Reference Viewer

Cut-and-Paste Reference:
Wydoski, R.S., and R.R. Whitney. 1979. Inland Fishes of Washington. University of Washington Press Seattle, WA.
Reference Details:
Reference Number: 213
Type: Book
Author: Wydoski, R.S., and R.R. Whitney.
Date (year): 1979
Title:Inland Fishes of Washington.
Publisher:University of Washington Press Seattle, WA.
Publisher Location:
Pages: 220 pp
Keywords: Washington fishes
Species Profiles and Specimens that use this Reference:

Alosa sapidissima

    CA - Sacramento River
    OR - Columbia River
    OR - Columbia River
    OR - Columbia River
    OR - Columbia River
    WA - Columbia River
    WA - Columbia River
    WA - Columbia River
    WA - Snake River, lower reaches
    WA - Chehalis River
    WA - Willapa River
    WA - Columbia River

Ambloplites rupestris

    WA - Silver Lake
    WA - Lake Kapowsin, at Kapowsin
    WA - Long Lake
    WA - Skookumchuk River (=Skookum Creek? trib of Pend Oreille near Cusick)

Ameiurus catus

    OR - state non-specific
    OR - Columbia River (probably referring to lower Columbia)

Ameiurus melas

    CA - state non-specific
    WA - state non-specific

Ameiurus natalis

    AZ - Colorado River
    CA - Colorado River
    CA - Colorado River
    OR - Willamette Valley

Ameiurus nebulosus

    CA - Central Valley
    WA - state non-specific
    WA - state non-specific

Carassius auratus

    WA - Lake Washington
    WA - Lake Washington
    WA - Moses Lake
    WA - University of Washington arboretum ponds
    WA - Jumpoff Joe Lake
    WA - state non-specific

Coregonus clupeaformis

    WA - Lake Washington
    WA - Banks Lake (Grand Coulee Reservoir)
    WA - La Comas Lake (=Lacamas L.?)
    WA - Silver Lake
    WA - Lake Sammamish
    WA - Franklin D. Roosevelt Lake, on the Columbia River in Stevens County.
    WA - Roosevelt Lake on the Columbia River

Cyprinus carpio

    ID - state non-specific
    OR - state non-specific
    OR - Columbia River drainage, lower
    WA - state non-specific
    WA - Columbia River, lower

Esox americanus vermiculatus

    WA - Cow Lake and connecting streams (E of Ritzville)
    WA - Finnel Lake and connecting streams (E of Ritzville)

Esox lucius

    ID - Lake Pend Oreille
    ID - Coeur d'Alene drainage

Gambusia affinis

    WA - a few spring fed ponds near the junction of the Snake and Columbia Rivers
    WA - a few spring fed ponds near the junction of the Snake and Columbia Rivers
    WA - A few spring fed ponds near the junction of the Snake and Columbia Rivers
    WA - state non-specific

Ictalurus punctatus

    CA - state non-specific
    OR - Columbia drainage
    OR - Walla Walla drainage
    WA - state non-specific
    WA - Walla Walla drainage
    WA - Lake Washington

Lepidomeda copei

    ID - Bonneville Basin drainages
    ID - Snake River - above and below Shoshone Falls

Lepomis cyanellus

    OR - Blue Lake near Portland
    OR - Klamath River
    WA - Sacheen Lake
    WA - Diamond Lake

Lepomis gulosus

    CA - state non-specific
    WA - Loon Lake
    WA - state non-specific
    WA - Silver Lake

Lepomis macrochirus

    CA - state non-specific
    WA - Loon Lake
    WA - Sprague Lake (formally Colville Lake)
    WA - state non-specific

Micropterus dolomieu

    CA - state non-specific
    OR - Columbia drainage
    WA - state non-specific
    WA - Snake drainage
    WA - Lake Washington

Micropterus salmoides

    CA - state non-specific
    OR - state non-specific
    OR - state non-specific
    WA - state non-specific
    WA - state non-specific

