NAS - Nonindigenous Aquatic Species
University of Oklahoma. 2013. Sam Noble Oklahoma Museum of Natural History ichthyology collection. Accessed through GBIF data portal, University of Oklahoma, Norman, OK. Created on 10/20/2009. Accessed on 04/11/2013.
Reference Number: 25986 Type: Database Author: University of Oklahoma Date (year): 2013 Title:Sam Noble Oklahoma Museum of Natural History ichthyology collection. Accessed through GBIF data portal, Publisher:University of Oklahoma Publisher Location:Norman, OK URL: Accessed on: 04/11/2013 Created on: 10/20/2009 Keywords: OKMNH, ichthyology
Ameiurus nebulosus OK - CYPRESS SWAMP, 3 miles north of IDABEL. T7S, R24E, SEC. 18 OK - 3 miles north of IDABEL. T7S, R24E, SEC. 18 OK - SW of BROKEN BOW SEC 12 7S-23 OK - S of BROKEN BOW OK - S of BROKEN BOW OK - SW of BROKEN BOW OK - LAKES SW of BROKEN BOW OK - SW of BROKEN BOW OK - T7S, R25, SEC 15
Cyprinus carpio OK - Hwy 34 near Carter; Sec 15/T8N/R22W; U07301500 OK - Near Bridgeport; Sec 28/T13N/R11W; U07228500 OK - Hwy 270, 5 miles west of Watonga OK - At dam; Sec 32/T19N/R18W OK - Near Bridgeport; Sec 28/T13N/R11W; U07228500 OK - Near Bridgeport; Sec 28/T13N/R11W; U07228500 OK - Hwy 270, 2 miles south of Watonga OK - Hwy 270, 2 miles south of Watonga OK - East shoreline opposite of UOBS boathouse OK - 1.5 miles above Camp Jack Little OK - east of Madill on Hwy. 199 to Little City. Drive south approx. 4 miles. Turn left (east) and drive 0.75 mile. Drive north (left) on Aylesworth Rd. Turn right on 3rd gravel road and drive to shoreline. Site is At large dead tree trunk. Marked with pi OK - north of Willis, OK on Hwy 99 approx. 5 miles. west on S. Powell Rd. (Powell Church of Christ Sign) approx. 2 miles. As road curves turn left on House Creek Rd. follow road past red brick house and turn left (south) approx. 1 mile to agricultural field. OK - north of Willis, OK on Hwy 99. Turn east on Shay cutoff Rd. for approx. 4 miles. Turn south and drive approx. 4 miles. east on Oak View Resort. Follow Lake shore Rd. approx. 0.7 miles to boAt ramp. Site is At willow tree 25 m north of boAt ramp. OK - 1.5 miles above Camp Jack Little OK - East shoreline opposite of UOBS boathouse OK - north of Willis, OK on Hwy 99. Turn east on Shay cutoff rd. for approx. 4 miles. Turn south to Island View Subdivision. Site is 25 m east of boAt dock At orange metal pole. OK - At Lake Texoma OK - BUNCOMBE CK. OK - 1 MI W of OUBS OK - At Lake Texoma OK - BUNCOMBE CK. OK - U.O.B.S. OK - 1 MI W of OUBS OK - east of Madill on Hwy. 199 to Little City. Drive south approx. 4 miles. Turn left (east) and drive 0.75 mile. Drive north (left) on Aylesworth Rd. Turn right on 3rd gravel road and drive to shoreline. Site is At large dead tree trunk. Marked with pi OK - T8N R16E S14 AND 15 NE - Hwy 283, 1.5 miles south of Arapahoe OK - NE of Camp Jack Little OK - south of Madill o Hwy 99 to Willis OK. west of Dave's Superette to entrance of management area. south 2 miles to agricultural fields. Site is locAted SW corner of last field in drainage area. Marked with pink post in willows and cAttails. OK - east of Madill on Hwy. 199 to Little City. Drive south approximAtely 4 miles. Turn left (east) and drive 0.5 mile. Turn right on trail to oil well thAt is in line with oil wells in wAter. Site is At large half-dead willow adjacent to oil well on shore OK - BRIER CREEK mouth OK - east of Madill on Hwy. 199 to Little City. Drive south approximAtely 4 miles. Turn left (east) and drive 0.5 mile. Turn right on trail to oil well thAt is in line with oil wells in wAter. Site is At large half-dead willow adjacent to oil well on shore OK - POND ON ISLAND #2 OK - north of Willis, OK on Hwy 99. west on S. Powell Rd. approximAtely 2 miles. Turn on Lake Road. ApproximAtely 2 miles south to drainage. Site is locAted east of road on trail. LocAted in Willows and Button bush, marked with a pink post. OK - NEAR ISLANDS OK - Above Camp Jack Little OK - Cove across from Camp Jack Little OK - 1.5 miles above Camp Jack Little OK - north of Willis, OK on Hwy 99. Turn east on Shay cutoff Rd. 4 mi. east on Taylor Rd. Turn right (south) on Sandy Beach Rd. Follow to boAt ramp. Sites NE of boAt ramp. Site is a 2nd telephone pole north of boAt ramp adjacent to willow tree. OK - north of Willis, OK on Hwy 99. west on S Powell Rd. ApproximAtely 2 miles. Turn on Lake Road. ApproximAtely 2.5 miles south to lake shore. Take right trail west and then south to shore. Site is marked with pink post. OK - north of Willis, OK on Hwy 99. Turn east on Shay cutoff rd. for approx. 4 miles. Turn south to Island View Subdivision. Site is 25 m east of boAt dock At orange metal pole. OK - BUNCOMBE CK. OK - east of Madill on Hwy. 199 to Little City. Drive south approximAtely 4 miles. Turn left (east) and drive 0.5 mile. Turn right on trail to oil well thAt is in line with oil wells in wAter. Site is At large half-dead willow adjacent to oil well on shore OK - south Canadian River on Co road between Wanetta and Byers OK - south CANADIAN RIVER NEAR BYARS SEC 12 TWN 05N RNG 02EU07229410 OK - south CANADIAN RIVER NEAR BYARS SEC 12 TWN 05N RNG 02E OK - Station 8: a 300m reach of river upstream from the Hwy. 99 bridge (PottawAtomie-Seminole county line) OK - (OWRB2005-28) NEAR DALE ofF US 270 (SEC 36&25/ T11N/ R2E) OK - south Canadian River on Co road between Wanetta and Byers MO - At indian Camp BoAt Access, one mile east on Hwy 61; one mile north of New London, MO (WJM375) OK - Site 28: Platter Flats, east of Kingston on Hwy 70 OK - Site 25: Willow Springs, east of Kingston on Hwy 70 OK - Hwy 78 south of Yuba OK - Site 27: Platter Flats, east of Kingston on Hwy 70 OK - Washita arm OK - Rock Creek OK - Washita arm OK - Site 25: Willow Springs, east of Kingston on Hwy 70 OK - Site 32: Burn's Run, west of Cartwright on Hwy 75A OK - Below Denison dam OK - Site 28: Platter Flats, east of Kingston on Hwy 70 OK - Site 28: Platter Flats, east of Kingston on Hwy 70 OK - Site 27: Platter Flats, east of Kingston on Hwy 70 OK - Site 27: Platter Flats, east of Kingston on Hwy 70 OK - Hwy 81 north of El Reno; Sec 32/T13N/R7W; U07239500 OK - Hwy 81 north of El Reno; Sec 32/T13N/R7W; U07239500 OK - Hwy 81 north of El Reno; Sec 32/T13N/R7W; U07239500 OK - Hwy 81 north of El Reno; Sec 32/T13N/R7W; U07239500 OK - Hwy 81 north of El Reno; Sec 32/T13N/R7W; U07239500 OK - 1.5 miles north, 2 miles east of Gene Autry; Sec 16/T3S/R3E; U07330500 OK - Duck Trap Cove OK - I-35 NW of Ardmore OK - Cove in viscinity of Mosquito Cove OK - Sec 20/T7N/R12E OK - Near Wetumka; Sec 12/T9N/R10E; U07242000 OK - At Calvin; Sec 22/T6N/R10E; U07231500 OK - Near Altus, 2 miles south of Hwy 62, 5.75 miles east of Hwy 283 OK - Hwy 5, 3.5 miles west of Tipton OK - Near Altus, 2 miles south of Hwy 62, 5.75 miles east of Hwy 283 OK - Hwy 62, 2 miles west of Altus OK - Hwy 62, 2 miles west of Altus OK - 2 miles west of Martha at a paved county road crossing MO - Hwy 43, 6.2 miles south of the Jasper/Barton county line OK - 10N, 12E, 27 OK - north CANADIAN RIVER NEAR HARRAH SEC 22 TWN 12N RNG 01EU07241550 OK - L. ARCADIA west SIDE SPRinG CREEK AREA SEC 02 TWN 13N RNG 02WRACA0HRS OK - 3 MI. N. 39TH ST., OKLA. CITY OK - DEEP FORK NEAR LUTHER SEC 28 TWN 14N RNG 01EU07242360 OK - 3 MI. N. 39TH ST., OKLA. CITY OK - DEEP FORK NEAR ARCADIA SEC 36 TWN 14N RNG 02WU07242350 OK - STN 6: A 250 M CHANNELIZED REACH NEAR THE eastERN AVENUE bridge in OKLHAOMA CITY OK - T11N, 13E, S12 OK - T11N R13E S1,2 OK - SMALL SLOUGH,12N, 14E, 28 OK - T22N, R8E, S20 & 29 OK - [No locality string in original GBIF record] OK - Near Altus, 2 miles south of Hwy 62, 5.75 miles east of Hwy 283 OK - [No locality string in original GBIF record] OK - NOT LISTED OK - Hwy 62, 2 miles west of Altus OK - 1 mile south of Hightower; Sec 30/T2N/R19W; U07306000 OK - Near Altus, 2 miles south of Hwy 62, 5.75 miles east of Hwy 283 OK - Near Altus, 2 miles south of Hwy 62, 5.75 miles east of Hwy 283 OK - Hwy 34, 1 mile south of Duke OK - Near Altus, 2 miles south of Hwy 62, 5.75 miles east of Hwy 283 OK - 1 mile west, 4 miles south of Altus; Sec 2/T1N/R21W; U07301300 OK - Near Altus, 2 miles south of Hwy 62, 5.75 miles east of Hwy 283 OK - Hwy 62, 2 miles west of Altus OK - 10 miles west of Beaver; Sec 8/T4N/R22E; U07233900 OK - Near Mocane off Hwy 64; Sec 24/T6N/R25E OK - Near Turpin; Sec 6/T3N/R21E; U07233840 OK - West of Beaver at ODWC Headquarters on Beaver River management area OK - Near Beaver on Hwy 270; Sec 7/T4N/R24E; U07234000 OK - At Gate OK - Near Turpin; Sec 6/T3N/R21E; U07233840 OK - 9 miles south of Turpin at Hwy 83 crossing OK - Near Gate OK - Near Beaver on Hwy 270; Sec 7/T4N/R24E; U07234000 OK - 7 miles north of Mocane; Sec 12/T6N/R25E; U07156960 OK - Near Beaver on Hwy 270; Sec 7/T4N/R24E; U07234000 OK - Near Beaver on Hwy 270; Sec 7/T4N/R24E; U07234000 OK - Hwy 34 near Carter; Sec 15/T8N/R22W; U07301500 OK - North of Hwy 152, 1 mile west of Sayre; Sec 30/T10N/R23W OK - Sec 20/T10N/R24W OK - At mouth of Boggy Creek, 0.5 mile north of Fargo on county road OK - Hwy 62, 1.8 miles east of Meeker OK - NW corner of Wellston OK - Near Coyle; Sec 7/T17N/R1E; U07160900 OK - Near Coyle; Sec 7/T17N/R1E; U07160900 OK - Hwy 77, 5 miles north of Guthrie OK - Hwy 32, 2 miles east of Courtney OK - At Red River OK - I-35, 5 miles north of Gainesville, Tx; Sec 36/T9N/R1E; U07316000 OK - Hwy 32, 0.5 mile west of Mud Creek OK - Hwy 34 near Carter; Sec 15/T8N/R22W; U07301500 OK - [No locality string in original GBIF record] OK - [No locality string in original GBIF record] OK - BUNCOMBE CK. OK - T6N, R4E, S6 OK - T29N R16E S33 OK - T26N R17E S24,25 OK - 7 MI E, 4 MI N of COODYS BLUFF OK - OOLOGAH LAKE NEAR DOUBLE CREEK COVE SEC 09 TWN 25N RNG 16E OK - 4 MI N of LENAPAH OK - 5E & 3S of COODYS BLUFF T25N R17E S14 OK - 1 MI N of COODYS BLUFF OK - 5E & 3S of COODYS BLUFF T25N R17E S14 OK - T27N R17E S23 OK - east FORK of DOUBLE CR 1.5 E DOUBLE COVE SEC 09 TWN 12N RNG 16EU07171210 OK - At DOUBLE CREEK COVE BOAt RAMP AND CAMPinG AREA OK - MIDDLE FORK DOUBLE CR 1.5E DOUBLE CR COVE SEC 09 TWN 02N RNG 16EU07171205 OK - SE & 1N of CHILDERS T27N,R17E, S35 OH - PUT-in-BAY OK - NEAR mouth OK - 5 miles east, 4 1/2 miles south of Hwy 33 AND 66 OK - 2/3 MI. W of DAVIS At HIGHWAY 7 (T1S, R2E, NW 1/4, S6) OK - PRICES FALLS BRDGE RD OK - below HYWAY bridge OK - Arkbuckle Lake At Guy Sandy BoAt Ramp 3 miles west 2miles south of Sulfur OK - U07194600 ARKANASAS RIVER below WEBBER FALLS LOCK AND DAM OK - WEBBERS FALLS CITY HALL (SEC 8/ T12N/ R21E); U07194600 OK - CANADIAN RIVER NEAR WHITEFIELD SEC 12 TWN 09N RNG 19EU07245000 OK - [No locality string in original GBIF record] OK - (OWRB2004-11) ABOUT 1 mile south of BOWLEGS; At Hwy 99; Sec33 T8n R6e OK - T5N, R6E, S3, bridge ON Hwy 56 OK - Hwy 283, 3 miles south of Englewood, Ks; Sec 24/T29N/R26W; U07157580 NE - Hwy 92 crossing; western-most of 3 bridges (WJM2818) OK - At TULSA, 13 STREET RIVER SIDE PARK OK - Hwy 75, 0.5 mile north of Calvin OK - (GBS113) OK - Mouth of Baron Fork near Tahlequah; Sec 26/T17N/R22E; U07196500 OK - Carter's Landing KS - Hwy 96 east of Columbus, Ks OK - North of Jet on Hwy 38 below Great Salt Plains Dam; Sec 11/T26N/R9W; U07150500 OK - 8 miles west of Great Salt Plains Dam OK - North of Jet on Hwy 38 below Great Salt Plains Dam; Sec 11/T26N/R9W; U07150500 OK - Sec 24/T28N/R12W OK - North of Jet on Hwy 38 below Great Salt Plains Dam; Sec 11/T26N/R9W; U07150500 OK - North of Jet on Hwy 38 below Great Salt Plains Dam; Sec 11/T26N/R9W; U07150500 OK - North of Jet on Hwy 38 below Great Salt Plains Dam; Sec 11/T26N/R9W; U07150500 OK - North of Jet on Hwy 38 below Great Salt Plains Dam; Sec 11/T26N/R9W; U07150500 OK - Below Hwy 11 bridge OK - Near Turpin; Sec 6/T3N/R21E; U07233840 OK - I-35 OK - 24th Street in Norman; Sec 2/T9N/R3W OK - 5.5 SW of Ft. Smith OK - At Potts Creek; Sec 1/T5N/R24E OK - 5.5 SW of Ft. Smith OK - 5 miles west of Ft. Smith OK - Near Wellston; Sec 11/T14N/R1E; U07242400 OK - Hwy 18, 1 mile north of Meeker OK - SPRinG RIVER At TWin bridgeS SEC 20 TWN 27N RNG 24EU07188450 OK - T21N, R6E, S13 OK - T21N R8E S17,18 OK - CIMARRON RIVER NEAR PERKinS SEC 07 TWN 17N RNG 03EU07161000 OK - Woodward Hollow OK - Near Tiff City, Mo; U07189000 OK - Cayuga OK - Sec 18/T1N/R26E OK - Near Wellston; Sec 11/T14N/R1E; U07242400 OK - 0.5 mile south of Perkins, OK. on highway 177- west side of river OK - Hwy 132 at Nash; Sec 27/T26N/R8W; U07150520 OK - Hwy 132 at Nash; Sec 27/T26N/R8W; U07150520 OK - Hwy 132 at Nash; Sec 27/T26N/R8W; U07150520 TX - Site 41: Slickum Slough Road TX - Site 41: Slickum Slough Road TX - Site 37: Hagerman Wildlife Refuge south of Biological Station TX - Site 37: Hagerman Wildlife Refuge south of Biological Station TX - Site 41: Slickum Slough Road TX - Site 40: Sheppard Air Force Base recreational area off Hwy 901 OK - [No locality string in original GBIF record] OK - Hwy 34, 0.5 mile south of Mangum; Sec 34/T5N/R22W; U07300500 OK - County Road NS5201, 2.5 miles north of Martha OK - Hwy 60, 2 miles south of Cleo Springs; Sec 23/T22N/R12W; U07158585 OK - Hwy 60, 2 miles south of Cleo Springs; Sec 23/T22N/R12W; U07158585 OK - Hwy 60, 2 miles south of Cleo Springs; Sec 23/T22N/R12W; U07158585 OK - Hwy 60, 2 miles south of Cleo Springs; Sec 23/T22N/R12W; U07158585 OK - Hwy 60, 2 miles south of Cleo Springs; Sec 23/T22N/R12W; U07158585 OK - [No locality string in original GBIF record] MO - Hwy 168, 2.6 miles west of Palmyra OK - in LAKE TEXOMA OK - BUNCOMBE CK. OK - east of Madill 9 miles on Hwy. 199. east of Little City 0.5 mile and south 2 miles to Cumberland Resort. Site is locAted west of boAt docks in adjacent inlet At sign reading "Day Use Area, No Camping." OK - UOBS boathouse OK - Cove across from Camp Jack Little OK - 1.5 miles above Camp Jack Little OK - [No locality string in original GBIF record] OK - (OWRB2006-21) At PURCELL OK - (OWRB2005-22) NEAR NEWCASTLE (SEC15/ T8N/ R4E) OK - RED RIVER NEAR DE KALB, TEXAS SEC 16 TWN 10S RNG 25EU07336820 OK - At OKLAHOMA/ARKANSAS STAtE LinE OK - 4 MI W of OKLAHOMA-ARK STAtE LinE OK - 4 MI W of OKLAHOMA-ARK LinE OK - 2 1/2 MI N of PIERCE OK - 2 1/2 MI N of PIERCE OK - Sec 13/T12N/R14E OK - 200-600 YD ABOVE mouth OK - (OWRB2007-06) NEAR CHECOTAH OK - 12N, 16E, S19 OK - [No locality string in original GBIF record] TX - @ US 377, WheAtland, TX (access on SE side US 337) (WJM2852) OK - (DEQ2004-03) 9 miles east of HARDESTY ON Hwy3 (U07234180) OK - T2S R19W S21,29 OK - T4S, R18W, S15 OK - north FORK of RED NEAR HEADRICK SEC 21 TWN 02N RNG 18WU07305000 OK - (DEQ2004-15) west of TIPTON (U07306500) OK - At upper end of Lake Altus OK - Near Laverne; Sec 9/T26N/R25W OK - North of May; Sec 23/T25N/R24W; U07234450 OK - North of May; Sec 23/T25N/R24W; U07234450 OK - Sec 28,29/T10N/R18E OK - below dam of Lake Fuqua spillway OK - CIMARRON RIVER NEAR BUFFALO SEC 07 TWN 28N RNG 20WU07157950 OK - Hwy 11 north, 1 mile from Capron. (GBS114) OK - Driftwood Creek At U. S. Hwy 281 bridge 0.4 miles S of Kansas stAte line; access At Oklahoma welcome area OK - tributary of Driftwood Creek; 3 miles south of stAte line. (GBS116) OK - [No locality string in original GBIF record] OK - (OWRB2006-64) NEAR FT. SUPPLY (SEC 1/ T24N/ R22W) OK - (OWRB2006-57) SEC 22/ T23N/ R21W OK - north CANADIAN RIVER At WOODWARD SEC 25 TWN 23N RNG 20WU07237500 OK - north CANADIAN RIVER At WOODWARD SEC 25 TWN 23N RNG 20WU07237500 OK - NOT LISTED OK - ARKANSAS RIVER At SAND SPRinGS SEC 14 TWN 19N RNG 11EU07164400 OK - SE of Chickasha OK - Hwy 132 at Nash; Sec 27/T26N/R8W; U07150520 OK - Hwy 132 at Nash; Sec 27/T26N/R8W; U07150520 OK - Hwy 132 at Nash; Sec 27/T26N/R8W; U07150520 OK - Hwy 132 at Nash; Sec 27/T26N/R8W; U07150520 OK - east of Madill on Hwy. 199 to Little City. Drive south approximAtely 4 miles. Turn left (east) and drive 0.75 mile. Drive north (left) on Aylesworth Rd. Turn right on 2nd gravel road and drive to shoreline. Marked with pink post. OK - mouth of HAUANI CREEK (T6S, R4E) OK - BUNCOMBE CK. OK - north of Willis, OK on Hwy 99. Turn east on Shay cutoff Rd. for approx. 