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Cut-and-Paste Reference:
Ohio State University. 2013. Ohio State University Museum ichthyology collection. Accessed through GBIF data portal, Ohio State University, Columbus, OH. Created on 11/29/2011. Accessed on 04/11/2013.
Reference Details:
Reference Number: 25980
Type: Database
Author: Ohio State University
Date (year): 2013
Title:Ohio State University Museum ichthyology collection. Accessed through GBIF data portal,
Publisher:Ohio State University
Publisher Location:Columbus, OH
Accessed on: 04/11/2013
Created on: 11/29/2011
Keywords: OSUM, ichthyology
Species Profiles and Specimens that use this Reference:

Alosa pseudoharengus

    MI - Lake Michigan at mouth of Five Mile Creek; north of Petoskey (Site B)
    OH - Conneaut Creek
    OH - Lake Erie east of Geneva-on-the-Lake
    OH - Lake Erie west of Rocky River
    OH - Lake Erie, Huron River,west branch of river above dam.
    OH - Lake Erie westside of the Long Point of Kelley's
    OH - Lake Erie, Chagrin River (mouth)
    OH - Lake Erie @ Maumee Bay Bay Shore Power Station
    OH - Lake Erie at Monument Gravel Beach,NE side Put-In-Bay.
    OH - Lake Erie, Manila Bay on Westside of North Bass Island; 4.2 mi. N of Put-in-Bay
    OH - Lake Erie, Fox Pond and Beach on Middle Bass Island.
    OH - Lake Erie, Terwilliger's Pond, South Bass Island.
    OH - Lake Erie @ Gibraltar Island
    OH - Lake Erie, Terwilliger's Pond
    OH - Lake Erie, East Harbor State Park jetty, 3.2 km W of Lakeside, Ohio.
    OH - Lake Erie, eastside of South Bass Is. at Perry's Beach; S of Perry's Monument; 0.4 mi. E of Put-in-Bay
    OH - Terwillegar's Pond on NW section of South Bass Island; 0.5 mi WNW of Put-in-Bay, Ohio
    OH - Lake Erie, South Bass Island, at Perry's Monument Beach, .5 mi E of Put-in-Bay
    OH - Lake Erie, Perry's Beach,South Bass Island,.5 km E of Put-In-Bay.
    OH - Lake Erie @ Peach Piont South Bass Island
    OH - Lake Erie, Peach Point, South Bass Island
    OH - Lake Erie,Put-In-Bay,Gibraltar Island dock.
    OH - Lake Erie,SE shore of North Bass Island.
    OH - Lake Erie, East Harbor State Park
    OH - Lake Erie, Beach, North Bass Island 6 miles NNE of Put-In-Bay.
    OH - Lake Erie, Haunck's Pond (Middle Bass Island)
    OH - Lake Erie, E. Harbor State Park jetty; 3.2 km W of Lakeside, Ohio.
    OH - Terwillegar's Pond on NW section of South Bass Island, 0.5 mi. WNW of Put-in-Bay
    OH - Lake Erie at South Bass Island
    OH - Lake Erie .5 km NW of Put-In-Bay.
    OH - Lake Erie @ Gibraltar Island
    OH - Lake Erie, Put-In-Bay
    OH - Lake Erie, East Harbor State Park
    OH - Lake Erie at Put-in-Bay
    OH - Lake Erie, Terwilliger's Pond
    OH - Lake Erie, Terwilliger's Pond,South Bass Island .5 km NW of Put-In-Bay.
    OH - Lake Erie, Jetty, East Harbor State Park
    OH - Lake Erie, Terwilliger's Pond
    OH - Lake Erie, Fishery Bay
    OH - Lake Erie, Kelly's Island,north shore.
    OH - Lake Erie, Stones Cove,South Bass Island,Lime-kiln dock.
    OH - Lake Erie @ west shore of North Bass Island
    OH - Lake Erie off South Bass Island at Buckeye Point; 1.6 mi NE of Put-in-Bay.
    OH - Lake Erie, Peach Point,gill net survey.
    OH - Lake Erie @ Swimmers Point of Gibraltar Island
    OH - Lake Erie at Monument Gravel Beach,NE side Put-In-Bay.
    OH - Lake Erie, Manila Bay and Beach on North Bass Island
    OH - Lake Erie, southern portion of the east shore of North Bass Island; 3.9 mi. N of Put-in-Bay

Ambloplites rupestris

    MO - Roubidoux Creek 4.1 mi NNW of Plato; T33N R12W S15 SW 1/4
    MO - Castor River at SR 34 bridge; ast west edge of Sitzke Store; 10 mi NW of Zalma
    MO - Middle Fork Black River at Rt. 49; 0.75 mi S. of Redmonville
    MO - Potters Creek, Potter Creek above Rt. 63; 2 mi NE of Cabool
    MO - Niangua River 3.75 mi N of Charity; T33N R19W S22 NW 1/4
    MO - Gasconade River, Gasconade R. at Rollins Ferry Access (Hwy. 89)
    MO - Roubidoux Creek 1.25 mi N. of Waynesville; T36N R12W S13
    MO - Paddy Creek at Paddy Creek Campground; T33N R10W S21
    MO - Roubidoux Creek at 1st crossing above Hwy. 17; T33 R12W S10
    NY - W.Branch Black Creek, J.Cavender Farm
    MO - James River at Co. Rd. A; 5 mi S of Marshfield
    MO - Greasy Creek 2.5 mi SSE of Buffalo
    MO - Castor River at Greenbriar (above diversion); T28N R9E S11
    MO - Little Black River on Rte. K; 11.5 mi NE of Doniphan; T24N R3E S9
    MO - Gasconade River 4 mi N. of Nebo; T34N R13W S26
    MO - Niangua River 2 mi E of Charity on Rt. M
    MO - St. Francis River at Rt. C; 15 mi SW of Fredricktown; T31N R5E S10
    MO - Maries River 3.25 mi WSW of Vienna
    MO - Spring River at Galesburg (T29N R33W S3)
    NH - Connecticut River upstream Gilman Project Reservior downstream Lancaster adj. SR135
    MO - Roubidoux Creek at first crossing above Hwy. 17 (Forest service picnic area); T33N R12W S10
    MO - St. Francis River near Sam Baker State Park at Rte. 34; T29N R5E S9&16
    MO - North Fork River, North Fork White River at Hwy. CC Mark Twain National Forest
    AR - Caddo River at junction of Arkansas Highways 240 and 8 (T4S R24W S.19)
    PA - Glendale Lake at Headache Hill in Prince Gallitzin State Park
    MO - Whetstone Creek above Hwy "E", 7 mi. NE of Hartville T30N R13W S20
    MO - Osage Fork at Orla; T33N R15W S26 SE 1/4
    MO - Gasconade River at Forest Service Area; 2 mi NE of Competition; T32N R12W S6 SW1/4 P82-1
    MO - Gasconade River @ Fredricksburg; at Hwy "J
    MA - Connecticut River
    MO - Little Black River at end of Rt. M; 2.5 mi N of Rt 160; T24N R4E S29
    MO - Gasconade River, Gasconade R. at Rollins Ferry Access (Hwy. 89)
    MO - Pomme de Terre River at Rt. D; 5 mi NE of Bolivar; T34N R22W S17 NW 1/4
    MO - Niangua River 4 mi NE of Buffalo; T34N R19W S17 NW1/4
    MO - Big Piney River at Slabtown (T33N R10W S15)
    MO - Osage Fork of Gasconade River on Rt. F; 5.75 mi NE of Niangua; T31N R17W S12
    IL - Big Creek
    MN - West Savanna River
    MN - Little Pine River
    MN - Battle River
    MN - Rum River
    IN - Big Walnut Creek near Roachdale IN
    IN - Big Walnut Creek near Roachdale IN
    MI - Lake Huron; Cheboygan City Park; near mouth of Cheboygan River; 15.4 mi SE of Mackinaw City; 8.6 mi ENE of Weadock
    MI - Willow Creek at Cross Rd.
    IN - Plum Creek, 8 mi. NE of Greencastle, Indiana.
    IN - White R - Wabash R - Ohio R, North Fork Muscatatuck River, 1 mi. E of North Vernon, Indiana.
    IN - Otter Creek, 2 mi. S of Butlerville, Indiana.
    IN - Vernon Fork-Muscatatuck River, Vernon Fork - Muscatatuck River, 4.5 mi. SW of North Vernon, Indiana.
    IN - Sand Creek 3 mi SE of Westport Indiana
    IN - E Fk White River, Leatherwood Creek, 1 mi. S of Bedford, Indiana
    IN - White River - Wabash River, Patoka River, 10 mi. S of Paoli, Indiana.
    IN - Lost River 4 miles NE of Paoli Indiana
    IN - E Fk White R - Wabash R, Lost River, 4 mi. NE of Paoli, Indiana.
    IN - Beaver Creek 1 mi E of Shoals, Indiana
    IN - East Fork Walnut Creek, 1.5 mi. SE of North Salem, Indiana.

