Reference Viewer

Cut-and-Paste Reference:
Eddy, S., and J.C. Underhill. 1974. Northern fishes, with special reference to the upper Mississippi Valley. 3rd edition. University of Minnesota Press, Minneapolis, MN.
Reference Details:
Reference Number: 74
Type: Book
Author: Eddy, S., and J.C. Underhill.
Date (year): 1974
Title:Northern fishes, with special reference to the upper Mississippi Valley. 3rd edition.
Publisher:University of Minnesota Press, Minneapolis, MN.
Publisher Location:
Pages: 414 pp
Keywords: fishes, Minnesota, Wisconsin
Species Profiles and Specimens that use this Reference:

Alosa pseudoharengus

    MI - Lake Superior east end
    MN - Lake Superior near Two Harbors
    NY - Lake Ontario
    NY - Lake Erie
    NY - Lake Ontario
    OH - Lake Erie
    PA - Lake Erie

Carassius auratus

    MN - Lake Calhoun, in Minneapolis
    MN - Lake Como, near St. Paul-Minneapolis
    MN - Silver Lake, St. Paul/Minneapolis
    MN - Minnesota River below Fort Snelling
    MN - Lake Como, near St. Paul-Minneapolis
    MN - Lake Minnetonka, west of Minneapolis

Coregonus artedi

    MN - Cedar Lake, near Annandale
    MN - Green Lake, in Spicer
    MN - Mille Lacs
    MN - Lake Elmo (at Lake Elmo)
    MN - Superior National Forest lakes
    MN - Lake Elmo (at Lake Elmo)
    MN - Lake Elmo (at Lake Elmo)

Coregonus clupeaformis

    MN - state non-specific
    MN - Cedar Lake, near Annandale
    MN - Green Lake, in Spicer

Coregonus sp.

    MN - state non-specific

Cyprinus carpio

     - non-specific; rivers of the Mississippi River drainage
    MN - state non-specific
    MN - St. Louis River
    MN - Grand Marais breakwater in Lake Superior
    MN - Mississippi River above St. Anthony's Falls up to Little Falls
    MN - St. Croix River above Taylor's Falls
    MN - Red River drainage

Esox lucius

    PA - Susquehanna drainage

Gambusia affinis

    MN - state non-specific
    MN -
    MN - Hennepin County, ponds
    MN - Ramsey County, ponds
    MN - Scott County, ponds
    MN - Washington County, ponds
    MN - state non-specific
    MN -
    MN -
    MN -
    MN - Hennepin County, ponds
    MN - Hennepin County, ponds
    MN - Hennepin County, ponds
    MN - Ramsey County, ponds
    MN - Ramsey County, ponds
    MN - Ramsey County, ponds
    MN - Scott County, ponds
    MN - Scott County, ponds
    MN - Washington County, ponds
    MN - Washington County, ponds
    MN - Washington County, ponds
    MN - Scott County, ponds

Micropterus dolomieu

    MN - Red River drainage, headwater lakes
    MN - headwater lakes of the Otter Tail River
    MN - state non-specific
    MN - state non-specific
    MN - Lake of the Woods drainage
    MN - Lake of the Woods drainage

Notemigonus crysoleucas

    MN - state non-specific

Oncorhynchus clarkii lewisi

    MN - state non-specific

Oncorhynchus gorbuscha

    MN - Lake Superior
    MN - Cross River
    MN - Sucker River
    MN - Cascade River
    ON - Thunder Bay, Lake Superior (at Port Arthur)

Oncorhynchus kisutch

    MI - Lake Superior
    MI - Lake Superior
    MI - Lake Superior
    MI - Manistee River
    MI - Lake Michigan
    MI - Lake Michigan
    MI - Lake Superior
    MI - Lake Michigan
    MI - Huron River near mouth at Lake Erie
    MN - Lake Superior
    MN - French River
    MN - French River
    MN - Lake Superior, at Beaver Bay

Oncorhynchus mykiss

    MN - state non-specific
    MN - Lake Superior
    MN - Lake Superior tributaries
    MN - St.Louis County, small deep lakes
    MN - Cannon River
    MN - Clearwater River, trib. of the Red River
    MN - Clearwater River, trib. of the Red River

Oncorhynchus mykiss kamloops strain

    MN - pond at Fergus Falls

Oncorhynchus mykiss

    WI - state non-specific

Oncorhynchus nerka

    MN - Larson Lake in George Washington State Forest
    MN - Cook County, several lakes

Oncorhynchus tshawytscha

    MI - Huron River
    MN - Rice County, lakes
    MN - Blue Earth County lakes
    MN - Washington County, lakes
    MN - Ramsey County, lakes
    MN - Hennepin County lakes
    MN - Meeker County lakes
    MN - Wright County lakes
    MN - Faribault County lakes
    MN - Cannon River
    MN - Blue Earth drainage
    MN - St. Croix River
    MN - Red River
    MN - Rice County
    MN - Sunfish Lake (near Mendota Heights)
    MN - state non-specific
    MN - upper Mississippi River at Brainerd
    MN - Lake Superior
    MN - Lake Minnie Belle
    MN - Susie Island in Lake Superior
    MN - Lake Superior
    MN - Lake Superior near Beaver Bay
    MN - Lake Minnie Belle

Osmerus mordax

    MI - Torch Lake [~3 mi W of Bellaire]
    MI - Mountain Lake
    MI - Crystal Lake [near Frankfort]
    MI - Howe Lake
    MI - Trout Lake
    MI - state non-specific
    MI - Lake Huron
    MI - Lake Superior, eastern end
    MI - St. Marys River
    MN - French River, at mouth, in Lake Superior
    MN - Grindstone Lake
    MN - Musquash Lake
    MN - West Bearskin
    MN - Hungry Jack Lake
    OH - Lake Erie
    WI - Green Bay

Petromyzon marinus

     - Lake Erie
    MN - Lake Superior

Pomoxis annularis

    MN - Red River, some tributaries of

Salmo salar

    MN - Ramsey County, deep lakes
    MN - Rice County deep lakes
    MN - Hennepin County deep lakes
    MN - Dakota County, deep lakes

Salmo salar sebago

    MN - state non-specific
    MN - Burnside Lake, near Ely
    MN - Lake Superior
    MN - state non-specific
    WI - Lake Superior

Salmo trutta

    MN - Lake Superior
    MN - streams tributary to Lake Superior
    MN - Grindstone Lake
    MN - Lake Superior

Salvelinus fontinalis

    MN - state non-specific

Salvelinus fontinalis × namaycush

    MN - Pierz Lake

Salvelinus namaycush

    MN - state non-specific
    MN - state non-specific
    MN - Lake Pokegama at Grand Rapids
    MN - Grindstone Lake
    MN - state non-specific
    MN - Lake Pokegama at Grand Rapids

Thymallus arcticus

    MN - Twin Lake, near Isabella
    MN - Musquash Lake (near Grand Marais)


The data represented on this site vary in accuracy, scale, completeness, extent of coverage and origin. It is the user's responsibility to use these data consistent with their intended purpose and within stated limitations. We highly recommend reviewing metadata files prior to interpreting these data.

Citation information: U.S. Geological Survey. [2024]. Nonindigenous Aquatic Species Database. Gainesville, Florida. Accessed [12/12/2024].

Contact us if you are using data from this site for a publication to make sure the data are being used appropriately and for potential co-authorship if warranted.

For general information and questions about the database, contact Wesley Daniel. For problems and technical issues, contact Matthew Neilson.