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Cut-and-Paste Reference:
Becker, G.C. 1983. Fishes of Wisconsin. University of Wisconsin Press, Madison, WI.
Reference Details:
Reference Number: 271
Type: Book
Author: Becker, G.C.
Date (year): 1983
Title:Fishes of Wisconsin.
Publisher:University of Wisconsin Press
Publisher Location:Madison, WI
Pages: 1052 pp
Keywords: Wisconsin, fishes, Lepisosteus platostomus, shortnose gar, Lepomis humilis, orange spotted sunfish, Osmerus eperlanus, European smelt, white crappie, pomoxis annularis, gizzard shad, dorosoma cepedianum, Oncorhynchus gorbuscha, Phenacobius mirabilis, Alosa chrysochloris, Common carp, Cyprinus carpio
Species Profiles and Specimens that use this Reference:

Alosa pseudoharengus

    WI - Kangaroo Lake (Door Co)
    WI - Pigeon River system in Sheboygan and Manitowoc Cos.
    WI - Pigeon Lake, Manitowoc County
    WI - East Twin River, Manitowoc County
    WI - Sheboygan River
    WI - Sauk Creek, Ozaukee County
    WI - Milwaukee River, Milwaukee County

Alosa sapidissima

    MN - Mississippi River a few km above St. Paul
    WI - Fox River at Appleton

Ameiurus nebulosus

    WI - Beartrap-Nemadji drainage
     - Bad-Montreal (HUC8) non-specific

Amia calva

    WI - Fox-Wolf system

Ammocrypta clara

    WI - Waupaca River
    WI - Wolf River
    WI - Waupaca River, 2 miles below Waupaca

Anguilla rostrata

    WI - Lake Michigan, Port Washington Water, Port Washington, WI
    WI - Harrington Beach State Park near Belgium, WI
    WI - Green Bay at Red Banks
    WI - lower Fox River, Brown County
    WI - Green Bay at Peshtigo Point
    WI - Lake Nebagamon in Douglas County
    WI - Lake Nebagamon in Douglas County
    WI - Lake Nebagamon in Douglas County
    WI - Brule River, at mouth
    WI - Lake Superior, Superior Harbor
    MI - Lake Superior at mouth of Beaver Lake Creek, Pictured Rocks National Lakeshore

Aphredoderus sayanus

    WI - Embarrass River in Marathon County
    WI - Wisconsin River [upper], Oneida County

Aplodinotus grunniens

    WI - Moen Lake's chain, part of the tributary system to Wisconsin drainage, Oneida County

Ctenopharyngodon idella

    WI - state non-specific
    WI - state non-specific

Dorosoma cepedianum

    WI - Lake Michigan
    WI - Fox River between Green Bay and Lake Winnebago
    WI - upper Fox River
    WI - Lake Winnebago [near Neenah, WI]
    WI - Manitowoc-Sheboygan drainage
    WI - Lake Winnebago drainage
    WI - Upper Fox (HUC8) non-specific
     - Pike-Root (HUC8) non-specific
    WI - Lake Michigan
    WI - Door-Kewaunee drainage
    WI - Lower Fox drainage
    WI - Manitowoc-Sheboygan drainage
    WI - Lake Winnebago drainage
    WI - Upper Fox (HUC8) non-specific
     - Pike-Root (HUC8) non-specific

Esox lucius

    WI - Lac Vieux Desert Lake
    WI - Big St. Germain in Vilas County
    WI - Plum Lakes
    WI - Tomahawk Lake
    WI - Minocqua Lake, Oneida Lake

Esox lucius × masquinongy

    WI - Lac Vieux Desert Lake
    WI - Big St. Germain in Vilas County
    WI - Plum Lakes
    WI - Tomahawk Lake
    WI - Minocqua Lake, Oneida Lake
    WI - state non-specific

Esox masquinongy

    WI - state non-specific
    WI - Pewaukee Lake [in Pewaukee]
    WI - Little Green Lake, Green Lake County
    WI - Lake Wisconsin, Columbia County
    WI - Chain O' Lakes
    WI - 14 lakes in Bayfield County
    WI - Burnett County, 6 lakes
    WI - Washburn County, 3 lakes
    WI - Polk County, 2 lakes
    WI - St. Croix County, 1 lake
    WI - Barron County, 1 lake
    WI - 11 lakes in Forest County
    WI - Florence County, 3 lakes
    WI - Marinette County, 4 lakes
    WI - 9 lakes in Langlade County
    WI - Oconto County, 10 lakes
    WI - Kewaunee, 2 lakes
    WI - Shawano County, 6 lakes
    WI - 1 lake in Waupaca County
    WI - 2 lakes in Winnebago County
    WI - Green Lake County, 1 lake
    WI - 1 Lake in Columbia County
    WI - 1 lake in Waukesha County

