Reference List

This list includes references used to derive specimen records as well as those with scientific name Najas minor listed in key words.

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REFTypeCut-and-Paste Reference
27696 Report Allied Biological. 2014. Croton River: 2014 delineation of Hydrilla and other submersed aquatic vegetation (SAV) in the Croton River System. Allied Biological, Hackettstown, NJ.
29263 Database Anderson, A. (registrar). 2013. Cleveland Museum of Natural History Herbarium (CLM). Cleveland Museum of Natural History, Cleveland, OH.
28494 News Andrews, C. 2016. Invasive plant found in Milton Three Ponds. Foster's Online. Dover, NH. Created on 02/25/2016. Accessed on 02/26/2016.
17932 Web Page Anonymous. 2007. Invasive aquatic plants found in Connecticut lakes and ponds from 2004 to 2006. (accessed 23 June 2008).
18117 Other Cut-and-paste reference not available due to unhandled reference type. Please contact support to request the addition of the 'Other' type.
19073 News Anonymous. 2009. Report warns of new species in Lake George. poststarcom. December 22. 1 of.
29659 Report Aquatic Nuisance Species Program. 2017. Draft 2017 Annual South Carolina Aquatic Plant Management Plan - Part II. South Carolina Department of Natural Resources, Columbia, SC.
10240 Book Aurand, D. 1982. Nuisance Aquatic Plants and Aquatic Plant Management Programs in the United States. Volume 2, Southeast. The MITRE Corporation, McLean, VA.
17826 Report Balgie, S., W. Crowell, S. Enger, C. Hamm, G. Montz, N. Proulx, J. Rendall, R. Rezanka, L. Skinner, C. Welling, H. Wolf, and D. Wright. 2005. Invasive Species of Aquatic Plants and Wild Animals in Minnesota, Annual Report for 2004. Minnesota Department of Natural Resources, St Paul, MN.
29477 Database Ballard, Jr., H.E. (curator). 2015. Bartley Herbarium (BHO). Ohio University, Athens, OH.
28890 Database Barrington, D. (curator), D.J. Allard, M. Sundue, H. White, E. Allen, and A. Clark. 2015. Pringle Herbarium (VT). University of Vermont, Burlington, VT.
10653 Report Batuik, R., R. Orth, K. Moore, W. Dennison, J. Stevenson, L. Staver, V. Carger, N. Rybicki, R. Hickman, S. Kollar, S. Bieber, and P. Heasly. 1992. Chesapeake Bay Submerged Aquatic Vegetation Habitat Requirements and Restoration Targets: A Techinical Synthesis. US Environmental Protection Agency, Annapolis, MD.
10103 Journal Article Bayne, D.R. 1979. The most troublesome aquatic weeds of Alabama. Proceedings of the Southern Weed Science Society 32:280-283.
10389 Book Beal, E.O., and J.W. Thieret. 1986. Aquatic and Wetland Plants of Kentucky. Kentucky State Nature Preserves Commission, Frankfort, KY.
41579 Database Bragg, A. 2022. AIS plants from Lake Erie Drainage field surveys 2022. Cleveland Metroparks, Cleveland, OH. Accessed on 06/05/2023.
28915 Database Brigham Young University. 2021. Stanley L. Welsh Herbarium (BRY). SEINet Data Portal. Accessed on 04/06/2021.
28912 Journal Article Capers, R.S., R. Selsky, G.J. Bugbee, and J.C. White. 2007. Aquatic plant community invasibility and scale-dependent patterns in native and invasive species richness. Ecology 88(12):3135-3143.
37948 Database Carr, D. 2021. Finger Lakes PRISM 2020 AIS survey. Finger Lakes Partnership for Regional Invasive Species Management, Geneva, NY. Accessed on 02/09/2021.
10138 Journal Article Carter, V., and N.B. Rybicki. 1994. Invasions and declines of submersed macrophytes in the tidal Potomac River and Estuary, the Currituck Sound-Back Bay system, and the Pamlico River Estuary. Journal of Lake and Reservoir Management 10(1):39-48.