Anguilla rostrata

    OH - Lake Erie, Maumee River West Shore Dst. of I75 bridge RM-7.3

Carassius auratus

    OH - Loramie Creek, under SR-66 bridge, 0.5 mi N of Fort Loramie, McLean township
    OH - Portage River, SR-590 bridge 2.5 km WSW of Oak Harbor, 3 mi S of Rocky Ridge, Harris township
    OH - Lake Erie, Haunks Pond on Middle Bass Island, 2.7 miles NE of Put-in-Bay, Put-in-Bay Township
    OH - Portage River, at Elmore, ~0.1 mi NE of Elmore, Harris township
    OH - Millers Run, ditch adjacent to Miller Blue Hole outlet at US-6, 3.3 mi NE of Vickery OH, Townsend Township
    OH - Portage River, SR-590 bridge 2.5 km WSW of Oak Harbor, 3 mi S of Rocky Ridge, Harris township
    OH - Lake Erie, S end of causeway 4.8 km WNW of Lakeside, 3.2 mi SE of Catawba Island, Danbury township
    OH - Lake Erie, in East Harbor near East Harbor State Park, 3.1 mi NE of Danbury, Danbury Township
    OH - Lake Erie, Terwilliger's Pond on South Bass Island, 0.5 mile W of Put-in-Bay OH, Put-in-Bay Township
    OH - Lake Erie, Perry's Beach at South Bass Island, Put-in-Bay OH, Put-in-Bay Township
    OH - South Creek, at CR-265 (Ohms Rd), 5.6 mi NW of Vickery, Riley township
    OH - Lake Erie, at Alligator Bar near Gibralter Island, 0.2 mile NW of Put-in-Bay OH, Put-in-Bay Township
    OH - Lake Erie, in East Harbor near East Harbor State Park, 3.1 mi NE of Danbury, Danbury Township
    OH - Lake Erie, Haunks Pond on Middle Bass Island, 2.7 miles NE of Put-in-Bay, Put-in-Bay Township
    OH - unnamed pond (Carp Pond?), "Carp Pond" (uncertain location) on Kelleys Island, ~1.4 mi NE of Kelleys Island, Kelleys Island village
    OH - Lake Erie, Haunks Pond on Middle Bass Island, 2.7 miles NE of Put-in-Bay, Put-in-Bay Township
    OH - Ohio Canal - Buckeye Lake, Old Ohio Canal: 2 mi S of Hebron, Ohio, on Twp.Rt #171 near Hebron Nat. Fish Hatchery.
    OH - Portage River - Lake Erie, North Br. Portage River from confluence with middle branch to Rte #105.
    OH - Portage River -- Lake Erie, North Branch Portage River, Bowling Green Rd
    OH - Wolfe Cr - Portage R-Lake Erie, Wolfe Creek at confluence with Portage River.
    OH - Maumee River, no more precise locality provided beyond township and distance from city, 2 miles ust Maumee OH, Monclova Township
    KY - Ohio River, at old Dam 29, 2.5 miles N of South Point OH, Perry Township
    IL - La Moine River, ust CR 9 on the border of Schuyler and Brown County, 8 miles SW of Beardstown IL
    PA - Lake Erie, Raccoon Creek at mouth
    OH - Conneaut Creek, dst railroad and tributary RM 1.5, 0.87 miles northeast of Conneaut OH, Conneaut City
    IL - Tributary to West Branch DuPage River @ R.M. 2.2 downstream Devon Ave. adjacent Leiseburg Park
    OH - Cuyahoga River, RM 15.9 Ust Hillside Road, 1.2 mi E of Independence OH
    OH - Lake Erie, Terwiligers Pond at South Bass Island, 0.5 mi W of Put-in-Bay OH, Put-in-Bay Township
    OH - Sandusky River, dst Freemont Yatch Club at RM 12.8, 2 miles northeast of Freemont OH, Sandusky township
    OH - Bull Creek, at Greensburg Pike, 3.7 miles east of Portage OH, Portage township
    OH - Lake Erie, at Bay Point, ~3.3 mi SE of Marblehead, Danbury township
    OH - Turtle Creek, within Benton township, near Rocky Ridge, Benton township
    OH - unnamed tributary to Middle Branch Portage River, at Bays Rd west of I75, 2 miles southeast of Rudolph OH, Liberty township
    OH - Lake Erie, Stones Cove at South Bass Island, ~1.6 miles southwest of Put-in-Bay OH, Put-in-Bay township
    OH - Lake Erie, East Harbor, 3 miles west of Lakeside OH, Danbury Township
    OH - Lake Erie, North Bay of Kelleys Island, ~1.4 mi NE of Kelleys Island, no township
    OH - Lake Erie, East Harbor, 3 miles west of Lakeside OH, Danbury Township
    OH - Lake Erie, Sandusky Bay west of Sand Point, ~2.9 mi N of Sandusky, Danbury township
    OH - Tinkers Creek, at Canal Rd, 1.6 mi S of Valley View, Valley View village
    OH - Tappan Reservoir, within Stock township, near Deersville, Stock township
    OH - Portage River estuary, east of RR Bridge, N of Port Clinton OH, Portage Township
    OH - Scioto River, ust of old US-23 bridge (now Bridge Street), ~0.7 miles NE of Chillicothe OH, Scioto Township
    OH - Lake Erie, at North Bass Island east point and bayou, 4 miles N of Put-in-Bay OH, Put-in-Bay Township
    OH - Olentangy River, at High Banks Park, ~3.2 mi E of Powell, Orange township
    OH - Millers Run, above SR-6 bridge, 3.3 mi NE of Vickery, Townsend township
    OH - Sugar Creek, Section 24, ~1.5 mi SW of Elmore, Harris township
    OH - Partage River, 1.5 mi south of Elmore, ~1.8 mi W of Elmore, Harris township
    OH - Lake Erie, at North Bass Island east point and bayou, 4 miles N of Put-in-Bay OH, Put-in-Bay Township
    OH - unnamed pond (Carp Pond?), Kelley's Island, ~1.4 mi NE of Kelleys Island, Kelleys Island village
    OH - Lake Erie, pond and shore on east side of North Bass Island, 4 miles N of Put-in-Bay, Put-in-Bay Township
    OH - Lake Erie, pond and shore on east side of North Bass Island, 4 miles N of Put-in-Bay, Put-in-Bay Township
    OH - West Branch Huron River, at Monroeville, ~0.2 mi SE of Monroeville, Ridgefield township
    OH - Clear Fork, Jackson Township, near Logan, Falls township
    OH - Buck Creek, 25 yds above Snyder Park Dam, 2 mi W of Springfield, Springfield city
    OH - Little Pickerel Creek, Section 10, ~4.1 mi NE of Vickery, Townsend township
    OH - North Branch Portage River, Section 9, ~2 mi W of Pemberville, Freedom township
    OH - Middle Branch Portage River, Mermill Rd to RR bridge, 1.2 mi E of Rudolph, Liberty township
    OH - Wolfe Cr - Portage R-Lake Erie, Wolfe Creek at Elmore-Eastern Rd
    OH - Black River, central Sheffield Township, near Sheffield, Sheffield village
    OH - Muskingum River, within Washington Co, Washington County, township n/a
    OH - Ohio Canal (Akron), south of Summit Lake, ~2.9 mi SW of Akron, Akron city
    OH - Lake Erie, East Harbor, 3 miles west of Lakeside OH, Danbury Township
    OH - Lake Erie, East Harbor, 3 miles west of Lakeside OH, Danbury Township
    OH - Millers Run, upstream of US-6 bridge, 3.3 mi NE of Vickery, Townsend township
    OH - Portage River, above SR-590 bridge, ~3.1 mi S of Rocky Ridge, Harris township
    OH - Lake Erie, Haunks Pond on Middle Bass Island, 2.7 miles NE of Put-in-Bay, Put-in-Bay Township
    OH - Lake Erie, Haunks Pond on Middle Bass Island, 2.7 miles NE of Put-in-Bay, Put-in-Bay Township
    OH - Lake Erie, isolated pools south of road and SE of Haunk's Pond on Middle Bass Island neck, 2.6 mi NE of Put-in-Bay, Put-in-Bay township
    OH - Lake Erie, isolated pools south of road and SE of Haunk's Pond on Middle Bass Island neck, 2.6 mi NE of Put-in-Bay, Put-in-Bay township
    OH - Portage River, at SR-590, 3 mi S of Rocky Ridge, Harris township
    OH - Elmore Conservation Club pond, on pond, 3.3 mi SW of Rocky Ridge, Harris township
    OH - Lake Erie, at Monument Gravel Beach on South Bass Island, 0.7 mi E of Put-in-Bay OH, Put-in-Bay Township
    OH - Lake Erie, Manilla Bay and Beach on North Bass Island, 4 miles N of Put-in-Bay OH, Put-in-Bay Township
    OH - Lake Erie, Monument Marsh, 0.7 mi E of Put-in-Bay, Put-in-Bay township
    OH - Portage River, 3.8 mi east of Elmore on SR-105, ~3 mi S of Rocky Ridge, Harris township
    OH - Lake Erie, Fox Pond on North Bass Island, 4 miles N of Put-in-Bay OH, Put-in-Bay Township
    OH - Lake Erie, at Monument Sand Beach, 0.7 mi E of Put-in-Bay, Put-in-Bay township
    OH - Little Portage River, within Salem/Bay township, near Oak Harbor, Bay township
    OH - Sugar Cr - Portage R-Lake Erie, Sugar Creek at confluence with Portage River
    OH - Portage River - Lake Erie, Sugar Creek at confluence with Portage River
    OH - Portage R. -- Lake Erie, M. Br. Portage R. at Rt. 23; 3.25 mi SW of Woodville.
    OH - Portage R--Lake Erie, Middle Branch of Portage River at Jerry City Rd; ust of Needles & Rader Cr confluence.
    OH - Portage River--Lake Erie, Middle Branch Portage R. at Rudolph Rd; between Ducat & Mermill Rd.
    OH - Saint Marys River, Sec 29 of Salem township, ~6 mi NE of Neptune, Salem township
    OH - Portage River -- Lake Erie, South Branch of Portage River, bridge at Eagleville Rd, ust 75yds - dst 100 yds.
    OH - Portage River -- Lake Erie, Little Portage River just N of Portage River Rd. E/ .75 mi W of Paulsen Rd.
    OH - Portage River -- Lake Erie, Little Portage River just N of Portage River Rd. E/ .75 mi W of Paulsen Rd.
    OH - Portage River -- Lake Erie, Little Portage River at the Little Portage River Wildlife Area.
    OH - Portage River -- Lake Erie, Little Portage River just N of L.Portage River Rd.E; 0.5mi W of Paulsen Rd.
    OH - Portage River -- Lake Erie, Portage River at Harris Twp Rd
    OH - Portage River -- Lake Erie, Portage River at St Rt 51; 150 yds dst.
