Reference Viewer

Cut-and-Paste Reference:
Bailey, R.M., and M.O. Allum. 1962. Fishes of South Dakota. Miscellaneous Publications, Museum of Zoology, University of Michigan 119:1-131.
Reference Details:
Reference Number: 376
Type: Journal Article
Author: Bailey, R.M., and M.O. Allum
Date (year): 1962
Article Title:Fishes of South Dakota.
Journal Name: Miscellaneous Publications, Museum of Zoology, University of Michigan
Volume: 119
Pages: 1-131
Keywords: Lepomis humilis, orange spotted sunfish, South Dakota, fishes
Species Profiles and Specimens that use this Reference:

Ambloplites rupestris

    SD - Cheyenne (HUC6) non-specific
    SD - Rapid Creek in the Black Hills (SW part of state)

Carassius auratus

    SD - Cody Lake (found in Cherry/Bennett Co.)
    SD - Fall River at Hot Springs
    SD - Capitol lake at Pierre
    SD - eastern tribs of the Missouri
    SD - SW tribs of the Missouri
    SD - Cheyenne (HUC6) non-specific

Cyprinus carpio

    NE - Missouri River 4.8 km E Ponca, Nebraska(#83)
    SD - state non-specific
    SD - Lake Traverse (#1)
    SD - Big Stone Lake (#4)
    SD - Whetstone Creek, Big Stone City at U.S. 12 (#8)
    SD - Thisted Lake (#21), 4.8 km ESE Badger
    SD - Big Sioux River, 8 km SW Brookings (site #26B)
    SD - Big Sioux River, 8 km SW Brookings (site #26C)
    SD - trib to Big Sioux River, 9.6 km SSW Brookings (site #27)
    SD - Covell Lake (#33), Sioux Falls
    SD - Vermillion River, Vermillion (#35)
    SD - James River, 4.3 mi E of Mellette; Missouri River drainage T120N R63W S34
    SD - Thunder (Timber) Creek (#39), U.S. 212, 6.4 km E Frankfort
    SD - James River (#46), 12.8 km ENE Ethan, below a mill dam
    SD - Dry Creek (#49), 14.4 ESE Parkston
    SD - James River (#51), 19.2 km N Yankton at U.S. 81
    SD - Emanuel Creek (#53), 9.6 km W and 9.6 km S Tyndall
    SD - Choteau Creek (#56), 16 km SSW Avon
    SD - Crow Lake (#58), 17.6 km SW Wessington Springs
    SD - Medicine Creek at hwy 34 (#61), 0.8 km above mouth, 21.8 km ESE Pierre
    SD - Missouri River at mouth of Grand River, 4 km NW Mobridge (#64)
    SD - Missouri River (#65), Farm Island State Park, 4.8 km SE Pierre
    SD - Missouri River (#72), 1.6-3.2 km below Fort Randall Dam
    SD - Missouri River (#76), at and for 8 km downstream from Yankton
    SD - Antelope Creek and pond (#84), trib to Keya Paha river, at Indian School, Rosebud Indian Reservation
    SD - James River (#43), 14.4 km E Woonsocket at bridge, 4.8 km NE Forestburg
    SD - Redwater river, near confluence with Belle Fourche River, just E Belle Fourche at US 212 (site #127)
    SD - Belle Fourche Res (Orman Lake)(#128), near S end of dam
    SD - Grand River at US 12 (#135), 22.4 km NW Mobridge
    SD - Little Missouri River, at hwy 8, Camp Crook (#136)
    SD - Box Elder Creek, 28 mi. N Camp Crook (#137)
    SD - Big Sioux River, across from Lyon County
    SD - Big Sioux River, Sioux County Iowa
    SD - Big Sioux River, Plymouth County Iowa
    SD - Big Sioux River, (Woodbury County, Iowa)
    SD - Gavins Point Reservoir
    SD - Fort Randall Reservoir
    SD - Brant Lake
    SD - Waubay Lake
    SD - Lake Poinsett
    SD - Oakwood Lake NW of Brookings
    SD - Brant Lake
    SD - Chapelle Lake
    SD - Cottonwood Lake (also 2 smaller ones in Day County)
    SD - Mina Lake (Lake Parmley)
    SD - Lake Traverse
    SD - Vermillion drainage, throughout

Esox lucius

    SD - Marindahl Lake
    SD - NW tribs of Missouri River

Fundulus diaphanus

    SD - Lake Andes

Fundulus zebrinus

    SD - Cheyenne (HUC6) non-specific
    SD - Cheyenne River (#104), road crossing NW of Oral
    SD - Cheyenne River, 4 km E Wasta, at US 14 and 16