24369 Database Center for Invasive Species and Ecosystem Health. 2019. EDDMapS: Early detection and distribution mapping system. The University of Georgia, Tifton, GA. Accessed on 01/27/2019.
19747 Database Central Hardwoods Invasive Plant Network. 2010. Joint Aquatic Invasive Species Survey, 2010. University of Georgia, Athens, GA. Accessed on 09/15/2015.
10623 Book Chester, E.W., B.E. Wofford, and R. Kral. 1997. Atlas of Tennessee Vascular Plants Volume 2. Angiosperms: Dicots. Volume 2. Center for Field Biology, Austin University, Clarksville, TN.
10354 Book Chester, E.W., B.E. Wofford, R. Kral, H.R. DeSelm, A.M. Evans. 1993. Atlas of Tennessee Vascular Plants Volume 1. Pteridophytes, Gymnosperms, Angiosperms: Monocots. Volume 1. Center for Field Biology, Austin University, Clarksville, TN.
28165 Database Clark, J.L. (curator), J. Lopez-Bautista (curator), S. Ginzbarg, R.R. Haynes, and B. Keener. 2009. University of Alabama Herbarium (UNA). University of Alabama, Tuscaloosa, AL.
27725 Database Consortium of Northeastern Herberia (CNH). 2023. Herbarium Specimen Data Sharing Portal for CNH. Accessed on 02/13/2019.
27378 Database Cranberg, C., and R. Keller. 2020. Illinois Database of Aquatic Non-native Species. School of Environmental Sustainability, Loyola University Chicago, Chicago, IL. Created on 05/13/2015. Accessed on 05/06/2021.
28850 Database Davenport, L.J. (curator). 2016. Samford University Herbarium (SAMF). Samford University, Birmingham, AL.
31439 Report De Jesús, M.J., and M. Farooqi. 2014. Bastrop Reservoir 2014 Fisheries Management Survey Report. Texas Parks and Wildlife Department, Inland Fisheries Division, San Marcos, TX.
31449 Report Dennis, J.A., and R.A. Myers. 2013. Victor Braunig Reservoir 2013 Fisheries Management Survey Report. Texas Parks and Wildlife Department, Inland Fisheries Division, San Antonio, TX.
18825 Report Dodd-Williams, L., G.O. Dick, R.M. Smart, and C.S. Owens. 2008. Point Intercept and Surface Observation GPS (SOG): A Comparison of SurveyMethods — Lake Gaston, NC/VA. Aquatic Plant Control Research Program,, US Army Engineer Research and Development Center.
28861 Report ENSR Corporation, and Berkshire Regional Planning Commission. 2005. Onota Lake invasive species management plan. City of Pittsfield, Pittsfield, MA.
28840 Database Ferguson, C.J. (curator), and M.H. Mayfield. 2010. Kansas State University Herbarium (KSC). Kansas State University, Manhattan, KS.
28791 Database Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission, Invasive Plant Management Section. 2017. Annual aquatic plant survey 1982-2017. Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission, Tallahassee, FL.
10702 Database Florida Museum of Natural History. 2021. University of Florida Herbarium (FLAS). Florida Museum of Natural History, Gainesville, FL.
28883 Journal Article Fore, P.L., and R.H. Mohlenbrock. 1966. Two new naiads from Illinois and distributional records of the Naiadaceae. Rhodora 68(774):216-220.
28841 Database Freire, V., and E. Judziewicz (curators). 2009. Robert W. Freckman Herbarium (UWSP). University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point, Stevens Point, WI.
28876 Database Freudenstein, J.V. (director), M. Tadesse (curator). 2003. Ohio State University Herbarium (OS). Museum of Biological Diversity, Ohio State University, Columbus, OH.
30308 Web Page Fried, A. 2016. The Return of S.A.V. Created on 07/25/2016. Accessed on 07/31/2017.
28884 Database Garwood, N. (curator). 2014. Southern Illinois University Herbarium (SIU). Southern Illinois University, Carbondale, IL.