    OH - Portage River -- Lake Erie, Portage River at Oak Harbor just S of Railroad bridge
    OH - Portage River -- Lake Erie, Portage River at St.Rt. 590 250 yds S of S.R. 105
    OH - Portage River -- Lake Erie, Rader Creek, at the Golf Course on the W side of McComb. (Rt 63)
    OH - Portage River -- Lake Erie, Portage River 2.5 mi ust from mouth and 500 yds dst from SR 2
    OH - Portage River, Rader Creek at CoRd bridge 203; 3.6 mi S of Hoytville.
    OH - Middle BrPortage-Portage R, Rader Creek; at Potter Rd. to confluence with trib of Rader Creek.
    OH - Portage River -- Lake Erie, Rocky Ford; oil Center Rd.
    OH - Lake Erie, at East Harbor
    OH - Lake Erie, East Harbor, west end
    OH - Maumee River, Gordon Creek at Openlander Rd.
    OH - Lake Erie, Sandusky Bay at Eagle Island, 4 mi SW of Port Clinton, Bay township
    OH - Lake Erie, Hatchery Bay in front of the old State Fish Hatchery at South Bass Island, Put-in-Bay OH, Put-in-Bay Township
    OH - Lake Erie, off Peach Point, N of Put-in-Bay OH, Put-in-Bay Township
    OH - Lake Erie, Haunch's Pond, Middle Bass Island
    OH - Lake Erie, along causeway and cattail marsh, Catawba Island Township
    NC - Pigeon River at island off Panther Creek Road approximately 0.8 river miles below Ferguson Bridge (RM 47.7)
    OH - Licking River, Bartlett Run, bridge on SR 146 about 0.3mi N of Military Rd (Twp Rd 146),5.0mi NE of Mt Sterling,4.3mi NW of Zanesville
    OH - Muskingum River, Wills Creek below Twp Rd 2360 bridge, Sec.20, R.M. 75.9
    OH - Overflow pond, 1 mi west of Portsmouth, ~1.7 mi NW of Portsmouth, Washington township
    OH - Ohio River, mouth of Little Yellow Creek., 1.1 mi NE of Wellsville, Wellsville village
    OH - Maumee River, Maumee River Sec. 18, ~4.8 mi NE of Antwerp, Crane township
    OH - Lake Erie, East Harbor, west end
    OH - Lake Erie, Portage River, RM 17.3, Sec 10, ust SR 590, dst Sugar Creek
    OH - Portage River, at SR 590 bridge, 4.0 mi ENE of Elmore, 5.0 mi N of Lindsey OH, Harris Township
    OH - Lake Erie, Little Portage River at SR 19 bridge, 1.12 mi N of Sandusky Co. Line
    OH - Lake Erie, Small Pond in East Harbor State Park, 3.5 miles NE of Danbury OH, Danbury Township
    OH - Lake Erie, Terwilliger's Pond, Overflow from Fishery Bay on South Bass Island, 0.5 mile W of Put-in-Bay OH, Put-in-Bay Township
    OH - Lake Erie, at South Bass Island, near Put-in-Bay OH, Put-in-Bay Township
    OH - Lake Erie, Terwiligers Pond at South Bass Island, 0.5 mi W of Put-in-Bay OH, Put-in-Bay Township
    OH - Arcola Creek, at mouth, 3.6 mi W of Geneva-on-the-Lake, Madison township
    OH - Ohio River Flood Plain Pond #2, just below SR 239 intersection with SR 73, at south end of West Portsmouth OH, Washington Township
    OH - Ohio River, at Flood Plain Pond #1, 1 mile west of Portsmouth OH, Washington Township
    OH - Ohio River Flood Plain Pond #2, just below SR 239 intersection with SR 73, at south end of West Portsmouth OH, Washington Township
    OH - Lake Erie, Terwiligers Pond at South Bass Island, 0.5 mi W of Put-in-Bay OH, Put-in-Bay Township
    OH - Lake Erie, Terwiligers Pond at South Bass Island, 0.5 mi W of Put-in-Bay OH, Put-in-Bay Township
    OH - Portage River at SR 590 Bridge
    OH - Portage River, Sec 6 of Bay township, ~6.1 mi E of Oak Harbor, Bay township
    OH - Toissaint River, within Carroll township, near Oak Harbor, Carroll township
    OH - Scioto River - Ohio River, Big Darby Creek, at SR 104, overflow pond.
    OH - Scioto River, dst SR 335 bridge at Omega Bend, 4.7 miles ENE of Waverly OH
    OH - Lake Erie, near Sugar Island, near Put-in-Bay OH, Put-in-Bay Township
    OH - Mississippi River, Ohio River, R.M. 327.5, Ironton City Landing to STP discharge, ust. Symmes Creek.
    OH - South Branch Muddy Creek, within Rice township (not in Sec 36), near Amsden, Scott township
    OH - Lake Erie, Sandusky Bay (upper shoreline), near Port Clinton, Riley township
    MI - Lake Erie, , near Luna Pier MI, Erie Township
    OH - Cousino Road ditch, Sec 3 of Jerusalem township, ~2.8 mi N of Williston, Jerusalem township
    OH - Ninemile Creek, Sec 20 of Salem township, ~2.7 mi S of Oak Harbor, Salem township
    OH - Portage River, Sec 5 of Salem township, ~0.2 mi W of Oak Harbor, Salem township
    OH - Portage River, Sec 10 of Harris township (0.5 mi ust SR-590 bridge |'below' bridge and Sec 10 not possible), ~3.2 mi SW of Rocky Ridge, Harris township
    OH - Lake Erie, Plum Brook Creek at the bay south of state route 6.
    OH - Lake Erie, Hemming Ditch at the Bay north of st. rt. 6.
    OH - Lake Erie, Hemmings Ditch (SE area of NW quadrant) along SR 6.
    OH - Lake Erie, Dildine Ditch along SR 6, 2 miles southwest of the Cedar Point Causeway.
    OH - Portage River, Sec 12 of Harris township, ~2.8 mi W of Oak Harbor, Harris township
    OH - Lake Erie, Hemmings Ditch, Bay North of State Route 6
    OH - Ohio River, Granny Run @ S.R. 338 Bridge
    OH - Lake Erie, Section 4 of N.E. section of N.E. quad, North of S.R. 6 Bridge (Dildine Ditch)
    OH - Bull Creek, at Greensburg Rd, 3.5 miles southeast of Portage OH, Portage Township
    OH - Middle Branch Portage River, at Huffman Rd, 3.1 miles east of Portage OH, Portage Township
    OH - Lake Erie at Sandusky Bay.
    OH - Licking River - Ohio River, Joes Run at SR 146 bridge, NE edge of Zanesville, OH (RM 13.32).
    OH - Lake Erie, near Sugar Island, near Put-in-Bay OH, Put-in-Bay Township
    OH - Ninemile Creek, Sec 26 of Washington township, ~1.8 mi N of Lindsey, Washington township
    OH - Portage River, Sec 6 of Portage township, ~0.9 mi W of Port Clinton, Port Clinton city
    OH - Mirror Lake, central OSU campus
    OH - Lake Erie, Maumee River West Shore Dst. of I75 bridge RM-7.3
    OH - Lake Erie, Maumee River @ R.M. 9.4
    OH - Lake Erie, Smiths Pond (loc unknown) on North Bass Island, near Put-in-Bay, Put-in-Bay township
    OH - Glady Run, @ SR 725 bridge, Jst N of Spring Valley OH
    OH - Little Miami River @ Grinnel Road
    OH - Cedar Creek ust. Lemoyne Road, dst. I 280
    OH - Shantee Creek ust. Stickney Road
    OH - Little Crane Creek dst. Woodville Rd., Sec. 18, R.M. 1.1
    OH - Duck Creek dst. Millard Rd, Sec. 28, R.M. 1.4
    OH - Silver Creek, Raintree Parkway and RM 1.2, 4.39 miles north of Toledo OH, Toledo city
    OH - Silver Creek ust. & dst. Raintree Parkway
    OH - Sandusky River Sandusky river at Brady Island Back Channel
    OH - Lake Erie, no other info
    OH - Lake Erie, off Gibralter Island, 0.3 mi N of Put-in-Bay, Put-in-Bay township
    OH - Olentangy River, in Delaware County, Delaware County, township n/a
    OH - Lake Erie, Maumee Bay at mouth of Maumee River, ~2.5 mi NE of Harbor View, Oregon city
    OH - Lake Erie, Maumee Bay at mouth of Maumee River, ~2.5 mi NE of Harbor View, Oregon city
    OH - Olentangy River, at I-270, 1.7 mi NW of Worthington, Sharon township
    OH - Lake Erie, Maumee Bay near Toledo, near Harbor View, Washington township
    OH - Buckeye Lake, south shore of lake, (at Fairfield Beach OH), Walnut Township
    OH - Olentangy River, N of I-270 in Flint Ravine, 2.1 mi NW of Worthington, Columbus city
    OH - Lake Erie, in Maumee Bay, near Harbor View, Washington township
    OH - Conneaut Creek, adjacent pond ust bend RM 1, 1.23 miles north of Conneaut OH, Conneaut city
    OH - Maumee River, RM 7.3-7.4, ust I-75, in Toledo, OH, City of Toledo Township
    OH - Huron River, RM 3.3, Dupont Marsh area to Lake Erie 500 meters along eastern shore, Huron OH, Huron township
    IL - West Fork North Branch Chicago River
    OH - Conneaut Creek @ mouth
    OH - Cedar Creek RM 4.2 USGS Quad Genoa(46)
    OH - Mirror Lake, central OSU campus
    OH - Little Portage River, Sec 15 of Salem township, ~2.5 mi SE of Oak Harbor, Salem township
    OH - Lake Erie, Terwilligers Pond on South Bass Island, 0.5 mile W of Put-in-Bay OH, Put-in-Bay Township
    OH - Lake Erie, Terwilligers Pond on South Bass Island, 0.5 mile W of Put-in-Bay OH, Put-in-Bay Township
    OH - Muddy Creek, Sec 29 of Rice Creek, ~3.9 mi S of Oak Harbor, Rice township
    OH - Little Portage River, Sec 19 of Salem township, ~3.1 mi SW of Oak Harbor, Salem township
    OH - Muddy Creek, Sec 23 of Salem township, ~5.1 mi SE of Oak Harbor, Salem township
    OH - Lake Erie, Winous Point Marsh
    OH - Lake Erie, Terwiligers Pond at South Bass Island, 0.5 mi W of Put-in-Bay OH, Put-in-Bay Township
    IL - Cole Creek, ust 500 North Road, 3.75 miles N of Hardin IL
    OH - Lake Erie, Terwiligers Pond at South Bass Island, 0.5 mi W of Put-in-Bay OH, Put-in-Bay Township
    OH - Little Portage River, (off Little Portage East Road), 3 miles SW of Lacarne OH, Section 13 Salem Township
    OH - Lake Erie @ Johnson Island
    OH - South Fork Dry Run, RM 0.5 at Valleyview Drive Park 150 feet SE of intersection Valleyview Driver and N. Richardson Avenue, Valleyview OH

