge Reservoir CA - Dwinnell Reservoir (=Lake Shastina) CA - Big Bear Lake (near Big Bear City) CA - Freshwater Lagoon CA - Spaulding Reservoir CA - Sly Park Reservoir (Jenkinson Lake) CA - Lake Shastina Reservoir (=Dwinnell Reservoir) CA - lower Klamath drainage CA - Sacramento drainage
Hysterocarpus traskii CA - San Luis Reservoir, O'Neill Forebay CA - Los Banos Creek Reservoir
Ictalurus furcatus CA - San Diego drainage CA - L.A. Basin CA - St. Maria-St. Ynez drainage CA - Sutherland Reservoir on the Santa Ysabel River CA - El Capitan Reservoir CA - San Vicente Reservoir CA - Santee Lakes chain (in Santee, E of San Diego) CA - Lake Jennings, near San Diego CA - Lake Mathews [reservoir just E of Corona]
Ictalurus punctatus CA - Pit River drainage CA - Central Valley drainage CA - Clear Lake drainage CA - Owens drainage CA - Mojave drainage CA - San Diego drainage CA - L.A. Basin CA - St. Maria-St. Ynez drainage CA - state non-specific CA - Salton Sea drainage CA - Sacramento drainage CA - Colorado drainage CA - Sacramento drainage CA - Colorado River CA - Clear Lake
Ictiobus cyprinellus CA - at least 11 reservoirs in the Los Angles aquaduct system CA - at least 11 reservoirs in the Los Angles aquaduct system
Lepomis cyanellus CA - Upper Klamath drainage CA - lower Klamath drainage CA - Goose Lake drainage CA - Pit River drainage CA - Central Valley drainage CA - Sacramento-San Joaquin drainage, coast of CA - Clear Lake drainage CA - Pajaro drainage CA - Owens drainage CA - Mojave drainage CA - South California drainage CA - San Diego drainage CA - L.A. Basin CA - St. Maria-St. Ynez drainage CA - state non-specific CA - Colorado drainage CA - Colorado drainage CA - Salton Sea drainage CA - state non-specific CA - San Joaquin Valley CA - Clear Lake CA - San Joaquin River at Friant
Lepomis gibbosus CA - Upper Klamath drainage CA - lower Klamath drainage CA - L.A. Basin CA - Central Valley drainage CA - reservoirs and backwaters of the Klamath River CA - reservoirs and backwaters of the Lost River CA - Honey Lake CA - Susan River (in southern part of county) CA - Big Bear Lake (near Big Bear City) CA - Lahontan drainage
Lepomis gulosus CA - Pajaro drainage CA - Central Valley drainage CA - Colorado River CA - southern California CA - Central Valley floor and in a few reservoirs at higher elevations CA - Bass Lake (near Wishon) CA - Colorado River
Lepomis macrochirus CA - state non-specific CA - Upper Klamath drainage CA - lower Klamath drainage CA - Pit River drainage CA - Central Valley drainage CA - Sacramento-San Joaquin drainage, coast of CA - Clear Lake drainage CA - Pajaro drainage CA - Lahontan drainage CA - Owens drainage CA - Mojave drainage CA - South California drainage CA - San Diego drainage CA - L.A. Basin CA - St. Maria-St. Ynez drainage CA - state non-specific CA - Colorado drainage CA - Colorado drainage CA - Salton Sea drainage CA - Clear Lake CA - San Joaquin River at Friant
Lepomis microlophus CA - Pajaro drainage CA - Pit River drainage CA - Central Valley drainage CA - Clear Lake drainage CA - Owens drainage CA - Mojave drainage CA - South California drainage CA - San Diego drainage CA - L.A. Basin CA - St. Maria-St. Ynez drainage CA - state non-specific CA - Colorado drainage CA - Colorado River CA - Clear Lake
Lucania parva CA - Irvine Lake OR - Yaquina Bay [Newport, OR] UT - state non-specific CA - Lake Merritt, Oakland CA - Aquatic Park Lagoon in Berkeley, CA
