Reference List

This list includes references used to derive specimen records.

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Ref IDTypeAuthorDateTitle
17242 Database 2008Consortium of California Herbaria.
27973 News 2014Skogman Lake infested with Eurasian watermilfoil
41929 NewsAchterling, M.2023Five lakes area lakes to be treated for aquatic invasive species on June 26-27
17448 ReportAdam, M., C.L. Brant, M. Colwell, J. Marencik, and M. Pfister.20042003 Summary report of Flint Lake - Lake County, Illinois
10307 BookAlbee, B.J., L.M. Shultz, and S. Goodrich.1988Atlas of the Vascular Plants of Utah.
28731 NewsAlexander, J.2016Herbicide treatment begins on Shawano Lake
16045 DatabaseAlexander, J., S. Markos, J. Yost, R.L. Moe, E. Dean, and M. Nazaire.2016Consortium of California Herbaria (CCH)
28422 Journal ArticleAlix, M.S., and R.W. Scribailo.2006First report of Potamogeton × undulatus (P. crispus × P. praelongus, Potamogetonaceae) in North America, with notes on morphology and stem anatomy
29263 DatabaseAnderson, A. (registrar).2013Cleveland Museum of Natural History Herbarium (CLM)
35198 Journal ArticleAnderson, J.M.1950Some Aquatic Vegetation Changes Following Fish Removal
28499 NewsAnderson, R.2016Land mgmt. trying to control present invasive species and prevent others
17889 ReportAnonymous2006Refined Phosphorus TMDL and Restoration Plans for Lake Hopatcong and Lake Musconetcong, Upper Musconetcong River Watershed, Morris and Sussex Counties, New Jersey.
17932 Web PageAnonymous2007Invasive aquatic plants found in Connecticut lakes and ponds from 2004 to 2006.
17284 Web PageAnonymous2008City receives grant to combat invasive species at Brown’s Pond.
17812 NewsAnonymous2008Petite Lake treated for weed control.
18122 ReportAnonymous20082007 Invasive Aquatic Plant Species Program Report.
41921 NewsAnonymous2023Curly leafpondweed generating concern on Big Spirit Lake
28732 NewsAnonymous.2016Saving Shawano Lake
17224 ReportAquatic Control, Inc.2007Griffy Lake aquatic vegetation management plan update.
27937 ReportAquatic Enhancement & Survey, Inc.2015Adams Lake aquatic vegetation management plan - 2014 update
27938 ReportAquatic Enhancement & Survey, Inc.2015Jimmerson Lake aquatic vegetation management plan - 2014 update
27939 ReportAquatic Enhancement & Survey, Inc.2015Wall Lake aquatic vegetation management plan - 2014 update
10283 ReportAquatic Resources Education Center.1995List of Aquatic Plants found in Delaware Ponds 1973-1995
27934 ReportAquatic Weed Control.2015Crooked Lake aquatic vegetation management plan
27936 ReportAquatic Weed Control.2015Lake Tippecanoe aquatic vegetation management plan - 2014 update
18119 NewsAssociated Press.2008Nuisance weed found in McClusky Canal
10557 Web PageAustin Peay State University Center for Field Biology.1997Atlas of Tennessee Vascular Plants - website based on 1993 and 1997 publications
28727 ReportBaldwin, L.2012Lake Whatcom aquatic invasive species inventory
19333 ReportBalgie, S., W. Crowell, S. Enger, D. Hoverson, J. Hunt, G. Montz, A. Pierce, J. Rendall, R. Rezanka, L. Skinner D. Swanson, C. Welling, and H. Wolf.2010Invasive species of aquatic plants and wild animals in Minnesota: annual report for 2009
33325 NewsBallard, J.2019Curly-leaf Pondweed removed from Lake Wausau
29521 DatabaseBarnett, J.2016Arkansas ANS Database (unpublished data).
10329 Journal ArticleBartodziej, W., and J. Ludlow1997Aquatic vegetation monitoring by natural resources agencies in the United States.