Lepomis cyanellus

    SD - Cheyenne River (#120), 4 km E Wasta, at U.S. 14 and 16
    SD - Mud Lake, 12.8 km NW Spearfish (site #122)
    SD - Belle Fourche Res. (Orman Lake)(#128), near S end of dam
    SD - Redwater river, near confluence with Belle Fourche River, just E Belle Fourche at US 212 (site #127)
    SD - Moreau River (#129), at hwy 65, 18.4 km NNE Dupree
    SD - Moreau River, at S.D. Hwy 63, 14 mi N of Eagle Butte; Missouri River drainage T14N R24E S7,8
    SD - Flat Creek (#133), at upper end of Flat Creek Lake
    SD - Flat Creek Lake (#134), 16 km S Lemmon at hwy 73

Lepomis gibbosus

    SD - Big Sioux (HUC6) non-specific
    SD - James (HUC6) non-specific
    SD - White River drainage
    SD - Grand drainage
    SD - Covell Lake (#33), Sioux Falls
    SD - Wiley Lake, 4.8 km NW Aberdeen (site #37)
    SD - Rosebud Lake at Rosebud (Station #93)
    SD - Pond at Belvidere (#95)
    SD - Flat Creek (#133), at upper end of Flat Creek Lake
    SD - Big Sioux River, across from Lyon County
    SD - Big Sioux River, across from Lyon County
    SD - Big Sioux River, across from Lyon County
    SD - Big Sioux River, across from Lyon County

Lepomis humilis

    SD - SW tribs of the Missouri
    SD - Cheyenne (HUC6) non-specific
    SD - NW tribs of the Missouri
    SD - west of Missouri River
    SD - Bad River (#96) at Midland
    SD - Cheyenne River (#120), 4 km E Wasta, at U.S. 14 and 16
    SD - Flat Creek (#133), at upper end of Flat Creek Lake (a small impoundment)
    SD - Flat Creek Lake (#134), 16 km S Lemmon at hwy 73
    SD - Middle Cheyenne-Elk drainage
    SD - Bad (HUC8) non-specific
     - Grand (HUC8) non-specific

Lepomis macrochirus

    SD - Richmond Lake, 12.8 km NW Aberdeen, an impoundment on Foot Creek (site #36)
    SD - Wiley Lake, 4.8 km NW Aberdeen (site #37)
    SD - Eureka Lake, Eureka (#63)
    SD - Rosebud Lake at Rosebud (Station #93)
    SD - Flat Creek Lake (#134), 16 km S Lemmon at hwy 73 (a small impoundment of Flat Creek)
    SD - Wilmarth Lake
    SD - Menno Lake near Menno
    SD - Fish Lake at state border
    SD - Lake Louise
    SD - Mina Lake (Lake Parmley)
    SD - Red Plum Lake (=Plum Lake? near Erwin)
    SD - Cheyenne River, at Angostura Reservoir
    SD - Black Hills (SW part of state)
    SD - Vermillion drainage

Micropterus salmoides

    IA - Storm Lake
    SD - Richmond Lake, 12.8 km NW Aberdeen, an impoundment on Foot Creek (site #36)
    SD - Wiley Lake, 4.8 km NW Aberdeen (site #37)
    SD - Lake Iroquois (#40), 3.2 km SE Iroquois, A small artificial impoundment of Marsh Creek
    SD - Owens Bay of Lake Andes (#57a)
    SD - Hiddenwood Lake, 6.4 km NE Selby (#62)
    SD - Eureka Lake, Eureka (#63)
    SD - Missouri River, 1.6-3.2 km below Fort Randall Dam
    SD - Antelope Creek and pond (#84), trib. to Keya Paha River, at Indian School, Rosebud Indian Reservation
    SD - Horsehead Creek (#100), trib. to Angostura Reservoir
    SD - Flat Creek Lake (#134), 16 km S Lemmon at hwy. 73, (impoundment of Flat Creek)
    SD - Owens Bay of Lake Andes (#57c)
    SD - Fort Randall Reservoir
    SD - Chapelle Lake
    SD - Mina Lake (Lake Parmley)
    SD - Red Plum Lake (=Plum Lake? near Erwin)
    SD - Fort Randall Reservoir
    SD - Vermillion River, from Centerville to mouth
    SD - Vermillion drainage
    SD - James (HUC6) non-specific
    SD - eastern tribs of the Missouri
    SD - Missouri drainage
    SD - SW tribs of the Missouri
    SD - Cheyenne (HUC6) non-specific
    SD - NW tribs of the Missouri