3.5 miles. Turn right At first stop sign. Drive south approx., 4 miles and west 0.5 miles to Buncombe Creek Resort. Follow trail adjacent to chain link fenced lagoon to shore. S OK - east of Madill 9 miles on Hwy. 199. east of Little City 0.5 mile and south 2 miles to Cumberland Resort. Site is locAted west of boAt docks in adjacent inlet At sign reading "Day Use Area, No Camping." OK - east of Madill on Hwy. 199 to Little City. Drive south approximAtely 4 miles. Turn left (east) and drive 0.75 mile. Drive north (left) on Aylesworth Rd. Turn right on 2nd gravel road and drive to shoreline. Marked with pink post. OK - north of Willis, OK on Hwy 99. west on S. Powell Rd. approximAtely 2 miles. Turn on Lake Road. ApproximAtely 2 miles south to drainage. Site is locAted east of road on trail. LocAted in Willows and Button bush, marked with a pink post. OK - (RTXQOLRS) At FOBB BOTTOMS OK - 1 1/2 MI ABOVE CAMP JACK LITTLE OK - West shore of Buncombe Creek Cove, second cove north of the University of Oklahoma Biological Station OK - UOBS swimming beach OK - UOBS boathouse OK - Near Camp Jack Little OK - 0.25 mile north of Camp Jack Little OK - 6.5 miles north of Roll on Highway 283. OK - U07228200 CANADIAN RIVER NEAR ROLL OK - 5 MI. W. CLAREMORE OK - 4M S,2.5 W.inOLA,T19NR16ES36 OK - Standing Rock OK - 3 miles north of Harman/Jackson county line, 0.25 mile east of Hwy 5 OK - 5 miles south, 2.25 miles west Gould OK - North of May; Sec 23/T25N/R24W; U07234450 OK - Hwy 283, 3 miles south of Englewood, Ks; Sec 24/T29N/R26W; U07157580 OK - North of May; Sec 23/T25N/R24W; U07234450 OK - North of May; Sec 23/T25N/R24W; U07234450 OK - [No locality string in original GBIF record] OK - Fourteenmile Creek cove OK - Hwy 93, 1 mile west of Apple OK - Hwy 271 north of Arthur City, Tx; Sec 11/T8S/R17E; U07335500 OK - 3.5 miles south, 11 miles east of Ft. Towson OK - 2.75 miles south, 1.25 miles east of Hwy 70 OK - Below Lake Raymond Gary; Sec 31/T6S/R20E OK - 1.25 miles south of Hwy 70 at Hugo dam OK - East of Kenton at low water crossing; Sec 11/T5N/R2E; U07154510 OK - Near Kenton; Sec 4/T5N/R1E; U07154500 OK - East of Kenton at low water crossing; Sec 11/T5N/R2E; U07154510 OK - Near Kenton; Sec 4/T5N/R1E; U07154500 OK - Hwy 79, 7 miles SW of Waurika; Sec 12/T5S/R8W; U07312720 OK - 8 miles east of Ryan on section road; Sec 16/T6S/R6W OK - Hwy 81, 1 mile south of Terral; Sec 9/T8S/R7W; U07315500 OK - Hwy 81, 2.5 miles SSE of Ryan; Sec 33/T6S/R7W OK - Hwy 81, 1 mile south of Terral; Sec 9/T8S/R7W; U07315500 OK - 2 miles east, 1 mile north of Kenton OK - [No locality string in original GBIF record] OK - Hwy 66 east of Depew OK - 3 miles north of Mannford; Sec 10/T19N/R9E OK - Hwy 54 near Weatherford; Sec 5/T13N/R14W OK - Site 21: Tishomingo Wildlife Refuge, east of Tishomingo OK - Site 22: Tishomingo Wildlife Refuge, east of Tishomingo OK - Site 24: 7.5 miles east of Little City on Hwy 199, 3 miles north on Hwy 78, west 5 miles to Butcher Pen OK - Site 21: Tishomingo Wildlife Refuge, east of Tishomingo OK - Site 22: Tishomingo Wildlife Refuge, east of Tishomingo OK - Site 21: Tishomingo Wildlife Refuge, east of Tishomingo TX - 16 miles north of intersection of Hwy 820 and I-35 in Ft. Worth OK - At Robert S Kerr Lock and Dam 9 miles south of Sallisaw OK - Near Seiling; Sec 28/T20N/R16W; U07238000 OK - Near Seiling; Sec 28/T20N/R16W; U07238000 OK - Near Seiling; Sec 28/T20N/R16W; U07238000 OK - At Taloga OK - Hwy 81, 5 miles south of Dover OK - Hwy 51 east of Okeene; Sec 16/T19N/R9W; U07158839 OK - Hwy 51 east of Okeene; Sec 16/T19N/R9W; U07158839 OK - Hwy 81, 5 miles south of Dover OK - Hwy 51 east of Okeene; Sec 16/T19N/R9W; U07158839 OK - Hwy 81 near Dover; Sec 14/T17N/R7W; U07159100 OK - Hwy 81 near Dover; Sec 14/T17N/R7W; U07159100 OK - Hwy 51 east of Okeene; Sec 16/T19N/R9W; U07158839 KS - Hwy 14 near Rago OK - Rock breakwater OK - UOBS BEACH OK - Above Camp Jack Little OK - 1.5 miles above Camp Jack Little OK - north of Willis, OK on Hwy 99. Turn east on Shay cutoff Rd. for approx. 4 miles. Turn south and drive approx. 4 miles. east on Oak View Resort. Follow Lake shore Rd. approx. 0.7 miles to boAt ramp. Site is At willow tree 25 m north of boAt ramp. OK - At mouth OK - Cove north of rock breakwater OK - LOW WAtER bridge below MARKUM FERRY DAM OK - below CHOUTEAU CREEK OK - [No locality string in original GBIF record] OK - [No locality string in original GBIF record] OK - [No locality string in original GBIF record] OK - [No locality string in original GBIF record] OK - [No locality string in original GBIF record] OK - At the mouth of pond creek, 4 miles east of New Castle (WJM372) OK - (OWRB2006-27) At PURCELL OK - Near Kenton; Sec 4/T5N/R1E; U07154500 OK - UOBS boathouse OK - NEAR SALLISAW (SEC 9/ T10N/ R24E); U07246400 OK - [No locality string in original GBIF record] OK - Hwy 62, 5 miles west of Snyder OK - Hwy 9, 2 miles west of Hobart OK - Hwy 62, 5 miles west of Snyder OK - Hwy 62, 5 miles west of Snyder OK - 0.5 mile north of Ralston on Highway 18 OK - BOY SCOUT COVE OK - [No locality string in original GBIF record] OK - Station 5: north of El Reno at Concho, 300 meters upstream from Hwy 81 OK - Sec 9/T18N/R10W OK - Near Watonga; Sec 27/T16N/R12W; U07239200 OK - Near Watonga; Sec 27/T16N/R12W; U07239200 OK - Hwy 270, 2 miles south of Watonga OK - North of Jet on Hwy 38 below Great Salt Plains Dam; Sec 11/T26N/R9W; U07150500 OK - 5 miles west of Ft. Smith OK - (OWRB2006-43) SEC 28/ T28N/ R22E
Dorosoma petenense OK - Near mouth OK - Hwy 3/7 north of Glover; Sec 28/T5S/R23E; U07337910 OK - 2 miles downstream from I-35; Sec 5/T10S/R2E OK - WHITEGRASS CREEK, 5 miles W. AND 3 miles S. of IDABEL AR - Hwy 41, 10 miles south of Foreman TX - Denison Dam OK - Below Denison dam OK - Hwy 32 OK - At mouth OK - [No locality string in original GBIF record] OK - 1/2 MI W of WYANDOTTE OK - S of BROKEN BOW OK - SW BROKEN BOW,T23ER75S4 OK - Below Denison dam OK - Hwy 78 south of Yuba OK - LIMESTONE CK. OK - BUNCOMBE CK. OK - [No locality string in original GBIF record] OK - Above Lake Texoma OK - LIMESTONE COVE OK - in LAKE TEXOMA OK - NIGHT AND DAY BEACH OK - [No locality string in original GBIF record] OK - Confluence with Blue River OK - A cove off the Islands OK - 2M SW of HARRIS OK - Below Denison dam OK - [No locality string in original GBIF record] OK - OUBS BEACH OK - UOBS BEACH OK - UOBS BEACH OK - 0.25 mile below Robert Kerr dam OK - West of Geronimo on county road 0.5 mile west of Hwy 64; Sec 11/T1S/R12W OK - (178610-2) At Hwy 33, LANDinG of BOAt RAMP, east SIDE of RIVER (SEC7 T18N R17E) OK - Near Courtney; Sec 27/T7S/R3W OK - (WJM3521) Hwy 271 SW of Clayton OK - (WJM3523) Hwy 271 near Antlers OK - Near Bennington; Sec 5/T8S/R13E OK - Hwy 70, 4 miles northeast of Idabel, near mouth of Lukfata Creek; Sec 14/T7S/R24E; U07338500 OK - (DEQ2005-27) At TWin bridgeS (U07188450) OK - (DEQ2005-30) below WEBBERS FALLS LOCK AND DAM (U07194600) OK - Hwy 59 south of Heavener; Sec 35/T5N/R25E; U07247350 OK - (OWRB2006-24) At MIAMI OK - (OWRB2006-17) NEAR CAtOOSA OK - Hwy 18 near Ralston; Sec 1/T23N/R5E; U07152500 OK - 1 mile south, 2.5 miles west of Temple; U07311150 OK - Near Wellston; Sec 11/T14N/R1E; U07242400 OK - Near Tiff City, Mo; U07189000 OK - (DEQ2008-20) Near Whitefield; Sec 12/T9N/R19E; U07245000 OK - (DEQ2009-28) Hwy 271 north of Arthur City, Tx; Sec 11/T8S/R17E; U07335500 OK - (DEQ2009-19) Near Sallisaw; U07246400 OK - Hwy 10 east of Miami at Moccasin Bend; Sec 30/T28N/R24E; U07188250 OK - (BAB0807) County road N2720 north of Cogar OK - (BAB0808) Hwy 281 near Bridgeport OK - (BAB0928) Hwy 33 south of Ripley OK - Hwy 75, 1 mile north of Calvin; Sec 22/T6N/R10E; U07231500 OK - (BAB0806) Hwy 81 near Union City OK - (BAB0927) Hwy 33 near Coyle OK - (WJM3221) At Griffin Mountain Road OK - (WJM3230) Hwy 96 OK - (ZDZ2015-152) County road N4010, near Twin Bridges, 5 miles north of Boswell OK - Hwy 271 north of Arthur City, Tx; Sec 11/T8S/R17E; U07335500 OK - RED RIVER, 8 miles S. of MILLERTON ON Hwy 37, 98 OK - RED RIVER, 14 miles S. AND 7 miles E. of IDABEL ON Hwy 259 AR - Hwy 59, 8 miles south, 4.5 miles east of Ashdown OK - NEAR SALLISAW (SEC 9/ T10N/ R24E); U07246400 OK - Hwy 271 north of Arthur City, Tx; Sec 11/T8S/R17E; U07335500 OK - ARKANSAS RIVER At SAND SPRinGS SEC 14 TWN 19N RNG 11EU07164400 OK - CANADIAN RIVER NEAR WHITEFIELD SEC 12 TWN 09N RNG 19EU07245000 OK - Hwy 62 east of Headrick; Sec 21/T2N/R18W; U07305000 OK - Sec 3/T5N/R24E OK - north CANADIAN RIVER At WOODWARD SEC 25 TWN 23N RNG 20WU07237500 OK - WEBBERS FALLS CITY HALL (SEC 8/ T12N/ R21E); U07194600 OK - Hwy 79, 7 miles SW of Waurika; Sec 12/T5S/R8W; U07312720 OK - Hwy 81, 1 mile south of Terral; Sec 9/T8S/R7W; U07315500 OK - north of Willis, OK on Hwy 99 approx. 5 miles. west on S. Powell Rd. (Powell Church of Christ Sign) approx. 2 miles. As road curves turn left on House Creek Rd. follow road past red brick house and turn left (south) approx. 1 mile to agricultural field. OK - north of Willis, OK on Hwy 99 approx. 5 miles. west on S. Powell Rd. (Powell Church of Christ Sign) approx. 2 miles. As road curves turn left on House Creek Rd. follow road past red brick house and turn left (south) approx. 1 mile to agricultural field. OK - Site is locAted in the ecological area on the east side of Hwy 99 immediAtely north of the Willis bridge. ApproximAtely 200 m from highway. Marked with pink post. OK - north of Willis, OK on Hwy 99. Turn east on Shay cutoff Rd. for approx. 3.5 miles. Turn right At first stop sign. Drive south approx., 4 miles and west 0.5 miles to Buncombe Creek Resort. Follow trail adjacent to chain link fenced lagoon to shore. S OK - north of Willis, OK on Hwy 99. Drive east on Shay cutoff Rd. for 3.5 miles. Turn right At first stop sign. Drive south approx. 4 miles and west 0.5 miles to Buncombe Creek Resort. Follow trail adjacent to chain link fenced lagoon to first trail leadi OK - north of Willis, OK on Hwy 99. Turn east on Shay cutoff Rd. 4 mi. east on Taylor Rd. Turn right (south) on Sandy Beach Rd. Follow to boAt ramp. Sites NE of boAt ramp. Site is a 2nd telephone pole north of boAt ramp adjacent to willow tree. OK - north of Willis, OK on Hwy 99. Turn east on Shay cutoff Rd. for approx. 4 miles. Turn south and drive approx. 5 miles. Turn east on Taylor Rd. Drive 1.5 miles to Beach View subdivision. Follow road to beach. Site is At willow tree north of telephon OK - north of Willis, OK on Hwy 99. Turn east on Shay cutoff Rd. for approx. 4 miles. Turn south and drive approx. 4 miles. east on Oak View Resort. Follow Lake shore Rd. approx. 0.7 miles to boAt ramp. Site is At willow tree 25 m north of boAt ramp. OK - east of Kingston on Hwy. 70 approximAtely 4.5 miles. Turn south At Texoma Lodge, drive past golf course to marina. Site is between last two boAt docks NW of marina toward yellow bridge. OK - east of Kingston on Hwy 70 approximAtely 4.5 miles. Turn south At Texoma Lodge, drive past golf course to marina. Site is where refurbishing ramp (RR tracks) enters wAter. OK - east of Madill on Hwy 199 approximAtely 4 miles. Turn south At Kinlock Rd. Follow road along shoreline. Site is near first oil well from the main body of lake near persimmon tree. Marked with pink post. OK - Near Ft. Smith; Sec 9/T10N/R27E; U07249440 OK - Hwy 75, 1 mile north of Calvin; Sec 22/T6N/R10E; U07231500 OK - Hwy 81, 1 mile south of Terral; Sec 9/T8S/R7W; U07315500 OK - (DEQ2004-26) NEAR MUSKOGEE (U07194500) AR - 2 miles west of BELLVILLE OK - T7S, R26E, SEC18-19; F90VAU24(C.VAUGHN), WJM2447 (W.MAtTHEWS); LITTLE RIVER WILDLIFE REFUGE, SITE 10, LITTLE RIVER At YELLOW BANK OK - T7S, R26E, SEC18-19; SITE 10; F90VAU24 (ONHI C.VAUGHN), WJM 2451 (W.MAtTHEWS), LITTLE RIVER At YELLOW BANK AR - Hwy 160 at Spring Bank Ferry; Sec 24/T19S/R27W OK - Hwy 177, 0.25 mile south of Perkins OK - WEBBERS FALLS CITY HALL (SEC 8/ T12N/ R21E); U07194600 OK - North of Jet on Hwy 38 below Great Salt Plains Dam; Sec 11/T26N/R9W; U07150500 OK - VERDIGRIS RIVER NEAR CAtOOSA SEC 16 TWN 20N RNG 15E OK - TEXOMA LAKE NEAR WILDLIFE REFUGE (WASH) SEC 23 TWN 04S RNG 06E OK - OOLOGAH LAKE NEAR DOUBLE CREEK COVE SEC 09 TWN 25N RNG 16E OK - VERDIGRIS RIVER NEAR inOLA SEC 04 TWN 19N RNG 16E OK - Hwy 81, 1 mile south of Terral; Sec 9/T8S/R7W; U07315500 OK - WEBBERS FALLS CITY HALL (SEC 8/ T12N/ R21E); U07194600 OK - WEBBER FALLS LAKE At SPANIARD COVE SEC 16 TWN 13N RNG 19E OK - Hwy 132 at Nash; Sec 27/T26N/R8W; U07150520 OK - ARKANSAS RIVER NEAR MUSKOGEE SEC 21 TWN 15N RNG 19E OK - SE of Blackwell; Sec 1/T26N/R1W; U07152000 OK - Hwy 81, 1 mile south of Terral; Sec 9/T8S/R7W; U07315500 OK - VERDIGRIS RIVER NEAR inOLA SEC 04 TWN 19N RNG 16E U07178800 OK - Hwy 259 north of DeKalb, Tx; Sec 16/T10S/R25E; U07336820 OK - Hwy 132 at Nash; Sec 27/T26N/R8W; U07150520 OK - WEBBERS FALLS LAKE At Hwy 10 LANDinG SEC 10 TWN 13N RNG 20ERWBJ0SRS OK - Hwy 82/100, North Elk Creek Park; Sec 17/15N/R22E OK - WEBBERS FALLS CITY HALL (SEC 8/ T12N/ R21E); U07194600 OK - Hwy 259 north of DeKalb, Tx; Sec 16/T10S/R25E; U07336820 OK - Hwy 81 near Dover; Sec 14/T17N/R7W; U07159100 OK - Hwy 10 east of Miami at Moccasin Bend; Sec 30/T28N/R24E; U07188250 OK - NEOSHO RIVER NEAR MIAMI SEC 06 TWN 27N RNG 23EU07185030 OK - Hwy 60 near Ponca City; Sec 25/T26N/R3E; U07148140 OK - Hwy 259 north of DeKalb, Tx; Sec 16/T10S/R25E; U07336820 OK - Hwy 59 south of Heavener; Sec 35/T5N/R25E; U07247350 OK - Hwy 77, 2 miles north of Pauls Valley; Sec 1/T3N/R1W; U07328500 OK - SPRinG RIVER At TWin bridgeS SEC 20 TWN 27N RNG 24EU07188450 OK - 1 mile west, 1 mile north of Hwy 25 and 1 mile west of Hwy 35 OK - Hwy 10 east of Miami at Moccasin Bend; Sec 30/T28N/R24E; U07188250 OK - (1644) At SAND SPRinGS CITY PARK OK - (RTXQOLRS) At FOBB BOTTOMS OK - (ROVAOARS) UPPER END, JUST south of Hwy 66; west of bridge ON PARK DRIVE (SEC 30, T12N, R4W) OK - Hwy 75, 1 mile north of Calvin; Sec 22/T6N/R10E; U07231500 OK - (1782) north of CAtOOSA ON Hwy 167/266 OK - Mouth of Baron Fork near Tahlequah; Sec 26/T17N/R22E; U07196500 OK - (1785-2) east of CAtOOSA At ROGERS PARK BOAt RAMP (SEC 16, T20N, R15E) OK - Hwy 79, 7 miles SW of Waurika; Sec 12/T5S/R8W; U07312720 OK - NEAR SALLISAW (SEC 9/ T10N/ R24E); U07246400 OK - At Hickory Creek; Sec 4/T7S/R3E OK - 1.5 miles north, 2 miles east of Gene Autry; Sec 16/T3S/R3E; U07330500 OK - Hwy 177 near Durwood; Sec 3/T4S/R3E; U07331000 OK - NEAR MUSKOGEE (SEC 21/ T15N/ R19E); U07194500 OK - 2 miles SW of Blue on County Road 209 at old iron bridge; Sec 27/T6S/R10E; U07332500 OK - Hwy 104 near Haskell; Sec 31/T16N/R16E; U07165570 OK - NEAR SALLISAW (SEC 9/ T10N/ R24E); U07246400 OK - ARKANSAS RIVER S GORE HW64 PARK AREA SEC 18 TWN 12N RNG 21EU07194590 OK - Hwy 70, 4 miles northeast of Idabel, near mouth of Lukfata Creek; Sec 14/T7S/R24E; U07338500 OK - L ARBUCKLE STAtE RAMP GUY SANDY SEC 13 TWN 01S RNG 02ERARR0ALS OK - 10 miles downstream of confluence with Blue River OK - 4 miles upstream of confluence with Blue River OK - 0.5 miles downstream from confluence with Blue River TX - Confluence with unknown creek, 33 56.22N/95 35.58W OK - EUFAULA LAKE/GAinES CREEK AREA/ELM PT. SEC 02 TWN 08N RNG 16EREFB0DLS OK - WEBBERS FALLS LAKE At Hwy 10 LANDinG SEC 10 TWN 13N RNG 20ERWBJ0SRS OK - VERDIGRIS RIVER NEAR CAtOOSA SEC 16 TWN 20N RNG 15EU07178500 OK - Hwy 271 north of Arthur City, Tx; Sec 11/T8S/R17E; U07335500 OK - At dam; Sec 31/T6S/R20E OK - NEAR SALLISAW (SEC 9/ T10N/ R24E); U07246400 OK - Hwy 60 near Ponca City; Sec 25/T26N/R3E; U07148140 OK - VERDIGRIS RIVER NEAR CAtOOSA SEC 16 TWN 20N RNG 15EU07178500 OK - I-35, 5 miles north of Gainesville, Tx; Sec 36/T9S/R1E; U07316000 OK - Hwy 60 near Ponca City; Sec 25/T26N/R3E; U07148140 OK - Chicken Creek mouth OK - At DOUBLE CREEK COVE BOAt RAMP AND CAMPinG AREA OK - north of Willis, OK on Hwy 99 approx. 