28998 Database George Mason University. 2015. Ted R. Bradley Herbarium (GMUF). SEINet Data Portal.
28863 Report GeoSyntec Consultants. 2003. LOPA annual report: Appendix C - Lake Onota aquatic vegetation assessment. Lake Onota Preservation Association, Pittsfield, MA.
19670 Web Page Gibbons, J. 2011. The Connecticut Agricultural Extension Station Aquatic Plant Survey Program.|.
31572 Report Goldstrohm, N., amd M. Homer Jr. 2016. Coleman Reservoir 2016 Fisheries Management Survey Report. Texas Parks and Wildlife Department, Inland Fisheries Division, Abilene, TX.
29842 Journal Article Gunn, S.M., and E.W. Chester. 2003. Vascular flora of the Duck River Unit, Tennessee National Wildlife Refuge, Humphreys County, Tennessee. Journal of the Tennessee Academy of Science 78(4):101-118.
10299 Book Harmon, P.J., J.T. Kartesz, C.M. Jessee, B.R. McDonald, and B.D. Sargent. 1996. Checklist of the Wetland Vascular Plants of West Virginia. The West Virginia Natural Heritage Program.
10360 Journal Article Haynes, R.R. 1979. Revision of North and Central American Najas (Najadaceae). SIDA, Contributions to Botany 8(1):34-56.
10552 Journal Article Haynes, R.R. 1980. Aquatic and marsh plants of Alabama. I. Alismatidae. Castanea 45(1):31-51.
28889 Journal Article Hellquist, C.B. 1977. Observations of some uncommon vascular aquatic plants in New England. Rhodora 79:445-452.
10374 Book Henry, L.K. 1978. Vascular Flora of Bedford County, Pennsylvania. Carnegie Museum of Natural History, Pittsburgh, PA.
10542 Journal Article Hill, S.R., and C.N. Horn. 1997. Additions to the Flora of South Carolina. Castanea 62(3):194-208.
28357 Database Howell, J. and D.D. Taylor. 2015. Kansas and Kentucky invasive aquatic plants 2015.
10707 Database Hrusa, G.F. (curator). 2000. Herbarium specimen voucher data, California Department of Agriculture (CDA). California Department of Agriculture, Scarmento, CA.
27462 Database iMapInvasives. 2018. Pennsylvania iMapInvasives. Pennsylvania Natural Heritage Program, Pittsburgh, PA. Accessed on 12/15/2016.
27712 Database iMapInvasives. 2019. New York iMapInvasives. New York Natural Heritage Program, Albany, NY. Created on 07/08/2015. Accessed on 07/08/2015.
25944 Database iNaturalist. 2024. Accessed on 08/13/2024.
18125 Web Page Invasive Aquatic Species Program, Maine Department of Environmental Protection. 2015. Maine DEP 2015 Invasive Aquatic Plant Map.,43.2134,-68.6784,44.6356.
13439 Web Page IPANE. 2001. Invasive Plant Atlas of New England (IPANE) at the University of Connecticut online database.
29255 Database Isaac, B. (collections). 2016. Carnegie Museum of Natural History Herbarium (CM). Carnegie Museum of Natural History, Pittsburgh, PA.
28855 Database Iverson, L.R., D. Ketzner, and J. Karnes. 1999. Illinois Plant Information Network. Illinois Natural History Survey and USDA Forest Service.
10387 Journal Article Joyner, J.M., and E.W. Chester. 1994. The vascular flora of Cross Creeks National Wildlife Refuge, Stewart County, Tennessee. Castanea 59(2):117-145.
42537 Web Page Kay, S. and S. Hoyle. 1999. Aquatic Weed Fact Sheet: Brittle Naiad Najas minor. Accessed on 11/08/2023.
28852 Database Keener, B.R. (curator). 2016. University of West Alabama Herbarium (UWAL). University of West Alabama, Livingston, Alabama.
27722 Database Keener, B.R., A.R. Diamond, L.J. Davenport, P.G. Davison, S.L. Ginzbarg, C.J. Hansen, C.S. Major, D.D. Spaulding, J.K. Triplett, and M. Woods. 2017. Alabama Plant Atlas. [S.M. Landry and K.N. Campbell (original application development), Florida Center for Community Design and Research. University of South Florida]. University of West Alabama, Livingston, AL.