Cyprinus carpio

    OH - South Fork Licking River between SR 79 and SR 360
    IN - Ohio River, West Fork Whitewater River, 1.5 mi. N of Alpine, Indiana.
    OH - Big Walnut Creek, Alum Creek downstream of Broad Street(Rte.16) at Wolfe Park, River Mile 7.88
    OH - Scioto River, Big Walnut Creek dst. Livingstom Ave.
    OH - Alum Creek at confluence w/Big Walnut Creek and 300 yds.ust, R.M. 0.09
    OH - Big Walnut Creek, Alum Creek dst. of Main Street (Rte. 40), R.M. 7.34
    OH - Hoover Reservoir
    OH - Hoover Reservoir, south end, 12.5 mi. N.E. of Columbus
    OH - Scioto, Ohio Rivers, Blacklick Creek ust & dst Morse Rd New Albany RM 22.4
    OH - Scioto River @ R.M. 123.5
    OH - Ohio:Franklin Co.:Clinton Twp.:Olentangy River at Rte. 33 Bridge Confluence Park
    OH - Hoover Reservoir; lower end just above dam at maintenance building
    OH - Hoover Reservoir
    OH - Hoover Reservoir
    OH - Olentangy River @ 5th Ave. Dam
    OH - Big Walnut Creek, Blacklick Creek at Hamilton Rd. (Rte. 37), R.M. 1.85
    IN - Lake Michigan, at Ogden Dunes, Indiana.
    IN - Ohio River, Wabash River, 3 mi. SW of New Harmony, Indiana.
    IN - Wabash River - Ohio River, Big Creek, 2 mi. S of Cynthiana, Indiana.
    IN - Wabash River - Ohio River, Big Creek, 7 mi. NW of Mt. Vernon, Indiana.
    MN - Battle Creek
    IN - Wabash River - Ohio River, White River, 7 mi. W of Winchester, Indiana.
    IL - East Bureau Creek
    IL - East Bureau Creek
    OH - Mad River, Clady Creek, ust Sullivan Rd.
    OH - Big Darby Creek @ RM 76.6 North Lewisburg Quad
    OH - Mosquito Creek at dam for new Kiser Lake.
    MI - Willow Creek at Cross Rd.
    IL - DuPage River
    OH - Middle BrPortage-Portage R, Rader Creek; at Potter Rd. to confluence with trib of Rader Creek.
    OH - Portage River - Lake Erie, South - Middle Branches; .25mi E of New Rochester at confluence of South & Middle Branches.
    OH - Portage River--Lake Erie, Middle Branch Portage; at confluence Middle & North Branches
    OH - Portage River -- Lake Erie, Portage River at Bridge at St Rt 23
    OH - Portage River -- Lake Erie, North Branch Portage River, from confluence with Middle Br. to Rte #105 bridge.
    OH - Portage River -- Lake Erie, South Branch Portage River at Oil Center Rd., 3.5 mi NE of Bloomdale.
    OH - Portage River -- Lake Erie, North Branch Portage River, Bowling Green Rd
    OH - Portage River - Lake Erie, South Br. of Portage River; at Eagleville Rd; 2 mi. E of Eagleville.
    OH - Portage River -- Lake Erie, North Branch Portage River, Bowling Green Rd
    OH - Portage River -- Lake Erie, North Branch of Portage River, T4N, R10E, S13; at Rudolph & Greensburg Pike; 1.5 mi SW of Portage.
    OH - Portage River -- Lake Erie, Confluence of Middle & South Branch of Portage River at New Rochester Rd.
    OH - Portage River -- Lake Erie, North Branch Portage River, intersection of Rt. 105 & 64.
    MI - Mouth of Big Stone Creek in Wilderness State Park; 7.8 mi WSW of Mackinaw City; 10.5 mi NNE of Cross Village
    OH - Lake Erie, Dildine Ditch area north of state route 6.
    OH - Scioto River, Walnut Creek, RM 42.6, Sec 26.
    OH - Buckeye Lake at Leibs Island, West Ramp
    OH - South Fork Licking River between SR 79 Bridges; North of Buckeye Lake
    IL - Mississippi River near Winfield, lock & dam (#25); T49N R3E Sur 1653; P83-28
    OH - Lake Erie, Maumee Bay
    OH - Crane Creek dst. Opfer-Lentz Rd. Sec.16, RM 7.4, USGS Quad Genoa (46)
    OH - Maumee Bay, Maumee bay at Lake Erie: Mouth of Maumee River
    MO - Middle Fork Salt River at Rte. DD; 5.25 mi NE of Macon; T58N R14W S25
    OH - Glade Run 0.2 miles ust. State Route 142
    OH - Scioto-Ohio Rivers, Scioto R. & Little Walnut mouth.
    OH - Scioto River, at Circleville Riffle, ust. Rt. 22 bridge.
    OH - Ohio River, Scioto River, at mouth of Little Walnut Creek
    OH - Scioto River -- Ohio River, Yellowbud Creek; 1/4 mi S of Rte 138. 6.5 mi WSW of Circleville/
    OH - Scioto River @ overflow pond 1 mile SW of Sargents, Ohio
    MO - Sugar Creek at Rte. 79; 6.1 mi E of Frankfurd; T55N R2W S35
    OH - Ohio River, Scioto River, 4 mi S of Rte 124 bridge.
    OH - Ohio River, Riffle at McClay's Farm (Scioto River); 7.1 mi. SW of Piketon; 10.2 mi SW of Waverly; 0.3 mi E of Rte. 104.
    OH - Scioto River @ overflow pond 1 mile SW of Sargents, Ohio
    OH - Ohio River, Scioto River, Piketon to Jasper.
    OH - Scioto-Ohio, Scioto River from S of Waverly to Piketon
    OH - Scioto River @ overflow pond 1 mile SW of Sargents, Ohio
    OH - Ohio River, Scioto River, 0.9 mi W of Piketon; 2.7 mi SW of Waverly.
    OH - Hocking River - Ohio River, Clear Creek at County Road 24 bridge. (Clearport, Ohio).
    OH - Scioto River, Hoover Reservoir and Big Walnut Creek.
    OH - Big Walnut Creek, Alum Creek headwaters at Twp. Rd. 115 bridge, ust. & dst., R.M. 58.42.
    MI - Lake Erie, Portage River at Rt. 590 bridge,2.5 km WSW of Oak Harbor.
    OH - Portage River -- Lake Erie, Little Portage River just N of Portage River Rd. E/ .75 mi W of Paulsen Rd.
    OH - Middle Harbor @ East Harbor State Park, NE shore.
    OH - Lake Erie, Terwilliger's Pond
    OH - Lake Erie, Pond on E. side of N. Bass Isl.
    OH - Lake Erie, Terwilliger's Pond
    OH - Lake Erie along causeway and cattail marsh.
    OH - Portage River - Lake Erie, Portage River tributary 6 mi. South of Oak Harbor on SR 19 at the bridge
    OH - Lake Erie, Fox Pond and Beach on Middle Bass Island.
    OH - Lake Erie, Fishery Bay
    MI - Lake Erie, Portage River at Rt. 590 bridge,2.5 km WSW of Oak Harbor.
    OH - Lake Erie, Pond Island Bridge
    OH - Little Crane Creek dst. Woodville Rd., Sec. 18, R.M. 1.1
    OH - Lake Erie, Terwilliger's Pond
    OH - Portage River -- Lake Erie, Portage River at Rte #590.
    OH - Lake Erie, East Harbor State Park
    OH - Lake Erie, Haunck's Pond
    OH - Lake Erie, Terwilliger's Pond
    OH - Bokes Creek ust. Phelps Rd. R.M. 27.2
    OH - Fulton Creek @ Miller Road, R.M. 16.53
    OH - Sugar Run ust SR 42 @ RM 5.4
    OH - Licking River, Bartlett Run, bridge on SR 146 about 0.3mi N of Military Rd (Twp Rd 146),5.0mi NE of Mt Sterling,4.3mi NW of Zanesville
    MO - St. John's Bayou at New Madrid (River side of levee)
    IN - Elkhart R-St Joseph R-Lk Mich., South Branch Elkhart River, 1 mi. W of Albion, Indiana.