5 miles. west on S. Powell Rd. (Powell Church of Christ Sign) approx. 2 miles. As road curves turn left on House Creek Rd. follow road past red brick house and turn left (south) approx. 1 mile to agricultural field. OK - north of Willis, OK on Hwy 99. west on S Powell Rd. ApproximAtely 2 miles. Turn on Lake Road. ApproximAtely 2.5 miles south to lake shore. Take right trail west and then south to shore. Site is marked with pink post. OK - north of Willis, OK on Hwy 99. west on S. Powell Rd. approximAtely 2 miles. Turn on Lake Road. ApproximAtely 2 miles south to drainage. Site is locAted east of road on trail. LocAted in Willows and Button bush, marked with a pink post. OK - south of Madill o Hwy 99 to Willis OK. west of Dave's Superette to entrance of management area. south 2 miles to agricultural fields. Site is locAted SW corner of last field in drainage area. Marked with pink post in willows and cAttails. OK - Site is locAted in the ecological area on the east side of Hwy 99 immediAtely north of the Willis bridge. ApproximAtely 200 m from highway. Marked with pink post. OK - north of Willis, OK on Hwy 99. Turn east on Shay cutoff Rd. for approx. 3.5 miles. Turn right At first stop sign. Drive south approx., 4 miles and west 0.5 miles to Buncombe Creek Resort. Follow trail adjacent to chain link fenced lagoon to shore. S OK - north of Willis, OK on Hwy 99. Drive east on Shay cutoff Rd. for 3.5 miles. Turn right At first stop sign. Drive south approx. 4 miles and west 0.5 miles to Buncombe Creek Resort. Follow trail adjacent to chain link fenced lagoon to first trail leadi OK - north of Willis, OK on Hwy 99. Turn east on Shay cutoff rd. for approx. 4 miles. Turn south to Island View Subdivision. Site is 25 m east of boAt dock At orange metal pole. OK - north of Willis, OK on Hwy 99. Turn east on Shay cutoff Rd. 4 mi. east on Taylor Rd. Turn right (south) on Sandy Beach Rd. Follow to boAt ramp. Sites NE of boAt ramp. Site is a 2nd telephone pole north of boAt ramp adjacent to willow tree. OK - north of Willis, OK on Hwy 99. Turn east on Shay cutoff Rd. for approx. 4 miles. Turn south and drive approx. 4 miles. east on Oak View Resort. Follow Lake shore Rd. approx. 0.7 miles to boAt ramp. Site is At willow tree 25 m north of boAt ramp. OK - east of Madill on Hwy 199 approximAtely 4 miles. Turn south At Kinlock Rd. Follow road along shoreline. Site is near first oil well from the main body of lake near persimmon tree. Marked with pink post. OK - east of Madill on Hwy. 199 to Little City. Drive south approximAtely 4 miles. Turn left (east) and drive 0.75 mile. Drive north (left) on Aylesworth Rd. Turn right on 2nd gravel road and drive to shoreline. Marked with pink post. OK - east of Madill 9 miles on Hwy. 199. east of Little City 0.5 mile and south 2 miles to Cumberland Resort. Site is locAted west of boAt docks in adjacent inlet At sign reading "Day Use Area, No Camping." OK - Site 21: Tishomingo Wildlife Refuge, east of Tishomingo OK - Site 25: Willow Springs, east of Kingston on Hwy 70 OK - Site 27: Platter Flats, east of Kingston on Hwy 70 OK - Site 28: Platter Flats, east of Kingston on Hwy 70 OK - Site 32: Burn's Run, west of Cartwright on Hwy 75A TX - Site 35: Highport Marina off Hwy 120 north of Pottsboro TX - Site 37: Hagerman Wildlife Refuge south of Biological Station TX - Site 38: Big Mineral Equestrian Area south of Gordonville TX - Site 39: Cedar Mills air strip north of Gordonville TX - Site 40: Sheppard Air Force Base recreational area off Hwy 901 TX - Site 41: Slickum Slough Road OK - I-35, 5 miles north of Gainesville, Tx; Sec 36/T9S/R1E; U07316000 OK - I-35, 5 miles north of Gainesville, Tx; Sec 36/T9S/R1E; U07316000 OK - I-35, 5 miles north of Gainesville, Tx; Sec 36/T9S/R1E; U07316000 OK - At mouth of Red Creek, 3 miles south of Oscar; Sec 20/T7S/R5W OK - At mouth of Red Creek, 3 miles south of Oscar; Sec 20/T7S/R5W OK - At mouth of Red Creek, 3 miles south of Oscar; Sec 20/T7S/R5W OK - I-35, 5 miles north of Gainesville, Tx; Sec 36/T9S/R1E; U07316000 OK - north of Willis, OK on Hwy 99. west on S. Powell Rd. approximAtely 2 miles. Turn on Lake Road. ApproximAtely 2 miles south to drainage. Site is locAted east of road on trail. LocAted in Willows and Button bush, marked with a pink post. OK - east of Madill on Hwy 199 approximAtely 4 miles. Turn south At Kinlock Rd. Follow road along shoreline. Site is near first oil well from the main body of lake near persimmon tree. Marked with pink post. OK - east of Madill on Hwy. 199 to Little City. Drive south approximAtely 4 miles. Turn left (east) and drive 0.5 mile. Turn right on trail to oil well thAt is in line with oil wells in wAter. Site is At large half-dead willow adjacent to oil well on shore OK - east of Madill on Hwy. 199 to Little City. Drive south approximAtely 4 miles. Turn left (east) and drive 0.75 mile. Drive north (left) on Aylesworth Rd. Turn right on 2nd gravel road and drive to shoreline. Marked with pink post. OK - east of Madill on Hwy. 199 to Little City. Drive south approx. 4 miles. Turn left (east) and drive 0.75 mile. Drive north (left) on Aylesworth Rd. Turn right on 3rd gravel road and drive to shoreline. Site is At large dead tree trunk. Marked with pi OK - east of Madill 9 miles on Hwy. 199. east of Little City 0.5 mile and south 2 miles to Cumberland Resort. Site is locAted west of boAt docks in adjacent inlet At sign reading "Day Use Area, No Camping." OK - Site 21: Tishomingo Wildlife Refuge, east of Tishomingo OK - Site 22: Tishomingo Wildlife Refuge, east of Tishomingo OK - Site 23: 7.5 miles east of Little City on Hwy 199, 3 miles north on Hwy 78, west 5 miles to Butcher Pen OK - Site 25: Willow Springs, east of Kingston on Hwy 70 OK - Site 26: Sand Point, east of Kingston on Hwy 70 OK - Site 27: Platter Flats, east of Kingston on Hwy 70 OK - Site 28: Platter Flats, east of Kingston on Hwy 70 OK - Site 30: Burn's Run, west of Cartwright on Hwy 75A OK - Site 31: Burn's Run, west of Cartwright on Hwy 75A OK - Site 32: Burn's Run, west of Cartwright on Hwy 75A TX - Site 37: Hagerman Wildlife Refuge south of Biological Station TX - Site 38: Big Mineral Equestrian Area south of Gordonville TX - Site 39: Cedar Mills air strip north of Gordonville TX - Site 40: Sheppard Air Force Base recreational area off Hwy 901 TX - Site 41: Slickum Slough Road OK - U07321000---Little River near Sasakwa, highway 56 OK - Hwy 18 near Ralston; Sec 1/T23N/R5E; U07152500 OK - Hwy 271, 1.5 miles SE of Clayton; Sec 7/T1N/R19E; U07335790 OK - Hwy 79, 7 miles SW of Waurika; Sec 12/T5S/R8W; U07312720 OK - Hwy 104 near Haskell; Sec 31/T16N/R16E; U07165570 OK - Hwy 271 north of Arthur City, Tx; Sec 11/T8S/R17E; U07335500 OK - East shore of the Buncombe Creek Cove, 0.5 mile south of the northernmost point of Buncombe Creek Cove OK - West shore of Buncombe Creek Cove, second cove north of the University of Oklahoma Biological Station OK - The beach south of the northernmost cove on the western shore of Buncombe Creek Cove OK - East shore of the Buncombe Creek Cove, 0.5 mile south of the northernmost point of Buncombe Creek Cove OK - West shore of Buncombe Creek Cove, second cove north of the University of Oklahoma Biological Station OK - South of bridge at the Shay cut-off road OK - 5 miles east of CAtoosa At Rogers Point boAt ramp; north side of river. OK - I-35, 5 miles north of Gainesville, Tx; Sec 36/T9S/R1E; U07316000 OK - north of Willis, OK on Hwy 99. west on S. Powell Rd. approximAtely 2 miles. Turn on Lake Road. ApproximAtely 2 miles south to drainage. Site is locAted east of road on trail. LocAted in Willows and Button bush, marked with a pink post. OK - north of Willis, OK on Hwy 99. Drive east on Shay cutoff Rd. for 3.5 miles. Turn right At first stop sign. Drive south approx. 4 miles and west 0.5 miles to Buncombe Creek Resort. Follow trail adjacent to chain link fenced lagoon to first trail leadi OK - Site 27: Platter Flats, east of Kingston on Hwy 70 OK - north of Willis, OK on Hwy 99. Turn east on Shay cutoff rd. for approx. 4 miles. Turn south to Island View Subdivision. Site is 25 m east of boAt dock At orange metal pole. OK - north of Willis, OK on Hwy 99. Turn east on Shay cutoff Rd. 4 mi. east on Taylor Rd. Turn right (south) on Sandy Beach Rd. Follow to boAt ramp. Sites NE of boAt ramp. Site is a 2nd telephone pole north of boAt ramp adjacent to willow tree. OK - north of Willis, OK on Hwy 99. Turn east on Shay cutoff Rd. for approx. 4 miles. Turn south and drive approx. 5 miles. Turn east on Taylor Rd. Drive 1.5 miles to Beach View subdivision. Follow road to beach. Site is At willow tree north of telephon OK - north of Willis, OK on Hwy 99. Turn east on Shay cutoff Rd. for approx. 4 miles. Turn south and drive approx. 4 miles. east on Oak View Resort. Follow Lake shore Rd. approx. 0.7 miles to boAt ramp. Site is At willow tree 25 m north of boAt ramp. OK - east of Madill on Hwy 199 approximAtely 4 miles. Turn south At Kinlock Rd. Follow road along shoreline. Site is near first oil well from the main body of lake near persimmon tree. Marked with pink post. OK - east of Madill on Hwy. 199 to Little City. Drive south approximAtely 4 miles. Turn left (east) and drive 0.5 mile. Turn right on trail to oil well thAt is in line with oil wells in wAter. Site is At large half-dead willow adjacent to oil well on shore OK - Site 30: Burn's Run, west of Cartwright on Hwy 75A TX - Site 38: Big Mineral Equestrian Area south of Gordonville OK - Arkbuckle Lake At Guy Sandy BoAt Ramp 3 miles west 2miles south of Sulfur OK - Hwy 75, 5 miles NE of Wetumka OK - Hwy 75, 1 mile north of Calvin; Sec 22/T6N/R10E; U07231500 OK - Arkansas River At Webber Falls city hall boAt ramp. OK - Hwy 51, 5 miles west of Hulbert at ODWC public area OK - I-35, 5 miles north of Gainesville, Tx; Sec 36/T9S/R1E; U07316000 OK - U70165520 ARKANSAS RIVER At BIXBY OK - U07188450 SPRinG RIVER At TWin bridgeS OK - U07194600 ARKANASAS RIVER below WEBBER FALLS LOCK AND DAM OK - Hwy 102, 3 miles south of Wanette; Sec 12/T5N/R2E; U07229410 OK - Hwy 10 east of Miami at Moccasin Bend; Sec 30/T28N/R24E; U07188250 OK - Hwy 79, 7 miles SW of Waurika; Sec 12/T5S/R8W; U07312720 OK - Hwy 177, 0.5 mile south of Perkins; Sec 7/T17N/R3E; U07161000 TX - ECM84-15: impoundment of south Concho River, Angelo StAte University Lakehouse TX - ECM84-28: impoundment of south Concho River, Angelo StAte University Lakehouse TX - ECM85-10: At USHwy 67/277 (E-W Hwy; 6th St), San Angelo TX - ECM87-12: impoundment of south Concho River, Angelo StAte University Lakehouse TX - ECM92-25: At BEN FICKLin TX - SMP93-4: 6TH STREET bridge; SULFUR DRAW; SAN ANGELO TX - FM 381, 6 miles north of Eola TX - (PBG-389) UNDER THE Hwy bridge NEAR ENTRANCE TX - (KTGK89-07) NEAR BOAt RAMP, CLOSE TO TWin BUTTES RESEVOIR, DRY BRANCH TX - (SLR89-02) northeast At SAN ANGELO At A DAM; CALLED MULLinS CROSSinG OK - Hwy 177 near Durwood; Sec 3/T4S/R3E; U07331000 OK - Hwy 177 near Durwood; Sec 3/T4S/R3E; U07331000 OK - 1 mile west, 2 miles north of Walters OK - Hwy 271 north of Arthur City, Tx; Sec 11/T8S/R17E; U07335500
Gambusia affinis KS - on Hwy 281, five miles south of Russell, KS (interstAte 70 in Russell) (WJM2827) NE - Hwy 92 crossing; western-most of 3 bridges (WJM2818)
Gambusia geiseri TX - ONE mile northeast QAYSHOALE TX - (WJM2867) TX - (SNG4-9-87-1) At HEAD of THE RIVER RANCH TX - ECM86-10: south CONCHO RIVER TX - (ECM84-12) At HEAD of THE RIVER RANCH TX - ECM83-05: HEAD of THE RIVER RANCH; south of CRISTOVAL; inDIAN MOUNDS TX - ECM95-02: ABOVE PERMANENT HEADSPRinG CA. 75M TX - ECM84-11: HEAD of THE RIVER RANCH; END of ROAD TX - SMP93-33: At HEAD of THE RIVER RANCH TX - ECM90-01: (Head of the River/Anson Springs) Head of the River Ranch, 4 km south Christoval TX - ECM91-12: Rock Dam, Head of River Ranch TX - SMP93-16: 0.5 miles DOWNstream from MinERAL WELLS CROSSinG; JUST below SELF CLEARinG (north of CHRISTOVAL) TX - (ECM87-16) At HEAD of THE RIVER RANCH TX - ECM86-02: At CHRISTOVAL; below DAM AND LOW WAtER CROSSinG TX - (SDW89-03) At HEAD of THE RIVER RANCH TX - ECM87-04: .5 km below headspring on Head of the River Ranch, 4 km S Christoval; rock dam area TX - SMJ/SMM89-04: At LOW WAtER CROSSinG; CHRISTOVAL, TX TX - SMP92-2: HEAD of RIVER RANCH (HORR); 4 KM south of CHRISTOVAL; PANTHER BLUFF TX - ECM85-04: .5 km below headspring on Head of the River Ranch, 4 km S Christoval; rock dam area TX - (KTGK89-01) CRISTOVAL LOW WAtER CROSSinG TX - SMP93-14: HEAD of RIVER RANCH; ROCK DAM TX - ECM88-3: just off FM 2335 (Spring Creek Rd) , 4 miles north of Knickerbocker TX - ECM84-26: At Hwy 277 CROSSinG in CHRISTOVAL TX - At Baker's Crossing 20.5 miles north of Comstock, TX (WJM2870) TX - At Baker's Crossing 20.5 miles north of Comstock, TX (WJM32)
Ictalurus furcatus OK - CIMARRON RIVER NEAR PERKinS SEC 07 TWN 17N RNG 03EU07161000 OK - U07321000---Little River near Sasakwa, highway 56 OK - U07175500- Caney River near Ramona OK - Near Guthrie; Sec 29/T17N/R2W; U07160000 OK - NEOSHO RIVER NEAR COMMERCE SEC 05 TWN 28N RNG 22EU07185000 OK - Hwy 5, 3.5 miles west of Tipton OK - Deep Fork near Beggs. OK - 0.5 mile downstream from Hwy 44, 2 miles north of Burkburnett, Tx OK - U07243500 DEEP FORK NEAR BEGGS OK - U07171000 VERDIGRIS RIVER NEAR LENEPAH OK - (DEQ2003-16) NEAR RAMONA (U07175500) OK - 2.5 miles north of Taylor; U07311500 OK - 1 mile south, 2.5 miles west of Temple; U07311150 OK - Near Wellston; Sec 11/T14N/R1E; U07242400 OK - (DEQ2005-23) NEAR BEGGS (U07243500) OK - (DEQ2005-05) NEAR WOODWARD, Hwy 34 (U07237500) OK - 1 mile south, 2.5 miles west of Temple; U07311150 OK - SE of Blackwell; Sec 1/T26N/R1W; U07152000 OK - Hwy 75, 0.5 mile north of Calvin OK - U07185000 NEAR COMMERCE OK - 1 mile south, 2.5 miles west of Temple; U07311150 OK - U07306500 west of TIPTON OK - (DEQ2006-17) NEAR RAMONA (U07175500) OK - U.S. Hwy 77 bridge At mouth of HONEY CREEK OK - Sec 23/T5S/R14E OK - below CHOUTEAU CREEK OK - [No locality string in original GBIF record] OK - [No locality string in original GBIF record] OK - Hwy 3/7 between Farris and Lane OK - 2/3 MI. W of DAVIS At HIGHWAY 7 (T1S, R2E, NW 1/4, S6) OK - Hwy 177 near Durwood; Sec 3/T4S/R3E; U07331000 OK - 3 miles SE, 4 miles east of Atoka on Hwy 202; Sec 26/T2S/R12E; U07333800 OK - Hwy 177 near Durwood; Sec 3/T4S/R3E; U07331000 OK - Hwy 177 near Durwood; Sec 3/T4S/R3E; U07331000 OK - 1.5 miles north, 2 miles east of Gene Autry; Sec 16/T3S/R3E; U07330500 OK - Hwy 77, 2 miles north of Pauls Valley; Sec 1/T3N/R1W; U07328500 OK - VERDIGRIS RIVER NEAR CAtOOSA SEC 16 TWN 20N RNG 15EU07178500 OK - Hwy 77, 2 miles north of Pauls Valley; Sec 1/T3N/R1W; U07328500 OK - (DEQ2003-17) NEAR KEETONVILLE (U07176000) OK - East of Shady Point OK - below Hwy 77 bridge OK - At JCT WITH HONEY CREEK - RTE 77 bridge OK - Near Wetumka; Sec 12/T9N/R10E; U07242000 OK - Near Boswell; Sec 2/T6S/R14E OK - Near Wetumka; Sec 12/T9N/R10E; U07242000 OK - Hwy 77, 2 miles north of Pauls Valley; Sec 1/T3N/R1W; U07328500 OK - north Canadian River near Harrah, highway 62 OK - At Hwy 99 bridge on border of PottowAtamie and Seminole counties. (GBS28) OK - Near Wetumka; Sec 12/T9N/R10E; U07242000 OK - Hwy 77, 2 miles north of Pauls Valley; Sec 1/T3N/R1W; U07328500 OK - 1.5 miles north of GARVin. T7S, R23E, SEC. 6 OK - Hwy 77, 2 miles north of Pauls Valley; Sec 1/T3N/R1W; U07328500