19353 Other Cut-and-paste reference not available due to unhandled reference type. Please contact support to request the addition of the 'Other' type.
28145 Database Kishbaugh, S.A. 2015. NYS Exotic Aquatic Plant Locations 2015. New York State Department of Environmental Conservation, Albany, NY.
10741 Journal Article Les, D.H., and L.J. Mehrhoff. 1999. Introduction of nonindigenous aquatic vascular plants in southern New England: a historical perspective. Biological Invasions 1(2-3):281-300.
28167 Database Les, D.H., and R.S. Capers. 2012. George Safford Torrey Herbarium (CONN). University of Connecticut, Storrs, CT.
28875 Journal Article Les, D.H., E.L. Peredo, N.P. Tippery, L.K. Benoit, H. Razifard, U.M. King, H.R. Na, H. Choi, L. Chen, R.K. Shannon, and S.P. Sheldon. 2015. Najas minor (Hydrocharitaceae) in North America: A reappraisal. Aquatic Botany 126:60-72.
28897 Journal Article Les, D.H., N.P. Tippery, and H. Razifard. 2012. Noteworthy collections: California & Texas: Najas minor. Madroño 59(4):232-233.
37949 Database Lewandowski, M. 2021. Maryland AIS plant survey 2019-2020. Maryland Department of Natural Resources, Annapolis, MD. Accessed on 01/04/2021.
28190 Database Louisiana State University. 2020. Shirley C. Tucker Herbarium (LSU). SEINet Data Portal. Accessed on 04/30/2021.
28082 News Madore, D. 2015. Maine, New Hampshire officials confirm European naiad infestation in Salmon Falls River. Maine Department of Environmental Protection. Augusta, ME. Created on 10/06/2015. Accessed on 10/14/2015.
19426 Database Madsen, J.D. 2010. Invasive Plant Atlas of the MidSouth. Geosystems Research Institute, Mississippi State University, Starkville, MS.
28384 Report Maryland Department of Natural Resources. 2016. Maryland Aquatic Nuisance Species Management Plan. Maryland Department of Natural Resources, Annapolis, MD.
10662 Database Mast, A.R., A. Stuy, G. Nelson, A. Bugher, N. Weddington, J. Vega, K. Weismantel, D.S. Feller, and D. Paul. 2004. Robert K. Godfrey Herbarium (FSU). Florida State University, Tallahassee, FL.
28874 Report McAvoy, W.A. 2001. Delaware Natural Heritage Program, Division of Fish and Wildlife, DE DNREC, Smyrna, DE.
28873 Database McAvoy, W.A. 2016. The Flora of Delaware Online Database. Delaware Division of Fish and Wildlife, Species Conservation and Research Program, Smyrna, DE.
29921 Database Mehrhoff, L.J., J.A. Silander, Jr., S.A. Leicht, E.S. Mosher, and N.M. Tabak. 2003. IPANE: Invasive Plant Atlas of New England. Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology, University of Connecticut, Storrs, CT. Accessed on 04/14/2017.
23865 Journal Article Meriläinen, J. 1968. Najas minor All. in North America. Rhodora 70(782):161-175.
28654 Database Michigan Clean Water Corps (MiCorps). 2015. Exotic Aquatic Plant Watch, Cooperative Lakes Monitoring Program (CLMP). Michigan Clean Water Corps.
28196 Database Michigan State University. 2015. Michigan State University Herbarium (MSC). SEINet Data Portal.
27950 Database Michigan State University Board of Trustees. 2019. Midwest Invasive Species Information Network (MISIN). Michigan State University. Department of Entomology - Applied Spatial Ecology and Technical Services Laboratory, East Lansing, MI.
703 Journal Article Mills, E.L., J.H. Leach, J.T. Carlton, and C.L. Secor. 1993. Exotic species in the Great Lakes: a history of biotic crises and anthropogenic introductions. Journal of Great Lakes Research 19(1):1-54.