    IN - Nameless Creek, 3.5 mi. SE of Rome City, Indiana.
    OH - Ohio River, Scioto River. Sec. 15 & 8.
    OH - Scioto River, Drainage ditch of Paint Creek @ Liberty Hill RD
    IN - Lake Michigan, St. Joseph River, 0.5 mi. North of Osceola, Indiana.
    OH - Portage R.-Lake Erie, Sugar Creek: sections 4 & 33. Route 6, 1 mi E of Rollersville.
    OH - Scioto River, Paint Creek ust. site adjacent S.R. 772, R.M. 5.0
    OH - Scioto River, Salt Creek, at Rt.50. Twp. Sec. 13.
    OH - Conneaut Creek
    OH - Paint Creek - Scioto River, unnamed tributary of Wilson Creek at first bridge west of Sabina, Ohio at State Route 22.
    WV - Ohio River, mouth of Little Yellow Creek.
    OH - Licking River, Raccoon Creek; bridge 1088 on St Rt. 37, about 0.9 mi NW of intersection with US Rt 62.
    OH - Raccoon Creek - Ohio River, Upper Raccoon Creek; Twp Rd #29 just N of Co Rd #33.
    OH - Licking River, Raccoon Creek W of bridge on 21st Street about 0.1 mile S of Granville Rd.
    MO - Marrowbone Creek near Rte. HH; 4 mi S of Gallatin; T58N R27W S8
    IN - Joseph River, Cedar Creek, 3 mi. S of Waterloo, Indiana.
    IN - St.Joseph R-Maumee R-Lake Erie, 26 Mile Creek at Newville, Indiana.
    IN - Maumee R.-Lake Erie, St. Joseph River, 1 mi. W. of Ohio State line
    IN - Ohio River - Mississippi River, Whitewater River, 3 mi. NW of West Harrison, Indiana.
    OH - Scioto River, Olentangy River; off Orange Rd. 11 mi SSE of Delaware: 2 mi. ESE of Powell.
    OH - West Branch Alum Creek ust. & dst. Shoemaker Rd., R.M. 3.38.
    OH - Scioto River, Big Walnut Creek
    IN - West Fork White River, Bell Creek, 2 mi. SE of Yorktown, Indiana.
    OH - Miami River, Stillwater River, above Ansonia, above White Copress Rd. bridge, Sec 15.
    IN - Mississinewa R - Wabash R, Deer Creek, 4 mi. S of Marion, Indiana.
    OH - Beaver Creek @ Xenia-Dayton Road
    IL - Cole Creek
    OH - Little Miami River ust. confluence with Massies Creek
    KY - Ohio River at Greenup Public Boat Ramp RM 336.5
    IN - West Fork White River, Pipe Creek, 12 mi. SW of Alexandria, Indiana.
    OH - Patton Run @ Schoefield Road
    IN - Wabash River - Ohio River, White River, 4 mi. NE of Noblesville, Indiana.
    OH - Great Miami River @ R.M. 8.2
    OH - Great Miami River, Ohio: Ohio River, R.M. 490.9: Backwater
    KY - Great Miami River, Ohio River backwater, Ohio river backwater site @ Great Miami River Confluence
    KY - Ohio River, at mouth of Little Miami
    OH - RockyFk-M.Br.PortageR-PortageR, Rocky Fork; at Van Buren Lake Spillway; 1 mi SE of Van Buren.
    OH - Portage River -- Lake Erie, South Branch Portage River, Twp.Rd. 226 & 287, 3.5 mi SE of Bloomingdale.
    OH - Portage River -- Lake Erie, Rader Creek, at the Golf Course on the W side of McComb. (Rt 63)
    OH - Ohio River, Scioto River at Wayne St. bridge in Kenton, Ohio.
    OH - Scioto River, Rocky Fork Reservoir @ west end State Park boat ramp and embayment (Clear Creek)
    OH - Rattlesnake Creek, Fall Creek from 1/2 mi to 1/4 mi above mouth, 6.0 mi SW of Greenfield
    MO - Otter Fork Slough at Otter Slough Wildlife Area; 9.5 mi. SW of Dexter; T24N R9E S8
    OH - Tinkers Creek adjacent to E. Inglewood Rd. ; R.M. 14.3
    OH - Tinkers Creek ust. Ravena Rd. RM 21.9
    OH - Cuyahoga River dst of bath road
    KY - Mississippi River, Ohio River, Bryant Creek P.A.R., R.M. 527.
    KY - Mississippi River, Ohio River, Bryant Creek P.A.R., R.M. 527.
    IN - Wabash River - Ohio River, McCarty Ditch, 5 mi. W of Princeton, Indiana.
    IN - Wabash River - Ohio River, Patoka River at Patoka, Indiana.
    MN - Snake River
    OH - Ohio River, Scioto River at rt. 23 bridge, Chillicothe
    OH - Ohio River, Scioto River; 1 mi SSE of Andersonville, 6 mi NNW of Chillicothe; 0.5 mi E of Rte. 104.
    OH - Scioto River, Paint Creek
    IN - Wabash River - Ohio River, Salamonie River, 5 mi. SE of Pennville, Indiana.
    WI - Rock River East of Ft Atkinson WI
    WI - Rock River SE of Fort Atkinson Wisconsin
    WI - Rock River NE of Fort Atkinson, Wisconsin
    OH - Ohio River, Short Creek at mouth of Long Run.
    WI - Rock River dst of Jefferson, Wisconsin Dam
    WI - Rock River ds Jefferson Wisconsin WWTP
    WI - Rock River ust Jefferson WI
    WI - Rock River East of Ft Atkinson WI
    WI - Rock River Fort Atkinson Wisconsin STP
    WI - Crawfish River
    WI - Rock River north of Johnson Creek
    IL - West Fork North Branch Chicago River
    OH - Tinkers Creek upstream of 271; RM 7.2
    OH - Tinkers Creek dst. of pettybone Rd. RM 11.2
    OH - Tinkers Creek ust. of Richmond rd Bridge RM 8.5
    WI - Rock River dst HWY 26 Bridge near Fort Atkinson Wisconsin
    IN - Wabash River - Ohio River, Limberlost Creek at Geneva, Indiana.
    IN - Brown Ditch 1.5 mi NE of Schneider, Indiana
    IN - L Calumet R - Lake Michigan, Deep River, 2.5 mi. S of Ainsworth, Indiana.
    OH - Ohio River, at mouth of Paddy Creek
    OH - Lake Erie, Fishery Bay
    OH - Lake Erie, Portage River sec.10 above st.rte.590 bridge;3.8mi.ENE of Elmore;4.3 mi.WSW of Oak Harbor
    OH - Lake Erie, East Harbor State Park
    OH - Portage River -- Lake Erie, Portage River at St Rt 51; 150 yds dst.
    MI - Lake Erie, Portage River at Rte. 590 bridge, 2.5 km WSW of Oak Harbor.
    OH - Lake Erie, Pond on E. side of N. Bass Isl.
    OH - Lake Erie, Terwilliger's Pond, South Bass Island.
    OH - Lake Erie about 0.5 mi. east of mouth of Toussaint River
    OH - Crane Creek ust Billman Rd
    OH - Lake Erie, Portage River 3.8 miles E of Elmore on Hwy 105.
    OH - Portage River -- Lake Erie, Little Portage River just N of L. Portage Rd. E; 1/2 mi W of Paulsen Rd.
    OH - Lake Erie, Manila Bay and Beach on North Bass Island
    OH - Lake Erie, Smith's Pond, North Bass Island.
    OH - Wolfe Cr - Portage R-Lake Erie, Wolfe Creek at Elmore-Eastern Rd
    OH - Lake Erie, Terwilliger's Pond, South Bass Island.
    OH - Lake Erie, East Harbor State Park,S end of causeway,4.8 km WNW of Lakeside, Ohio.
    OH - Lake Erie, West Harbor Ditch, 7 km W of Lakeside.
    OH - Lake Erie, southeast shore of North Bass Island.
    OH - Great Miami River @ R.M. 35.6 dst SR 127 bridge
    MN - Cobb River
    MO - Missouri River @ landward side of Petite Saline Island, 1 mi. NW of Easley, MO, R.M. 170 - T47N, R13W, S34