Ictiobus bubalus OK - At Calvin; Sec 22/T6N/R10E; U07231500 OK - Near Wetumka; Sec 12/T9N/R10E; U07242000 OK - south CANADIAN RIVER NEAR BYARS SEC 12 TWN 05N RNG 02EU07229410 OK - Hwy 60, 2 miles south of Cleo Springs; Sec 23/T22N/R12W; U07158585 OK - Near Wetumka; Sec 12/T9N/R10E; U07242000 OK - (2450) NEAR WHITEFIELD OK - Hwy 75, 0.5 mile north of Calvin OK - At Calvin; Sec 22/T6N/R10E; U07231500 OK - North of May; Sec 23/T25N/R24W; U07234450 OK - north CANADIAN RIVER At WOODWARD SEC 25 TWN 23N RNG 20WU07237500 OK - Near Wetumka; Sec 12/T9N/R10E; U07242000 OK - north CANADIAN RIVER NEAR HARRAH SEC 22 TWN 12N RNG 01EU07241550 OK - 5 miles south of BYEDS, 5 miles north of WANETTE OK - T11N, 13E, S12 OK - SMALL SLOUGH,12N, 14E, 28 OK - 2 1/2 MI N of PIERCE OK - Sec 13/T9N/R19E OK - T10N R17E S31 OK - [No locality string in original GBIF record] OK - At mouth OK - [No locality string in original GBIF record] OK - T9N R17E S16 OK - 1 MI N of LENNA,11N14ES36 OK - T6N, R16E OK - T9N, R17E, S6 OK - Sec 13/T12N/R14E OK - Hwy 18, 1 mile north of Meeker OK - North of Taloga; U07228210 OK - Near Wetumka; Sec 12/T9N/R10E; U07242000
Lepomis auritus TX - (SDW89-01) Hwy OVERPASS JUST OUTSIDE of KNICKERBOCKER CITY LIMITS TX - At Llano TX - (SNG6-15-85) ONE mile DOWN RIVER from HEAD of RIVER TX - ECM89-11: BEN FICKLin RD. CROSSinG/bridge TO 1/2 mile DOWNstream TX - Hwy 39 west of Hunt TX - ECM85-04: .5 km below headspring on Head of the River Ranch, 4 km S Christoval; rock dam area TX - Hwy 87, 4 miles south of Fredricksburg TX - ECM86-9: on Tweedy Ranch, 3 miles SW Knickerbocker; Cabin owned by family Attorney near Irion Co. line TX - ECM84-04: At Ben Ficklin Rd. (US Hwy 277/87), San Angelo TX - At Center Point on Eileen Pierce's property TX - Hwy 39 west of Hunt TX - Hwy. 16 one mile north of Cherokee, TX (WJM344) TX - ECM92-25: At BEN FICKLin TX - Hwy. 16 one mile north of Cherokee, TX (WJM2858) TX - (SNG8-14-87-2) At HEAD of THE RIVER RANCH TX - 3 miles SW of Knickerbocker on Tweedy ranch at cabin owned by family attorney TX - (SNG6-16-85) HUDSPETH RIVER RANCH; MAin GAtE At CROSSinG TO MAin HOUSE TX - ECM83-02: below O.C. FISHER 29TH STREET, SAN ANGELO; JUST DOWNstream THE SMALL SELF CLEARinG DAM TX - (ECM87-16) At HEAD of THE RIVER RANCH TX - (ECM87-11) BEN FICKLin LOW WAtER CROSSinG TX - 3 miles south of Blackwell TX - Hwy 27 east of Kerrville TX - 3 miles SW of Knickerbocker on Tweedy ranch at cabin owned by family attorney TX - 1/2 mile south of LELA, TX UNDER A bridge (WJM277) TX - (ECM84-16) At SLAB DOWNstream from CROSSinG DIRECTLY south of HOUSE TX - (SMP93-19) CAMP SOL MAYER; 20 west, 6 south of MENARD, ofF Hwy 864 TX - 3.2 km south of Mertzon city limits at headwaters on Atkinson ranch TX - Low water crossing TX - ECM86-05: TWEEDY RANCH At LOW WAtER CROSSinG BY HOUSE TX - 3 miles SW of Knickerbocker on Tweedy ranch at cabin owned by family attorney TX - ECM84-27: At CHRISTOVAL; Hwy 277 CROSSinG TX - 3 miles SW of Knickerbocker on Tweedy ranch at cabin owned by family attorney TX - Hwy 27 east of Kerrville TX - Above first dam 400 yards below the headwaters TX - ECM84-11: HEAD of THE RIVER RANCH; END of ROAD TX - SW edge of Barksdale, 300 meters SW of school TX - ECM84-18: 1 mile west Irion Co. line; just off FM 853 TX - ECM86-04: At ANSON SPRinGS; HEAD of RIVER RANCH TX - ECM87-01: just off FM 2335 (Spring Creek Rd) , 4 miles north of Knickerbocker TX - ECM86-10: south CONCHO RIVER TX - Hwy 16 north of Fredricksburg TX - 3 miles SW of Knickerbocker on Tweedy ranch at cabin owned by family attorney TX - ECM84-26: At Hwy 277 CROSSinG in CHRISTOVAL TX - At Baker's Crossing 20.5 miles north of Comstock, TX (WJM2870) TX - Below first dam TX - At Sherwood TX - SLR89-04: FOSTER PARK, southwest of SAN ANGELO TX - ECM86-02: At CHRISTOVAL; below DAM AND LOW WAtER CROSSinG TX - (SNG4-9-87-1) At HEAD of THE RIVER RANCH TX - Hwy 39, 8 miles SW of Hunt TX - At FM 1120, southeast of Leaky, TX(WJM355) TX - South shore at Lakeside Marina off FM 2582 TX - ECM91-12: Rock Dam, Head of River Ranch TX - ECM84-22: At FM 388 in San Angelo, Glenmore Park TX - Hwy 55 at Barksdale TX - 3 miles SW of Knickerbocker on Tweedy ranch at cabin owned by family attorney TX - Hwy 87, 4 miles south of Fredricksburg TX - Hwy 87, 7.5 miles south of the Pedernales River TX - 3.2 km south of Mertzon city limits at headwaters on Atkinson ranch TX - ECM89-05: NEAR FT. MCKAVETT; LOW WAtER CROSSinG, FM 864 TX - ECM84-13: At north LOOP 306; below Hwy bridge
Lepomis macrochirus VA - (BS18) BOTTOM CREEK OK - (DEQ2010-10) SE of Blackwell; Sec 1/T26N/R1W; U07152000 OK - (BAB0916) County road N1510 OK - I mile east, 8 miles north of Kenton; Sec 29/T6N/R1E; U07154502 OK - SE of Blackwell; Sec 1/T26N/R1W; U07152000 OK - [No locality string in original GBIF record] OK - I mile east, 8 miles north of Kenton; Sec 29/T6N/R1E; U07154502 OK - Hwy 132 at Nash; Sec 27/T26N/R8W; U07150520 OK - U07148350 Salt Fork of the Arkansas near Winchester. OK - Hwy 60 near Ponca City; Sec 25/T26N/R3E; U07148140 KS - Hwy 54, 1 mile west of Cunningham KS - At Logan, KS (WJM2825) KS - Hwy 281 at Great Bend, KS NE - 2.1 miles NW of Dewitt wAter tower on NE Hwy 103. Turn south on unmarked paved road; go .6 miles south to high bridge over creek. Property of Duane Wallenburg (WJM2817) OK - SE of Blackwell; Sec 1/T26N/R1W; U07152000 OK - North of Jet on Hwy 38 below Great Salt Plains Dam; Sec 11/T26N/R9W; U07150500 OK - Hwy 132 at Nash; Sec 27/T26N/R8W; U07150520 OK - 1 mile west, 1 mile north of Hwy 25 and 1 mile west of Hwy 35 OK - 8 miles north of Jet, below Salt Plains Dam; Sec 11/T26N/R9W OK - SE of Blackwell; Sec 1/T26N/R1W; U07152000 OK - Hwy 132 at Nash; Sec 27/T26N/R8W; U07150520 OK - SE of Blackwell; Sec 1/T26N/R1W; U07152000 OK - (GBS113) OK - North of Jet on Hwy 38 below Great Salt Plains Dam; Sec 11/T26N/R9W; U07150500 OK - Hwy 132 at Nash; Sec 27/T26N/R8W; U07150520 OK - North of Jet on Hwy 38 below Great Salt Plains Dam; Sec 11/T26N/R9W; U07150500 OK - Hwy 132 at Nash; Sec 27/T26N/R8W; U07150520 OK - SE of Blackwell; Sec 1/T26N/R1W; U07152000 OK - North of Jet on Hwy 38 below Great Salt Plains Dam; Sec 11/T26N/R9W; U07150500 OK - Hwy 132 at Nash; Sec 27/T26N/R8W; U07150520 OK - SE of Blackwell; Sec 1/T26N/R1W; U07152000 OK - Boat dock cove OK - 7 miles east, 2 miles north of Ingersoll
Lepomis microlophus KS - Hwy 24, 2.5 miles east Grantville OK - Hwy 59 south of Heavener; Sec 35/T5N/R25E; U07247350 OK - Mouth of Baron Fork near Tahlequah; Sec 26/T17N/R22E; U07196500 OK - U07188250---Spring River east of Miami, highway 40 OK - Hwy 9A N. Harjo OK - At Holly Creek Rd., N. of Idabel (KEP-99-5) OK - @ Sallisaw StAte Park, US 64 about 3 miles west of Sallisaw, OK (WJM2849) OK - east of Kingston on Hwy 70 approximAtely 4.5 miles. Turn south At Texoma Lodge, drive past golf course to marina. Site is where refurbishing ramp (RR tracks) enters wAter. OK - east of Madill on Hwy 199 approximAtely 4 miles. Turn south At Kinlock Rd. Follow road along shoreline. Site is near first oil well from the main body of lake near persimmon tree. Marked with pink post. OK - 7 miles north Vinton At county road bridge (GBS78) OK - In Cache on paved road behind houses OK - Hwy 152, 1/8 mile west of Jet OK - Hwy 66 west of Depew OK - Hwy 62, 1 mile east of Hwy 115 OK - Hwy 62, 5 miles west of Lawton OK - dirt county road, At bridge off Hwy 50 9.9 miles north of Mooreland. (GBS110) OK - dirt road 4.5 miles south of KS line. (GBS117) OK - T6PP Ranch House At Sand Creek, upstream of bridge. (GBS86). OK - (GBS113) OK - Hwy 62 in Tahlequah OK - Hwy 48A, .7 mile east of Filmore OK - @ Hwy 7. (GBS133) OK - Hwy 51 south of Eldon; Sec 27/T17N/R23E; U07197000 OK - U07198000 NEAR GORE OK - Near Smithville; Sec 16/T2S/R25E; U07338840 OK - Hwy 77, 5 miles north of Guthrie; Sec 29/T17N/R2W; U07160000 OK - Hwy 51, 9 miles west of Mannford OK - Hwy 99, 0.5 mile north of Connerville; Sec 23/T1S/R6E; U07332390 OK - [No locality string in original GBIF record] OK - 4.5 miles southeast of EAGLETOWN. T7S, R26E, SEC. 11 OK - 4.5 miles southeast of EAGLETOWN. T7S, R26E, SEC. 11 OK - Hwy 10 east of Miami at Moccasin Bend; Sec 30/T28N/R24E; U07188250 OK - (1788) At ROCKY POinT BOAt RAMP PARKinG AREA; east SIDE of RIVER OK - (1782) north of CAtOOSA ON Hwy 167/266 OK - Hwy 77, 5 miles north of Guthrie; Sec 29/T17N/R2W; U07160000 OK - Hwy 34, 0.5 mile south of Mangum; Sec 34/T5N/R22W; U07300500 OK - NW corner of Wellston OK - PinE CREEK LAKE At DAM AREA SEC 23 TWN 05S RNG 21ERPCA0ALS OK - Hwy 81, 1 mile south of Terral; Sec 9/T8S/R7W; U07315500 OK - Sec 3/T5N/R24E OK - GREENLEAF LAKE At MARinA SEC 10 TWN 13N RNG 20ERGRA0ALS OK - Near Bridgeport; Sec 28/T13N/R11W; U07228500 OK - BIRD CREEK At CAtOOSA SEC 19 TWN 20N RNG 14EU07178400 OK - 2 miles SW of Blue on County Road 209 at old iron bridge; Sec 27/T6S/R10E; U07332500 OK - Reagan Fish Hatchery; Sec 26/T2S/R6E; U07331033 OK - 2 miles SW of Blue on County Road 209 at old iron bridge; Sec 27/T6S/R10E; U07332500 OK - 1.5 miles north, 2 miles east of Gene Autry; Sec 16/T3S/R3E; U07330500 OK - SE of Blackwell; Sec 1/T26N/R1W; U07152000 OK - L ARBUCKLE STAtE RAMP GUY SANDY SEC 13 TWN 01S RNG 02ERARR0ALS OK - Hwy 70, 4 miles northeast of Idabel, near mouth of Lukfata Creek; Sec 14/T7S/R24E; U07338500 OK - Hwy 70, 2 miles west of Eagletown; Sec 7/T6S/T26E; U07339000 OK - RICE CR 2 S ON OLD HW 75 from GOLF CLUB SEC 31 TWN 26N RNG 12EU07175390 OK - Hwy 81, 1 mile south of Terral; Sec 9/T8S/R7W; U07315500 OK - Hwy 59 south of Heavener; Sec 35/T5N/R25E; U07247350 OK - Hwy 271 north of Arthur City, Tx; Sec 11/T8S/R17E; U07335500 OK - KIAMICHI RIVER NEAR ANTLERS SEC 35 TWN 03S RNG 16EU07336200 OK - ILLinOIS RIVER NEAR GORE SEC 27 TWN 13N RNG 21EU07198000 OK - Mouth of Baron Fork near Tahlequah; Sec 26/T17N/R22E; U07196500 OK - POND W ELIZA CREEK 3 S BARTLESVILLE NZC SEC 14 TWN 26N RNG 12ERLIA0ARS OK - Near Wellston; Sec 11/T14N/R1E; U07242400 OK - Hwy 70, 4 miles northeast of Idabel, near mouth of Lukfata Creek; Sec 14/T7S/R24E; U07338500 OK - Hwy 59 south of Heavener; Sec 35/T5N/R25E; U07247350 OK - east FORK of DOUBLE CR 1.5 E DOUBLE COVE SEC 09 TWN 12N RNG 16EU07171210 OK - WETLANDS 2 S 2 W of CLEARVIEW SEC 06 TWN 10N RNG 11EU07241800 OK - Hwy 60 near Ponca City; Sec 25/T26N/R3E; U07148140 OK - Hwy 18 near Ralston; Sec 1/T23N/R5E; U07152500 OK - Hwy 59 south of Heavener; Sec 35/T5N/R25E; U07247350 OK - Hwy 81 north of El Reno; Sec 32/T13N/R7W; U07239500 OK - WAtERFALL CR 10 S IDABEL ON HW259 SEC 13 TWN 09S RNG 23EU07336822 OK - 6 miles south, 4 miles east of Beaver; U07234125 OK - 6 miles north, 0.5 miles east of Coalgate; U07333540 OK - Hwy 60 near Ponca City; Sec 25/T26N/R3E; U07148140 OK - Deep Fork near Beggs. OK - U07171000 Verdigris River near Leneoh Hwy. 10 OK - Hwy 51 south of Eldon; Sec 27/T17N/R23E; U07197000 OK - Hwy 59 south of Heavener; Sec 35/T5N/R25E; U07247350 OK - (ZDZ2014-83) At spillway off South McGee Creek Dam Road OK - (ZDZ2014-47) County road N3690/Limestone Road, 2 miles east of Bromide OK - (ZDZ2014-87) County road N3660, 4 miles SW of Tupelo, near East Jessie OK - (ZDZ2014-88) County road E160, 3 miles north of Stonewall OK - (ZDZ2014-91) Hwy 75, about 1 mile south of Hughes/Coal county line OK - (ZDZ2014-73) SE 1150th Avenue, 2 miles south of Talihina OK - (ZDZ2014-79) Hwy 271 NE of Albion OK - (ZDZ2014-82) Hwy 271 near Snow OK - (ZDZ2014-74) County road E1570/ Hwy 269, 2 miles south of Talihina OK - (ZDZ2014-70) Hwy 2, 3 miles east of Stanley OK - (ZDZ2015-125) County road N4635/D4633 about 3 miles west of Broken Bow, 2.5 miles east of Oakhill OK - (ZDZ2015-129) Tebo Jones Road/E2100, 0.5 mile west of Hwy 70/259 OK - (ZDZ2015-137) Hwy 259 near lookout over the river, about 5 miles south of Smithville OK - (ZDZ2015-142) County road N4770 on Little River Wildlife Refuge OK - (ZDZ2015-115) County road N4690 at low water crossing, south of Hwy 70 east of Broken Bow OK - (ZDZ2015-128) County road 4680 at wooden bridge, 4 miles east of Idabel, 2 miles north of Hwy 3 OK - (ZDZ2015-130) County road D4770 (stream runs near, but does not cross road here), 4 miles SSE of Eagletown in the National Wildlife Refuge OK - (ZDZ2015-134) County road N4510 just north of intersection with Old State Highway 98, NW of Wright City OK - (ZDZ2015-146) Hwy 99, 2 miles south of Ada OK - (ZDZ2015-147) 3.5 miles east of Fittstown on low water crossing on county road 3618 OK - (ZDZ2015-148) County road N3690/Limestone Road, 2 miles east of Bromide OK - (ZDZ2015-149) Hwy 48, 2 miles south of Wapanucka OK - (ZDZ2015-151) East of Caney on Main Street OK - (ZDZ2015-156) Hwy 3, 10 miles SE of Atoka OK - (ZDZ2015-157) County road N3950 (South Half Bank Road), about 7 miles SE of Atoka OK - (ZDZ2015-161) Hwy 48, about 8 miles north of Lula OK - (WJM3554) County Road S530, 0.97 km south of Hwy 59, SW of Miami OK - (ZDZ-TAR01) Dirt road off Hwy 69 at end of Highland Avenue east of North Miami, 400 meters downstream from tributary confluence OK - (WJM3559) County Road S530, 0.97 km south of Hwy 59, SW of Miami OK - (WJM3561) East of North Miami, just above confluence with Tar Creek TX - Near Pine Springs, 4 miles west of Hwy 259, 3/5 mile south of Hwy 114 TX - just below source and creek 100 meters west on golf course (WJM361) TX - ECM84-14: At N 306 CROSSinG TO 0.5 M ABOVE Hwy bridge TX - East of Mertzon on Steger ranch TX - 3.2 km south of Mertzon city limits at headwaters on Atkinson ranch TX - SMP93-37: ON east SIDE of CARLSBAD LOOP TX - (KTGK89-04) DRY CREEK PARK NEAR BOAt RAMP ON south ROAD in north CONCHO RIVER FM2288 TX - (KTGK89-07) NEAR BOAt RAMP, CLOSE TO TWin BUTTES RESEVOIR, DRY BRANCH OK - (DEQ2005-27) At TWin bridgeS (U07188450) OK - (DEQ2005-30) below WEBBERS FALLS LOCK AND DAM (U07194600) OK - (WJM467) ACROSS from HOLLY CREEK LAUNCH At mile 12 BUOY (NW SIDE) OK - Hwy 51 south of Eldon; Sec 27/T17N/R23E; U07197000 OK - Low water crossing; Sec 8/T19N/R25E; U07195520 OK - 6 miles north, 0.5 miles east of Coalgate; U07333540 OK - Near Milburn; Sec 10/T3S/R7E OK - Near Lexington OK - Near Bristow OK - (OWRB2006-20) SEC 5/ T1N/ R20E MO - At Grove OK - (OWRB2006-51) At MURPHY (SEC 16/ T19N/ R20E) OK - (OWRB2006-45) SEC 26/ T26N/ R13E OK - (OWRB2006-43) SEC 28/ T28N/ R22E OK - (OWRB2006-32) OK - Near Stringtown; Sec 34/T1N/R12E OK - (OWRB2005-05) NEAR JENKS (SEC 25/ T18N/ R12E) OK - Near Atoka; Sec 2/T1N/R12E OK - (REB01-01) US Hwy 75 At RAMONA OK - 1 mile west, 2 miles north of Walters OK - Hwy 99, 0.5 mile north of Connerville; Sec 23/T1S/R6E; U07332390 OK - Hwy 80 at Hulbert, NE of Ft. Gibson dam; Sec 23/T17N/R20E OK - Sec 