NAS - Nonindigenous Aquatic Species
Minckley, W.L. 1973. Fishes of Arizona. Arizona Fish and Game Department, Phoenix, AZ.
Reference Number: 109 Type: Book Author: Minckley, W.L. Date (year): 1973 Edition: Title:Fishes of Arizona. Publisher:Arizona Fish and Game Department Publisher Location:Phoenix, AZ Volume: Pages: 127 pp URL: Keywords: Arizona, fishes, Lepomis microlophus, redear sunfish
Acipenser transmontanus AZ - Lake Havasu
Agosia chrysogaster AZ - Virgin River NM - lower Rio Grande
Alosa pseudoharengus CO - Colorado River basin, headwaters
Ambloplites rupestris AZ - lower Oak Creek, upper Verde drainage AZ - Clear Creek (lowermost) AZ - lakes above Mogollon Rim
Ameiurus melas NV - Lake Mead
Ameiurus nebulosus AZ - state non-specific
Anguilla rostrata AZ - Lake Mead NV - Lake Mead, Overton Arm NV - Lake Mead National Recreation Area
Anguilla sp. NV - Lake Mead
Archocentrus nigrofasciatus AZ - borrow pit of the Salt River at east edge of Phoenix AZ - Mesa AZ - canals near Phoenix AZ - borrow pit of the Salt River at east edge of Phoenix NV - warm springs flowing into Lake Mead in southern NV, and elsewhere in the state
Archoplites interruptus AZ - a borrow pit near Buckeye, Maricopa County
Astyanax mexicanus AZ - lower Colorado River AZ - Colorado River just below Morelos Dam CA - Colorado River, lower
Clarias batrachus CA - All American Canal west of Yuma, AZ
Corbicula fluminea AZ - Roosevelt Lake on Salt River AZ - Salt River, at Apache Lake
Cottus bairdii AZ - Colorado River at Davis Dam AZ - Lake Havasu first point south of Needles Boat Landing CA - Lake Havasu first point south of Needles Boat Landing CA - Colorado River below Davis dam
Cyprinella venusta NV - Virgin River near Bunkerville
Cyprinus carpio AZ - San Carlos Lake (Coolidge Dam Reservoir) on Gila River AZ - state non-specific AZ - state non-specific AZ - state non-specific AZ - Colorado River AZ - Painted Rock Dam in borrow pit below
Dorosoma cepedianum CO - western slope
Dorosoma petenense AZ - Lake Havasu AZ - lower Colorado drainage AZ - central AZ lakes AZ - state non-specific AZ - Lake Powell AZ - Santa Cruz County AZ - near Arivaca AZ - Maricopa County AZ - Colorado River AZ - Colorado River AZ - Colorado River AZ - San Carlos Lake (Coolidge Dam Reservoir) on Gila River and tribs. (Gila and San Carlos) AZ - Pinal County NV - Overton Arm of Lake Mead
Esox lucius AZ - state non-specific AZ - Verde River system
Fundulus zebrinus AZ - Little Colorado basin AZ - Little Colorado basin AZ - in bait tanks along the lower Colorado River UT - near the AZ border
Gambusia affinis AZ - state non-specific AZ - state non-specific CA - state non-specific CA - state non-specific UT - state non-specific UT - state non-specific
Gillichthys mirabilis AZ - Roosevelt Lake, south shore, Salt River
Herichthys cyanoguttatus AZ - canal in Tempe
Heros severus NV - Rogers Spring (Overton Arm of Lake Mead)
Hypostomus sp. NV - warm spring in southern NV NV - warm spring in southern NV TX - San Antonio
Ictalurus furcatus AZ - Colorado River NM - San Juan River NM - San Juan River
Ictalurus pricei AZ - Santa Cruz River system in reservoir fed by Monkey Spring AZ - Santa Cruz River system in reservoir fed by Monkey Spring AZ - Santa Cruz River system in reservoir fed by Monkey Spring
Ictalurus punctatus AZ - Colorado River AZ - Gila River drainage AZ - Cochise County AZ - Navajo County AZ - Coconino County AZ - Maricopa County AZ - Santa Cruz County AZ - Pinal County AZ - Apache County AZ - Graham County AZ - Gila County AZ - Colorado River AZ - Colorado River AZ - Colorado River
Ictiobus bubalus AZ - Salt River, at Apache Lake AZ - Salt River, at Canyon Lake AZ - Salt River, at Saguaro Lake
Ictiobus cyprinellus AZ - Salt River in the four in-line reservoirs AZ - Salt River in the four in-line reservoirs AZ - Yuma AZ - Apache Lake, on the Salt River AZ - Roosevelt Lake on Salt River
Ictiobus niger AZ - Roosevelt Lake on Salt River AZ - Salt River, at Apache Lake AZ - Salt River, at Canyon Lake AZ - Salt River, at Saguaro Lake
Lepomis cyanellus AZ - state non-specific AZ - San Carlos River AZ - Salt River stony tribs AZ - Salt River Canyon mainstream AZ - Burro Creek AZ - Bill Williams River basin, sand streams AZ - Mogollon Rim lakes
Lepomis gibbosus AZ - pond near Safford
Lepomis microlophus AZ - central AZ lakes AZ - lower Colorado River AZ - Roosevelt Lake on Salt River
Micropterus dolomieu AZ - state non-specific AZ - Colorado River mainstream AZ - Verde River system AZ - Salt River Basin below 2200m elevation