Gambusia affinis

    OH - Scioto River @ R.M. 20.4
    OH - Scioto River @ R.M. 19.6
    OH - Scioto River @ R.M. 63.5
    OH - Ross Lake @ Scioto River drainage access to lake via West Hyell Rd
    OH - Buckeye Lake @ Fairfield boat channel backwater
    OH - Muskingum R. - Ohio R., Licking River at County Road 273 bridge.
    OH - South Fork Licking River, Upstream State Route 79
    OH - Ohio River at Shawnee Center Ramp
    OH - Scioto River at State Route 73 bridge (Old 52), approximately 700 ft. upstream from Ohio River.
    KY - Big Bone Lick Park, PAR ust confluence Ohio River (RM 516.6)
    OH - Scioto River @ R.M. 18.3
    IN - East Fork White River, 0.8 mi. upstream of Bear Creek, R.M. 11.9. (Site 5)
    OH - Buckeye Lake feeder canal tributary to SW Fork of Licking River along Liebs Island Rd.
    OH - Buckeye Lake feeder canal tributary to SW Fork of Licking River at Blacklick Road
    OH - Scioto River @ R.M. 85.4
    OH - Scioto River @ R.M. 35.5
    OH - Licking, Muskingum, Ohio River, Dillon Lake @ most upstream boat ramp
    OH - Ohio River at Racine public boat ramp
    IN - Ohio River @ Arnold Creek PAR - RM 508.7
    IL - Fox River @ R.M. 38.0 ust of Yorkville Illinois Dam
    OH - Big Walnut Creek, Big Wallnut Creek
    IN - Ohio River @ Arnold Creek PAR - RM 508.7
    OH - Buckeye Lake at beach on Brooks Park
    OH - Buckeye Lake at Leibs Island, West Ramp
    OH - Scioto River at R.M. 11.8
    OH - Great Miami River @ R.M. 36.7
    IL - Fox River @ R.M. 60 dst St. Charles dam ust St. Charles WWTP
    IN - Big Poison Creek, Ohio River,R.M. 696.6, Backwater
    IN - Rome In. City Ramp, Ohio River,R.M. 700.8, Main Channel
    OH - Buckeye Lake State Park at Buckeye Village
    OH - Rocky River
    OH - Scioto River @ R.M. 20.5
    OH - Scioto River @ R.M. 36.6
    OH - Created Wetland on Sacks Property
    OH - Scioto River @ RM 4.8
    OH - Ohio River, Scioto River dst of N & W railroad trestle.
    OH - Ohio River, Little 3 Mile Creek @ US Rt 52 bridge RM 1.3 USGS Quad- Marysville E

Hypophthalmichthys molitrix

    IL - Spoon River west of Havana Illinois
    IL - La Moine River, La Moine River 10mi SW of Beardstown Illinois on the border of Schuyler and Brown County
    IL - Sugar Creek 1mm ust of Illinois River confluence
    IL - Sandy Creek ust. confluence Illinois River

Hypophthalmichthys nobilis

    OH - farm pond @ 10000 Cooley Road - Albany Ohio

Ictiobus bubalus

    OH - Lake Erie, Maumee River West Shore Dst. of I75 bridge RM-7.3
    OH - Conneaut Creek
    OH - Lake Erie along causeway and cattail marsh.
    OH - Lake Erie, Fox's Marsh, North Bass Island
    OH - Duck Creek downstream of Millard Avenue
    OH - Lake Erie, Portage River, RM 15.0, Sec 12 near end of Harris Salem Rd.

Ictiobus cyprinellus

    OH - Powell Creek @ Boy Scout Camp
    OH - Grand River RM 3-5 dst. State Rte. 2 ust. St. Clair Rd. Bridge
     - East Harbor Pond, East Harbor State Park
    OH - Conneaut Creek
    OH - L. Erie - St. Lawrence, Sandusky Bay; 1 mi W of Venice
    OH - St. Lawrence R., L. Erie; Squaw Harbor, Put-in-Bay
    IN - L. Erie, Muamee R.; Sec. 18, below dam at Thurston State Res.
    OH - Lake Erie along causeway and cattail marsh.
    OH - Middle Harbor @ East Harbor State Park, NE shore.

Lepomis auritus

    AL - Murder Creek - Conecuh River, Jordan Creek at AL bidge,3.2 miles N of Castleberry. (site #46).
    AL - Tallapoosa River, Enitachopco Creek at AL Hwy 9, about 2.5 air miles S/SW of Ashland. (site #48).
    AL - Dry Creek, Little Creek at Rt. 25,just N of Vineland.(site #45).
    GA - Beach Creek - Tallapoosa River, Unnamed tributary to Beach Creek at St. Rte. 120 bridge about 2 miles W of 120 crossing with Beach Ck.(site #29).
    GA - Allatoona Lake - Etowah River, Butler Creek at Mack Dobbs Road, 1.8 air miles W/SW of Kinnesaw. (site #24).
    GA - Allatoona Lake - Etowha River, Butler Creek at Jim Owens road,3 air miles W/SW of Kennesaw,Ga.,1.5 miles S of Rt. 41.(site #23).
    GA - Tallapoosa River, Beach Creek at St. Rt. 120 bridge,3.3 air miles S/SW of Buchanan,between Buchanan and Tallapoosa.(site #28).
    GA - Tallapoosa River, Unnamed tributary to Beach Creek,upstream of SR 120 bridge, 2 miles W of SR 120 crossing of Beach Creek.(site #29).
    GA - Lake Creek (trib. to Cedar Creek) East of Cave Springs; ust. of Chubb Rd., off Jim Shack Rd., by Chubb Church.
    KY - Little White Oak Creek at HWY 62
    WV - Greenbrier River-New River, Indian Creek @ Greenville, W.V., Dr. Sandell's Cottage Inn
    AL - Jones Creek just below confluence with Rorex Creek

Lepomis gibbosus

    OH - Scioto River, Clear Creek, Downstream Lilly Rd.-Clear Creek Rd., R.M. 1.7
    IN - Big Walnut Creek upstream of USGS guage near Roachdale
    IN - Sugar Creek
    IN - Buck Creek @ confluence with Beaver Creek at Old Reid Park

Lepomis gulosus

    OH - Paint Creek-Scioto River-Ohio, N. Fk. Paint Creek @ Rte. 35 from bridge to below Herrod Creek.
    MI - Bottom Creek
    OH - Paint Creek Reservoir
    OH - Paint Creek Reservoir
    OH - Rocky River
    OH - Paint Creek Reservoir
    OH - Scioto River - Ohio River, Paint Creek, R.M. 69.4, dst. S. Elm St. bridge & WWTP
    OH - Grand River, Andrews Creek, OH: Trumbull Co., Mesopotamia Twp., E. of SR 534 bridge
    OH - Rock Creek downstream from the town of Rock Creek; RM 0.8
    OH - Wills Creek-Muskingum River, Leatherwood Creek above SR 265 bridge, RM 6.0
    OH - Muskingum River, Wills Creek, just above Leatherwood Co, 1.3mi SE of Cambridge Court House, RM 65.3
    OH - Wills Creek, Leatherwood Cr. below US Rte 77 bridge (I-77)
    NC - Cape Fear, Long Creek

Lepomis humilis

    IN - Maumee River - Lake Erie, St. Mary's River at Pleasant Mills, Indiana.
    IN - Blue Creek, Blue creek, 4 mi. S of Pleasant Mills, Indiana.
    IN - Lake Erie, Maumee River at New Haven, Indiana.
    IN - Lake Erie, Maumee River at State Line.
    OH - Maumee River-St.Lawrence drain, Auglaize River at Sellars Road and Rt. 65
    OH - Maumee River, Auglaize River, Sec 14, Hongstler Rd.; 3.2 mi NE of Wapakoneta
    OH - Lake Erie, Auglaize River at Buckland
    OH - Auglaize River @ Dixie Highway
    OH - Lake Erie, Maumee River Sec. 21
    OH - Maumee River - Lake Erie, Auglaize River at Hopkins Street bridge,second bridge from mouth of river.
    OH - Lake Erie, Darby Creek @ SR 6 -26.82 bridge - west of Vermilion
    OH - Big Walnut Creek--Scioto River, Alum Creek, at intersection of 17th & Sunbury Rd.
    OH - Auglaize River, Blanchard River @ Blanchard St. Bridge
    OH - Ottawa Creek
    OH - See below, Rocky Fork; Sec. 18, at Van Buren Lake Spillway, 1 mi SE of Van Buren
    OH - Oberhaus Creek @ Reynolds Street & Lagrange Street
    OH - Lake Erie, Chagrin River; at its mouth in backwater, 10 mi. WSW of Painsville
    OH - Wolf Creek dst. Decant Rd., RM 2.7, Reno beach
    OH - Pawpaw Run downstream of S.R. 37
    OH - Terwillegar's Pond on NW section of South Bass Island, 0.5 mi. WNW of Put-in-Bay
    OH - Portage R.---Lake Erie, Little Portage River at L.Portage R. Wildlife Area
    OH - Lake Erie, Terwilliger's Pond, South Bass Island.
    OH - L. Erie - St. Lawrence, Terwiliger's Pond (Trautman questioned validity of hook-and-line record for E. flabellare)
    OH - Lake Erie, Pond on E. side of N. Bass Isl.
    OH - Lake Erie, Portage River, RM 17.6/17.3, Sec 10, ust S.R. 590
    OH - Terwillegar's Pond on NW section of South Bass Island; 0.5 mi WNW of Put-in-Bay, Ohio
    OH - Portage R.---Lake Erie, Little Portage River at L.Portage R. Wildlife Area
    OH - Maumee River-St.Lawrence drain, Auglaize River, 1000' S of Ft. Jennings.
    OH - Riley Creek across from Putnam Stone Co.
    OH - Pike Run @ Twp Rd. 11
    OH - Lake Erie, Blanchard River at Oak Street bridge.
    OH - Sandusky River at Rice Road Bridge
    OH - Sandusky R., Toussaint Creek; at Martin-Williston/Camper Rd. intersection, 1.8 mi SE of Genoa, Ohio
    OH - Sandusky River from Tiffin Road bridge upstream to Ballville Dam
    OH - Sandusky River Sandusky river at Brady Island Back Channel
    OH - Sandusky River, Honey Creek Section 10 @ SR 4 bridge, Caroline, Ohio.
    OH - Honey Creek @ SR 67/100
    OH - Honey Creek @ SR 67/100
    OH - Honey Creek @ SR 67/100
    MI - Scioto River, Big Darby Creek, OH: Union Co., Jerome Twp.,@ SR 42
    OH - Portage River - Lake Erie, South Br. of Portage River; at Eagleville Rd.
    OH - Portage River - Lake Erie, Middle- North Brs. portage; Confluence of Middle and North Branches.
    OH - Lake Erie, Maumee River @ R.M. 9.4
    OH - Portage River---Lake Erie, South Branch of Portage River, at Eagleville Rd Bridge. ust 75 yds, dst 100 yds.
    OH - Terwilligers Pond; South Bass Island
    OH - Black Fork Mohican River ust. Main St. in Shelby
    KY - Scioto River, Big Darby Creek, OH: Pickaway Co., SE. Jackson TWP, Fox riffle
    OH - Scioto River, Paint Creek at Liberty Hill Road & Rte. 722
    OH - Muskingum River, Wills Creek below Twp Rd 2360 bridge, Sec.20, R.M. 75.9
    OH - Muskingum River, Wills Creek, just above Leatherwood Co, 1.3mi SE of Cambridge Court House, RM 65.3
    OH - Muskingum River, Wills Creek, just above Leatherwood Co, 1.3mi SE of Cambridge Court House, RM 65.3
    OH - Muskingum River, Wills Creek, RM 73.8
    OH - Muskingum River, Wills Creek, Sec. 7, RM 46.6 at old Covered bridge sitee, Twp. Rd. 68, and below.
    OH - Scioto R.-Ohio R., Paint Creek @ jct. Liberty Hill Rd. & St. Rte. 772 (about 1 mile dst. confluence N. Fork)
    OH - Paint Creek Lake
    OH - Great Miami River @ R.M. 20.0 dst Obergiesiby Soccer Complex