10/T4S/R10E OK - Sec 11/T6S/R13E OK - Near Durant; Sec 28/T6S/R9E OK - Near Boswell; Sec 2/T6S/R14E OK - Near Caney; Sec 10/T4S/R10E OK - Near Coalgate; Sec 32/T2N/R11E OK - Near Clarita; Sec 10/T1S/R9E OK - Hwy 70, 4 miles northeast of Idabel, near mouth of Lukfata Creek; Sec 14/T7S/R24E; U07338500 OK - CROOKED CREEK inCLUDinG south END of FORKED LAKE. 5 miles northeast of SinGLETOWN OK - SLOUGH ON DENNIS WARD'S LAND, 3 miles southwest of TOM. T10S, R26E, SEC. 7 OK - SLOUGH ON DENNIS WARD'S LAND, 3 miles southwest of TOM. T10S, R26E, SEC. 7 OK - SLOUGH ON DENNIS WARD'S LAND, 3 miles southwest of TOM. T10S, R26E, SEC. 7 OK - [No locality string in original GBIF record] OK - [No locality string in original GBIF record] OK - [No locality string in original GBIF record] OK - [No locality string in original GBIF record] OK - [No locality string in original GBIF record] OK - [No locality string in original GBIF record] OK - [No locality string in original GBIF record] OK - LS-72-93: 4.75 miles north, 1.5 miles west of BROKEN BOW OK - [No locality string in original GBIF record] OK - Hwy 51 south of Eldon; Sec 27/T17N/R23E; U07197000 OK - [No locality string in original GBIF record] OK - Hwy 70, 2 miles west of Eagletown; Sec 7/T6S/T26E; U07339000 OK - (OWRB2004-11) ABOUT 1 mile south of BOWLEGS; At Hwy 99; Sec33 T8n R6e OK - South of highway at upper end of Burford Lake OK - [No locality string in original GBIF record] OK - 1 mile SSW of Mt. Scott at highway OK - Confluence of Deer Creek and West Cache Creek north of Hwy 49 OK - County road, 6 miles north of Vinita OK - 1 mile south of Lehigh on Hwy 75 OK - Hwy 69/75 NW of Atoka OK - Grand Road OK - Near Smithville; Sec 16/T2S/R25E; U07338840 OK - (DEQ2004-32) NEAR ANTLERS (U07336200) OK - Hwy 75, 1 mile north of Calvin; Sec 22/T6N/R10E; U07231500 OK - Near Wellston; Sec 11/T14N/R1E; U07242400 OK - Hwy 259 north of DeKalb, Tx; Sec 16/T10S/R25E; U07336820 OK - Hwy 10 east of Miami at Moccasin Bend; Sec 30/T28N/R24E; U07188250 OK - Sec 2/T16N/R22E OK - Near Tiff City, Mo; U07189000 OK - (DEQ2008-19) Hwy 59 south of Heavener; Sec 35/T5N/R25E; U07247350 OK - (DEQ2008-20) Near Whitefield; Sec 12/T9N/R19E; U07245000 OK - Low water crossing; Sec 8/T19N/R25E; U07195520 OK - Hwy 70, 4 miles northeast of Idabel, near mouth of Lukfata Creek; Sec 14/T7S/R24E; U07338500 OK - (DEQ2009-20) Mouth of Baron Fork near Tahlequah; Sec 26/T17N/R22E; U07196500 OK - Hwy 10 east of Miami at Moccasin Bend; Sec 30/T28N/R24E; U07188250 OK - Hwy 271, 1.5 miles SE of Clayton; Sec 7/T1N/R19E; U07335790 OK - (WJM3108) 2 miles north of Kingston, on Brenda Comtrey property OK - (WJM3110) On Cliff Road NE of Kingston School OK - (WJM3112) Hwy 78, 4 miles east of Tish OK - (WJM3115) 1 mile north of Baum on Shawn Mahew property OK - (WJM3217) Hwy 78/22 east of Tishomingo OK - (WJM3218) On Cliff Road NE of Kingston School OK - (WJM3240) Hwy 177, 1 mile north of Baum OK - (DEQ2010-28) Near Antlers; U07336200 OK - (WJM3352) Near NE 23rd and Harper Road in Choctaw; Tinker Project Site Choc2 OK - (WJM3371) At walking bridge between park and golf course on Tinker Air Force Base; Tinker Project Site CrON5 OK - (WJM3367) In Mustang, west of Morgan Road and north of 29th Street, in a subdivision; Tinker Project Site Must1 OK - (JMB2011-45) In Mustang, west of Morgan Road and north of 29th Street, in a subdivision; Tinker Project Site Must1 OK - (WJM3364) West of Yukon, just south of I-40 on Richland Rd.; Tinker Project Site Shell1 OK - (JMB2010-16) At County Road E117; Tinker Project Site Sn/Gar2 OK - (NRF07-54) At Coker Road, north of Brooksville OK - (NRF07-43) At County Road E0090 OK - (NRF07-30) Hwy 99, 0.5 mile north of junction with Hwy 51 OK - (NRF07-28) Off Hwy 48 OK - (NRF07-31) At County Road E0470 OK - (NRF07-50) West side of Broken Bow Reservoir, upstream from Cedar Creek Recreation Area, near golf course OK - (WJM3513) Off county road N3620, behind Mr. Charles Cobb's place OK - (WJM3514) 3.5 miles east of Fittstown on low water crossing on county road 3618 OK - (WJM3515) Hwy 99 at Fittstown OK - (ZDZ2014-28) County road N383, 2.5 miles east of Non/3.5 miles east of Hwy 75 OK - (ZDZ2014-37) Hwy 43, about 5 miles west of Daisy OK - (ZDZ2014-42) County road N4120, 0.5 mile SW of Duland OK - (ZDZ2014-41) Hwy 109, east of Gay OK - (WJM3526) County road E2040, 2 miles north of Hwy 70 and 0.25 mile east of Hwy 147 OK - (WJM3524) Just north of Hwy 70 at fishing access gravel road running parallel to the highway OK - (ZDZ2014-48) Hwy 48, 2 miles south of Wapanucka OK - (ZDZ2014-45) County road N3990 near intersection with county road E2040, about 2 miles NW of Boswell OK - (WJM3516) Dozier Road, 5.7 miles west of Antlers on Hwy 3 and 2 miles north of Hwy 3 OK - (ZDZ2014-51) Hwy 271 north of Antlers OK - (ZDZ2014-52) Hwy 271 near Finley OK - (ZDZ2014-94) Hwy 3 NE of Tupelo AR - 8 miles west of Fulton AR - Hwy 59, 8 miles south, 4.5 miles east of Ashdown AR - 2 miles west of BELLVILLE OK - [No locality string in original GBIF record] OK - [No locality string in original GBIF record] OK - [No locality string in original GBIF record] OK - CAMP CLASSEN AREA OK - E of MC ALESTER L OK - Below lake OK - [No locality string in original GBIF record] OK - Tenkiller Reservoir OK - Tenkiller Reservoir OK - Tenkiller Reservoir OK - Tenkiller Reservoir OK - Tenkiller Reservoir OK - Tenkiller Reservoir OK - 2 miles south and 3 miles east of South Coffeyville; Sec 33/T29N/R16E OK - Mouth of creek at Tenkiller Reservoir OK - Carter's Landing OK - BIG GLASSES CK. OK - Hwy 70-N. of IDABEL OK - 2.5M N. of BROKEN BOW OK - 5M northwest of BROKEN BOW OK - 3.5 miles north of Hwy 9 OK - At mouth TO 200 YARDS ABOVE mouth OK - 0.75 mile below Hwy 9 bridge OK - Sec 12/T9N/R1W OK - Sec 18/T9N/R1W OK - Sec 29/T9N/R1E OK - Sec 3,10/T9N/R2W OK - Sec 25/T9N/R1W OK - Sec 29/T9N/R1E OK - OX BOW At OKLAHOMA/ARKANSAS STAtE LinE OK - Sec 32/T5S/R14E OK - T7S, R25E, S32 OK - Below Lake Raymond Gary; Sec 31/T6S/R20E OK - T22N R20 S26 OK - [No locality string in original GBIF record] OK - T27N R22E S3 OK - T10N R17E S31 OK - [No locality string in original GBIF record] OK - Hwy 9 bridge OK - T9N T15E S16 OK - 3N, 16E, S6 OK - 6N, 15E, S1 OK - 1.5M N-HAILEYVILLE,5N,16E,24 OK - [No locality string in original GBIF record] OK - Reagan Fish Hatchery; Sec 26/T2S/R6E; U07331033 OK - Above Lake Lawtonka OK - E of PRICES FALLS RD OK - ABOVE CONFLUENCE W/ ROCK C OK - At Grand Lake OK - Standing Rock bridge OK - Standing Rock OK - Standing Rock OK - Above Lower Lake OK - T21N R7-E S16 & 17 OK - 2.5 miles north of Oilton; Sec 16/T17N/R7E OK - Hwy 283 OK - Guthrie OK - South of Scraper OK - Hwy 99, 0.5 mile north of Connerville; Sec 23/T1S/R6E; U07332390 OK - NOT LISTED OK - T105, 26E, SEC 32&33 OK - T6S, R24E, S36 OK - T7S, R25, SEC 15 OK - T7S R26E S9 OK - T6S, R24E, SEC 2 OK - T5S, R25E, SEC 31 OK - [No locality string in original GBIF record] OK - Sec 30/T1N/R11E OK - T2N R7E S34, 2 miles west and 0.5 mile north of Jesse OK - Above chicken plant; Sec 4/T7S/R25E OK - Sec 30/T2S/R6E OK - Near mouth OK - ABOVE GREENLEAF L. OK - Below Lake Raymond Gary; Sec 31/T6S/R20E OK - Below Lake Raymond Gary; Sec 31/T6S/R20E OK - At STANLEY OK - 2.75 miles south, 1.25 miles east of Hwy 70 OK - Mouth of creek, 3.5 miles south, 0.25 mile west of Ft. Towson OK - LOW WAtER bridge below MARKUM FERRY DAM OK - 2 1/2 MI. S. of WYNNEWOOD ON RTE 77 OK - Hwy 10 at Tahlequah; Sec 26/T17N/R22E OK - Hwy 128, 7 miles east of Heavener; Sec 29/T5N/R27E OK - 4 miles south, 1.5 miles east of Cache OK - 2 miles north, 1 mile west of Milburn OK - FORKED LAKE AND OUTFLOW in CROOKED CREEK OK - LITTLE RIVER APPROX. 4 RIVER miles W. of ARKANSAS STAtE LinE OK - 4 miles south, 2 miles east of Caddo OK - CLEAR BOGGY CREEK APPROX. 5 miles SE of ADA OK - 6.5 miles west of Coalgate OK - 2 miles west of Caney OK - WHITEGRASS CREEK, 5 miles W. AND 3 miles S. of IDABEL OK - NORWOOD CREEK, 3 miles S. of HAWORTH OK - Sec 34/T6S/R14E OK - COW CROSSinG T7S, R26E, SEC 15 NE1/4; SITE 1, F90VAU15(ONHI, C.VAUGHN), WJM2439(W.J.MAtTHEWS); LITTLE RIVER WILDLIFE REFUGE OK - T7S, R26E, SEC18-19; F90VAU24(C.VAUGHN), WJM2447 (W.MAtTHEWS); LITTLE RIVER WILDLIFE REFUGE, SITE 10, LITTLE RIVER At YELLOW BANK OK - T7S, R24E, SEC14 SE1/4 ; SITE 11; F90VAU50 (ONHI C.VAUGHN), LITTLE RIVER UPstream of bridge @ U.S. Hwy 70 OK - T 27N, R 8E, SEC 3 SE1/4; F91GEL07 (ONHI), FPG 143 (F.GELWICK), TALLGRASS PRAIRIE PRESERVE, N of PAWHUSKA; SITE S-2 DOWNstream of CO. ROAD BR OK - T 27N, R 9E, SEC 20NW1/4 ; F91GEL12 (ONHI), FPG 149; TALLGRASS PRAIRIE PRESERVE, N of PAWHUSKA; SITE S-5; OK - T 27N, R 9E, SEC 19; F91GEL13 (ONHI), FPG 150; TALLGRASS PRAIRIE PRESERVE, N of PAWHUSKA; SITE S-4; OK - T 27N, R 8E, SEC 3; F91GEL14 (ONHI), FPG 151; TALLGRASS PRAIRIE PRESERVE, N of PAWHUSKA; SITE S-2; (WinTER KILL) DOWNstream of CO RD BR OK - T 27N, R 8E, SEC 3; F91GEL15 (ONHI), FPG 152, TALLGRASS PRAIRIE PRESERVE, SITE S-2, UPstream of COUNTY RD bridge OK - T 27N, R 8E, SEC 24; F91GEL17 (ONHI), FPG 154; TALLGRASS PRAIRIE PRESERVE; stream CROSSinG TO BERNARD SAND CREEK HOUSE OK - 2/3 MI. W of DAVIS At HIGHWAY 7 (T1S, R2E, NW 1/4, S6) OK - 5 miles south of BYEDS, 5 miles north of WANETTE OK - Hwy 34, 0.5 mile south of Mangum; Sec 34/T5N/R22W; U07300500 OK - Hwy 81 north of El Reno; Sec 32/T13N/R7W; U07239500 OK - OOLOGAH LAKE NEAR DOUBLE CREEK COVE SEC 09 TWN 25N RNG 16E OK - Hwy 102, 3 miles south of Wanette; Sec 12/T5N/R2E; U07229410 OK - Hwy 34, 0.5 mile south of Mangum; Sec 34/T5N/R22W; U07300500 OK - KIAMICHI RIVER NEAR ANTLERS SEC 35 TWN 03S RNG 16E U07336200 OK - Mouth of Baron Fork near Tahlequah; Sec 26/T17N/R22E; U07196500 OK - VERDIGRIS RIVER NEAR inOLA SEC 04 TWN 19N RNG 16E U07178800 OK - Near Wellston; Sec 11/T14N/R1E; U07242400 AR - Near Ft. Smith; Sec 9/T10N/R27E; U07249440 OK - Hwy 259 north of DeKalb, Tx; Sec 16/T10S/R25E; U07336820 OK - WEBBERS FALLS LAKE At Hwy 10 LANDinG SEC 10 TWN 13N RNG 20ERWBJ0SRS OK - Near Wellston; Sec 11/T14N/R1E; U07242400 OK - ARKANSAS RIVER At BIXBY FISH SITE SEC 14 TWN 17N RNG 13EU07165520 OK - 0.5 mile north of Waurika on county road; Sec 26/T4S/R8W; U07313600 OK - Hwy 10 east of Miami at Moccasin Bend; Sec 30/T28N/R24E; U07188250 OK - Hwy 59 south of Heavener; Sec 35/T5N/R25E; U07247350 OK - DEEP FORK NEAR ARCADIA SEC 36 TWN 14N RNG 02WU07242350 OK - Hwy 59 south of Heavener; Sec 35/T5N/R25E; U07247350 OK - At Potts Creek; Sec 1/T5N/R24E OK - MIDDLE FORK DOUBLE CR 1.5E DOUBLE CR COVE SEC 09 TWN 02N RNG 16EU07171205
Menidia beryllina OK - At mouth of Red Creek, 3 miles south of Oscar; Sec 20/T7S/R5W OK - UOBS swimming beach OK - BIRD CREEK At CAtOOSA SEC 19 TWN 20N RNG 14EU07178400 OK - Hwy 81, 1 mile south of Terral; Sec 9/T8S/R7W; U07315500 OK - Hwy 79, 7 miles SW of Waurika; Sec 12/T5S/R8W; U07312720 OK - Hwy 79, 7 miles SW of Waurika; Sec 12/T5S/R8W; U07312720 OK - At mouth of Red Creek, 3 miles south of Oscar; Sec 20/T7S/R5W OK - Hwy 81, 1 mile south of Terral; Sec 9/T8S/R7W; U07315500 OK - At dam; Sec 4/T4S/R8W; RWRA0ARS OK - Hwy 79, 7 miles SW of Waurika; Sec 12/T5S/R8W; U07312720 OK - Hwy 79, 7 miles SW of Waurika; Sec 12/T5S/R8W; U07312720 OK - Site 22: Tishomingo Wildlife Refuge, east of Tishomingo OK - Site 23: 7.5 miles east of Little City on Hwy 199, 3 miles north on Hwy 78, west 5 miles to Butcher Pen OK - Site 21: Tishomingo Wildlife Refuge, east of Tishomingo OK - Site 22: Tishomingo Wildlife Refuge, east of Tishomingo OK - Site 24: 7.5 miles east of Little City on Hwy 199, 3 miles north on Hwy 78, west 5 miles to Butcher Pen OK - Site 23: 7.5 miles east of Little City on Hwy 199, 3 miles north on Hwy 78, west 5 miles to Butcher Pen OK - Site 21: Tishomingo Wildlife Refuge, east of Tishomingo OK - north of Willis, OK on Hwy 99. Turn east on Shay cutoff Rd. for approx. 4 miles. Turn south and drive approx. 5 miles. Turn east on Taylor Rd. Drive 1.5 miles to Beach View subdivision. Follow road to beach. Site is At willow tree north of telephon OK - north of Willis, OK on Hwy 99. Turn east on Shay cutoff rd. for approx. 4 miles. Turn south to Island View Subdivision. Site is 25 m east of boAt dock At orange metal pole. OK - 1.5 miles above Camp Jack Little OK - north of Willis, OK on Hwy 99. Turn east on Shay cutoff Rd. for approx. 3.5 miles. Turn right At first stop sign. Drive south approx., 4 miles and west 0.5 miles to Buncombe Creek Resort. Follow trail adjacent to chain link fenced lagoon to shore. S OK - LIMESTONE CK. OK - West shore of Buncombe Creek Cove, second cove north of the University of Oklahoma Biological Station OK - east of Madill 9 miles on Hwy. 199. east of Little City 0.5 mile and south 2 miles to Cumberland Resort. Site is locAted west of boAt docks in adjacent inlet At sign reading "Day Use Area, No Camping." OK - Above Camp Jack Little OK - north of Willis, OK on Hwy 99. Turn east on Shay cutoff Rd. for approx. 4 miles. Turn south and drive approx. 5 miles. Turn east on Taylor Rd. Drive 1.5 miles to Beach View subdivision. Follow road to beach. Site is At willow tree north of telephon OK - 0.5 mile above Camp Jack Little OK - Above Camp Jack Little OK - north of Willis, OK on Hwy 99 approx. 5 miles. west on S. Powell Rd. (Powell Church of Christ Sign) approx. 2 miles. As road curves turn left on House Creek Rd. follow road past red brick house and turn left (south) approx. 1 mile to agricultural field. OK - Site is locAted in the ecological area on the east side of Hwy 99 immediAtely north of the Willis bridge. ApproximAtely 200 m from highway. Marked with pink post. OK - east of Madill on Hwy. 199 to Little City. Drive south approximAtely 4 miles. Turn left (east) and drive 0.5 mile. Turn right on trail to oil well thAt is in line with oil wells in wAter. Site is At large half-dead willow adjacent to oil well on shore OK - north of Willis, OK on Hwy. 99. Turn east on Shay cutoff Rd. for approx. 4 miles. Turn south and drive approx. 3.5 miles. east on Ranch Rd. approx. 