10389 BookBeal, E.O., and J.W. Thieret.1986Aquatic and Wetland Plants of Kentucky.
10291 BookBeal, E.O., and P.H. Monson.1954Marsh and aquatic angiosperms of Iowa.
18133 NewsBeale, S.2008Goffstown lake has worst milfoil infestation in state.
28235 ReportBear, B.20122012 aquatic invasive species monitoring results
28236 ReportBear, B.20132013 aquatic invasive species monitoring results
28237 ReportBear, B.20142014 aquatic invasive species monitoring and results
10160 ReportBode, J.S., S. Borman, S. Engel, D. Helsel, F. Koshere, and S. Nichols.1993Eurasian watermilfoil in Wisconsin: a report to the legislature.
41579 DatabaseBragg, A.2022AIS plants from Lake Erie Drainage field surveys 2022
29177 Journal ArticleBrainard, A.S., and K.L. Schulz.2016Impacts of the cryptic macroalgal invader, Nitellopsis obtusa, on macrophyte communities
28915 DatabaseBrigham Young University2021Stanley L. Welsh Herbarium (BRY)
32642 NewsBrindley, E.2019Only one invasive plant species remains in Lower Bolton Lake
16431 Journal ArticleBronte, C.R., M.P. Ebener, D.R. Schreiner, D.S. DeVault, M.M. Petzold, D.A. Jensen, C. Richards, and S.J. Lorenzo2003Fish community change in Lake Superior, 1970-2000.
30621 NewsBrown, D.2017Invasive plants creating problems for city’s lakes
37828 ReportBugbee, G.J., and S. Stebbins.2020Connecticut River Gateway Conservation Zone Invasive Aquatic Vegetation Survey Aquatic plant management options 2019
37829 DatabaseBugbee, G.J., and S. Stebbins.2021Invasive Aquatic Plants in the Connecticut River
25610 DatabaseCalflora2021The Calflora Database: Information on California plants for education, research and conservation
26266 DatabaseCalifornia Department of Fish and Game.2009California Aquatic Non-native Organism Database (CANOD).
37948 DatabaseCarr, D.2021Finger Lakes PRISM 2020 AIS survey
28448 Web PageCarr, G.D.2009Oregon flora image project
10138 Journal ArticleCarter, V., and N.B. Rybicki1994Invasions and declines of submersed macrophytes in the tidal Potomac River and Estuary, the Currituck Sound-Back Bay system, and the Pamlico River Estuary.
31708 DatabaseCase, A. (curator).2018Tom S. and Miwako K. Cooperrider Herbarium (KE)
24369 DatabaseCenter for Invasive Species and Ecosystem Health.2024EDDMapS: Early detection and distribution mapping system
19747 DatabaseCentral Hardwoods Invasive Plant Network.2010Joint Aquatic Invasive Species Survey, 2010
10550 Journal ArticleChester, E.W.1975Range Extensions and First reports for some Tennessee Vascular Plants.
10354 BookChester, E.W., B.E. Wofford, R. Kral, H.R. DeSelm, A.M. Evans.1993Atlas of Tennessee Vascular Plants Volume 1. Pteridophytes, Gymnosperms, Angiosperms: Monocots.
10319 ReportCohen, A.N., and J.T. Carlton.1995Nonindigenous Aquatic Species in a United States Estuary, A Case Study of the Biological Invasions of the San Francisco Bay and Delta.
17933 Web PageConnecticut Agricultural Experiment Station.2008CAES Individual Lake Results.
27725 DatabaseConsortium of Northeastern Herberia (CNH).2023Herbarium Specimen Data Sharing Portal for CNH
10241 BookCorrell, D.S., and H.B. Correll.1975Aquatic and Wetland Plants of Southwestern United States.
27378 DatabaseCranberg, C., and R. Keller2020Illinois Database of Aquatic Non-native Species
17818 NewsCross, J.2008A little info can go a long way.
10545 ReportCrowell, W.1997Minnesota counties with at least one record of Potamogeton crispus in MN DNR fisheries records.