28887 Database Minnaert-Grote, J. (manager). 2015. Illinois Natural History Survey Herbarium (ILLS). Prairie Research Institute, Illinois Natural History Survey, Champaign, IL.
24728 Report Minnesota Department of Natural Resources. 2010. Designation of Infested Waters - December 28, 2010.
31511 Database Morgan, D. (director). 2007. University of West Georgia Herbarium (WGC). University of West Georgia, Carrollton, GA.
18446 Database Morton Arboretum. 2017. Morton Arboretum Herbarium (MOR). SEINet Data Portal. Accessed on 05/06/2021.
10049 Book Muenscher, W.C. 1944. Aquatic plants of the United States. Comstock Publishing Company, Inc/Cornell University, Ithaca, NY.
24529 Database National Park Service (NPS). 2013. NPSpecies - database of species inventories for park units in the National Park System. National Park Service, U.S. Department of the Interior, Fort Collins, CO. Accessed on 02/07/2018.
10366 Journal Article Near, K.A., and R.O. Belcher. 1974. New localities for Najas minor and N. marina in southeastern Michigan. Michigan Botanist 13(4):181-185.
13276 Database Neel, M. (director), J. Hall (curator), and N. Anderson. 2014. Norton-Brown Herbarium (MARY). University of Maryland, College Park, MD.
35353 Journal Article Nelson, E.N., and R.W. Couch. 1981. Occurrence of Najas minor and Najas marina (Najadaceae) in Oklahoma. Proceedings of the Oklahoma Academy of Sciences 61:78.
10355 Book Nelson, E.N., and R.W. Couch. 1985. Aquatic Plants of Oklahoma I: Submersed, Floating-leaved, and selected emergent macrophytes. Oral Roberts University, Tulsa, OK.
28478 Database Nelson, J. (curator). 2015. Andrew Charles Moore Herbarium (USCH). University of South Carolina, Columbia, SC.
37981 Report New Hampshire Department of Environmental Services. 2020. Long-Term Variable Milfoil Management Plan. New Hampshire Department of Environmental Services.
37980 Report New Hampshire Department of Environmental Services. 2022. Long-Term Management Plan: Big Island Pond Derry, New Hampshire. New Hampshire Department of Environmental Services.
37978 Database New Hampshire Department of Environmental Services. 2022. NHDES: Lake Information Mapper. New Hampshire Department of Environmental Services. Accessed on 05/05/2022.
37979 Report New Hampshire Department of Environmental Services. 2022. Long-Term Spiny Naiad Management Plan: Country Pond Kingston/Newton, NH. New Hampshire Department of Environmental Services.
18127 Web Page New Hampshire Department of Environmental Services. 2015. Exotic Aquatic Plant Infestations in New Hampshire. Created on 07/01/2015. Accessed on 02/03/2016.
13671 Book Ogden, E.C. 1974. Anatomical patterns of some aquatic vascular plants of New York. Volume Bulletin 424. The University of the State of New York, State Education Department, Albany, NY.
18815 Database Olmstead, R., D.E. Giblin, and B. Legler. 2013. Consortium of Pacific Northwest Herbaria. University of Washington Herbarium, Seattle, WA.
26832 Journal Article Padgett, D.J., and G.E. Crow. 1993. Some unwelcome additions to the flora of New Hampshire. Rhodora 95(883/884):348-351.
10370 Journal Article Padgett, D.J., and G.E. Crow. 1994. A vegetation and floristic analysis of a created wetland in southeastern New Hampshire. Rhodora 96:1-29.
10518 Database Pennsylvania Flora Database. 2011. Pennsylvania Flora Project. Morris Arboretum at the University of Pennsylvania (MOAR), Philadelphia, PA.
33544 Report Rhode Island Department of Environmental Management. 2018. Freshwater Aquatic Invasive Species in Rhode Island. Rhode Island Department of Environmental Management, Providence, RI.
28866 Database Ribbens, E. (curator). 2012. R.M. Myers Herbarium (MWI). Western Illinois University, Macomb, IL.
35281 Report Robinson, M. 2004. European naiad: An invasive aquatic plant (Najas minor). Massachusetts Department of Conservation and Recreation; Office of Water Resources; Lakes and Ponds Program.