1.0 mi. Drive north (left) on Sonny Ln. to dirt road. Drive north to boAt ramp. Site is east on trail OK - (1785-2) east of CAtOOSA At ROGERS PARK BOAt RAMP (SEC 16, T20N, R15E) OK - VERDIGRIS RIVER NEAR CAtOOSA SEC 16 TWN 20N RNG 15EU07178500 OK - (DEQ2003-17) NEAR KEETONVILLE (U07176000) OK - VERDIGRIS RIVER NEAR CAtOOSA SEC 16 TWN 20N RNG 15E OK - VERDIGRIS RIVER NEAR inOLA SEC 04 TWN 19N RNG 16E OK - VERDIGRIS RIVER NEAR CAtOOSA SEC 16 TWN 20N RNG 15EU07178500 OK - BIRD CREEK At CAtOOSA SEC 19 TWN 20N RNG 14EU07178400 OK - U07321000---Little River near Sasakwa, highway 56 OK - (DEQ2003-22) NEAR SALLISAW (U07246400) OK - ILLinOIS RIVER NEAR GORE SEC 27 TWN 13N RNG 21EU07198000 OK - At Robert S Kerr Lock and Dam 9 miles south of Sallisaw OK - NEAR SALLISAW (SEC 9/ T10N/ R24E); U07246400 OK - NEAR SALLISAW (SEC 9/ T10N/ R24E); U07246400 OK - ILLinOIS RIVER NEAR GORE SEC 27 TWN 13N RNG 21E U07198000 OK - NEAR SALLISAW (SEC 9/ T10N/ R24E); U07246400 OK - Site 21: Tishomingo Wildlife Refuge, east of Tishomingo OK - east of Kingston on Hwy 70 approximAtely 4.5 miles. Turn south At Texoma Lodge, drive past golf course to marina. Site is where refurbishing ramp (RR tracks) enters wAter. OK - U07246400---Arkansas River near Sallisaw OK - Hwy 271 north of Arthur City, Tx; Sec 11/T8S/R17E; U07335500 OK - Hwy 271 north of Arthur City, Tx; Sec 11/T8S/R17E; U07335500 OK - Hwy 271 north of Arthur City, Tx; Sec 11/T8S/R17E; U07335500 OK - Hwy 271 north of Arthur City, Tx; Sec 11/T8S/R17E; U07335500 OK - Hwy 271 north of Arthur City, Tx; Sec 11/T8S/R17E; U07335500 OK - Hwy 271 north of Arthur City, Tx; Sec 11/T8S/R17E; U07335500 OK - Hwy 271 north of Arthur City, Tx; Sec 11/T8S/R17E; U07335500 OK - Hwy 271 north of Arthur City, Tx; Sec 11/T8S/R17E; U07335500 TX - Confluence with unknown creek, 33 56.22N/95 35.58W OK - Sec 29/T7S/R17E OK - Hwy 271 north of Arthur City, Tx; Sec 11/T8S/R17E; U07335500 OK - Messer; Sec 19/T5S/R18E OK - Hwy 271 north of Arthur City, Tx; Sec 11/T8S/R17E; U07335500 OK - east of Madill on Hwy 199 approximAtely 4 miles. Turn south At Kinlock Rd. Follow road along shoreline. Site is near first oil well from the main body of lake near persimmon tree. Marked with pink post. OK - Cove in viscinity of Mosquito Cove OK - OUBS BOAtHOUSE OK - east of Kingston on Hwy 70 approximAtely 4.5 miles. Turn south At Texoma Lodge, drive past golf course to marina. Site is where refurbishing ramp (RR tracks) enters wAter. OK - east of Kingston on Hwy. 70 approximAtely 4.5 miles. Turn south At Texoma Lodge, drive past golf course to marina. Site is between last two boAt docks NW of marina toward yellow bridge. OK - UOBS boathouse OK - east of Madill on Hwy. 199 to Little City. Drive south approximAtely 4 miles. Turn left (east) and drive 0.75 mile. Drive north (left) on Aylesworth Rd. Turn right on 2nd gravel road and drive to shoreline. Marked with pink post. OK - RTE 32 E of HOUSE CK. OK - UOBS boathouse OK - north of Willis, OK on Hwy 99. west on S. Powell Rd. approximAtely 2 miles. Turn on Lake Road. ApproximAtely 2 miles south to drainage. Site is locAted east of road on trail. LocAted in Willows and Button bush, marked with a pink post. OK - north of Willis, OK on Hwy. 99. Turn east on Shay cutoff Rd. for approx. 4 miles. Turn south and drive approx. 3.5 miles. east on Ranch Rd. approx. 1.0 mi. Drive north (left) on Sonny Ln. to dirt road. Drive north to boAt ramp. Site is east on trail OK - north of Willis, OK on Hwy 99. Turn east on Shay cutoff Rd. for approx. 4 miles. Turn south and drive approx. 4 miles. east on Oak View Resort. Follow Lake shore Rd. approx. 0.7 miles to boAt ramp. Site is At willow tree 25 m north of boAt ramp. OK - north of Willis, OK on Hwy 99. Drive east on Shay cutoff Rd. for 3.5 miles. Turn right At first stop sign. Drive south approx. 4 miles and west 0.5 miles to Buncombe Creek Resort. Follow trail adjacent to chain link fenced lagoon to first trail leadi OK - south of Madill o Hwy 99 to Willis OK. west of Dave's Superette to entrance of management area. south 2 miles to agricultural fields. Site is locAted SW corner of last field in drainage area. Marked with pink post in willows and cAttails. OK - 1.5 miles north, 2 miles east of Gene Autry; Sec 16/T3S/R3E; U07330500 OK - NOT LISTED OK - DEEP FORK NEAR ARCADIA SEC 36 TWN 14N RNG 02WU07242350 OK - 1.5 miles north, 2 miles east of Gene Autry; Sec 16/T3S/R3E; U07330500 OK - I-35 NW of Ardmore OK - 2 miles south, 2 miles east on I-35 at Elephant Rock Road OK - Hwy 177 near Durwood; Sec 3/T4S/R3E; U07331000 OK - Duck Trap Cove OK - Hwy 177 near Durwood; Sec 3/T4S/R3E; U07331000 OK - Hwy 51, 5 miles west of Hulbert at ODWC public area OK - Hwy 82/100, North Elk Creek Park; Sec 17/15N/R22E OK - Chicken Creek mouth; Sec 10/T14N/R22E OK - Below Ft. Gibson dam OK - Hwy 51, 5 miles west of Hulbert at ODWC public area OK - STN 6: A 250 M CHANNELIZED REACH NEAR THE eastERN AVENUE bridge in OKLHAOMA CITY OK - north Canadian River near Harrah, highway 62 OK - (239540) At westERN AVENUE bridge; NEXT TO WOODSON PARK, PARKinG LOT; Sec5 T11n R3w OK - north CANADIAN RIVER NEAR HARRAH SEC 22 TWN 12N RNG 01E OK - DEEP FORK NEAR LUTHER SEC 28 TWN 14N RNG 01EU07242360 OK - BIRCH COVE SWIMMinG BEACH L. BIRCH SEC 31 TWN 24N RNG 11ERBIC0CLS OK - (DEQ2006-16) NEAR RALSTON (U07152500) OK - (RKYAOZLS) At OSAGE POinT, 1 mile east At OSAGE RAMP; Sec24 T21n R8e OK - NEAR RALSTON (SEC 1/ T23N/ R5E); U07152500 OK - NEAR RALSTON (SEC 1/ T23N/ R5E); U07152500 OK - NEAR RALSTON (SEC 1/ T23N/ R5E); U07152500 OK - 1.5 miles above Camp Jack Little OK - NEAR ISLANDS OK - east of Madill on Hwy 199 approximAtely 4 miles. Turn south At Kinlock Rd. Follow road along shoreline. Site is near first oil well from the main body of lake near persimmon tree. Marked with pink post. OK - 0.25 mile north of Camp Jack Little OK - Above Camp Jack Little OK - [No locality string in original GBIF record] OK - UOBS SWIMMinG BEACH OK - East shoreline opposite of UOBS boathouse OK - north of Willis, OK on Hwy 99. Turn east on Shay cutoff rd. for approx. 4 miles. Turn south to Island View Subdivision. Site is 25 m east of boAt dock At orange metal pole. OK - [No locality string in original GBIF record] OK - TEXOMA LAKE CUMBERLAND COVE (WASH ARM) SEC 09 TWN 06S RNG 07E OK - UOBS boathouse OK - in LAKE TEXOMA OK - Cove across from Camp Jack Little OK - Near dam; Sec 21/T8N/R12W OK - Sec 25/T9N/R13W OK - 5 miles west of Verden; U07326503 OK - Hwy 81 north of El Reno; Sec 32/T13N/R7W; U07239500 OK - Hwy 81 north of El Reno; Sec 32/T13N/R7W; U07239500 OK - Hwy 81 north of El Reno; Sec 32/T13N/R7W; U07239500 OK - Hwy 81 north of El Reno; Sec 32/T13N/R7W; U07239500 OK - Hwy 81 north of El Reno; Sec 32/T13N/R7W; U07239500 OK - Hwy 81 north of El Reno; Sec 32/T13N/R7W; U07239500 OK - Station 5: north of El Reno at Concho, 300 meters upstream from Hwy 81 OK - Hwy 81 north of El Reno; Sec 32/T13N/R7W; U07239500 OK - Hwy 81 north of El Reno; Sec 32/T13N/R7W; U07239500 OK - Hwy 81 north of El Reno; Sec 32/T13N/R7W; U07239500 OK - Hwy 81 north of El Reno; Sec 32/T13N/R7W; U07239500 OK - Duck Trap Cove OK - At Calvin; Sec 22/T6N/R10E; U07231500 OK - south of Madill o Hwy 99 to Willis OK. west of Dave's Superette to entrance of management area. south 2 miles to agricultural fields. Site is locAted SW corner of last field in drainage area. Marked with pink post in willows and cAttails. OK - Hwy 75, 0.5 mile north of Calvin OK - At Calvin; Sec 22/T6N/R10E; U07231500 OK - Near Wetumka; Sec 12/T9N/R10E; U07242000 OK - Near Wetumka; Sec 12/T9N/R10E; U07242000 OK - Hwy 75, 5 miles NE of Wetumka OK - At Calvin; Sec 22/T6N/R10E; U07231500 OK - Hwy 5, 3.5 miles west of Tipton OK - 2 miles west of Martha at a paved county road crossing OK - Hwy 79, 7 miles SW of Waurika; Sec 12/T5S/R8W; U07312720 OK - Hwy 81, 1 mile south of Terral; Sec 9/T8S/R7W; U07315500 OK - At mouth of Red Creek, 3 miles south of Oscar; Sec 20/T7S/R5W OK - Hwy 81, 1 mile south of Terral; Sec 9/T8S/R7W; U07315500 OK - Hwy 79, 7 miles SW of Waurika; Sec 12/T5S/R8W; U07312720 OK - At mouth of Red Creek, 3 miles south of Oscar; Sec 20/T7S/R5W OK - At mouth of Red Creek, 3 miles south of Oscar; Sec 20/T7S/R5W OK - West shore of Buncombe Creek Cove, second cove north of the University of Oklahoma Biological Station OK - TGS, KSE OK - north of Willis, OK on Hwy 99. west on S Powell Rd. ApproximAtely 2 miles. Turn on Lake Road. ApproximAtely 2.5 miles south to lake shore. Take right trail west and then south to shore. Site is marked with pink post. OK - BRIER CREEK mouth OK - At UOBS OK - north of Willis, OK on Hwy 99. Turn east on Shay cutoff Rd. for approx. 4 miles. Turn south and drive approx. 4 miles. east on Oak View Resort. Follow Lake shore Rd. approx. 0.7 miles to boAt ramp. Site is At willow tree 25 m north of boAt ramp. OK - 1.5 miles above Camp Jack Little OK - East shore of the Buncombe Creek Cove, 0.5 mile south of the northernmost point of Buncombe Creek Cove OK - At UOBS OK - Cove across from Camp Jack Little OK - (RTXQOLRS) At FOBB BOTTOMS OK - east of Madill on Hwy. 199 to Little City. Drive south approximAtely 4 miles. Turn left (east) and drive 0.75 mile. Drive north (left) on Aylesworth Rd. Turn right on 2nd gravel road and drive to shoreline. Marked with pink post. OK - north of Willis, OK on Hwy 99. west on S Powell Rd. ApproximAtely 2 miles. Turn on Lake Road. ApproximAtely 2.5 miles south to lake shore. Take right trail west and then south to shore. Site is marked with pink post. OK - north of Willis, OK on Hwy. 99. Turn east on Shay cutoff Rd. for approx. 4 miles. Turn south and drive approx. 3.5 miles. east on Ranch Rd. approx. 1.0 mi. Drive north (left) on Sonny Ln. to dirt road. Drive north to boAt ramp. Site is east on trail OK - UOBS boathouse OK - CIMARRON RIVER NEAR PERKinS SEC 07 TWN 17N RNG 03E U07161000 OK - (1610-2) 1/2 mile south of PERKinS ON Hwy 177; north SIDE of RIVER; Sec7 T17n R3e OK - (DEQ2003-14) NEAR PERKinS (U07161000) OK - EUFAULA LAKE/GAinES CREEK AREA/ELM PT. SEC 02 TWN 08N RNG 16EREFB0DLS OK - SHAWNEE LAKE NEAR DAM SITE # 2 SEC 14 TWN 10N RNG 02ERSHA0ALS OK - Station 8: a 300m reach of river upstream from the Hwy. 99 bridge (PottawAtomie-Seminole county line) OK - 7 miles south of Wanette on Highway 102 crossing OK - (OWRB2005-28) NEAR DALE ofF US 270 (SEC 36&25/ T11N/ R2E) OK - (DEQ2003-25) NEAR BYARS (U07229410) OK - KIAMICHI RIVER At Hwy 2 bridge OK - KIAMICHI RIVER NEAR CLAYTON SEC 07 TWN 01N RNG 19EU07335790 OK - (RSAAONLS) west SIDE of LAKE At SARDIS COVE BOAt RAMP (SEC 17, T2N, R18E) OK - KIAMICHI RIVER NEAR CLAYTON SEC 07 TWN 01N RNG 19EU07335790 OK - KIAMICHI RIVER NEAR ANTLERS SEC 35 TWN 03S RNG 16E U07336200 OK - (1788) At ROCKY POinT BOAt RAMP PARKinG AREA; east SIDE of RIVER OK - north of Willis, OK on Hwy 99. Drive east on Shay cutoff Rd. for 3.5 miles. Turn right At first stop sign. Drive south approx. 4 miles and west 0.5 miles to Buncombe Creek Resort. Follow trail adjacent to chain link fenced lagoon to first trail leadi OK - Near mouth OK - Near Camp Jack Little OK - At mouth OK - East shore of the Buncombe Creek Cove, 0.5 mile south of the northernmost point of Buncombe Creek Cove OK - [No locality string in original GBIF record] OK - NE of Camp Jack Little OK - U.O.B.S. OK - north of Willis, OK on Hwy 99. Turn east on Shay cutoff Rd. for approx. 4 miles. Turn south and drive approx. 4 miles. east on Oak View Resort. Follow Lake shore Rd. approx. 0.7 miles to boAt ramp. Site is At willow tree 25 m north of boAt ramp. OK - east of Madill on Hwy 199 approximAtely 5.5 miles. Turn south At Timber Hill Rd. Follow road past cemetery to dirt trail due south. Sites near two persimmon trees on hillside. Site At stump adjacent to button bush At shoreline. Marked with pink post. OK - east of Kingston on Hwy 70 approximAtely 4.5 miles. Turn south At Texoma Lodge, drive past golf course to marina. Site is where refurbishing ramp (RR tracks) enters wAter. OK - LIMESTONE COVE OK - east of Madill on Hwy 199 approximAtely 4 miles. Turn south At Kinlock Rd. Follow road along shoreline. Site is near first oil well from the main body of lake near persimmon tree. Marked with pink post. OK - east of Madill on Hwy 199 approximAtely 4 miles. Turn south At Kinlock Rd. Follow road along shoreline. Site is near first oil well from the main body of lake near persimmon tree. Marked with pink post. OK - [No locality string in original GBIF record] OK - Near Seiling; Sec 28/T20N/R16W; U07238000 OK - Near Seiling; Sec 28/T20N/R16W; U07238000 OK - Hwy 281, 5 miles north of Seiling OK - Near Seiling; Sec 28/T20N/R16W; U07238000 OK - Hwy 132 at Nash; Sec 27/T26N/R8W; U07150520 OK - Hwy 132 at Nash; Sec 27/T26N/R8W; U07150520 OK - Hwy 132 at Nash; Sec 27/T26N/R8W; U07150520 OK - Hwy 132 at Nash; Sec 27/T26N/R8W; U07150520 OK - Hwy 132 at Nash; Sec 27/T26N/R8W; U07150520 OK - Hwy 132 at Nash; Sec 27/T26N/R8W; U07150520 OK - Hwy 132 at Nash; Sec 27/T26N/R8W; U07150520 OK - Hwy 132 at Nash; Sec 27/T26N/R8W; U07150520 OK - Near Whitefield; Sec 12/T9N/R19E; U07245000 OK - Near Whitefield; Sec 12/T9N/R19E; U07245000 OK - Near Wetumka; Sec 12/T9N/R10E; U07242000 OK - At dam; Sec 32/T19N/R18W OK - At Robert Mayo boat ramp; Sec 34/T10N/R26E; U07246450 OK - Station 1 OK - ARKANSAS RIVER At BIXBY FISH SITE SEC 14 TWN 17N RNG 13EU07165520 OK - ARKANSAS RIVER At SAND SPRinGS SEC 14 TWN 19N RNG 11EU07164400 OK - ARKANSAS RIVER in TULSA (23RD STREET) SEC 13 TWN 09N RNG 12E OK - U70165520 ARKANSAS RIVER At BIXBY OK - ARKANSAS RIVER At BIXBY FISH SITE SEC 14 TWN 17N RNG 13EU07165520 OK - ARKANSAS RIVER At BIXBY FISH SITE SEC 14 TWN 17N RNG 13E OK - (1644) At SAND SPRinGS CITY PARK OK - Arkansas River At Riverside Park in Tulsa OK - 2 miles below Copan Lake west of Highway 75 on Highway 10 OK - (RCRAOALS) At BOAt RAMP, east SIDE of LAKE; 1/2 mile west of DAM OK - At upper end of Crowder Lake At County Road E1100. OK - Salt Fork Arkansas River At U. S. Hwy. 281 bridge; 1 mile N of Alva OK - north CANADIAN RIVER At WOODWARD SEC 25 TWN 23N RNG 20WU07237500 OK - (2375) north EDGE of WOODWARD At Hwy 34 TX - Low water crossing at Paint Rock OK - (DEQ2003-15) NEAR RALSTON; (U07152500) OK - 0.5 mile north of Ralston on Highway 18 TX - Vill Sims ranch where Kickapoo Creek runs into the Concho River TX - Confluence with Hog Creek, 1 mile east of Paint Rock TX - 1 km east of Paint Rock TX - 0.5 km east of bridge in Paint Rock OK - Site 23: 7.5 miles east of Little City on Hwy 199, 3 miles north on Hwy 78, west 5 miles to Butcher Pen OK - Site 22: Tishomingo Wildlife Refuge, east of Tishomingo OK - Hwy 74 near Lamont OK - Hwy 60 near Ponca City; Sec 25/T26N/R3E; U07148140 OK - Hwy 60 near Ponca City; Sec 25/T26N/R3E; U07148140 OK - Hwy 60 near Ponca City; Sec 25/T26N/R3E; U07148140 OK - Hwy 60 near Ponca City; Sec 25/T26N/R3E; U07148140 OK - Hwy 60 near Ponca City; Sec 25/T26N/R3E; U07148140 OK - Hwy 60 near Ponca City; Sec 25/T26N/R3E; U07148140 OK - Hwy 60 near Ponca City; Sec 25/T26N/R3E; U07148140 AR - Near Ft. Smith; Sec 9/T10N/R27E; U07249440 AR - Near Ft. Smith; Sec 9/T10N/R27E; U07249440 OK - At Robert Mayo boat ramp; Sec 34/T10N/R26E; U07246450 OK - Sec 3/T5N/R24E OK - North of Jet on Hwy 38 below Great Salt Plains Dam; Sec 11/T26N/R9W; U07150500 OK - North of Jet on Hwy 38 below Great Salt Plains Dam; Sec 11/T26N/R9W; U07150500 OK - North of Jet on Hwy 38 below Great Salt Plains Dam; Sec 11/T26N/R9W; U07150500 OK - North of Jet on Hwy 38 below Great Salt Plains Dam; Sec 11/T26N/R9W; U07150500 OK - North of Jet on Hwy 38 below Great Salt Plains Dam; Sec 11/T26N/R9W; U07150500 OK - North of Jet on Hwy 38 below Great Salt Plains Dam; Sec 11/T26N/R9W; U07150500 OK - 8 miles west of Great Salt Plains Dam OK - Butler Point boat ramp; Sec 9/T1S/R14E OK - 6 miles east, 1 mile south of Wapanucka at Hwy 7; U07332941 OK - At dam; Sec 32/T19N/R18W OK - Hwy 270, 2 miles south of Watonga OK - Near Bridgeport; Sec 28/T13N/R11W; U07228500 OK - Hwy 270, 5 miles west of Watonga OK - Near Bridgeport; Sec 28/T13N/R11W; U07228500 OK - Near Watonga; Sec 27/T16N/R12W; U07239200 OK - north of Willis, OK on Hwy 99. Turn east on Shay cutoff Rd. 4 mi. east on Taylor Rd. Turn right (south) on Sandy Beach Rd. Follow to boAt ramp. Sites NE of boAt ramp. Site is a 2nd telephone pole north of boAt ramp adjacent to willow tree. OK - north of Willis, OK on Hwy 99. Turn east on Shay cutoff Rd. 4 mi. east on Taylor Rd. Turn right (south) on Sandy Beach Rd. Follow to boAt ramp. Sites NE of boAt ramp. Site is a 2nd telephone pole north of boAt ramp adjacent to willow tree. OK - north of Willis, OK on Hwy 99. west on S Powell Rd. ApproximAtely 2 miles. Turn on Lake Road. ApproximAtely 2.5 miles south to lake shore. Take right trail west and then south to shore. Site is marked with pink post. OK - Above Camp Jack Little OK - The beach south of the northernmost cove on the western shore of Buncombe Creek Cove OK - BOAtHOUSE COVE OK - east of Kingston on Hwy. 70 approximAtely 4.5 miles. Turn south At Texoma Lodge, drive past golf course to marina. Site is between last two boAt docks NW of marina toward yellow bridge. OK - At UOBS OK - UOBS BEACH OK - West shore of Buncombe Creek Cove, second cove north of the University of Oklahoma Biological Station OK - UOBS boathouse OK - UOBS boathouse OK - 1.5 miles above Camp Jack Little OK - The beach south of the northernmost cove on the western shore of Buncombe Creek Cove OK - LAKE HUDSON WOLF CR COVE NW of SALinA SEC 08 TWN 21N RNG 20ERHDA0MRS OK - ARKANSAS RIVER S GORE HW64 PARK AREA SEC 18 TWN 12N RNG 21EU07194590 OK - ARKANSAS RIVER NEAR SALLISAW SEC 09 TWN 10N RNG 24EU07246400 OK - NEAR SALLISAW (SEC 9/ T10N/ R24E); U07246400 OK - ILLinOIS RIVER NEAR GORE SEC 27 TWN 13N RNG 21EU07198000 OK - ILLinOIS RIVER NEAR GORE SEC 27 TWN 13N RNG 21EU07198000 OK - NEAR SALLISAW (SEC 9/ T10N/ R24E); U07246400 OK - (RWRAOZLS) At WICHITA POinT OK - northwest of concession stand east of boAt dock OK - below dam of Lake Fuqua spillway OK - (DEQ2003-11) NEAR HEADRICK (U07305000) OK - U07305000... north Fork near Headrick, highway 62 OK - 0.5 mile north of Bixby At Highway 64 At 2 bridges OK - ARKANSAS RIVER At SAND SPRinGS SEC 14 TWN 19N RNG 11EU07164400 OK - ARKANSAS RIVER At BIXBY FISH SITE SEC 14 TWN 17N RNG 13EU07165520 OK - (DEQ2005-24) At BIXBY (U07165520) OK - At McClure; Sec 27/T14N/R20W OK - north of Willis, OK on Hwy 99. Turn east on Shay cutoff Rd. for approx. 