Ictalurus furcatus

    IA - Coon-Yellow drainage

Ictalurus punctatus

    WI - Rock River between Hustisford and Watertown
    WI - Waukesha County lakes
    WI - Helen Lake, Portage County
    WI - West Twin River, Manitowoc County
    WI - West Twin River
    WI - Manitowoc River
    WI - Sheboygan River
    WI - Onion River
    WI - Mullet River

Ictiobus bubalus

    WI - Big Lake, Vilas County, on MI state line
    WI - Island Lake

Ictiobus cyprinellus

    WI - Big Lake, Vilas County, on MI state line
    WI - Lake Winnebago [near Neenah, WI]
    WI - lower Fox River, Brown County
    WI - Round Lake, Shawano County
    WI - Pine Lake (Cloverleaf Lakes)
    WI - Long Lake, Waupaca County

Ictiobus niger

    WI - Lac La Belle, Waukesha County

Lepisosteus platostomus

    WI - Fox (HUC6) non-specific
    WI - Wolf drainage
    WI - upper Fox River
    WI - lower Fox River
    WI - lower Green Bay

Lepomis cyanellus

    MI - Houghton County
    WI - Red Cedar River drainage [upper ]

Lepomis gulosus

    WI - Wolf drainage
    WI - Fox drainage, upper
    WI - eastern Wisconsin (Milwaukee drainage)
     - Upper St. Croix (HUC8) non-specific
    WI - Upper Chippewa (HUC8) non-specific
    WI - Upper Wisconsin drainage
    WI - Red Cedar (HUC8) non-specific
    WI - Wolf drainage
    WI - Oconto drainage
    WI - Lake Dubay (HUC8) non-specific
    WI - Castle Rock (HUC8) non-specific
    WI - Upper Fox (HUC8) non-specific
    WI - Upper Rock (HUC8) non-specific
    WI - Milwaukee drainage
     - Lower Wisconsin (HUC8) non-specific
     - Upper Fox (HUC8) non-specific
     - Sugar (HUC8) non-specific
     - Pike-Root (HUC8) non-specific
    WI - St. Croix drainage [upper ]
    WI - Upper Chippewa (HUC8) non-specific
    WI - Upper Wisconsin drainage
    WI - Root drainage
    WI - Red Cedar River drainage [upper ]
    WI - Fox-Wolf system
    WI - Oconto drainage
    WI - Lake Dubay (HUC8) non-specific
     - Sugar (HUC8) non-specific
     - Upper Fox (HUC8) non-specific
     - Lower Wisconsin (HUC8) non-specific
    WI - eastern Wisconsin (Milwaukee drainage)
    WI - Castle Rock (HUC8) non-specific
    WI - Upper Rock (HUC8) non-specific
    WI - lakes in the east-central part of the state
     - Bad-Montreal (HUC8) non-specific
    WI - Namekagon system
     - Flambeau (HUC8) non-specific
     - Lower St. Croix (HUC8) non-specific
    WI - Peshtigo drainage
    WI - Manitowoc-Sheboygan drainage
    WI - South Fork Flambeau (HUC8) non-specific
     - Lower Chippewa (HUC8) non-specific
    WI - Eau Claire (HUC8) non-specific

Lepomis macrochirus

    WI - Lake Superior
    WI - Lake Superior basin (St. Louis drainage)
     - Bad-Montreal (HUC8) non-specific
     - Black-Presque Isle (HUC8) non-specific
    WI - Beartrap-Nemadji drainage

Minytrema melanops

    WI - Lake Wingra, Madison

Morone chrysops

    WI - Long Lake, Manitowoc County
    WI - Pelican Lake, Oneida County
    WI - Lac La Belle, Waukesha County
    WI - Pewaukee Lake, Waukesha County
    WI - Oconomowoc Lake [just SE of Oconomowoc, WI]
    WI - Nagawicka Lake near Delafield, WI
    WI - Lake Alice, Oneida County
    MN - Lake Superior drainage
    WI - Black River drainage
    MN - St. Louis drainage
    WI - Red Cedar (HUC8) non-specific
    WI - Middle Rock drainage

Morone mississippiensis

     - Lower Wisconsin (HUC8) non-specific
    WI - La Crosse drainage

Notropis dorsalis

    WI - Fox River in Green Lake County
    WI - Fox drainage, upper
    WI - Wolf drainage
    WI - upper Wolf drainage in Langlade County
    WI - Root and Pike River systems, Racine County
    WI - Root and Pike River systems, Kenosha County

Oncorhynchus clarkii lewisi

    MI - state non-specific

Oncorhynchus clarkii

    WI - a Washington County lake

Oncorhynchus kisutch

    WI - Lake Michigan
    WI - Lake Superior
    WI - Riley Lake in Chippewa County
    WI - Stormy Lake in Vilas County
    WI - Pallette Lake in Vilas County

Oncorhynchus tshawytscha

    WI - Lake Michigan
    WI - Lake Superior

Oreochromis, Sarotherodon, Tilapia sp.

