Reference Viewer

Cut-and-Paste Reference:
Moyle, P.B. 2002. Inland fishes of California. Second edition. University of California Press, Berkeley, CA.
Reference Details:
Reference Number: 13709
Type: Book
Author: Moyle, P.B.
Date (year): 2002
Edition: Second
Title:Inland fishes of California.
Publisher:University of California Press
Publisher Location:Berkeley, CA
Pages: 502 pp.
Species Profiles and Specimens that use this Reference:

Acipenser transmontanus

    CA - Irvine Lake
    CA - Santa Ana River lakes

Alosa sapidissima

    AZ - Colorado River at the Needles
    AZ - Colorado River at The Needles
    AZ - Colorado River at The Needles

Ameiurus catus

    CA - Fresno County
    CA - Tulare County
    CA - Eel River in northern CA

Ameiurus melas

    CA - state non-specific
    CA - L.A. Basin
    CA - St. Maria-St. Ynez drainage
    CA - state non-specific
    CA - Santa Monica Mountains National Recreation Area
    CA - Suisun Marsh [wetlands between Grizzly Bay and Fairfield]
    CA - Willow Creek, at Willow Creek Ranch Rd.

Ameiurus natalis

    CA - L.A. Basin
    CA - St. Maria-St. Ynez drainage
    CA - state non-specific

Ameiurus nebulosus

    CA - Central Valley
    CA - Suisun Marsh [wetlands between Grizzly Bay and Fairfield]
    CA - Eel River in northern CA

Austrolebias bellottii

    CA - Experimental ponds and rice fields at Biggs Rice Experiment Station.

Catostomus fumeiventris

    CA - Santa Clara drainage

Catostomus tahoensis

    CA - upper reaches of the Feather River, Sacramento system
    CA - upper reaches of the Rubicon River, Sacramento system
    CA - headwaters of the Sacramento drainage (Feather and Rubicon)
    CA - Mud Creek.
    CA - Big Grizzly Creek, 150 yards below Highway 40A [now CA 70] Bridge no. F-1375+11.
    CA - Willow Creek, 1 mile west of Clio on Hwy. 89.

Cottus asper

    CA - Castaic Creek, just below Castaic Lagoon[Lake]
    CA - Santa Clara River, at Interstate 5
    CA - Piru Creek, 9.1 km from confluence with Santa Clara River.
    CA - Piru Creek.
    CA - Piru Creek, mouth at sand bars and flats for ca. 400 m above buoy line.
    CA - Sespe Creek, at Hwy 127 crossing, 1 mile west of Filmore.
    CA - Pyramid Lake; mouth of Tin Cup Canyon, downstream Piru Creek mouth on south side.
    CA - Piru Creek, 18.7 km from confluence with Santa Clara River.
    CA - Agua Blanca Creek.
    CA - Irvine Lake, upper end ca. 0.5 miles downstream from the mouth of Santiago Creek.
    CA - Santa Ana River, 1.5 mi. E of Lakeview Ave.
    CA - Big Bear Lake

Cyprinella lutrensis

    CA - Central Valley drainage
    CA - Yolo Bypass

Cyprinus carpio

    CA - Tomales Bay (just north of San Francisco)
    CA - Russian River
    CA - Redwood Creek [2 within county]
    CA - Pit River drainage
    CA - Monterey Bay
    CA - Truckee River
    CA - Pit River
    CA - Lower Sacramento (HUC6) non-specific
    CA - Carson River
    CA - San Francisco Bay area
    CA - San Joaquin (HUC6) non-specific
    CA - Tulare-Buena Vista drainage
    CA - California, southern coast of
    CA - coastal California; Santa Ana drainage
    CA - coastal California; Ventura-San Gabriel Coastal
    CA - Santa Ynez system

Dorosoma petenense

    CA - Yolo Bypass
    CA - Suisun Marsh [wetlands between Grizzly Bay and Fairfield]

Esox americanus vermiculatus

    CA - Lake Cuyamaca, near San Diego

Esox lucius

    CA - Lake Cuyamaca, near San Diego
    CA - Middle Fork Feather River below Frenchman Reservoir
    CA - Frenchman Lake
    CA - Lake Oroville

Gambusia affinis

    CA - Yolo Bypass

Gila orcuttii

    CA - Mojave National Preserve

Hypomesus nipponensis

    CA - Yolo Bypass
    CA - Suisun Marsh [wetlands between Grizzly Bay and Fairfield]
    CA - Sacramento-San Joaquin estuary

Hysterocarpus traskii

    CA - San Luis Reservoir, O'Neill Forebay
    CA - Los Banos Creek Reservoir

Ictalurus furcatus

    CA - San Diego drainage
    CA - L.A. Basin
    CA - St. Maria-St. Ynez drainage
    CA - Sutherland Reservoir on the Santa Ysabel River
    CA - El Capitan Reservoir
    CA - San Vicente Reservoir
    CA - Santee Lakes chain (in Santee, E of San Diego)
    CA - Lake Jennings, near San Diego

Ictalurus punctatus

    CA - Bolsa Chica River [Channel]
    CA - San Joaquin River near Stockton
    CA - Lake Cuyamaca, near San Diego
    CA - Feather River
    CA - state non-specific
    CA - L.A. Basin
    CA - St. Maria-St. Ynez drainage
    CA - state non-specific
    CA - Feather River near Verona
    CA - Presidio of San Francisco Park
    CA - Yolo Bypass
    CA - Suisun Marsh [wetlands between Grizzly Bay and Fairfield]

