Total records: 92
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ImagesGroupFamilyScientific NameCommon NameMore infoNative Habitat Species Origin
Lithobates catesbeianusAmphibians-FrogsRanidae Lithobates catesbeianus American Bullfrog Collection info
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Freshwater Native Transplant
Pectinatella magnificaBryozoansPectinatellidae Pectinatella magnifica magnificent bryozoan Collection info
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Freshwater Native Transplant
Cordylophora caspiaCoelenterates-HydrozoansOceanidae Cordylophora caspia freshwater hydroid Collection info
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Freshwater-Marine Exotic
Craspedacusta sowerbiiCoelenterates-HydrozoansOlindiidae Craspedacusta sowerbii freshwater jellyfish Collection info
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Freshwater Exotic
Crustaceans-AmphipodsCorophiidae Paracorophium lucasi a New Zealand amphipod Collection info
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Brackish-Freshwater Exotic
Paracorophium sp.Crustaceans-AmphipodsCorophiidae Paracorophium sp. an amphipod Collection info
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Freshwater-Brackish Exotic
Eurytemora affinisCrustaceans-CopepodsTemoridae Eurytemora affinis a calanoid copepod Collection info
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Freshwater-Marine Native Transplant
Carcinus maenasCrustaceans-CrabsPortunidae Carcinus maenas green crab Collection info
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Marine Exotic
Procambarus clarkiiCrustaceans-CrayfishCambaridae Procambarus clarkii Red Swamp Crayfish Collection info
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Freshwater Native Transplant
Alosa sapidissimaFishesClupeidae Alosa sapidissima American Shad Collection info
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Freshwater-Marine Native Transplant
Ameiurus catusFishesIctaluridae Ameiurus catus White Catfish Collection info
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Freshwater Native Transplant
Ameiurus melasFishesIctaluridae Ameiurus melas Black Bullhead Collection info
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Freshwater Native Transplant
Ameiurus nebulosusFishesIctaluridae Ameiurus nebulosus Brown Bullhead Collection info
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Freshwater Native Transplant
Archoplites interruptusFishesCentrarchidae Archoplites interruptus Sacramento Perch Collection info
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Freshwater Native Transplant
Catostomus occidentalisFishesCatostomidae Catostomus occidentalis Sacramento Sucker Collection info
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Freshwater Native Transplant
Coregonus clupeaformisFishesSalmonidae Coregonus clupeaformis Lake Whitefish Collection info
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Freshwater Native Transplant
Ctenopharyngodon idella var. diploidFishesCyprinidae Ctenopharyngodon idella var. diploid Grass Carp (diploid) Collection info
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Freshwater Exotic
Cyprinus carpioFishesCyprinidae Cyprinus carpio Common Carp Collection info
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Freshwater Exotic
Dorosoma petenenseFishesClupeidae Dorosoma petenense Threadfin Shad Collection info
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Freshwater-Marine Native Transplant
Gambusia affinisFishesPoeciliidae Gambusia affinis Western Mosquitofish Collection info
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Freshwater Native Transplant
Hesperoleucus symmetricusFishesCyprinidae Hesperoleucus symmetricus California Roach Collection info
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Freshwater Native Transplant
Hypomesus nipponensisFishesOsmeridae Hypomesus nipponensis wakasagi Collection info
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Freshwater Exotic
Hypophthalmichthys nobilisFishesCyprinidae Hypophthalmichthys nobilis Bighead Carp Collection info
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Freshwater Exotic
Ictalurus punctatusFishesIctaluridae Ictalurus punctatus Channel Catfish Collection info
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Freshwater Native Transplant
Lepomis cyanellusFishesCentrarchidae Lepomis cyanellus Green Sunfish Collection info
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Freshwater Native Transplant
Lepomis gibbosusFishesCentrarchidae Lepomis gibbosus Pumpkinseed Collection info
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Freshwater Native Transplant
Lepomis macrochirusFishesCentrarchidae Lepomis macrochirus Bluegill Collection info
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Freshwater Native Transplant
Micropterus dolomieuFishesCentrarchidae Micropterus dolomieu Smallmouth Bass Collection info
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Freshwater Native Transplant
Micropterus salmoidesFishesCentrarchidae Micropterus salmoides Largemouth Bass Collection info
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Freshwater Native Transplant
Morone saxatilisFishesMoronidae Morone saxatilis Striped Bass Collection info
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Freshwater-Marine Native Transplant
FishesCyprinidae Mylocheilus caurinus Peamouth Collection info
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Freshwater Native Transplant
Notemigonus crysoleucasFishesCyprinidae Notemigonus crysoleucas Golden Shiner Collection info
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Freshwater Native Transplant
Orthodon microlepidotusFishesCyprinidae Orthodon microlepidotus Sacramento Blackfish Collection info
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Freshwater Native Transplant
Plecoglossus altivelisFishesOsmeridae Plecoglossus altivelis ayu Collection info
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Freshwater Exotic
Pomoxis annularisFishesCentrarchidae Pomoxis annularis White Crappie Collection info
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Freshwater Native Transplant
Pomoxis nigromaculatusFishesCentrarchidae Pomoxis nigromaculatus Black Crappie Collection info
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Freshwater Native Transplant
Ptychocheilus grandisFishesCyprinidae Ptychocheilus grandis Sacramento Pikeminnow Collection info
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Freshwater Native Transplant
Rhinichthys osculusFishesCyprinidae Rhinichthys osculus Speckled Dace Collection info
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Freshwater Native Transplant
Salmo salarFishesSalmonidae Salmo salar Atlantic Salmon Collection info
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Freshwater-Marine Native Transplant
Salmo truttaFishesSalmonidae Salmo trutta Brown Trout Collection info
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Freshwater Exotic
Salvelinus fontinalisFishesSalmonidae Salvelinus fontinalis Brook Trout Collection info
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Freshwater Native Transplant
Acanthogobius flavimanusMarine FishesGobiidae Acanthogobius flavimanus Yellowfin Goby Collection info
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Marine Exotic
Arcuatula senhousiaMollusks-BivalvesMytilidae Arcuatula senhousia Asian date mussel Collection info
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Marine Exotic
Corbicula flumineaMollusks-BivalvesCyrenidae Corbicula fluminea basket clam Collection info
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Freshwater Exotic
Crassostrea gigasMollusks-BivalvesOstreidae Crassostrea gigas Pacific giant oyster Collection info
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Marine Exotic
Cipangopaludina chinensisMollusks-GastropodsViviparidae Cipangopaludina chinensis Chinese mysterysnail Collection info
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Freshwater Exotic
Potamopyrgus antipodarumMollusks-GastropodsHydrobiidae Potamopyrgus antipodarum New Zealand mudsnail Collection info
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Freshwater Exotic
Radix auriculariaMollusks-GastropodsLymnaeidae Radix auricularia European ear snail Collection info
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Freshwater Exotic
PlantsAlismataceae Alisma lanceolatum lanceleaf water plantain Collection info
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Freshwater Exotic
PlantsAponogetonaceae Aponogeton distachyos Cape pondweed Collection info
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Freshwater Exotic
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Citation information: U.S. Geological Survey. [2024]. Nonindigenous Aquatic Species Database. Gainesville, Florida. Accessed [9/7/2024].

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For general information and questions about the database, contact Wesley Daniel. For problems and technical issues, contact Matthew Neilson.