Notemigonus crysoleucas

    SD - west of Missouri River
    SD - SW tribs of the Missouri
    SD - Cheyenne (HUC6) non-specific

Oncorhynchus mykiss

    SD - Fall River, just below Hot Springs (#103)
    SD - Black Hills area (SW part of state)
    SD - state non-specific
    SD - Minnesota River drainage, streams and ponds
    SD - Big Sioux drainage, streams and ponds
    SD - Fort Randall tailwaters on the Missouri River
    SD - Lewis and Clark tailwaters on the Missouri River
    SD - James River drainage
    SD - SW tribs of the Missouri
    SD - NW tribs of the Missouri

Perca flavescens

    SD - Horsehead arm of Angostura Reservoir(#101)
    SD - Belle Fourche Reservoir (Orman Lake)(#128)
    SD - Lacreek Lake

Pimephales notatus

    SD - Flat Creek Lake near Shadehill Reservoir on the Grand River

Pomoxis annularis

    SD - Vermillion drainage
    SD - James (HUC6) non-specific
    SD - eastern tribs of the Missouri
    SD - Missouri drainage
    SD - Thunder (Timber) Creek (#39), US 212, 6.4 km E Frankfort
    SD - James River (#43), 14.4 km E Woonsocket at bridge, 4.8 km NE Forestburg
    SD - James River (#46), 12.8 km ENE Ethan, below a mill dam
    SD - Lake Henry (#50), Scotland (a small shallow impoundment of Dawson Creek)
    SD - James River (#51), 19.2 km N Yankton at U.S. 81
    SD - Medicine Creek (#61), at hwy 34, 0.8 km above mouth, 21.8 km ESE Pierre
    SD - Missouri River (#65), Farm Island State Park, 4.8 km SE Pierre

Pomoxis nigromaculatus

    SD - Vermillion drainage
    SD - James (HUC6) non-specific
    SD - eastern tribs of the Missouri
    SD - Missouri drainage
    SD - SW tribs of the Missouri
    SD - NW tribs of the Missouri
    SD - Wiley Lake, 4.8 km NW Aberdeen (site #37)
    SD - James River, 4.3 mi E of Mellette; Missouri River drainage T120N R63W S34
    SD - Thunder (Timber) Creek (#39), US 212, 6.4 km E Frankfort
    SD - James River (#46), 12.8 km ENE Ethan, below mill dam
    SD - Lake Henry (#50), Scotland, a small shallow impoundment of Dawson Creek
    SD - James River (#51), 19.2 km N Yankton at U.S. 81
    SD - Tripp Lake (#54), 11.2 km SW Tripp, a small shallow impoundment of branch of Choteau Creek
    SD - Medicine Creek (#61), at hwy 34, 0.8 km above mouth, 21.8 km ESE Pierre
    SD - Missouri River (#72), 1.6-3.2 km below Fort Randall Dam
    SD - Antelope Creek and pond (#84), trib to Keya Paha river, at Indian School, Rosebud Indian Reservation
    SD - Flat Creek Lake (#134), 16 km S Lemmon at hwy 73

Pylodictis olivaris

    SD - Missouri River, Lewis and Clark Lake
    IA - Big Sioux River
    SD - Lower Lake Oahe drainage
    SD - [Missouri River at] Mouth of White River [near] Chamberlain
    SD - Fort Randall Reservoir drainage

Salmo trutta

    SD - West Branch Rosebud Cr., 0.8 km above forks (#92)
    SD - Little White River at old U.S. 18 (#94)
    SD - Grace Coolidge Creek, 5.6 km below Hermosa at hwy. 36 (#109)
    SD - Battle Creek, 1.6 km SW Hermosa (#110)
    SD - Castle Creek, 8 km above Deerfield Reservoir (#112)
    SD - Rapid Creek, 3.2 km below Rapid City (#116)
    SD - Box Elder Creek, 6.4 km N (NW?) Nemo (#119)
    SD - Black Hills (SW part of state)
    SD - Shadehill Reservoir
    SD - NW tribs of the Missouri

Salvelinus fontinalis

    SD - Black Hills
    SD - Castle Creek, 5 miles above Deerfield Reservoir
    SD - Minnesota (HUC6) non-specific
    SD - Shadehill Reservoir

Sander vitreus

    SD - Marindahl Lake
    SD - Shadehill Reservoir
    SD - Horsehead arm of Angostura Reservoir(#101), impoundment of the Cheyenne River
    SD - Belle Fourche Reservoir (Orman Lake)(#128), near S end of dam


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Citation information: U.S. Geological Survey. [2025]. Nonindigenous Aquatic Species Database. Gainesville, Florida. Accessed [2/14/2025].

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