15852 NewsDankert, J.2006Unwelcome visitors : DNR finds invasive milfoil in Lake Winona.
10696 OtherDarring Freshwater Institute.1999a selected query of the Registry of Lakes in New York State with 4 nuisance aquatic species, prepared by Scott Kishbaugh, NYDEC from the DFI inventory.
28860 NewsDeFever, D.2011Fenton's Mill Pond to see algae treatment this week
17305 ReportDraheim, R., M. Sytsma, R. Miller, and J. Cordell.2007Middle Columbia River Aquatic Nonindigenous Species Survey.
19405 NewsDritschilo, G.2010Lake Bomoseen Association drafts boat screening plan to stop invasives.
10334 BookEaton, S.W., and E.F. Schrot.1987A Flora of the Vascular Plants of Cattaraugus County, New York.
10172 Book ChapterEaton, S.W., and L.P. Kardos.1978The limnology of Canandaigua Lake.
13266 ReportEichler, L.W.2002Annual Report - 2001, Darrin Fresh Water Institute Report #2002-1.
38769 NewsEngler, J.2022Early detection helps efforts to thwart invasive species infestations
28861 ReportENSR Corporation, and Berkshire Regional Planning Commission.2005Onota Lake invasive species management plan
28080 DatabaseEnvironmental Assessment Program.2018Washington State Lakes Environmental Data Version 1.0
19378 NewsErdman, Marv.2010WAPOA Battles Aquatic Invasive Species Again This Year.
10608 ReportFalter, C.M., R. Naskali, J. Leonard, F. Rabe, and H. Bobisud.1974Aquatic macrophytes of the Columbia and Snake River drainages (United States)
30620 NewsFinley, L.2017Invasive species becoming a massive problem
28791 DatabaseFlorida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission, Invasive Plant Management Section.2017Annual aquatic plant survey 1982-2017
10702 DatabaseFlorida Museum of Natural History2021University of Florida Herbarium (FLAS)
31661 NewsFrancovich, E.2018New aquatic invasive species found in Coeur d’Alene Lake
28163 DatabaseFreeman, C.C., M. Mort (curators), C. Morse (manager), J. Archibald, and D. Crawford.2010R.L. McGregor Herbarium (KANU)
28876 DatabaseFreudenstein, J.V. (director), M. Tadesse (curator).2003Ohio State University Herbarium (OS)
37432 NewsFunston, E.2021DNR to use herbicide on invasive plant in Iowa Great Lakes
28863 ReportGeoSyntec Consultants.2003LOPA annual report: Appendix C - Lake Onota aquatic vegetation assessment
30073 ReportGetsinger, K.D., J.G. Skogerboe, J.D. Madsen, R.M. Wersal, J.J. Nawrocki, R.J. Richardson, and M.R. Sternberg.2013Selective Control of Eurasian Watermilfoil and Curlyleaf Pondweed in Noxon Rapids Reservoir, Montana
10230 Journal ArticleGholson, A.K.1968Aquatic weeds of Lake Seminole, Jim Woodruff Reservoir.
18114 DatabaseGlobal Biodiversity Information Facility (GBIF).2008Global Biodiversity Information Facility (GBIF) Data Portal.
10226 BookGodfrey, R.K., and J.W. Wooten.1979Aquatic and Wetland Plants of Southeastern United States, Monocotyledons.
17446 DatabaseGreat Lakes Indian Fish and Wildlife Commission (GLIFWC).2017Exotic Species Information Center.
9047 Journal ArticleGriffiths, R.W., S. Thornley, and T.A. Edsall1991Limnological aspects of the St. Clair River
19116 NewsGroessel, P.2010Milfoil treatment expansion options exhausted.
29842 Journal ArticleGunn, S.M., and E.W. Chester.2003Vascular flora of the Duck River Unit, Tennessee National Wildlife Refuge, Humphreys County, Tennessee
34016 ReportGZA GeoEnvironmental, Inc.2019Mapping of Invasive Aquatic Species in the Connecticut River with a focus on Hydrilla verticillata & Trapa natans
10173 Journal ArticleHarman, W.N., and T.R. Doane1970Changes in the aquatic flora of Otsego Lake between 1935-1969.
10174 Book ChapterHarr, T.E., G.W. Fuhs, D.M. Green, L.J. Hetling, S.B. Smith, and S.P. Allen.1980Limnology of Canadarago Lake.