4 miles. Turn south and drive approx. 5 miles. Turn east on Taylor Rd. Drive 1.5 miles to Beach View subdivision. Follow road to beach. Site is At willow tree north of telephon OK - U07188250---Spring River east of Miami, highway 40 OK - Near Kenton; Sec 4/T5N/R1E; U07154500 OK - east of Madill on Hwy. 199 to Little City. Drive south approx. 4 miles. Turn left (east) and drive 0.75 mile. Drive north (left) on Aylesworth Rd. Turn right on 3rd gravel road and drive to shoreline. Site is At large dead tree trunk. Marked with pi OK - NEAR RALSTON (SEC 1/ T23N/ R5E); U07152500 OK - I-35 in Norman; U07228800 OK - I-35 in Norman; U07228800 OK - Little Axe boat ramp on the east side of lake; Sec 20/T9N/R1E OK - Little Axe boat ramp on the east side of lake; Sec 20/T9N/R1E OK - 2.5 miles north of Taylor; U07311500 OK - 0.5 mile downstream from Hwy 44, 2 miles north of Burkburnett, Tx OK - 0.5 mile downstream from Hwy 44, 2 miles north of Burkburnett, Tx OK - 0.5 mile downstream from Hwy 44, 2 miles north of Burkburnett, Tx OK - 0.5 mile downstream from Hwy 44, 2 miles north of Burkburnett, Tx OK - 0.5 mile downstream from Hwy 44, 2 miles north of Burkburnett, Tx OK - 0.5 mile downstream from Hwy 44, 2 miles north of Burkburnett, Tx OK - 0.5 mile downstream from Hwy 44, 2 miles north of Burkburnett, Tx OK - 0.5 mile downstream from Hwy 44, 2 miles north of Burkburnett, Tx OK - 3 miles north of Mannford; Sec 10/T19N/R9E OK - Hwy 51, 9 miles west of Mannford OK - At mouth of Red Creek, 3 miles south of Oscar; Sec 20/T7S/R5W OK - At mouth of Red Creek, 3 miles south of Oscar; Sec 20/T7S/R5W OK - Hwy 81, 1 mile south of Terral; Sec 9/T8S/R7W; U07315500 OK - At mouth of Red Creek, 3 miles south of Oscar; Sec 20/T7S/R5W OK - BUNCOMBE CK. OK - At Lake Texoma OK - NEAR BIOLOGICAL Station OK - north of Willis, OK on Hwy 99. Turn east on Shay cutoff Rd. for approx. 3.5 miles. Turn right At first stop sign. Drive south approx., 4 miles and west 0.5 miles to Buncombe Creek Resort. Follow trail adjacent to chain link fenced lagoon to shore. S OK - Above Camp Jack Little OK - south of Madill o Hwy 99 to Willis OK. west of Dave's Superette to entrance of management area. south 2 miles to agricultural fields. Site is locAted SW corner of last field in drainage area. Marked with pink post in willows and cAttails. OK - U.O.B.S. BOAtHOUSE OK - East shore of the Buncombe Creek Cove, 0.5 mile south of the northernmost point of Buncombe Creek Cove OK - 0.5 mile above Camp Jack Little OK - north of Willis, OK on Hwy 99. Turn east on Shay cutoff Rd. 4 mi. east on Taylor Rd. Turn right (south) on Sandy Beach Rd. Follow to boAt ramp. Sites NE of boAt ramp. Site is a 2nd telephone pole north of boAt ramp adjacent to willow tree. OK - east of Madill on Hwy. 199 to Little City. Drive south approximAtely 4 miles. Turn left (east) and drive 0.5 mile. Turn right on trail to oil well thAt is in line with oil wells in wAter. Site is At large half-dead willow adjacent to oil well on shore OK - north of Willis, OK on Hwy 99 approx. 5 miles. west on S. Powell Rd. (Powell Church of Christ Sign) approx. 2 miles. As road curves turn left on House Creek Rd. follow road past red brick house and turn left (south) approx. 1 mile to agricultural field. OK - Cove north of rock breakwater OK - MAYFIELD FLAtS OK - east of Madill on Hwy. 199 to Little City. Drive south approx. 4 miles. Turn left (east) and drive 0.75 mile. Drive north (left) on Aylesworth Rd. Turn right on 3rd gravel road and drive to shoreline. Site is At large dead tree trunk. Marked with pi OK - north of Willis, OK on Hwy 99 approx. 5 miles. west on S. Powell Rd. (Powell Church of Christ Sign) approx. 2 miles. As road curves turn left on House Creek Rd. follow road past red brick house and turn left (south) approx. 1 mile to agricultural field. OK - TEXOMA LAKE NEAR WILDLIFE REFUGE (WASH) SEC 23 TWN 04S RNG 06E OK - Cove across from Camp Jack Little OK - east of Madill 9 miles on Hwy. 199. east of Little City 0.5 mile and south 2 miles to Cumberland Resort. Site is locAted west of boAt docks in adjacent inlet At sign reading "Day Use Area, No Camping." OK - NEAR RALSTON (SEC 1/ T23N/ R5E); U07152500 OK - NEAR RALSTON (SEC 1/ T23N/ R5E); U07152500 OK - (188250-2) 8 miles east of MIAMI ON Hwy 10 At MOCCASin BEND STAtE PARK; Sec30 T28n R24e OK - (DEQ2005-27) At TWin bridgeS (U07188450) OK - (DEQ2003-18) east of MIAMI (U07188250) OK - (DEQ2006-19) east of MIAMI At Hwy 10 (U07188250) OK - (188250-4) 9 miles east of MIAMI ON Hwy 10; At MOCCASin STAtE PARK OK - (DEQ2004-23) NEAR COMMERCE (U07185000) OK - 8 miles east fo Miami on Hwy 10; At Moccasion StAte park OK - (OWRB2006-24) At MIAMI OK - U07188450 SPRinG RIVER At TWin bridgeS OK - (188450) At TWin bridge STAtE PARK ON Hwy60; 3 miles west of WYANDOTTE; Sec20 T27n R24e OK - U07171000 Verdigris River near Leneoh Hwy. 10 OK - SPRinG RIVER At TWin bridgeS SEC 20 TWN 27N RNG 24EU07188450 OK - (188250-3) 8 miles east of MIAMI At MOCCASin BEND STAtE PARK OK - OOLOGAH LAKE NEAR BLUE CREEK PARK SEC 21 TWN 23N RNG 16EROOA0DRS OK - U07178400 Bird Creek At CAtoosa Hwy. 167 OK - VERDIGRIS RIVER NEAR inOLA SEC 04 TWN 19N RNG 16E U07178800 OK - On Hwy 33 9 miles east of Tulsa At boAt ramp OK - Site 32: Burn's Run, west of Cartwright on Hwy 75A OK - I-35, 5 miles north of Gainesville, Tx; Sec 36/T9N/R1E; U07316000 OK - ARKANSAS RIVER NEAR MUSKOGEE SEC 21 TWN 15N RNG 19EU07194500 OK - 2 miles SW of Blue on County Road 209 at old iron bridge; Sec 27/T6S/R10E; U07332500 OK - I-35, 5 miles north of Gainesville, Tx; Sec 36/T9N/R1E; U07316000 OK - (DEQ2003-21) NEAR HASKELL (U07165570) OK - Near Watonga; Sec 27/T16N/R12W; U07239200 OK - Sec 10/T9S/R8E OK - Hwy 78 south of Yuba OK - Below Denison dam OK - Site 29: Burn's Run, west of Cartwright on Hwy 75A OK - Sec 14,15/T8S/R12E OK - Sec 9/T9S/R8E OK - Site 31: Burn's Run, west of Cartwright on Hwy 75A OK - Site 32: Burn's Run, west of Cartwright on Hwy 75A OK - 10 miles downstream of confluence with Blue River OK - Site 25: Willow Springs, east of Kingston on Hwy 70 OK - Site 27: Platter Flats, east of Kingston on Hwy 70 OK - 20 miles below Denison dam OK - Site 28: Platter Flats, east of Kingston on Hwy 70 OK - Site 28: Platter Flats, east of Kingston on Hwy 70 AR - Near Ft. Smith; Sec 9/T10N/R27E; U07249440 AR - Near Ft. Smith; Sec 9/T10N/R27E; U07249440 OK - Hwy 177, 0.25 mile south of Perkins OK - Near Wellston; Sec 11/T14N/R1E; U07242400 OK - Near Wellston; Sec 11/T14N/R1E; U07242400 OK - Near Coyle; Sec 7/T17N/R1E; U07160900 OK - Hwy 77, 5 miles north of Guthrie OK - Upper end; Sec 5/T15N/R2W OK - Near Guthrie; Sec 29/T17N/R2W; U07160000 OK - Hwy 77, 5 miles north of Guthrie OK - Hwy 33, 3 miles west of Coyle OK - Near Coyle; Sec 7/T17N/R1E; U07160900 OK - Near Guthrie; Sec 29/T17N/R2W; U07160000 OK - Hwy 77, 5 miles north of Guthrie OK - I-35, 5 miles north of Gainesville, Tx; Sec 36/T9N/R1E; U07316000 OK - LOW WAtER bridge below MARKUM FERRY DAM OK - ABOVE CHOUTEAU CREEK OK - HUDSON LAKE At bridgeVIEW (UPPER) ST 3 SEC 11 TWN 22N RNG 20ERHDA0ZRS OK - [No locality string in original GBIF record] OK - southwest of Forked Lake OK - MOUNTAin FORK NEAR EAGLETOWN SEC 07 TWN 06S RNG 26EU07339000 OK - NEAR mouth OK - .5 mile north of Hwy 3 OK - LITTLE RIVER NEAR IDABEL SEC 14 TWN 07S RNG 24EU07338500 OK - PinE CREEK LAKE NEAR LITTLE RIVER PARK SEC 28 TWN 04S RNG 21ERPCA0ZRS OK - Arkbuckle Lake At Guy Sandy BoAt Ramp 3 miles west 2miles south of Sulfur OK - L ARBUCKLE STAtE RAMP GUY SANDY SEC 13 TWN 01S RNG 02ERARR0ALS OK - (DEQ2004-26) NEAR MUSKOGEE (U07194500) OK - U07165570---Arkansas River near Haskell, highway 104 OK - Confluence with Blue River OK - Site 28: Platter Flats, east of Kingston on Hwy 70 OK - Site 26: Sand Point, east of Kingston on Hwy 70 OK - Sec 36/T9S/R9E OK - Site 31: Burn's Run, west of Cartwright on Hwy 75A OK - Hwy 78 south of Yuba OK - Below Denison dam OK - Below Denison dam OK - Site 32: Burn's Run, west of Cartwright on Hwy 75A OK - Site 31: Burn's Run, west of Cartwright on Hwy 75A OK - Confluence with Blue River OK - Site 30: Burn's Run, west of Cartwright on Hwy 75A OK - 4 miles upstream of confluence with Blue River OK - Site 30: Burn's Run, west of Cartwright on Hwy 75A OK - Below Denison dam OK - I-35, 5 miles north of Gainesville, Tx; Sec 36/T9N/R1E; U07316000 OK - I-35, 5 miles north of Gainesville, Tx; Sec 36/T9N/R1E; U07316000 OK - I-35, 5 miles north of Gainesville, Tx; Sec 36/T9N/R1E; U07316000 OK - I-35, 5 miles north of Gainesville, Tx; Sec 36/T9N/R1E; U07316000 OK - 3 miles west, 3 miles south of Courtney OK - I-35, 5 miles north of Gainesville, Tx; Sec 36/T9N/R1E; U07316000 OK - I-35, 5 miles north of Gainesville, Tx; Sec 36/T9N/R1E; U07316000 OK - I-35, 5 miles north of Gainesville, Tx; Sec 36/T9N/R1E; U07316000 OK - I-35, 5 miles north of Gainesville, Tx; Sec 36/T9N/R1E; U07316000 OK - I-35, 5 miles north of Gainesville, Tx; Sec 36/T9N/R1E; U07316000 OK - Hwy 281 near Seiling; U07238000 OK - Hwy 281 near Seiling OK - north of Willis, OK on Hwy 99. Turn east on Shay cutoff rd. for approx. 4 miles. Turn south to Island View Subdivision. Site is 25 m east of boAt dock At orange metal pole. OK - The beach south of the northernmost cove on the western shore of Buncombe Creek Cove OK - Site is locAted in the ecological area on the east side of Hwy 99 immediAtely north of the Willis bridge. ApproximAtely 200 m from highway. Marked with pink post. OK - WEBBERS FALLS LAKE At Hwy 10 LANDinG SEC 10 TWN 13N RNG 20ERWBJ0SRS OK - ARKANSAS RIVER NEAR HASKELL SEC 31 TWN 16N RNG 16EU07165570 OK - GREENLEAF LAKE At MARinA SEC 10 TWN 13N RNG 20ERGRA0ALS OK - Arkansas River At Webber Falls city hall boAt ramp. OK - At Hwy 104, 2 MI. E. of HASKELL, T16N R16E SEC 32 OK - WEBBERS FALLS CITY HALL (SEC 8/ T12N/ R21E); U07194600 OK - WEBBERS FALLS CITY HALL (SEC 8/ T12N/ R21E); U07194600 OK - ARKANSAS RIVER NEAR MUSKOGEE SEC 21 TWN 15N RNG 19E OK - ARKANSAS RIVER NEAR MUSKOGEE SEC 21 TWN 15N RNG 19EU07194500 OK - 4 miles northeast of Haskell on Highway 104; south side of river. OK - CANADIAN RIVER NEAR WHITEFIELD SEC 12 TWN 09N RNG 19EU07245000 OK - WEBBER FALLS LAKE At SPANIARD COVE SEC 16 TWN 13N RNG 19E OK - WEBBERS FALLS LAKE At Hwy 10 LANDinG SEC 10 TWN 13N RNG 20ERWBJ0SRS OK - NEAR MUSKOGEE (SEC 21/ T15N/ R19E); U07194500 OK - (DEQ2005-30) below WEBBERS FALLS LOCK AND DAM (U07194600) OK - Confluence with Carney and small tributary of Goodwater, 33 52.408N/95 21.569W OK - east of Madill on Hwy. 199 to Little City. Drive south approximAtely 4 miles. Turn left (east) and drive 0.75 mile. Drive north (left) on Aylesworth Rd. Turn right on 2nd gravel road and drive to shoreline. Marked with pink post. OK - east FORK of DOUBLE CR 1.5 E DOUBLE COVE SEC 09 TWN 12N RNG 16EU07171210 OK - north of Willis, OK on Hwy 99. Drive east on Shay cutoff Rd. for 3.5 miles. Turn right At first stop sign. Drive south approx. 4 miles and west 0.5 miles to Buncombe Creek Resort. Follow trail adjacent to chain link fenced lagoon to first trail leadi OK - Swim beach OK - east of Madill 9 miles on Hwy. 199. east of Little City 0.5 mile and south 2 miles to Cumberland Resort. Site is locAted west of boAt docks in adjacent inlet At sign reading "Day Use Area, No Camping." OK - 1.5 miles above Camp Jack Little OK - north of Willis, OK on Hwy 99. west on S. Powell Rd. approximAtely 2 miles. Turn on Lake Road. ApproximAtely 2 miles south to drainage. Site is locAted east of road on trail. LocAted in Willows and Button bush, marked with a pink post. OK - UOBS boathouse OK - east of Kingston on Hwy. 70 approximAtely 4.5 miles. Turn south At Texoma Lodge, drive past golf course to marina. Site is between last two boAt docks NW of marina toward yellow bridge. OK - SAND BARS in BIOLOGICAL Station OK - Site is locAted in the ecological area on the east side of Hwy 99 immediAtely north of the Willis bridge. ApproximAtely 200 m from highway. Marked with pink post. OK - UOBS BEACH OK - mouth of HAUANI CREEK (T6S, R4E) OK - north of Willis, OK on Hwy 99. Turn east on Shay cutoff Rd. for approx. 3.5 miles. Turn right At first stop sign. Drive south approx., 4 miles and west 0.5 miles to Buncombe Creek Resort. Follow trail adjacent to chain link fenced lagoon to shore. S OK - east of Madill on Hwy. 199 to Little City. Drive south approximAtely 4 miles. Turn left (east) and drive 0.5 mile. Turn right on trail to oil well thAt is in line with oil wells in wAter. Site is At large half-dead willow adjacent to oil well on shore OK - east of Madill on Hwy 199 approximAtely 5.5 miles. Turn south At Timber Hill Rd. Follow road past cemetery to dirt trail due south. Sites near two persimmon trees on hillside. Site At stump adjacent to button bush At shoreline. Marked with pink post. OK - NIGHT AND DAY BEACH OK - east of Madill on Hwy. 199 to Little City. Drive south approx. 