30126 Report Robles, W., J.D. Madsen, and V.L. Maddox. 2008. Reservoir Survey for Invasive and Native Aquatic Plants Species within the Pat Harrison Waterway District. GeoResources Institute, Mississippi State University, Mississippi State, MS.
10365 Journal Article Ross, J.G., and Calhoun, B.M. 1951. Prliminary reports on the flora of Wisconsin. XXXIII. Najadaceae. Transactions of the Wisconsin Academy of Sciences, Arts and Letters 40:93-110.
30401 Database Schaffner, B. 2019. Maine DEP Invasive Aquatic Plant Map. Maine Department of Environmental Protection, Augusta, ME. Created on 09/27/2013. Accessed on 01/10/2019.
35345 Report Scribailo, R.W., and M.S. Alix. 2014. Aquatic Vegetation Management Plan For Big and Little Chapman Lakes Kosciusko County, IN Update 2013. Chapman Lakes Conservation Association, Warsaw, IN.
28885 Database Seigler, D. (curator). 2014. University of Illinois Herbarium (ILL). University of Illinois, Champaign, IL.
28331 Database SEINet Portal Network. 2021. Southwest Environmental Information Network. Symbiota Software Project, Arizona State University, Phoenix, AZ. Accessed on 04/17/2021.
29277 Database SERNEC Data Portal. 2019. SouthEast Regional Network of Expertise and Collections. Appalachian State University, Boone, NC. Accessed on 07/13/2017.
28355 Database Shannon, R.K. 2015. West Virginia invasive aquatic plants 2012-2015.
33984 Report Smagula, A.P., R. Scott, C. Freise, and R. Pelletier. 2017. Exotic Species Program Report: 2013-2017. New Hampshire Department of Environmental Services, Concord, NH.
28862 Report Smith, G.N., and M. Bellaud. 2002. LOPA annual report: Appendix C - Aquatic Control Technologies macrophyte survey final report. Lake Onota Preservation Association, Pittsfield, MA.
16075 Database Smithsonian Institution. 2019. United States National Herbarium (US). Department of Botany, Smithsonian Institution, Washington, DC. Accessed on 04/17/2021.
16137 Report South Carolina Department of Natural Resources. 2007. South Carolina Aquatic Plant Management Plan. South Carolina Department of Natural Resources, Columbia, SC.
16459 Report South Carolina Department of Natural Resources. 2007. South Carolina Aquatic Invasive Species Management Plan. South Carolina Department of Natural Resources, Columbia, SC.
31508 Database South Dakota Game, Fish and Parks. 2018. Aquatic invasive species by waterbody. South Dakota Game, Fish and Parks, Pierre, SD. Created on 09/14/2015. Accessed on 11/15/2018.
28845 Database Spaulding, D.D. 2016. Anniston Museum of Natural History Herbarium (AMAL). Anniston Museum of Natural History, Anniston, AL.
30611 Report Steiner, S., and K. Nelson. 2015. New Hampshire Volunteer Lake Assessment Program 2014 Seacoast Regional Report. New Hampshire Department of Environmental Services, Concord, NH.
29718 Journal Article Stewart, D.R., M.J. Butler, G. Harris, L.A. Johnson, and W.R. Radke. 2017. Estimating abundance of endangered fish by eliminating bias from non-constant detectability. Endangered Species Research 32:187-201.
28882 Journal Article Stookey, D.G., P.L. Fore, and R.H. Mohlenbrock. 1964. Primary aquatic succession and floristics of Devil's Kitchen Lake, Illinois. Castanea 29(3):150-155.
10754 Book Strausbaugh, P.D., and E.L. Core. 1977. Flora of West Virginia. Volume 1-4. 2nd edition. West Virginia Bulletin, Morgantown, WV.
10333 Journal Article Strong, M.T., and C.L. Kelloff. 1994. Intertidal vascular plants of Brent Marsh, Potomac River, Stafford County, Virginia. Castanea 59(4):354-366.