10552 Journal ArticleHaynes, R.R.1980Aquatic and marsh plants of Alabama. I. Alismatidae.
10748 Journal ArticleHellquist, C.B.1972Range extensions of vascular aquatic plants in New England
10614 BookHitchcock, C.L., A. Cronquist, M. Ownbey, and J.W. Thompson.1969Vascular Plants of the Pacific Northwest. Parts 1 - 5 (authors vary).
28645 DatabaseHodgson, W. (curator).2015Desert Botanical Garden Herbarium (DES)
10766 DatabaseHong-Wa, C. (curator).2015Claude E. Phillips Herbarium (DOV)
24851 DatabaseiMapInvasives.2016Oregon iMapInvasives
27462 DatabaseiMapInvasives.2018Pennsylvania iMapInvasives
27712 DatabaseiMapInvasives.2019New York iMapInvasives
25944 DatabaseiNaturalist2024 
10510 Book ChapterIndiana Department of Natural Resources.1997Exotic Plant Species.
13430 Web PageInvaders.2002Database Statistics.
10349 OtherInvasive Exotic Plant Committee.1996Invasive Exotic Plants of Vermont.
13439 Web PageIPANE.2001Invasive Plant Atlas of New England (IPANE) at the University of Connecticut online database.
29255 DatabaseIsaac, B. (collections).2016Carnegie Museum of Natural History Herbarium (CM)
39368 Journal ArticleJones, A.R., and R.A. Thum2021Molecular confirmation of hybridization with invasive curly-leaf pondweed (Potamogeton crispus) in the Sacramento–San Joaquin Delta, California
28914 DatabaseJones, R., and B. Ruhfel (curators).2014Ronald L. Jones Herbarium (EKY)
19353 OtherKishbaugh, S.A.2006Dirty Dozen: Twelve (Give or Take) Aquatic Plants You Don't Want in Your Lake.
28145 DatabaseKishbaugh, S.A.2015NYS Exotic Aquatic Plant Locations 2015
31472 ReportLanger, T.2018Lake McCarrons Aquatic Invasive Species Management Plan
28946 DatabaseLavin, M. (curator).2014Montana State University Herbarium (MONT)
10489 Journal ArticleLemke, D.E.1989Aquatic macrophytes of the Upper San Marcos River, Hays Co., Texas
10741 Journal ArticleLes, D.H., and L.J. Mehrhoff.1999Introduction of nonindigenous aquatic vascular plants in southern New England: a historical perspective.
28167 DatabaseLes, D.H., and R.S. Capers.2012George Safford Torrey Herbarium (CONN)
10687 Journal ArticleLichvar, R.W., and R.D. Dorn1982Additions to the vascular flora of Montana and Wyoming.
10566 BookLuning, K.1990Seaweeds Their Environment, Biogeography and Ecophysiology.
19426 DatabaseMadsen, J.D.2010Invasive Plant Atlas of the MidSouth.
19097 ReportMadsen, J.D., and J.C. Cheshier.2009Eurasian watermilfoil survey of three reservoirs in the Lower Clarks Fork River, Montana: I. Results of the field vegetation survey.
10292 Journal ArticleMadsen, J.D., and M.S. Adams1985The aquatic macrophyte communities of two streams in Wisconsin
30800 Journal ArticleMadsen, J.D., J.A. Bloomfield, J.W. Sutherland, L.W. Eichler, and C.W. Boylen.1996The aquatic macrophyte community of Onondaga Lake: field survey and plant growth bioassays of lake sediments
10487 Conference ProceedingsMadsen, J.D., R.M. Smart, G.O. Dick, and D.R. Honnell.1995The influence of an exotic submersed aquatic plant, Myriophyllum spicatum, on water quality, vegetation, and fish populations of Kirk Pond, Oregon.