Menidia audens CA - Clear Lake CA - Sacramento-San Joaquin drainage, coast of CA - Central Valley drainage CA - Clear Lake drainage CA - Pajaro drainage CA - Clear Lake CA - Cache Creek [outlet of Clear Lake] CA - private ponds above Lake Berryessa CA - Del Valle Reservoir [=Lake del Valle] CA - Putah Lake, connected to Clear Lake by irrigation ditches CA - Alameda County, small isolated lakes CA - Santa Clara County, small isolated lakes CA - Lexington Reservoir CA - large pool on the Cache Creek near Capay, about 25 miles upstream from the Sacramento River and about 55 miles downstream from Clear Lake CA - Anderson Reservoir, on Coyote Creek CA - Blue Lakes
Micropterus coosae CA - state non-specific CA - Central Valley drainage CA - Alder Creek, tributary of Sacramento S of Folsom Lake CA - Stanislaus River CA - Dry Creek CA - Santa Ana River CA - Sisquoc River CA - Santa Margarita River
Micropterus dolomieu CA - Pit River drainage CA - Central Valley drainage CA - Sacramento-San Joaquin drainage, coast of CA - Clear Lake drainage CA - Pajaro drainage CA - Owens drainage CA - San Diego drainage CA - L.A. Basin CA - St. Maria-St. Ynez drainage CA - state non-specific CA - Colorado drainage CA - Sacramento drainage CA - Russian River CA - Sacramento drainage, in most of the larger streams CA - state non-specific CA - Pine Flat Reservoir CA - Millerton Lake on San Joaquin River CA - Folsom Reservoir CA - Merced River CA - Stanislaus River CA - San Joaquin River at Friant
Micropterus henshalli CA - Perris Reservoir (near Perris)
Micropterus punctulatus CA - Central Valley drainage CA - L.A. Basin CA - state non-specific CA - state non-specific CA - Consumnes River CA - Feather River, especially in Oroville Reservoir CA - state non-specific
Micropterus salmoides CA - state non-specific CA - Upper Klamath drainage CA - lower Klamath drainage CA - Pit River drainage CA - Central Valley drainage CA - Sacramento-San Joaquin drainage, coast of CA - Clear Lake drainage CA - Pajaro drainage CA - Lahontan drainage CA - Owens drainage CA - Mojave drainage CA - South California drainage CA - San Diego drainage CA - L.A. Basin CA - St. Maria-St. Ynez drainage CA - state non-specific CA - Colorado drainage CA - Colorado drainage CA - Salton Sea drainage CA - Clear Lake CA - San Joaquin River at Friant
Misgurnus anguillicaudatus CA - Westminster flood control channel
Morone chrysops CA - state non-specific CA - Colorado River CA - Nacimiento Reservoir CA - Nacimiento Reservoir
Morone saxatilis CA - Pajaro drainage CA - Central Valley drainage CA - Sacramento-San Joaquin drainage, coast of CA - Colorado drainage CA - Sacramento-San Joaquin rivers and estuary CA - Sacramento-San Joaquin estuary CA - lower Russian River CA - lower Klamath River CA - Millerton Lake on San Joaquin River CA - Millerton Lake on San Joaquin River CA - San Luis Reservoir CA - lower Colorado River OR - lower Coos River and estuary OR - lower Umpqua River and estuary OR - lower Coquille River and estuary
Notemigonus crysoleucas CA - Upper Klamath drainage CA - lower Klamath drainage CA - Pit River drainage CA - Central Valley drainage CA - Sacramento-San Joaquin drainage, coast of CA - Clear Lake drainage CA - Pajaro drainage CA - Lahontan drainage CA - South California drainage CA - South California drainage CA - Colorado drainage CA - Salton Sea CA - Sacramento drainage CA - Colorado River CA - upper Pit River in Big Valley, swampy areas CA - Clear Lake