Micropterus punctulatus AZ - Verde River system AZ - Verde River system AZ - West Clear Creek, a tributary of the Verde
Micropterus salmoides AZ - East Clear Creek AZ - Chevelon Creek AZ - Colorado River AZ - Yuma County AZ - Colorado River AZ - Colorado River AZ - Apache County AZ - Graham County AZ - Cochise County AZ - Santa Cruz County AZ - Gila River AZ - Maricopa County AZ - Pinal County AZ - Pima County AZ - Coconino County AZ - Navajo County AZ - Yavapai County
Micropterus salmoides floridanus AZ - state non-specific
Micropterus salmoides salmoides AZ - state non-specific
Micropterus salmoides CA - Owens drainage
Morone chrysops AZ - Agua Fria River at Lake Carl Pleasant AZ - Agua Fria River at Lake Carl Pleasant AZ - lower Colorado River
Morone saxatilis AZ - lower Colorado River CA - lower Colorado River CA - lower Colorado River near Blythe
Notemigonus crysoleucas AZ - state non-specific AZ - Colorado River AZ - Colorado River near Parker Dam AZ - Lake Mead AZ - Colorado River near Ehrenberg AZ - Colorado River near Needles AZ - Lake Powell AZ - Apache County AZ - Mexican border AZ - San Carlos Lake (Coolidge Dam Reservoir) on Gila River AZ - near Pinetop AZ - Apache County, south part AZ - near Flagstaff AZ - Chevelon Creek AZ - Hawley Lake AZ - Quitobaquito Spring in Organ Pipe National Monument UT - Virgin River
Notropis stramineus AZ - Navajo County AZ - Chevelon Creek, at mouth AZ - East Clear Creek
Oncorhynchus aguabonita AZ - private lake near Patagonia
Oncorhynchus clarkii AZ - Lake Mead
Oncorhynchus kisutch AZ - Lake Mohave AZ - Lake Mead AZ - Colorado River
Oncorhynchus mykiss AZ - state non-specific AZ - mainstream reservoirs on the Colorado River and smaller reservoirs
Oncorhynchus nerka AZ - Ashurst Lake AZ - Lake Mohave AZ - Lake Mohave AZ - Luna Lake, headwaters of the San Fransisco River
Oreochromis mossambicus AZ - lower Colorado River AZ - mid-Phoenix along Gila River to Yuma AZ - Warm Springs, a tributary of the San Carlos River, San Carlos Apache Reservation (between Rocky Gulch and Bronco Gulch) AZ - state non-specific AZ - Warm Springs, a tributary of the San Carlos River, San Carlos Apache Reservation (between Rocky Gulch and Bronco Gulch)
Oreochromis niloticus AZ - Page Springs Fish hatchery AZ - southern AZ AZ - canal in Mesa
Osmerus mordax CO - Colorado River basin, headwaters
Pantosteus plebeius AZ - San Francisco River NM - San Francisco River
Perca flavescens AZ - state non-specific AZ - mainstream Colorado and its reservoirs
Poecilia latipinna AZ - lower Salt River AZ - Verde River and downstream in canal systems AZ - lower Gila basin in canals and wastewater ponds AZ - Colorado River area below Imperial Dam AZ - Roosevelt Lake, Tonto Arm AZ - Phoenix metropolitan area AZ - Gila River at Painted Rock Dam west of Gila Bend CA - Salton Sea drainage NV - state non-specific
Poecilia mexicana AZ - Phoenix metropolitan canal system NV - state non-specific
Poecilia reticulata AZ - Yuma AZ - Rock Springs north of Phoenix AZ - Phoenix canal system - sporadically throughout
Pylodictis olivaris AZ - Gila River drainage AZ - Colorado River CA - Colorado River system NM - Gila River drainage (upper part of drainage in NM) NM - Gila River drainage
Salmo trutta AZ - state non-specific
Salvelinus fontinalis AZ - state non-specific AZ - state non-specific AZ - state non-specific
Sander vitreus AZ - state non-specific AZ - Lake Powell AZ - Lake Mead UT - Lake Powell
Thorichthys meeki AZ - canal in Mesa
Thymallus arcticus AZ - Big Lake AZ - Mogollon Rim AZ - White Mountains AZ - White Mountains AZ - Mogollon Rim
Tilapia zillii AZ - canal in Mesa AZ - canal in Mesa
Xiphophorus hellerii AZ - Rock Springs north of Phoenix NV - Rogers Spring (Overton Arm of Lake Mead)
Xiphophorus variatus AZ - Salt River channel in Tempe AZ - Salt River channel in Tempe AZ - drain in Yuma
The data represented on this site vary in accuracy, scale, completeness, extent of coverage and origin. It is the user's responsibility to use these data consistent with their intended purpose and within stated limitations. We highly recommend reviewing metadata files prior to interpreting these data.
Citation information: U.S. Geological Survey. [2025]. Nonindigenous Aquatic Species Database. Gainesville, Florida. Accessed [2/13/2025].
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For general information and questions about the database, contact Wesley Daniel. For problems and technical issues, contact Matthew Neilson.