30464 NewsMalcomb, J.2017Students discover new invasive species in Agate Bay
17157 NewsManuse, A.J.2007Lake Cochituate losing the battle.
16025 DatabaseMany.2005OSU Herbarium - Oregon Vascular Plant Database.
16026 DatabaseMany.2005Oregon Flora Project: Oregon Plant Atlas.
18123 DatabaseMany.2008Invasive Plant Atlas of New England (IPANE) at the University of Connecticut: online database.
28384 ReportMaryland Department of Natural Resources.2016Maryland Aquatic Nuisance Species Management Plan.
30078 ReportMcComas, S., J. Stuckert, and C. McComas.2015Aquatic Invasive Species Action Plan for Shields Lake, Washington County, Minnesota
10048 BookMcGregor, R.L., and T.M. Barkley.1977Atlas of the Flora of the Great Plains.
10621 BookMcKern, J.L.1972Reservoir Pondweeds: Ice Harbor and Lower Monumental Reservoirs, rooted aquatic vascular development.
29921 DatabaseMehrhoff, L.J., J.A. Silander, Jr., S.A. Leicht, E.S. Mosher, and N.M. Tabak2003IPANE: Invasive Plant Atlas of New England
10699 BookMercurio, G., J.C. Chaillou, N.E. Roth.1999Guide to using 1995-1997 Maryland biological stream survey data
28654 DatabaseMichigan Clean Water Corps (MiCorps).2015Exotic Aquatic Plant Watch, Cooperative Lakes Monitoring Program (CLMP)
28196 DatabaseMichigan State University2015Michigan State University Herbarium (MSC)
27950 DatabaseMichigan State University Board of Trustees.2019Midwest Invasive Species Information Network (MISIN)
37885 DatabaseMI-EGLE2022Unpublished MI-EGLE Monitoring Data (2 spreadsheets)
28480 DatabaseMiller, A.2016Morton Arboretum Data Collection
33107 ReportMiller, R., and M.D. Sytsma2014Aquatic invasive species surveys of eastern Oregon waterbodies in 2013 and 2014.
703 Journal ArticleMills, E.L., J.H. Leach, J.T. Carlton, and C.L. Secor1993Exotic species in the Great Lakes: a history of biotic crises and anthropogenic introductions
28887 DatabaseMinnaert-Grote, J. (manager).2015Illinois Natural History Survey Herbarium (ILLS)
15838 ReportMississippi River Basin ANS Regional Panel.2006Mississippi River Basin ANS Regional Panel Annual Report to the ANS Task Force (9/1/05 to 8/31/06).
28901 NewsMoldaschel, D.2016Results of aquatic vegetation survey presented
10049 BookMuenscher, W.C.1944Aquatic plants of the United States.
37219 DatabaseMuhlenberg College1990Muhlenberg College Hebarium (MCA)
33777 DatabaseNatural Resource Information Systems (NRIS)2019Current Invasive Plants
13276 DatabaseNeel, M. (director), J. Hall (curator), and N. Anderson.2014Norton-Brown Herbarium (MARY)
31263 DatabaseNelson, B. (curator).2016Rocky Mountain Herbarium (RM)
10355 BookNelson, E.N., and R.W. Couch.1985Aquatic Plants of Oklahoma I: Submersed, Floating-leaved, and selected emergent macrophytes.
18127 Web PageNew Hampshire Department of Environmental Services.2015Exotic Aquatic Plant Infestations in New Hampshire
10139 Journal ArticleNichols, S.A.1994Evaluation of invasions and declines of submersed macrophytes for the Upper Great Lakes region.