10476 Journal Article Stuckey, R.L., and D.L. Moore. 1995. Return and increase in abundance of aquatic flowering plants in Put-In-Bay Harbor, Lake Erie, Ohio. Ohio Journal of Science 95(3):261-266.
27890 Web Page Suitor, D. 2016. Maine DEP 2016 Invasive Aquatic Plant Map. Created on 07/05/2016. Accessed on 07/22/2016.
30235 Database Sullivan, J. (collections). 2014. Albion R. Hodgdon Herbarium (NHA). University of New Hampshire, Durham, NH.
10293 Journal Article Sullivan, V.I. 1981. Najas minor (Najadaceae) in Louisiana. SIDA, Contributions to Botany 9(1):88-90.
17887 Report Tarbell, D., and Associates, Inc. 2007. Native and exotic submerged aquatic vegetation study. Appalachian Power Company, Roanoke, VA. (accessed 9 June 2008).
30788 Web Page Texas Parks & Wildlife Department. 2018. Lake Survey Reports. Accessed on 11/30/2018.
19309 Database The Biota of North America Program (BONAP). 2010. County-Level Atlas of the Vascular Flora of North America. Chapel Hill, NC .
42445 Report The Nature Conservancy Great Lakes AIS Program. 2023. Aquatic plant surveys for Oswego, Rochester, and Buffalo harbors 2021 & 2022. Finger Lakes - Lake Ontario Watershed Protection Alliance, Fulton, NY.
28793 Database Thiers, B. (director), and M. Pace (curator). 2015. Brooklyn Botanic Garden Herbarium (BKL). Brooklyn Botanic Garden, Bronx, NY.
10497 Book Thomas, R.D., and C.M. Allen. 1993. Atlas of the Vascular Flora of Louisiana. Vol I: Ferns and Fern Allies, Conifers, and Monocotyledons. Volume 1. Moran Colorgraphic Printing, Baton Rouge, LA.
28775 News Tracy, P. 2016. New Hampshire has 71 water bodies with variable milfoil. WMUR. Manchester, NH. Created on 06/01/2016. Accessed on 06/01/2016.
29199 Database Trisel, D. 2012. Fairmont State University Herbarium (FWVA). Fairmont State University, Fairmont, WV.
37531 Database Tucker, A. 2019. EDRR plant Survey, raw data. The Nature Conservancy.
37529 Report Tucker, A., G. Annis, L. Chadderton and E. Elgin. 2019. Detroit River at Gibraltar, MI 2018 aquatic plant survey results. The Nature Conservancy, MI, USA.
37528 Report Tucker, A., G. Annis, L. Chadderton, E. Elgin. 2018. Port of Cleveland 2017 aquatic plant survey results. The Nature Conservancy.
37527 Report Tucker, A., W.L. Chadderton, G. Annis, E. Elgin. 2019. Interstate aquatic invasive species prevention, early detection, and response: Aquatic plant survey mothods development and site assessment. MI DEQ, MI, USA.
31147 Report Turnage, G., and C. Shoemaker. 2018. 2017 Survey of Aquatic Plant Species in MS Waterbodies. Mississippi State University, Geosystems Research Institute, Starkville, MS.
30128 Report Turnage, G., and J.D. Madsen. 2015. Aquatic Plant Community Assessment of the Ross Barnett Reservoir, MS in 2014. Mississippi State University: Geosystems Research Insitute, Mississippi State, MS.
35441 Database U-M Library Digital Collections. 2021. University of Michigan Herbarium Catalog Collection. University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI. Accessed on 02/12/2021.
17830 Database University of Florida Herbarium. 2016. Florida Museum of Natural History. University of Florida, Gainesville, FL.
10553 Database University of Georgia. 2021. University of Georgia Herbarium (GA). SEINet Data Portal. Accessed on 04/17/2021.
27998 Database University of Michigan. 2020. University of Michigan Herbarium (MICH). SEINet Data Portal. Accessed on 04/17/2021.
18407 Database University of Minnesota. 2021. J. F. Bell Museum of Natural History Herbarium (MIN). SEINet Data Portal. Accessed on 05/06/2021.