4 miles. Turn left (east) and drive 0.75 mile. Drive north (left) on Aylesworth Rd. Turn right on 3rd gravel road and drive to shoreline. Site is At large dead tree trunk. Marked with pi OK - At DOUBLE CREEK COVE BOAt RAMP AND CAMPinG AREA OK - west FORK DOUBLE CREEK 1.5E DOUBLE CR COVE SEC 08 TWN 12N RNG 16EU07171200 OK - (DEQ2006-14) NEAR HARRAH (U07241550) OK - north CANADIAN RIVER NEAR HARRAH SEC 22 TWN 12N RNG 01EU07241550 OK - (239550) At WHEELER PARK BENEAtH ROBinSON STREET bridge; Sec4 T11n R3w OK - 2 miles west 0.5 mile north of Harrah off Highway 62 on Luther Road OK - (ROVAOARS) UPPER END, JUST south of Hwy 66; west of bridge ON PARK DRIVE (SEC 30, T12N, R4W) OK - north CANADIAN RIVER NEAR HARRAH SEC 22 TWN 12N RNG 01EU07241550 OK - (DEQ2003-23) NEAR HARRAH (U07241550) OK - HEFNER LAKE NEAR RIVER inTAKE SEC 34 TWN 13N RNG 04WRHFA0ZLS OK - DEEP FORK NEAR LUTHER SEC 28 TWN 14N RNG 01EU07242360 OK - STN 7: A 250 M REACH UPstream from THE HIGHWAY 62 bridge, HARRAH, OKLAHOMA OK - DEEP FORK NEAR ARCADIA SEC 36 TWN 14N RNG 02WU07242350 OK - north CANADIAN RIVER NEAR HARRAH SEC 22 TWN 12N RNG 01EU07241550 OK - 2 miles west on 23rd street, northwest of Harrah, OK OK - 2 miles SW of Blue on County Road 209 at old iron bridge; Sec 27/T6S/R10E; U07332500 OK - Site 25: Willow Springs, east of Kingston on Hwy 70 OK - 0.5 miles downstream from confluence with Blue River OK - Site 30: Burn's Run, west of Cartwright on Hwy 75A OK - Sec 19/T7S/R9E OK - Site 29: Burn's Run, west of Cartwright on Hwy 75A OK - Site 27: Platter Flats, east of Kingston on Hwy 70 OK - Hwy 78 south of Yuba OK - Site 25: Willow Springs, east of Kingston on Hwy 70 OK - Site 26: Sand Point, east of Kingston on Hwy 70 OK - Above Lake Texoma OK - Site 26: Sand Point, east of Kingston on Hwy 70 OK - 100 meters above confluence with Red River OK - Site 29: Burn's Run, west of Cartwright on Hwy 75A OK - Site 27: Platter Flats, east of Kingston on Hwy 70 OK - I-35, 5 miles north of Gainesville, Tx; Sec 36/T9N/R1E; U07316000 OK - I-35, 5 miles north of Gainesville, Tx; Sec 36/T9N/R1E; U07316000 OK - 2 miles downstream from I-35; Sec 5/T10S/R2E OK - I-35, 5 miles north of Gainesville, Tx; Sec 36/T9N/R1E; U07316000 OK - I-35, 5 miles north of Gainesville, Tx; Sec 36/T9N/R1E; U07316000 OK - I-35, 5 miles north of Gainesville, Tx; Sec 36/T9N/R1E; U07316000 OK - I-35, 5 miles north of Gainesville, Tx; Sec 36/T9N/R1E; U07316000 OK - I-35, 5 miles north of Gainesville, Tx; Sec 36/T9N/R1E; U07316000 OK - At Hickory Creek; Sec 4/T7S/R3E OK - I-35, 5 miles north of Gainesville, Tx; Sec 36/T9N/R1E; U07316000 OK - I-35, 5 miles north of Gainesville, Tx; Sec 36/T9N/R1E; U07316000 OK - I-35, 5 miles north of Gainesville, Tx; Sec 36/T9N/R1E; U07316000 OK - I-35, 5 miles north of Gainesville, Tx; Sec 36/T9N/R1E; U07316000 OK - I-35, 5 miles north of Gainesville, Tx; Sec 36/T9N/R1E; U07316000 OK - I-35, 5 miles north of Gainesville, Tx; Sec 36/T9N/R1E; U07316000 OK - WEBBERS FALLS CITY HALL (SEC 8/ T12N/ R21E); U07194600 OK - WEBBERS FALLS CITY HALL (SEC 8/ T12N/ R21E); U07194600 OK - ARKANSAS RIVER NEAR HASKELL SEC 31 TWN 16N RNG 16EU07165570 OK - U07194600 ARKANASAS RIVER below WEBBER FALLS LOCK AND DAM OK - (1946-2) WEBBER FALLS CITY HALL OK - GREENLEAF LAKE At MARinA SEC 10 TWN 13N RNG 20ERGRA0ALS OK - (WJM2850) Webbers Falls OK - ARKANSAS RIVER NEAR HASKELL SEC 31 TWN 16N RNG 16EU07165570 OK - WEBBERS FALLS CITY HALL (SEC 8/ T12N/ R21E); U07194600 OK - (2450) NEAR WHITEFIELD OK - ARKANSAS RIVER NEAR MUSKOGEE SEC 21 TWN 15N RNG 19EU07194500 OK - (DEQ 99-023) below Webber Falls and City Hall BoAt Ramp. (U07194600 ) OK - U07194500 NEAR MUSKOGEE OK - CANADIAN RIVER NEAR WHITEFIELD SEC 12 TWN 09N RNG 19EU07245000 TX - Co. Rd. 302, 1.9 miles north-west of StAte Hwy 144 (WJM2853) TX - @ US Hwy 67 about 4 miles east of Glen Rose, TX (WJM2854) TX - (PBG-489) HIGHLAND PARK AREA BETWEEN BOAt RAMPS TX - (KTGK89-02) BEN FICKLin LOW WAtER CROSSinG bridge of BRYANT FORK; 1/6 MI ALONG stream TX - (KTGK89-04) DRY CREEK PARK NEAR BOAt RAMP ON south ROAD in north CONCHO RIVER FM2288 TX - (KTGK89-07) NEAR BOAt RAMP, CLOSE TO TWin BUTTES RESEVOIR, DRY BRANCH TX - ECM84-04: At Ben Ficklin Rd. (US Hwy 277/87), San Angelo TX - Low water crossing on unnamed road just east of FM 1929, 7 miles ENE of Paint Rock TX - ECM84-13: At north LOOP 306; below Hwy bridge TX - ECM84-21: At ABE STREET CROSSinG; SAN ANGELO; north SIDE of RIVER TX - ECM84-28: impoundment of south Concho River, Angelo StAte University Lakehouse TX - ECM85-01: 12 miles ENE San Angelo on Mullins Cemetary Road TX - ECM85-08: At E-W Hwy CROSSinG; SAN ANGELO; below SELF-CLEARinG DAM TX - ECM84-22: At FM 388 in San Angelo, Glenmore Park TX - ECM89-02: (Head of the River/Anson Springs) Head of the River Ranch, 4 km south of Christoval TX - ECM89-11: BEN FICKLin RD. CROSSinG/bridge TO 1/2 mile DOWNstream TX - ECM92-25: At BEN FICKLin TX - SMP93-4: 6TH STREET bridge; SULFUR DRAW; SAN ANGELO TX - SMP93-1: At 12 mile bridge ON Hwy 67 TO MERTZON TX - SMP93-9: 4 miles north of VERIBEST TX - Below dam TX - SMP93-15: At Hwy 2111 TX - 0.75 km SE of Paint Rock TX - (SDD89-01) EQUALIZAH CHANNEL TX - (ECM87-11) BEN FICKLin LOW WAtER CROSSinG
Micropterus dolomieu TX - Site 33: Hwy 84 at Grandpappy Point Resort by marina repair shop TX - Site 36: Highport Marina off Hwy 120 north of Pottsboronorth of Pottsboro on 120 between boat docks 43 and 44 TX - Site 33: Hwy 84 at Grandpappy Point Resort by marina repair shop TX - Site 34: Hwy 84 at Grandpappy Point Resort between boat docks 21 and 22 TX - Site 34: Hwy 84 at Grandpappy Point Resort between boat docks 21 and 22 TX - (SNG6-16-85) HUDSPETH RIVER RANCH; MAin GAtE At CROSSinG TO MAin HOUSE TX - (SNG6-15-85) ONE mile DOWN RIVER from HEAD of RIVER TX - (SNG6-16-85) HUDSPETH RIVER RANCH; MAin GAtE At CROSSinG TO MAin HOUSE VA - (BS54) SISSON FARM, 6 miles south of SHAWSVILLE VA - (BS39) SISSON FARM, 6 miles south of SHAWSVILLE VA - (BS53) SISSON FARM, 6 miles south of SHAWSVILLE VA - (BS20) below 460 bridge, 1 mile east of SHAWSVILLE VA - (BS15) SISSON FARM, 6 miles south of SHAWSVILLE VA - (BS61) ELLIOT CREEK VA - (BS31) SISSON FARM, 6 miles south of SHAWSVILLE VA - (BS38) SISSON FARM, 6 miles south of SHAWSVILLE VA - (BS19) At LAFAYETTE
Micropterus salmoides KS - (WJM2183) At LOGAN, COUNTY ROAD bridge south of TOWN
Morone americana OK - east end of Dam on Kaw Reservoir
Morone chrysops TX - EDF89-02: north SHORE of J. B. THOMAS LAKE TX - ECM84-28: impoundment of south Concho River, Angelo StAte University Lakehouse TX - ECM92-27: impoundment of south Concho River, Angelo StAte University Lakehouse
Pomoxis annularis OK - (ZDZ2014-88) County road E160, 3 miles north of Stonewall OK - (ZDZ2014-97) West Boggy Depot Road, 1.5 miles east of Boggy Depot OK - (ZDZ2014-98) Off Old Hwy that runs parallel to Hwy 69 between Caney and Tushka OK - (ZDZ2014-96) Hwy 7, 4 miles north of Boggy Depot OK - (ZDZ2014-94) Hwy 3 NE of Tupelo OK - (DEQ2010-24) Hwy 5B, 2.5 miles north of Taylor; U07311500 OK - (WJM3240) Hwy 177, 1 mile north of Baum OK - 2.5 miles north of Taylor; U07311500 OK - 1 mile south, 2.5 miles west of Temple; U07311150 OK - (DEQ2005-07) NEAR ROLL (U07228200) OK - Near Clarita; Sec 10/T1S/R9E OK - Near Boswell; Sec 2/T6S/R14E OK - Hwy 34 near Carter; Sec 15/T8N/R22W; U07301500 OK - 2.5 miles north of Taylor; U07311500 OK - Hwy 62 east of Headrick; Sec 21/T2N/R18W; U07305000 OK - 6 miles east, 1 mile south of Wapanucka at Hwy 7; U07332941 OK - Hwy 77, 2 miles north of Pauls Valley; Sec 1/T3N/R1W; U07328500 OK - [No locality string in original GBIF record] OK - 6 miles south, 4 miles east of Beaver; U07234125 OK - 0.5 mile north of Waurika on county road; Sec 26/T4S/R8W; U07313600 OK - 5 miles west of Verden; U07326503 OK - Site 24: 7.5 miles east of Little City on Hwy 199, 3 miles north on Hwy 78, west 5 miles to Butcher Pen OK - Site 21: Tishomingo Wildlife Refuge, east of Tishomingo OK - east of Madill on Hwy. 199 to Little City. Drive south approximAtely 4 miles. Turn left (east) and drive 0.5 mile. Turn right on trail to oil well thAt is in line with oil wells in wAter. Site is At large half-dead willow adjacent to oil well on shore OK - Site 25: Willow Springs, east of Kingston on Hwy 70 OK - 2.5 miles north of Taylor; U07311500 OK - Hwy 177 near Durwood; Sec 3/T4S/R3E; U07331000 OK - Site 21: Tishomingo Wildlife Refuge, east of Tishomingo OK - Hwy 62 east of Headrick; Sec 21/T2N/R18W; U07305000 OK - Hwy 62, 5 miles west of Snyder OK - Hwy 5, 3.5 miles west of Tipton OK - Hwy 5, 3.5 miles west of Tipton OK - Site 21: Tishomingo Wildlife Refuge, east of Tishomingo OK - Hwy 62, 2 miles west of Altus OK - 0.5 mile north of Waurika on county road; Sec 26/T4S/R8W; U07313600 OK - Hwy 62, 5 miles west of Snyder OK - At a farm road crossing 4 miles north of Humphreys off a paved road connecting Hwy 65 with Hwy 5 OK - Hwy 62, 2 miles west of Altus OK - At a farm road crossing 4 miles north of Humphreys off a paved road connecting Hwy 65 with Hwy 5 OK - Hwy 62, 2 miles west of Altus OK - At Highway 69 crossing, east of Colony OK - Hwy 77, 2 miles north of Pauls Valley; Sec 1/T3N/R1W; U07328500 OK - Arkbuckle Lake At Guy Sandy BoAt Ramp 3 miles west 2miles south of Sulfur OK - (RCRAOALS) At BOAt RAMP, east SIDE of LAKE; 1/2 mile west of DAM OK - 2 miles west, 3.5 miles north of Walters on County Road 261; Sec 3/T2S/R11W OK - 1 mile west, 2 miles north of Walters OK - on County Road NS218, 4 miles north of Highway 5, 4 miles east of Tipton on Highway 5 OK - At washout bridge 1 mile west,2 miles south, 1 mile west on east-west road 16 miles south from Snyder OK - 0.5 mile north of Waurika on county road; Sec 26/T4S/R8W; U07313600 KS - At Logan, KS (WJM2825) OK - Hwy 62 east of Headrick; Sec 21/T2N/R18W; U07305000 OK - 1.5 miles north, 2 miles east of Gene Autry; Sec 16/T3S/R3E; U07330500 OK - Hwy 62 east of Headrick; Sec 21/T2N/R18W; U07305000 OK - 1.5 miles north, 2 miles east of Gene Autry; Sec 16/T3S/R3E; U07330500 OK - 0.5 mile north of Waurika on county road; Sec 26/T4S/R8W; U07313600 OK - TEXOMA LAKE NEAR WILDLIFE REFUGE (WASH) SEC 23 TWN 04S RNG 06E OK - Hwy 62 east of Headrick; Sec 21/T2N/R18W; U07305000 OK - 0.5 mile north of Waurika on county road; Sec 26/T4S/R8W; U07313600 OK - Hwy 77, 2 miles north of Pauls Valley; Sec 1/T3N/R1W; U07328500 OK - 0.5 mile north of Waurika on county road; Sec 26/T4S/R8W; U07313600 OK - Hwy 62 east of Headrick; Sec 21/T2N/R18W; U07305000 OK - CIMARRON RIVER NEAR BUFFALO SEC 07 TWN 28N RNG 20WU07157950 OK - WASHITA RIVER 1E 1S of STRONG CITY WC592 SEC 36 TWN 14N RNG 23WU07320085 OK - 0.5 mile north of Waurika on county road; Sec 26/T4S/R8W; U07313600 OK - 2/3 MI. W of DAVIS At HIGHWAY 7 (T1S, R2E, NW 1/4, S6) OK - 1 mile east of Hwy 77, 3.25 miles north of HwyY 142; Sec32/T3S/R2E OK - Hwy 62, 5 miles west of Snyder OK - Hwy 62, 5 miles west of Snyder OK - Hwy 62, 5 miles west of Snyder OK - Hwy 5, 3.5 miles west of Tipton OK - 9 miles south, 4 miles east of Atoka OK - Near Boggy Depot OK - 12 miles east, 3 miles north of Caddo OK - 3 miles north, 3 miles east of Wapanucka OK - Hwy 5, 3.5 miles west of Tipton OK - Washita arm OK - BIG GLASSES CK. OK - Washita arm OK - BIG GLASSES CK. OK - At mouth of Rock Creek OK - Washita arm OK - Washita arm OK - Washita arm OK - Washita arm OK - [No locality string in original GBIF record] OK - (ZDZ2015-153) County road E2020, near intersection with N4040, about 4.5 miles NE of Boswell OK - (ZDZ2015-149) Hwy 48, 2 miles south of Wapanucka OK - (ZDZ2015-152) County road N4010, near Twin Bridges, 5 miles north of Boswell OK - (ZDZ2014-48) Hwy 48, 2 miles south of Wapanucka OK - SEC 28/ T4N/ R6E OK - T2N R7E S34, 2 miles west and 0.5 mile north of Jesse OK - Hwy 99-ADA, T3N, R6E, S 29 OK - R14W., T11N, S29 (Cobb Creek?) TX - Sec 31/T5S/R8W OK - East of Hoover OK - Above Lake Texoma OK - SE of Chickasha OK - [No locality string in original GBIF record] OK - U.S. Hwy 77 bridge At mouth of HONEY CREEK OK - Washita arm OK - PRICES FALLS BRDGE RD OK - east of Hwy 77 OK - E of PRICES FALLS RD OK - BIG GLASSES CK. OK - Hwy 5, 3.5 miles west of Tipton OK - Hwy 62, 5 miles west of Snyder OK - Hwy 6 north of Olustee, 6 miles south of Hwy 62 OK - 2 miles south, 1 mile west of Cookietown OK - 6 miles WNW of Sayre on Hwy 152; Sec 20/T10N/R24W OK - 7 miles north AND 5.5 miles west of GRANDFIELD (T3S, R15W) OK - At upper end of Lake Altus OK - 4 miles south, 4 miles east of Snyder OK - Lawton, 1.25 miles north of Hwy 7 OK - 0.3 mile south of Hwy 36, 6.25 miles west of H. E. Bailey Turnpike OK - OTTER CREEK At Hwy 62 bridge NEAR SNYDER (T2N, R16W) OK - 2 miles west of Martha at a paved county road crossing OK - Hwy 62, 5 miles west of Snyder OK - Hwy 8, 1 mile north of Anadarko; Sec 10/T7N/R10W OK - 1 mile east of Mountain View; Sec 12/ T7N/R15W
Pomoxis nigromaculatus OK - Site 26: Sand Point, east of Kingston on Hwy 70 OK - (JMB2011-24) At east/west running gravel road, 0.5 mile west of 15th and Richland Rd. junction; Tinker Project Site Shell2 OK - (JMB2011-65) West of Yukon, just south of I-40 on Richland Rd.; Tinker Project Site Shell1 OK - (WJM3364) West of Yukon, just south of I-40 on Richland Rd.; Tinker Project Site Shell1 OK - Hwy 81 north of El Reno; Sec 32/T13N/R7W; U07239500 OK - (ZDZ2014-100) County road N4010, near Twin Bridges, 5 miles north of Boswell OK - Near Boswell; Sec 2/T6S/R14E OK - (ZDZ2014-91) Hwy 75, about 1 mile south of Hughes/Coal county line OK - [No locality string in original GBIF record] OK - At Grand Lake OK - Hickory Point OK - Hwy 281, 5 miles north of Seiling OK - Hwy 132 at Nash; Sec 27/T26N/R8W; U07150520 OK - ISOLAtED POOL At SPRinG CREEK CAMP GROUND OK - DEEP FORK NEAR ARCADIA SEC 36 TWN 14N RNG 02WU07242350 OK - DEEP FORK NEAR ARCADIA SEC 36 TWN 14N RNG 02WU07242350 OK - SMALL SLOUGH,12N, 14E, 28 OK - (WJM3553) County Road S500, 2.18 km north of Hwy 59, ENE of Miami OK - (WJM3549) Dirt road off Hwy 69 at end of Highland Avenue east of North Miami, 400 meters downstream from tributary confluence OK - NEOSHO RIVER NEAR MIAMI SEC 06 TWN 27N RNG 23EU07185030 OK - (WJM3515) Hwy 99 at Fittstown OK - Site 23: 7.5 miles east of Little City on Hwy 199, 3 miles north on Hwy 78, west 5 miles to Butcher Pen OK - Site 21: Tishomingo Wildlife Refuge, east of Tishomingo OK - Hwy 60 near Ponca City; Sec 25/T26N/R3E; U07148140 OK - Hwy 60 near Ponca City; Sec 25/T26N/R3E; U07148140 OK - Hwy 60 near Ponca City; Sec 25/T26N/R3E; U07148140 OK - Hwy 60 near Ponca City; Sec 25/T26N/R3E; U07148140 OK - Hwy 60 near Ponca City; Sec 25/T26N/R3E; U07148140 OK - Hwy 81 near Dover; Sec 14/T17N/R7W; U07159100 OK - east of Kingston on Hwy. 70 approximAtely 4.5 miles. Turn south At Texoma Lodge, drive past golf course to marina. Site is between last two boAt docks NW of marina toward yellow bridge. OK - east of Kingston on Hwy 70 approximAtely 4.5 miles. Turn south At Texoma Lodge, drive past golf course to marina. Site is where refurbishing ramp (RR tracks) enters wAter. OK - 2 1/2 MI N of PIERCE OK - L ARBUCKLE STAtE RAMP GUY SANDY SEC 13 TWN 01S RNG 02ERARR0ALS OK - (242350-4) NEAR ARCADIA OK - 1 mile west of Arcadia on Highway 66 and 0.5 mile south on 72nd street OK - DEEP FORK NEAR ARCADIA SEC 36 TWN 14N RNG 02WU07242350
Sander canadensis OK - Hwy 271 north of Arthur City, Tx; Sec 11/T8S/R17E; U07335500
Sander vitreus OK - NE corner of Ponca City at mouth of Acid Creek OK - 2 miles south, 2 miles east on I-35 at Elephant Rock Road OK - WOODWARD, S 25 TS 23N R 20W OK - Hwy 270, 2 miles south of Watonga OK - Upper end at dam boat ramp OK - WEBBERS FALLS CITY HALL (SEC 8/ T12N/ R21E); U07194600 OK - Canadian Point boat ramp OK - Sec 24/T4N/R22E OK - Sec 11/T19N/R9E OK - At Lake Texoma OK - At Hickory Creek
The data represented on this site vary in accuracy, scale, completeness, extent of coverage and origin. It is the user's responsibility to use these data consistent with their intended purpose and within stated limitations. We highly recommend reviewing metadata files prior to interpreting these data.
Citation information: U.S. Geological Survey. [2025]. Nonindigenous Aquatic Species Database. Gainesville, Florida. Accessed [2/15/2025].
Contact us if you are using data from this site for a publication to make sure the data are being used appropriately and for potential co-authorship if warranted.
For general information and questions about the database, contact Wesley Daniel. For problems and technical issues, contact Matthew Neilson.