10158 Book ChapterNichols, S.A., R.C. Lathrop, and S.R. Carpenter.1992Long term vegetation trends-a history.
10165 Journal ArticleNicholson, S.A.1981Changes in submerged macrophytes in Chautauqua Lake, 1937-1975.
17384 Web PageNorth Dakota Game and Fish Department.2015Infested waters in North Dakota
10749 Journal ArticleOgden, E.C.1966Potamogetonaceae in Flora of Texas.
28623 NewsO'Leary, J.T.2016Study: Lower Bolton Lake needs ongoing monitoring
18815 DatabaseOlmstead, R., D.E. Giblin, and B. Legler.2013Consortium of Pacific Northwest Herbaria
19331 DatabaseOntario Federation of Anglers and Hunters.2009OFAH Database All Species - 2009 Download.
10247 ReportOrth, R.J., J.F. Nowak, G.F. Anderson, and J.R. Whiting.1993Distribution of submerged aquatic vegetation in the Chesapeake Bay - 1992.
28140 ReportOrth, R.J., K.A. Moore, and H.H. Gordon.1979Distribution and abundance of submerged aquatic vegetation in the Lower Chesapeake Bay, Virginia
26832 Journal ArticlePadgett, D.J., and G.E. Crow.1993Some unwelcome additions to the flora of New Hampshire.
10350 BookPalmatier, E.A.1952Flora of Rhode Island: A List of the Native and Naturalized Vascular Plants.
10613 ReportParsons, J.1998List of aquatic plants introduced to Washington, from database at Aquatic Plant Technical Assistance Program, Washington State Department Ecology, Olympia, Washington
15927 DatabaseParsons, J.2005Annual Washington State Aquatic Plant Survey Database.
17931 ReportPeel, S.2007Pretty Lake Diagnostic Study, Lagrange County, Indiana.
10518 DatabasePennsylvania Flora Database.2011Pennsylvania Flora Project
34776 DatabasePennsylvania State University2015The Pennsylvania State University Herbarium (PAC)
30608 Journal ArticlePoirrier, M.A., C.E. Caputo, and C.D. Franze.2017Biogeography of Submerged Aquatic Vegetation (SAV) in the Pontchartrain Basin: Species Salinity Zonation and 1953–2016 Lake Pontchartrain Trends
30068 Journal ArticlePoovey, A.G., K.D. Getsinger, J.G. Skogerboe, T.J. Koschnick, J.D. Madsen, and R.M. Stewart.2004Small-Plot, Low-Dose Treatments of Triclopyr for Selective Control of Eurasian Watermilfoil
17825 ReportPoovey, A.G., M.D. Netherland, and W. Crowell.2008Effects of turbidity on fluridone treatments for curlyleaf pondweed control. APCRP Technical Notes Collection, TN APCRP-CC-06.
38046 NewsPrior Lake City Government2022Zebra mussels confirmed in Spring Lake, Scott County
10083 BookRadford, A.E., H.E. Ahles, and C.R. Bell.1968Manual of the Vascular Flora of the Carolinas.
28182 DatabaseRe, R. (curator), and C. Niezgoda (manager).2015Field Museum of Natural History (F) Seed Plant Collection
10045 ReportReed, P.B.1988National list of plants species that occur in wetlands: intermountain (region 8).
10714 DatabaseRegents of the University of California2015Jepsen online interchange for California floristics.
28866 DatabaseRibbens, E. (curator).2012R.M. Myers Herbarium (MWI)
17828 DatabaseRice, P.M.2008INVADERS Database System.
28920 ReportRister, P., R. Rold, E. Cummins, J. Crosby, F. Howes, J. Williams, and K. Frey.2009Annual performance report
28919 ReportRister, P., R. Rold, E. Cummins, J. Crosby, T. Timmermann, J. Williams, and K. Frey.2014Annual performance report
10272 Journal ArticleRobinson, F.D., and R.E. Shanks1959Checklist of Vascular Aquatic Plants of Tennessee.
30401 DatabaseSchaffner, B.2019Maine DEP Invasive Aquatic Plant Map
10465 Journal ArticleSchuyler, A.E, S.B. Anderson, and V.J. Kolaga1993Plant zonation changes in the tidal portion of the Delaware River.
10204 Journal ArticleSchuyler, A.E.1989Submerged vascular plants in the Delaware River from the Delaware Water Gap to Trenton.