    WI - state non-specific
    WI - Supple Marsh, adjacent to Lake Winnebago, Fond Du Lac County

Percina maculata

    WI - St. Croix drainage [upper ]
    WI - Namekagon system
    WI - Red Cedar River drainage [upper ]

Percina shumardi

    IL - Lake Michigan off-shore from Chicago
    WI - Lake Winnebago [near Neenah, WI] (west shore)
    WI - Lake Poygan [~11 mi. NW of Oshkosh, WI]
    WI - Waupaca River within 3 km of Wyeauwega (Waupaca County)
    WI - lower Wolf River to junction of Waupaca River

Pimephales vigilax

    WI - upper Fox River, Marquette County
    WI - Menomonee River, trib of the Milwaukee River

Poecilia reticulata

    WI - small ponds near Allenton, Washington County
    WI - small ponds near Allenton, Washington County

Pomoxis annularis

    WI - Namekagon system
    WI - Upper Wisconsin drainage
    WI - Fox drainage, lower portion
     - Bad-Montreal (HUC8) non-specific
    WI - Manitowoc-Sheboygan drainage
    WI - South Fork Flambeau (HUC8) non-specific
     - Flambeau (HUC8) non-specific

Pomoxis nigromaculatus

    WI - Along Lake Michigan north of Ozaukee County except drainages on the western side of Green Bay
    WI - Along Lake Michigan north of Ozaukee County except drainages on the western side of Green Bay

Pylodictis olivaris

    WI - Oconomowoc Lake [just SE of Oconomowoc, WI]
    WI - Nagawicka Lake near Delafield, WI
    WI - lower Wolf River
    WI - Mason Lake (in part)
    WI - Puckaway Lake
    WI - Fox River in Green Lake County near Puckaway Lake
    WI - Fox River in Green County near middle point
    WI - Fox River in northeast Green County
    WI - Fox River north of Rush Lake

Salmo trutta × Salvelinus fontinalis

    WI - Little South Branch Pike River
    WI - Peterson Creek, Waupaca County
    WI - Tomorrow River, Portage County
    WI - Emmons Creek, sw Portage County
    WI - Lunch Creek, Waushara County
    WI - Mecan Spring, Waushara County
    WI - West Branch White River, Waushara County
    WI - Big Roche Cri Creek, Waushara County
    WI - Hatchery Creek, Sawyer County
    WI - Spring Creek, Chippewa County
    WI - Lake Michigan in Door County
    WI - Lake Michigan off Kewaunee
    WI - Lake Michigan off Sheboygan
    WI - Lake Michigan off Sheboygan at Sheboygan point

Salvelinus fontinalis × namaycush

    MI - Lake Huron
    WI - Left Foot Lake, s of Crivitz
    WI - Crystal Lake, Vilas County, SE of Trout Lake
    WI - Black Lake, Vilas County, near Land 'O Lakes
    WI - Ada Lake, nw corner of Langlade County
    WI - Pallette Lake, Vilas County, east of Trout Lake
    WI - Lucerne Lake
    WI - Green Lake
    WI - Chain O' Lakes
    WI - Chequamegon Bay, Lake Superior
    WI - Little Bass Lake 8 km east of Woodruff

Sander canadensis

    WI - Fox drainage, upper

Scardinius erythrophthalmus

    WI - Oconomowoc Lake [just SE of Oconomowoc, WI]
    WI - Oconomowoc Lake [just SE of Oconomowoc, WI]

Thymallus arcticus

    WI - state non-specific
    WI - Lake Nebagamon in Douglas County
    WI - Namekagon River at Cable in Bayfield County
    WI - Mosquito Brook, Sawyer County, a trib of Namekagon River
    WI - Pine River


The data represented on this site vary in accuracy, scale, completeness, extent of coverage and origin. It is the user's responsibility to use these data consistent with their intended purpose and within stated limitations. We highly recommend reviewing metadata files prior to interpreting these data.

Citation information: U.S. Geological Survey. [2025]. Nonindigenous Aquatic Species Database. Gainesville, Florida. Accessed [2/12/2025].

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For general information and questions about the database, contact Wesley Daniel. For problems and technical issues, contact Matthew Neilson.