Oncorhynchus aguabonita CA - Central Valley drainage CA - Lahontan drainage CA - Mono Lake drainage CA - Owens drainage CA - streams in Fresno County
Oncorhynchus clarkii CA - Mono Lake drainage CA - Death Valley drainage CA - Silver King Creek CA - Delaney Creek CA - Cottonwood Creek (in SW part of County)
Oncorhynchus kisutch CA - Central Valley drainage CA - Sacramento River CA - Sacramento River CA - Sacramento River CA - Sacramento River CA - Lake Berryessa
Oncorhynchus mykiss CA - Lahontan drainage CA - Death Valley drainage CA - Colorado River
Oncorhynchus nerka CA - lower Klamath drainage CA - Central Valley drainage CA - Lahontan drainage CA - Mojave drainage CA - Salt Springs Reservoir on the Mokelumne River CA - Tahoe region lakes CA - Shasta Reservoir CA - Trinity Reservoir
Oreochromis mossambicus CA - Salton Sea drainage CA - Colorado drainage CA - Imperial Valley, irrigation systems CA - lower Colorado River near the Mexican border CA - San Diego drainage CA - Imperial Valley, irrigation systems CA - Bard Valley, irrigation systems CA - Palo Verde Valley, irrigation systems CA - Palo Verde Valley, irrigation systems CA - Bard Valley, irrigation systems
Orthodon microlepidotus CA - Sacramento-San Joaquin drainage, coast of CA - L.A. Basin CA - Russian River Reservoir on the Carmel River in southern CA NV - Truckee Meadows area near Reno
Pantosteus santaanae CA - St. Maria-St. Ynez drainage CA - Santa Clara River
Perca flavescens CA - Upper Klamath drainage CA - lower Klamath drainage CA - Central Valley drainage CA - Copco Lake on the Klamath River CA - Klamath River CA - southern CA reservoirs CA - Sacramento River CA - Sacramento River
Percina macrolepida CA - San Joaquin drainage (as far south as Mendota) CA - Central Valley drainage CA - Beale Air Force Base CA - Yuba River CA - sloughs of the lower Sacramento River and Delta; as far south in the San Joaquin Valley as Mendota
Pimephales promelas CA - Upper Klamath drainage CA - Central Valley drainage CA - Clear Lake drainage CA - Pajaro River drainage CA - Colorado River CA - Los Banos Creek in San Joaquin Valley CA - Ulatis Creek in San Joaquin Valley
Platichthys stellatus CA - San Luis Reservoir CA - San Luis Reservoir, O'Neill Forebay
Poecilia latipinna CA - Salton Sea CA - canals around Salton Sea CA - ponds and canals in Southern CA CA - springs of Death Valley NV - Death Valley, springs
Poecilia mexicana CA - Salton Sea, freshwater ditches nearby
Poecilia reticulata CA - L.A. Basin MT - warm springs (probably Ruby drainage in Madison County, where all the other live bearers are)
Pomoxis annularis CA - Upper Klamath drainage CA - Central Valley drainage CA - Clear Lake drainage CA - South California drainage CA - San Diego drainage CA - L.A. Basin CA - St. Maria-St. Ynez drainage CA - state non-specific CA - Colorado drainage CA - San Diego County CA - Clear Lake CA - north of the Tehachapi Mountains CA - reservoirs and sloughs of the Sacramento drainage CA - Sacramento Delta, sloughs CA - Sacramento River, sloughs CA - Clear Lake
Pomoxis nigromaculatus CA - Pit River drainage CA - Central Valley drainage CA - Sacramento-San Joaquin drainage, coast of CA - Clear Lake drainage CA - Pajaro drainage CA - Owens drainage CA - South California drainage CA - San Diego drainage CA - L.A. Basin CA - St. Maria-St. Ynez drainage CA - state non-specific CA - Upper Klamath drainage CA - Pit River drainage CA - Clear Lake CA - state non-specific
Pylodictis olivaris CA - Salton Sea drainage CA - Colorado drainage CA - Colorado drainage