35345 ReportScribailo, R.W., and M.S. Alix2014Aquatic Vegetation Management Plan For Big and Little Chapman Lakes Kosciusko County, IN Update 2013
28331 DatabaseSEINet Portal Network.2021Southwest Environmental Information Network
28801 NewsShanks, A.2016Windsor Lake to be closed to treat invasive pondweed
10335 Journal ArticleSimmons, M.P., D.M.E. Ware, and W.J. Hayden.1995The vascular flora of the Potomac River watershed of King George County, Virginia.
33984 ReportSmagula, A.P., R. Scott, C. Freise, and R. Pelletier2017Exotic Species Program Report: 2013-2017
10298 BookSmith, E.B.1988An atlas and annotated list of the vascular plants of Arkansas.
28862 ReportSmith, G.N., and M. Bellaud.2002LOPA annual report: Appendix C - Aquatic Control Technologies macrophyte survey final report
31508 DatabaseSouth Dakota Game, Fish and Parks.2018Aquatic invasive species by waterbody
27638 Web PageState of Rhode Island Department of Environmental Management, Office of Water Resources2015Aquatic Invasive Species: (AIS) Plants Documented in RI Freshwaters
10754 BookStrausbaugh, P.D., and E.L. Core.1977Flora of West Virginia
10783 Journal ArticleStuckey, R.L.1975A floristic analysis of the vascular plants of a marsh at Perry's Victory Monument, Lake Erie.
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10046 ReportStuckey, R.L., and M.L. Roberts.1983Habitat, range, and water quality tolerances of narrow-leaved vascular aquatic plants as related to their present abundance in Ohio. UPDA:016-F.
16728 ReportSytsma, M.D., J.R. Cordell, J.W. Chapman, and R.C. Draheim.2004Lower Columbia River Aquatic Nonindigenous Species Survey 2001-2004. Final Technical Report: Appendices.
17887 ReportTarbell, D., and Associates, Inc.2007Native and exotic submerged aquatic vegetation study.
19377 Web PageThe Adirondack Park Invasive Plant Program.2009The Adirondack Park Invasive Plant Program Aquatic Invasive Species Project.
42445 ReportThe Nature Conservancy Great Lakes AIS Program2023Aquatic plant surveys for Oswego, Rochester, and Buffalo harbors 2021 & 2022
28178 DatabaseThe New York Botanical Garden2018William and Lynda Steere Herbarium (NY)
10610 Journal ArticleThomas, D.W.1984The Aquatic Vascular Flora of the Columbia River Estuary.
10161 ReportThreinen, C.W.1949The effects of carp upon the normal aquatic habitat.
10162 ReportThreinen, C.W., and W.T. Helm.1952A comparative summary of the vegetation surveys on important carp waters in southeastern Wisconsin.
13672 Journal ArticleTilmant, J.T.1999Management of nonindigenous aquatic fish in the U.S. National Park System.
10140 Journal ArticleTitus, J.E.1994Submersed plant invasions and declines in New York.
17914 Journal ArticleTobiessen, P., and P.D. Snow.1984Temperature and light effects on the growth of Potamogeton crispus in Collins Lake, New York State.
29199 DatabaseTrisel, D.2012Fairmont State University Herbarium (FWVA)
37531 DatabaseTucker, A2019EDRR plant Survey, raw data
37529 ReportTucker, A., G. Annis, L. Chadderton and E. Elgin2019Detroit River at Gibraltar, MI 2018 aquatic plant survey results
37530 ReportTucker, A., G. Annis, L. Chadderton and E. Elgin2019Port of Milwaukee 2018 aquatic plant survey results
37528 ReportTucker, A., G. Annis, L. Chadderton, E. Elgin2018Port of Cleveland 2017 aquatic plant survey results
37527 ReportTucker, A., W.L. Chadderton, G. Annis, E. Elgin2019Interstate aquatic invasive species prevention, early detection, and response: Aquatic plant survey mothods development and site assessment
