NAS - Nonindigenous Aquatic Species
Linder, A.D. 1963. Idaho's alien fishes. Tebiwa 6(2):12-15.
Reference Number: 1419 Type: Journal Article Author: Linder, A.D. Date (year): 1963 Article Title:Idaho's alien fishes. Journal Name: Tebiwa Volume: 6 Issue: 2 Pages: 12-15 URL: Keywords: Idaho, introduced fishes, salmo trutta
Alosa sapidissima ID - Bear River at Montpelier ID - Bear Lake UT - Weber River at Ogden UT - Bear Lake UT - Bear River at Cache Junction
Ambloplites rupestris ID - ponds at Payette ID - ponds at Troy (east of Moscow)
Coregonus clupeaformis ID - Coeur d'Alene Lake ID - Lake Pend Oreille ID - Hayden Lake, small body of water north of Pend d'Oreille ID - Bear Lake near Fish Haven, ID
Esox lucius ID - Boise River near Boise
Ictalurus punctatus ID - Boise River
Lepomis gulosus ID - Boise River near Boise
Lepomis macrochirus ID - Twin Falls County
Micropterus salmoides ID - Bear Lake
Oncorhynchus mykiss kamloops strain ID - Lake Pend Orielle
Perca flavescens ID - private ponds near Hauser and Shoshone (SPLIT) ID - Newman Lake
Pimephales promelas ID - Twin Falls
Pomoxis annularis ID - Boise River near Boise
Pomoxis nigromaculatus ID - Boise River near Boise
Salmo salar ID - Boise River, at Caldwell ID - Hayden Lake ID - Spirit Lake
Salvelinus alpinus oquassa ID - Alice Lake ID - Vernon Lake ID - Redfish Lake ID - Sawtooth Lakes
Salvelinus namaycush ID - Lake Pend Orielle ID - Twin Lakes ID - Bear Lake
Tinca tinca ID - Kootenai County, a lake and a pond ID - Latah County, pond WA - Diamond Lake
The data represented on this site vary in accuracy, scale, completeness, extent of coverage and origin. It is the user's responsibility to use these data consistent with their intended purpose and within stated limitations. We highly recommend reviewing metadata files prior to interpreting these data.
Citation information: U.S. Geological Survey. [2025]. Nonindigenous Aquatic Species Database. Gainesville, Florida. Accessed [2/9/2025].
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