29264 Database University of Pennsylvania. 2021. Morris Arboretum Herbarium (MOAR). SEINet Data Portal.
28842 Database University of Wisconsin - Madison. 2017. Wisconsin State Herbarium (WIS). SEINet Data Portal. Accessed on 04/30/2021.
17521 Database USDA, NRCS. 2016. The PLANTS Database. National Plant Data Team, Greensboro, NC. Accessed on 04/08/2016.
17183 Database Virginia Botanical Associates. 2020. Digital Atlas of the Virginia Flora. Virginia Botanical Associates, Blacksburg, VA.
37943 Database Warman, M.J. 2021. 2020 aquatic invasive plant survey in the Lake Erie Basin, Ohio. Cleveland Metroparks, Cleveland, OH. Accessed on 02/05/2021.
28667 Report Water Resource Services. 2015. Laurel Lake drawdown 2015 report. Town of Lee Massachusetts, Lee, MA.
28643 Report Weinstein, M.J., L.E. Kennedy, and J. Colonna-Romano. 2001. Blackstone River Basin 1998 water quality assessment report. Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection, Division of Watershed Management, Worcester, MA.
10368 Journal Article Wentz, W.A., and R.L. Stuckey. 1971. The changing distribution of the genus Najas (Najadaceae) in Ohio. The Ohio Journal of Science 71(5):292-302.
19092 Report Wersal, R.M., J.D. Madsen, and M.L. Tagert. 2008. Littoral zone aquatic plant community assessment of the Ross Barnett Reservoir, MS for 2007. Geosystems Research Institute.
10421 Book Whitley, J.R., B. Bassett, J.G. Dillard, and R.A. Haefner. 1990. Water Plants for Missouri Ponds. Missouri Department of Conservation.
28778 Database Williams, R.C.F. (curator), J. Bala, and K. Holte. 2009. Ray J. Davis Herbarium (IDS). Idaho State University, Pocatello, ID.
10364 Journal Article Winterringer, G.S. 1966. Aquatic vascular plants new for Illinois. Rhodora 68(774):221-222.
42536 Web Page Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources (WI DNR). Brittle naiad (Najas minor). Created on 11/08/2023.
27922 News Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources (WI DNR). 2009. New invasive crayfish found in Wisconsin. Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources. Madison, WI. Created on 09/08/2009. Accessed on 09/02/2015.
27924 Database Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources (WI DNR). 2017. Lakes and rivers with invasives species. Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources, Madison, WI. Accessed on 12/04/2017.
19334 Database Wisconsin Dept. of Natural Resources. 2010. Aquatic Invasives Data and Maps. Wisconsin Dept of Natural Resources, Madison, Wisconsin.
10382 Journal Article Wofford, B. E, and R. Kral. 1993. Checklist of the Vascular Plants of Tennessee. Sida, Botanical Miscellany 10.
28843 Database Wofford, B.E. (curator), Q.V. Ma (manager), and W.M. Dennis. 2016. University of Tennessee Herbarium (TENN). University of Tennessee, Knoxville, TN.
28849 Database Woods, M., and A.R. Diamond, Jr. 2016. Troy University Herbarium (TROY). Troy University, Troy, AL.
28433 Database Wunderlin, R.P., B.F. Hansen, A.R. Franck, and F.B. Essig. 2018. Atlas of Florida Plants. [S.M. Landry and K.N. Campbell (application development), USF Water Institute.] Institute for Systematic Botany, University of South Florida, Tampa, FL.
10724 Book Yatskievych, G. 1999. Steyermark's Flora of Missouri, Vol 1. The Missouri Dept of Conservation, Jefferson City, MO in cooperation with the Missouri Botanical Garden Press, St Louis, MO.
33927 Journal Article Zhang, T., L. Liu, X. Yang, S. Zhang, W. Xia, and C. Li. 2014. Allelopathic control of freshwater phytoplankton by the submerged macrophyte Najas minor All. Acta Ecologica Sinica 34(6):351-355.


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Citation information: U.S. Geological Survey. [2024]. Nonindigenous Aquatic Species Database. Gainesville, Florida. Accessed [12/3/2024].

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