Lavinia exilicauda

    CA - Pyramid Lake
    CA - Pyramid Lake
    CA - Ramer Lake

Lepomis cyanellus

    CA - Owens drainage
    CA - Eel River in northern CA

Lepomis gibbosus

    CA - L.A. Basin

Lepomis gulosus

    CA - Pajaro drainage
    CA - Yolo Bypass
    CA - Suisun Marsh [wetlands between Grizzly Bay and Fairfield]

Lepomis microlophus

    CA - farm pond draining into Rush Creek (north of Adin)
    CA - Pajaro River drainage
    CA - Pajaro drainage
    CA - Colorado River
    CA - Yolo Bypass
    CA - Suisun Marsh [wetlands between Grizzly Bay and Fairfield]

Micropterus coosae

    CA - state non-specific
    CA - Central Valley drainage
    CA - Alder Creek, tributary of Sacramento S of Folsom Lake
    CA - Stanislaus River
    CA - Santa Ana River
    CA - Santa Margarita River

Micropterus henshalli

    CA - Perris Reservoir (near Perris)
    CA - Perris Reservoir (near Perris)

Micropterus punctulatus

    CA - L.A. Basin
    CA - state non-specific
    CA - state non-specific

Morone chrysops

    CA - Colorado River

Morone saxatilis

    AZ - lower Colorado River
    AZ - Lake Mead
    AZ - Colorado River at Imperial Dam
    AZ - Colorado River at Imperial Dam
    AZ - Colorado River at Imperial Dam
    AZ - Colorado River at Imperial Dam
    AZ - Colorado River at Blythe
    AZ - lower Colorado River at Ferguson Lake
    AZ - Colorado River at Blythe
    AZ - Colorado River at Martinez Lake
    AZ - Colorado River at Davis Dam
    AZ - Colorado River at Blythe
    AZ - Colorado River from Davis Dam to Lake Havasu
    AZ - Colorado River from Davis Dam to Lake Havasu
    AZ - Colorado River from Davis Dam to Lake Havasu
    AZ - Colorado River from Davis Dam to Lake Havasu
    AZ - Colorado River from Davis Dam to Lake Havasu
    CA - lower Colorado River at Needles
    AZ - lower Colorado River at Palo Verde Weir
    AZ - lower Colorado River at Palo Verde Weir
    CA - Colorado River from Davis Dam to Lake Havasu
    CA - Colorado River from Davis Dam to Lake Havasu
    CA - Colorado River from Davis Dam to Lake Havasu
    CA - Colorado River from Davis Dam to Lake Havasu
    CA - Colorado River from Davis Dam to Lake Havasu
    NV - Lake Mead
    NV - Lake Mohave
    NV - Colorado River (lower) at Davis Dam
    NV - Lake Mohave
    AZ - Lake Mead National Recreation Area
    NV - Lake Mead National Recreation Area
    NV - Lake Mead
    AZ - Havasu National Wildlife Refuge
    AZ - Lake Mead National Recreation Area

Notemigonus crysoleucas

    CA - Salton Sea

Oncorhynchus clarkii seleniris

    CA - North Fork of Cottonwood Creek, Inyo National Forest.

Oncorhynchus kisutch

    CA - Sacramento River
    CA - Lake Berryessa

Oreochromis mossambicus

    CA - City of La Habra, Coyote Creek at Lambert
    CA - City of Orange, Lake Forest- 37 acre lake
    CA - City of Costa Mesa, Mesa Verde Golf Course
    CA - City of Huntington Beach, Harbour Lights Apts
    CA - City of Newport Beach, Versailles Apts.- two ponds

Orthodon microlepidotus

    CA - Russian River Reservoir on the Carmel River in southern CA

Pantosteus platyrhynchus

    CA - North Fork of the Feather River, Red Clover Creek.

Pimephales promelas

    CA - Presidio of San Francisco Park
    CA - Yolo Bypass

Poecilia sphenops

    CA - two locations in/near the Salton Sea

Pogonichthys macrolepidotus

    CA - Lake Silverwood, north of San Bernardino

Richardsonius egregius

    CA - Sacramento drainage
    CA - Mill Creek at the headwaters of the Rubicon River

Rivulus hartii

    CA - Hot Mineral Spa, a small ditch flowing into the Salton Sea that once drained a now defunct tropical fish farm

Salmo trutta

    CA - Owens Valley

Salvelinus namaycush

    CA - Lake Tahoe
    CA - Fallen Leaf Lake
    NV - Lake Tahoe
    NV - Lake Tahoe
    NV - Lake Tahoe
    NV - Lake Tahoe

Siphateles bicolor

    CA - Sacramento River drainage, reservoirs

Tinca tinca

    CA - Trinity River


The data represented on this site vary in accuracy, scale, completeness, extent of coverage and origin. It is the user's responsibility to use these data consistent with their intended purpose and within stated limitations. We highly recommend reviewing metadata files prior to interpreting these data.

Citation information: U.S. Geological Survey. [2024]. Nonindigenous Aquatic Species Database. Gainesville, Florida. Accessed [9/11/2024].

Contact us if you are using data from this site for a publication to make sure the data are being used appropriately and for potential co-authorship if warranted.

For general information and questions about the database, contact Wesley Daniel. For problems and technical issues, contact Matthew Neilson.