Lepomis macrochirus

    NC - Island Creek
    CT - Sletucket River
    ME - Saco River
    MA - Connecticut River near Turner Falls dam pool near Turner Falls Massachusetts
    CT - Pawcatuck River ust Westerly RI
    VT - Winooski River
    VT - Winooski River
    NC - Little Creek
    PA - Glendale Lake at Headache Hill in Prince Gallitzin State Park
    VT - Winooski River dst SR 217 Bridge near Winooski Vermont

Lepomis megalotis

    MI - Cheboygan River above dam in Cheboygan
    WI - Crawfish River near Mudvalley State Wildlife Area 10miles west of Watertown Illinois
    MI - Black River at Orchard Beach Road Bridge; 7 mi SSE of Cheboygan; 14.4 mi NE of Indian River
    MI - Cheboygan River above dam of east side
    MI - Cheboygan River below Cheboygan City Dam
    IL - Fox River @ R.M. 66 near Two Islands Park Illinois dst Elgin Dam
    MI - Black River at Orchard Beach Road Bridge; 7 mi SSE of Cheboygan; 14.4 mi NE of Indian River

Lepomis microlophus

    OH - Hebron Nat. Fish Hatchery; IPSF Station, Hebron
    OH - Licking River upstream Dillon Lake RM 13.3
    OH - Hocking River at Enterprise
    OH - Hocking River ust. Logan at powerlines RM 69.6
    OH - Walhonding River - Ohio River, Mohican River at old dam at Briarhaven, Ohio.
    OH - Scioto River, Ohio River, Scioto River ust Scippo Creek, R.M.91.2
    OH - turtle Creek, Turtle Creek upstream cinci. milicron @ R.M. 0.6
    IN - Crooked Lake, 3 mi. N of Angola, Indiana.
    OH - North Fork Licking River ust Landfill
    OH - Scioto River, Walnut Creek, RM 29.9, Sec 34 & 35.
    NH - Connecticut River upstream Gilman Project Reservior downstream Lancaster adj. SR135
    OH - Ohio River, Swamp Run; br on Twp Rd #323 about 0.25mi N of Twp Rd #306.
    OH - Ohio River, Swamp Run; br on Twp Rd #323 about 0.25mi N of Twp Rd #306.
    OH - Sunday Creek ust E.Branch Sunday Cr, Burr Oak
    OH - Twin Creek, Twin Cr. ust. of Morningstar Dr; RM 3.4
    IN - Big Walnut Creek upstream of USGS guage near Roachdale
    IN - Big Barbee Lake 2 mi SW Norht Webster, Indiana
    OH - Raccoon Creek @ Robinett Ridge Road near Lookout Park
    KY - Ohio River at Greenup Public Boat Ramp RM 336.5
    OH - Little Stillwater Creek at Plum Run Road
    IL - Pecatonica River SE of Winslow Illinois
    IL - DuPage River ds Jolet Aux Sable STP
    IL - DuPage River
    IN - Webster Lake @ North Webster, Indiana
    IN - Ridinger Lake 5 mi S of North Webster, Indiana
    IN - Grassy Creek, 3 mi. SW of Wilmot, Indiana.
    OH - Stewart Lake near Chillicothe-drained
    MI - Show Lake, Shoe Lake
    OH - Ohio River, Scioto River dst of N & W railroad trestle.
    OH - Tuscarawas River dst Manchester Rd and Lake Nesmith
    IN - Lake Shipshewana @ Shipshewana, Indiana
    OH - Wolf Creek, Pidgeon Creek, W. of Akron, ust Jacoby Rd.
    IN - Hamilton Lake at Hamilton, Indiana.
    IN - Jasper-Pulaski Game Preserve Pond, Jasper-Pulaski Pond 5 mi N of Medaryville
    OH - Muskingum River, S.Fk.Licking River on SR 37 about 0.1 mi s of I-70.
    OH - Buckeye Lake shoreline along jetty at Brooks Park
    OH - Mississippi, Ohio River, downstream Gallipolis Dam, R.M. 280.0
    IL - South Fork Sangamon River, South Fork Sangamon RIver @ R.M. 52 one mile west of Taylorville Illinois
    IN - Sugar Creek at Co. Rd. 4005 at New Palestine Indiana
    IL - Sangamon River dst St. Rt. 47
    IL - Spoon River east of Maquon Illinois
    NC - Richardson Creek
    OH - Hebron Fish Hatchery
    OH - Black Fork Symmes Creek @ Black Fork Rd. Bridge, RM 5.75
    KY - Ohio River, Hargus Creek State Lake; Sec. 10
    OH - Scioto R.- Ohio Drainage, Hargus Lake, tributary of Hargus Creek; Sec. 10
    OH - Black Fork of Symmes Cr. @ Black Fork Rd. bridge
    OH - Twin Creek dst. Dayton Oxford Rd; RM 0.6
    OH - Hamley Run
    OH - Hebron Fish Hatchery
    IN - Hovey Lake, Indiana Public Access Ramp: Ohio River, R.M. 842.3: Backwater

Luxilus albeolus

    WV - Greenbrier River-New River, Indian Creek @ Greenville, W.V., Dr. Sandell's Cottage Inn

Micropterus coosae

    GA - Tiger Creek 500m ust of US 41 2.5 miles WSW of the center of Ringold

Micropterus dolomieu

    ME - Androscoggin River dst Lisbon Falls; Androscoggin Reservoir
    ME - St. John River
    ME - Kennebec River
    ME - Saco River dst Standish Maine; adjacent Hardscabble Road
    MA - Merrimack River dst Pine Island and ust US 93
    VT - West River @ West Dummmerston Vermont
    VT - Winooski River
    WV - Greenbrier River-New River, Indian Creek @ Greenville, W.V., Dr. Sandell's Cottage Inn

Micropterus salmoides

    ME - Androscoggin River dst Lisbon Falls; Androscoggin Reservoir
    ME - Kennebec River
    MA - Merrimack River dst Pine Island and ust US 93
    MA - Connecticut River
    MA - Millers River
    NC - Richardson Creek
    VT - West River @ West Dummmerston Vermont
    NH - Androscoggin River ust Milan New Hampshire; adjacement to East of River Road
    NH - Connecticut River upstream Gilman Project Reservior downstream Lancaster adj. SR135
    NJ - Hammonton Lake
    CT - Pawcatuck River ust Westerly RI
    RI - Wood River @ Alton RI