Morone saxatilis

    CA - whole coast of CA
    CA - whole coast of CA
    CA - coastal waters
    CA - whole coast of CA
    CA - whole coast of CA
    CA - San Francisco Bay, upper
    OR - whole coast of OR
    CA - San Francisco Bay
    OR - whole coast of OR
    OR - whole coast of OR
    OR - Coos County
    OR - whole coast of OR
    OR - Coos County
    OR - Columbia River below Bonneville Dam
    OR - Umpqua River
    OR - whole coast of OR
    OR - whole coast of OR
    WA - Columbia River below Bonneville Dam
    WA - coastal waters from OR to Gray's Harbor
    WA - Grays Harbor
    WA - Columbia River

Noturus gyrinus

    ID - Snake River - above and below Shoshone Falls
    ID - Snake River - above and below Shoshone Falls
    ID - Boise River
    ID - Snake River between ID and OR
    OR - Snake River between ID and OR
    WA - Columbia River near the mouth of the Walla Walla River

Oncorhynchus aguabonita

    WA - Skykomish drainage, 3-4 small high mountain lakes in NW

Oncorhynchus mykiss

    OR - Grande Ronde River, tributary to the Snake River

Oncorhynchus nerka

    WA - Banks Lake (Grand Coulee Reservoir)
    WA - Loon Lake

Perca flavescens

    WA - Loon Lake
    WA - Sprague Lake (formally Colville Lake)
    WA - South Palouse River
    WA - Lake Saint Clair
    WA - Silver Lake
    WA - state non-specific

Pimephales promelas

    ID - Snake River drainage

Pomoxis nigromaculatus

    CA - state non-specific
    OR - state non-specific
    OR - state non-specific
    WA - Spokane area lakes
    WA - Spokane area lakes
    WA - state non-specific
    WA - state non-specific
    WA - McNary Pool (Lake Wallula), on Columbia River above McNary
    WA - McNary Pool (Lake Wallula), on Columbia River above McNary Dam

Pylodictis olivaris

    OR - Snake River
    OR - Snake River

Salmo trutta

    WA - state non-specific
    WA - Sullivan Lake, NW of Odessa
    WA - Quail Lake
    WA - East Slide Lake

Salvelinus fontinalis

    WA - state non-specific

Salvelinus namaycush

    WA - Pend Oreille County
    WA - Ferry County
    WA - Spokane County
    WA - Cle Elum Lake
    WA - Bonaparte Lake
    WA - Loon Lake
    WA - Deer Lake
    WA - Eightmile Lake, SW of Leavenworth
    WA - Isabel Lake, east of Gold Bar

Sander vitreus

    WA - Columbia River below Grand Coulee Dam
    WA - Columbia River below Roosevelt Dam
    WA - Columbia River below Grand Coulee Dam
    WA - Columbia River below Grand Coulee Dam
    WA - Columbia River below Chief Joseph Dam
    WA - Columbia River below Chief Joseph Dam
    WA - Roosevelt Lake on the Columbia River
    WA - Franklin D. Roosevelt Lake, on the Columbia River in Stevens County.
    WA - Billy Clapp Lake

Tinca tinca

    CA - San Mateo County
    CA - Santa Cruz County, ponds and reservoirs
    WA - state non-specific
    WA - Fourth of July Lake
    WA - Fourth of July Lake
    WA - Fishtrap Lake, near Sprague
    WA - Fetz Lake
    WA - Diamond Lake
    WA - Diamond Lake
    WA - Spokane, pond
    WA - Spokane, pond
    WA - Spokane River, in Spokane County
    WA - state non-specific
    WA - Lake Washington
    WA - Dumheller Fountain on the University of Washington campus
    WA - Lake Union


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Citation information: U.S. Geological Survey. [2025]. Nonindigenous Aquatic Species Database. Gainesville, Florida. Accessed [2/6/2025].

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