17830 DatabaseUniversity of Florida Herbarium.2016Florida Museum of Natural History
10553 DatabaseUniversity of Georgia2021University of Georgia Herbarium (GA)
27998 DatabaseUniversity of Michigan2020University of Michigan Herbarium (MICH)
18407 DatabaseUniversity of Minnesota2021J. F. Bell Museum of Natural History Herbarium (MIN)
29264 DatabaseUniversity of Pennsylvania2021Morris Arboretum Herbarium (MOAR)
28842 DatabaseUniversity of Wisconsin - Madison2017Wisconsin State Herbarium (WIS)
24843 DatabaseUnknown.2002Erie Canal Database.
28698 ReportUS Environmental Protection Agency.2016National Wetland Condition Assessment: 2011 Technical Report. EPA-843-R-15-006
10002 DatabaseUSDA, NRCS.1997The PLANTS database (
17521 DatabaseUSDA, NRCS.2016The PLANTS Database
28918 NewsVied, S.2016Invasive weed closes Vastwood Park lake to swimming
27688 Journal ArticleVinson, M.R., B. Hestmark, and M.E. Barkworth.2014Hydrologic alteration affects aquatic plant assembalges in an arid-land river
10519 ReportVoss, E.G.1966Checklist of aquatic vascular plants of Michigan.
10375 BookVoss, E.G.1972Michigan Flora: A guide to the identification and occurrence of the native and naturalized seed-plants of the state. Part I Gymnosperms and Monocots.
37943 DatabaseWarman, M.J.20212020 aquatic invasive plant survey in the Lake Erie Basin, Ohio
28667 ReportWater Resource Services.2015Laurel Lake drawdown 2015 report
10327 BookWeber, W.A.1990Colorado Flora: Eastern Slope.
30720 Journal ArticleWeigel, D.E., and P.W. Sorensen.2001The influence of habitat characteristics on the longitudinal distribution of Brook, Brown, and Rainbow Trout in a small Midwestern stream
28490 NewsWeisman, S.2016Curlyleaf pondweed: What's next?
29759 NewsWeisman, S.2017Curlyleaf pondweed: What’s next?
10368 Journal ArticleWentz, W.A., and R.L. Stuckey1971The changing distribution of the genus Najas (Najadaceae) in Ohio.
42843 Journal ArticleWersal, R.M., B.T. Sartain, K.D. Getsinger, J.D. Madsen, J.G. Skogerboe, J.L. Nawrocki, R.J. Richardson, and M.R. Sternberg.2022Improving chemical control of nonnative aquatic plants in run-of-the-river reservoirs
28810 NewsWessel, A.2016Big Watab Lake residents respond to AIS infestation
27924 DatabaseWisconsin Department of Natural Resources (WI DNR).2017Lakes and rivers with invasives species
13727 DatabaseWisconsin Department of Natural Resources.2003Wisconsin DNR Database, Northern Region.
17929 DatabaseWisconsin Dept. of Natural Resources.2008Aquatic Invasive Species Lists and Maps.
19334 DatabaseWisconsin Dept. of Natural Resources.2010Aquatic Invasives Data and Maps.
28843 DatabaseWofford, B.E. (curator), Q.V. Ma (manager), and W.M. Dennis.2016University of Tennessee Herbarium (TENN)
41932 NewsWohlrabe, B.2023Weeds overtake chain of lakes
23407 Journal ArticleWoolf, T.E., and J.D. Madsen.2003Seasonal biomass and carbohydrate allocation patterns in southern Minnesota curlyleaf pondweed populations.
10724 BookYatskievych, G.1999Steyermark's Flora of Missouri, Vol 1.
28929 ReportYin, Y., J.S. Winkelman, and H.A. Langrehr.2000Long term resource monitoring program procedures: aquatic vegetation monitoring LTRMP 95-P002-7
10266 BookZolczynski, J., and M.J. Eubanks.1990Mobile Delta submersed aquatic vegetation survey 1987.
10586 BookZolczynski, J., and R. Shearer.1997Mobile Delta Submersed Aquatic Vegetation Survey, 1994.


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Citation information: U.S. Geological Survey. [2025]. Nonindigenous Aquatic Species Database. Gainesville, Florida. Accessed [2/1/2025].

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