Misgurnus anguillicaudatus

    IL - Des Plaines River

Morone americana

    IL - Kankakee RIver 100yds dst. Kankakee Dam
    MO - Missouri River @ landward side of Petite Saline Island, R.M. 177, 1.5 mi. SW of McBaine, MO T47N, R14W, S11
    OH - Lake Erie @ Ashtabula Harbor; R.M. 1130.3
    OH - East Fork Reservoir
    OH - Cuyahoga River upstream of Southerly WWTP; RM 11.5
    OH - Lake Erie west of Vermillion
    OH - Sandusky Bay @ Pickerel Creek
    OH - Lake Erie westside of the Long Point of Kelley's
    OH - Ohio River @ Kyger Electric Power Plant impingement baskets
    OH - Ohio River @ Kyger Electric Power Plant impingement baskets
    OH - Mississippi River, Ohio River at Symmes Creek ramp, R.M. 308.6
    OH - Lake Erie, Maumee Bay west of bay shore @ Immergrum, Ohio
    PA - Lake Erie @ Presque Isle Beach
    OH - Lake Erie, Maumee River West Shore Dst. of I75 bridge RM-7.3
    OH - Mahoning River ust State Route 616, dst. Campbell WWTP
    WV - Ohio River @ Pomery, dst. city ramp, RM 250.3
    OH - Ohio River @ Old Town Creek
    OH - Lake Erie, Haunck's Pond (Middle Bass Island)
    OH - Lake Erie,SE shore of North Bass Island.
    OH - St. Lawrence, L. Erie; 5 mi NE of Port Clinton
    OH - Lake Erie, Portage River, RM 15.0, Sec 12 near end of Harris Salem Rd.
    OH - Lake Erie, Terwilliger's Pond, South Bass Island.
    OH - Middle Harbor @ East Harbor State Park, NE shore.
    OH - Lake Erie, Peach Point,Experimental Gill Net set off of Peach Pt. in Fishery Bay.
    OH - Lake Erie, Haunck's Pond on Middle Bass Island.
    OH - Lake Erie, Peach Point, South Bass Island
    OH - Lake Erie, Peach Point, South Bass Island
    MI - Lake Erie, Portage River at Rte. 590 bridge, 2.5 km WSW of Oak Harbor.
    OH - Lake Erie along causeway and cattail marsh.
    OH - Lake Erie, South Bass Is. @ Peach Point
    OH - Lake Erie, Perry's Monument Beach, NE side of Put-In-Bay.
    OH - Lake Erie, Peach Point,Experimental Gill Net set off of Peach Pt. in Fishery Bay.
    OH - Lake Erie, Perry's Monument Beach, NE side of Put-In-Bay.
    OH - Lake Erie east of Perry Nuclear Power Station
    OH - Muskingum River @ R.M. 2.6
    OH - Cuyahoga River SE of Independence; upstream of Hillside Road; RM 15.9

Morone chrysops

    WI - Rock River SE of Fort Atkinson Wisconsin
    WI - Rock River Fort Atkinson Wisconsin STP
    WI - Rock River ds Jefferson Wisconsin WWTP
    WI - Rock River dst HWY 26 Bridge near Fort Atkinson Wisconsin
    WI - Rock River dst of Jefferson, Wisconsin Dam

Neogobius melanostomus

    OH - Lake Erie SW corner of Kelleys Island W of Numals Ferry Dock
    OH - Grand River, Grand R. on fishing pier across from Coast Guard Station
    OH - Lake Erie - Fairport Pier
    OH - Euclid Creek @ Lake Shore Blvd @ State Park
    IL - Des Plaines River
    IL - Cal-Sag Channel, S.R. 83 - Worth Illinois MBI # C-SC/SR 183/05
    OH - Lake Erie westside of the Long Point of Kelley's
    MI - St. Joseph River dst. Riverview Park before 1st powerline crossing
    OH - Lake Erie East of Bay Village Park
    IL - DuPage River
    OH - St. Lawrence Seaway, Lake Erie at Grand River Harbor, west breakwall
    OH - Lake Erie, Maumee Bay west of bay shore @ Immergrum, Ohio
    OH - Lake Erie west of Geneva St. Park
    OH - Lake Erie at east breakwater of Grand River Harbor
    OH - Lake Erie east of Geneva-on-the-Lake
    OH - Lake Erie, Grand River at the mouth of the Grand River.(East Breakwall).
    OH - Lake Erie trawl at Grid 1261, 30 ft. depth. Trawl # CRN726

Osmerus mordax

    NY - Four Mile Creek @ confluence with Lake Ontario
    OH - Due east of Kelleys Island, Lake Erie
    OH - Lake Erie @ Cedar Point
    OH - Lake Erie, between Kelley's and South Bass Islands
    OH - Lake Erie between Kelley's Is and South Bass Is.
    OH - Lake Erie, between Kelley's and South Bass Islands
    OH - Lake Erie @ Johnson Island
    OH - Lake Erie at East Point, South Bass Island, 0.5mi E of Perry's Monument
    OH - Lake Erie at Put-in-Bay
    OH - Smalle Boat Harbor-Lake Erie, Small boat harbor W. side of Catawba peninsula near Sugar Rock; about 5.0 mi NE of Port Clinton
    OH - Lake Erie 2,000' S. of Green Island
    OH - Lake Erie between Rattlesnake Island and Green Island; 2mi WNW of Put-in-Bay.
    OH - Lake Erie, Jetty, East Harbor State Park
    OH - Lake Erie between Rattlesnake Island and South Bass Island; 1.5mi NW of Put-in-Bay
    OH - Lake Erie at South Bass Island
    OH - Lake Erie, between Rattlsnake and Green Islands, bottom trawl.
    MI - Lake Erie east of Perry Twp. Park

Percina maculata

    WI - St. Croix River, Downstream of SR 77 bridge
    WI - St. Croix River @ R.M. 98.6 ust Fox Landing
    WI - St Croix Rover, St. Croix River @ West Marsh ust Norway Pt. Boatramp
    WI - St. Croix Rr ust Rt 77 bridge - Danbury RM 119.2 MBI # GTR 04467/663/05

Percina nigrofasciata

    GA - Beach Creek - Tallapoosa River, Unnamed tributary to Beach Creek at St. Rte. 120 bridge about 2 miles W of 120 crossing with Beach Ck.(site #29).

Percina roanoka

    WV - New River-Ohio River, Greenbrier River @ mouth of Anthony Creek

Petromyzon marinus

    IN - Elkhart Rr., Elkhart Rr dst Ooxbow Pk boatramp MBI # ER-05-02
    MI - Cranberry Creek
    MI - North Branch Manistee River Pere Marquette State Forest: MI
    MI - Manistee River Manistee National Forest: MI
    MI - Muskegon River Manistee National Forest: MI
    OH - Grand River @ south shore @ Harpersfield Dam
    OH - Conneaut Creek ust. Middle Road bridge
    OH - Grand River dst powerlines below Vrooman Rd, Grand River dst of powerlines below Vrooman Rd
    OH - Grand River dst of Vrooman Rd to powerlines, Grand River dst Vrooman Rd to powerlines
    OH - Grand River dst powerlines below Vrooman Rd, Grand River dst of powerlines below Vrooman Rd
    OH - Grand River dst Vrooman Rd to powerlines
    OH - Lake Erie at Put-in-Bay
    OH - Lake Erie near South Bass Island
    OH - Lake Erie at South Bass Island
    OH - Lake Erie near South Bass Island
    OH - Lake Erie at Put-in-Bay
    OH - Lake Erie, Put-In-Bay
    OH - Lake Erie, Kake Erie @ S. Bass Island Hatchery Dock
    OH - Grand River, Andrews Creek, OH: Trumbull Co., Mesopotamia Twp., E. of SR 534 bridge

Pomoxis nigromaculatus

    ME - Androscoggin River dst Lisbon Falls; Androscoggin Reservoir
    ME - Saco River
    ME - Kennebec River
    ME - Saco River downstream I-95 and upstream railroad tranks
    ME - Saco River dst Standish Maine; adjacent Hardscabble Road
    MA - Connecticut River

Salmo trutta

    ME - Passadumkeag River ust Gould Ridge Road Bridge Passadumkeag Maine
    MI - Jordan River at Five Tile Creek; 3.7 miles north of Alba
    MI - Jordan River at Jordan River Road Bridge
    MI - Jordan River below hatchery outlet
    MI - Little Carp Creek 3.8 miles north of Elmhurst; 12.1 miles SW of Cheboygan
    MI - Mouth of Little Carp Creek; 2.9 miles NNE of Elmhurst; 12.4 SW of Cheboygan
    MI - Little Carp Creek below Hogsback Road Bridge; 3.6 miles north of Elmhurst; 12.1 miles SW of Cheboygan
    MI - West Branch Maple River above and below US Route 31 Bridge; 1.4 miles south of Pelston; 12.5 miles NE of Harbor Springs
    MI - Stegman Creek North of Edgerton
    MI - Little Manistee River
    MN - Little Cannon River
    MN - North Fork Whitewater River near Elba
    OH - Mad River near Rte. 41 near Springfield OH
    OH - Mad River Ust./dst. Pickerel Town Rd. East of West Liberty
    OH - Macochee Creek ust SR 245
    OH - Mad River
    OH - Mad River dst Dallas Rd
    OH - Mad River dst. WWTP, R.M. 38.2, Section 3. Urbana West Quad
    OH - Lake Erie off Gibraltar Island
    OH - Slater Run
    PA - Sandylick Creek
    PA - Unnamed tributary of Sandy Creek
    PA - Marvin Creek near Kasson Pennsylvania
    PA - Whitney Creek 1 mile south of Coneville Pennsyvlania
    PA - Allegheny River 1 mile NW of Mina
    PA - Allegheny River at Olmstead
    PA - Oswayo Creek at Sharon Center Pennsylvania
    PA - Mill Run near Sweden Valley Pennsylvania Route 44
    PA - Pine Creek near Walton Pennsylvania; Route 6 Bridge
    PA - Allegheny River at Olmstead Pennsylvania
    PA - Oswayo Creek at Route 44; 1.5 miles NW of Coneville
    PA - Allegheny Portage Creek at confluence with Brown Hollow; 1 mile east of Liberty Pennsylvania
    VT - Winooski River: Chittenden Co. VT


The data represented on this site vary in accuracy, scale, completeness, extent of coverage and origin. It is the user's responsibility to use these data consistent with their intended purpose and within stated limitations. We highly recommend reviewing metadata files prior to interpreting these data.

Citation information: U.S. Geological Survey. [2025]. Nonindigenous Aquatic Species Database. Gainesville, Florida. Accessed [2/14/2025].

Contact us if you are using data from this site for a publication to make sure the data are being used appropriately and for potential co-authorship if warranted.

For general information and questions about the database, contact Wesley Daniel. For problems and technical issues, contact Matthew Neilson.