Rhinichthys osculus CA - San Luis Obispo Creek (goes through San Luis Obispo)
Richardsonius egregius CA - Sacramento drainage CA - Mill Creek at the headwaters of the Rubicon River CA - Central Valley drainage CA - Bucks Lake, which drains the north fork of the Feather River CA - Warner Creek, a tributary of the north fork of the Feather River
Rivulus hartii CA - Hot Mineral Spa, a small ditch flowing into the Salton Sea that once drained a now defunct tropical fish farm
Salmo trutta CA - Klamath (HUC6) non-specific CA - Sacramento River drainage CA - Lahontan drainage CA - South California drainage CA - Mono Lake drainage CA - Owens drainage CA - Mojave drainage CA - state non-specific CA - state non-specific CA - Hat Creek CA - Owens River CA - San Joaquin River at Friant
Salvelinus fontinalis CA - Upper Klamath drainage CA - lower Klamath drainage CA - Goose Lake drainage CA - Pit River drainage CA - Central Valley drainage CA - Sacramento-San Joaquin drainage, coast of CA - Kern drainage CA - Lahontan drainage CA - Mono Lake drainage CA - Owens drainage CA - Mojave drainage CA - San Diego drainage CA - St. Maria-St. Ynez drainage CA - state non-specific CA - state non-specific CA - Berkeley CA - state non-specific CA - state non-specific CA - state non-specific OR - Rogue drainage
Salvelinus malma CA - Central Valley drainage
Salvelinus namaycush CA - Lahontan drainage CA - Lake Tahoe CA - Lake Tahoe CA - Donner Lake CA - Fallen Leaf Lake CA - Stony Ridge Lake
Siphateles bicolor CA - Pit River drainage CA - Central Valley drainage CA - Sacramento River reservoirs CA - Lake Almanor, Plumas County
Siphateles bicolor obesus CA - Crowley Lake drainage
Siphateles bicolor snyderi CA - Owens Valley native fish sanctuary
Thymallus arcticus CA - lower Klamath drainage CA - Pit River drainage CA - state non-specific CA - state non-specific CA - state non-specific CA - state non-specific CA - Grayling Lake, Yosemite National Park CA - Inyo County CA - Nevada County CA - Sierra County CA - Plumas County CA - Amador County CA - Alpine County CA - El Dorado County CA - Placer County CA - Lassen County CA - Shasta County CA - Siskiyou County
Tilapia zillii CA - Lake Cahuilla CA - Coachella Valley CA - Palo Verde Valley CA - Salton Sea drainage CA - Colorado drainage CA - irrigation systems of the Imperial Valley CA - Coachella Valley CA - Kern County, ponds CA - Santa Clara County CA - Los Angeles County CA - Orange County CA - Riverside County CA - state non-specific CA - Palo Verde Valley
Tinca tinca CA - Pajaro drainage CA - private reservoir near Lobitas Creek CA - private reservoir near Lobitas Creek CA - San Mateo County, ponds and reservoirs CA - Santa Cruz County, ponds and reservoirs CA - Trinity River CA - Klamath River
Tridentiger trigonocephalus CA - Lake Merritt, Oakland CA - San Francisco Bay
Xiphophorus hellerii CA - L.A. Basin CA - Orange County flood control canals
Xiphophorus variatus CA - Salton Sea
The data represented on this site vary in accuracy, scale, completeness, extent of coverage and origin. It is the user's responsibility to use these data consistent with their intended purpose and within stated limitations. We highly recommend reviewing metadata files prior to interpreting these data.
Citation information: U.S. Geological Survey. [2025]. Nonindigenous Aquatic Species Database. Gainesville, Florida. Accessed [2/13/2025].
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