Reference Viewer

Cut-and-Paste Reference:
Zuckerman, L.D., and R.J. Behnke. 1986. Introduced fishes in the San Luis Valley, Colorado. Pages 435-453 in Stroud, R.H, ed. Fish culture in fisheries management. Proceedings of a symposium on the role of fish culture in fisheries management at Ozark, MO. American Fisheries Society. Bethesda, MD.
Reference Details:
Reference Number: 679
Type: Book Chapter
Author: Zuckerman, L.D., and R.J. Behnke.
Date (year): 1986
Book Title: Fish culture in fisheries management. Proceedings of a symposium on the role of fish culture in fisheries management at Ozark, MO.
Editor: Stroud, R.H.
Chapter Title:Introduced fishes in the San Luis Valley, Colorado.
Publisher:American Fisheries Society
Publisher Location:Bethesda, MD
Pages: 435-453
Keywords: Colorado, fishes, introduced fishes, San Luis Valley
Species Profiles and Specimens that use this Reference:

Ameiurus natalis

    CO - San Luis Valley (Rio Grande headwaters drainage)

Anguilla rostrata

    CO - San Luis Valley (Rio Grande headwaters drainage)

Carassius auratus

    CO - San Luis Valley (Rio Grande headwaters drainage)

Catostomus commersonii

    CO - San Luis Valley (Rio Grande headwaters drainage)

Corydoras sp.

    CO - San Luis Valley (Rio Grande headwaters drainage)

Cottus bairdii

    CO - San Luis Valley (Rio Grande headwaters drainage)

Ctenopharyngodon idella

    CO - San Luis Valley (Rio Grande headwaters drainage)

Culaea inconstans

    CO - San Luis Valley (Rio Grande headwaters drainage)

Cyprinus carpio

    CO - San Luis Valley (Rio Grande headwaters drainage)

Dorosoma petenense

    CO - San Luis Valley (Rio Grande headwaters drainage)

Esox lucius

    CO - San Luis Valley (Rio Grande headwaters drainage)

Fundulus sciadicus

    CO - San Luis Valley (Rio Grande headwaters drainage)

Fundulus zebrinus

    CO - San Luis Valley (Rio Grande headwaters drainage)

Gambusia affinis

    CO - San Luis Valley (Rio Grande headwaters drainage)

Gymnocorymbus ternetzi

    CO - San Luis Valley (Rio Grande headwaters drainage)

Hemigrammus ocellifer

    CO - San Luis Valley (Rio Grande headwaters drainage)

Hypostomus sp.

    CO - San Luis Valley (Rio Grande headwaters drainage)

Ictalurus furcatus

    CO - San Luis Valley (Rio Grande headwaters drainage)

Ictalurus punctatus

    CO - San Luis Valley (Rio Grande headwaters drainage)

Lepomis gibbosus

    CO - San Luis Valley (Rio Grande headwaters drainage)

Lepomis gulosus

    CO - San Luis Valley (Rio Grande headwaters drainage)

Lepomis macrochirus

    CO - San Luis Valley (Rio Grande headwaters drainage)

Micropterus dolomieu

    CO - San Luis Valley (Rio Grande headwaters drainage)

Micropterus salmoides

    CO - San Luis Valley (Rio Grande headwaters drainage)

Oncorhynchus aguabonita

    CO - San Luis Valley (Rio Grande headwaters drainage)

Oncorhynchus clarkii bouvieri

    CO - San Luis Valley (Rio Grande headwaters drainage)

Oncorhynchus clarkii pleuriticus

    CO - San Luis Valley (Rio Grande headwaters drainage)

Oncorhynchus clarkii behnkei

    CO - San Luis Valley (Rio Grande headwaters drainage)

Oncorhynchus mykiss

    CO - San Luis Valley (Rio Grande headwaters drainage)

Oncorhynchus nerka

    CO - San Luis Valley (Rio Grande headwaters drainage)

Oreochromis aureus

    CO - San Luis Valley (Rio Grande headwaters drainage)

Oreochromis mossambicus

    CO - Weisbart Hog Farm, San Luis Valley (Rio Grande headwaters drainage)

Otocinclus sp.

    CO - San Luis Valley (Rio Grande headwaters drainage)

Paracheirodon innesi

    CO - San Luis Valley (Rio Grande headwaters drainage)

Perca flavescens

    CO - San Luis Valley (Rio Grande headwaters drainage)

Platygobio gracilis

    CO - San Luis Valley (Rio Grande headwaters drainage)

Poecilia latipinna

    CO - San Luis Valley (Rio Grande headwaters drainage)

Poecilia mexicana

    CO - San Luis Valley (Rio Grande headwaters drainage)

Poecilia reticulata

    CO - San Luis Valley (Rio Grande headwaters drainage)

Pomoxis nigromaculatus

    CO - San Luis Valley (Rio Grande headwaters drainage)

Pterophyllum sp.

    CO - San Luis Valley (Rio Grande headwaters drainage)

Pylodictis olivaris

    CO - San Luis Valley (Rio Grande headwaters drainage)

Salmo trutta

    CO - San Luis Valley (Rio Grande headwaters drainage)

Salvelinus fontinalis

    CO - San Luis Valley (Rio Grande headwaters drainage)

Salvelinus namaycush

    CO - San Luis Valley (Rio Grande headwaters drainage)

Sander vitreus

    CO - San Luis Valley (Rio Grande headwaters drainage)

Symphysodon discus

    CO - San Luis Valley (Rio Grande headwaters drainage)

Thymallus arcticus

    CO - San Luis Valley (Rio Grande headwaters drainage)

Tinca tinca

    CO - San Luis Valley (Rio Grande headwaters drainage)

Xiphophorus hellerii

    CO - San Luis Valley (Rio Grande headwaters drainage)

Xiphophorus maculatus

    CO - San Luis Valley (Rio Grande headwaters drainage)

Xiphophorus variatus

    CO - San Luis Valley (Rio Grande headwaters drainage)


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Citation information: U.S. Geological Survey. [2025]. Nonindigenous Aquatic Species Database. Gainesville, Florida. Accessed [2/13/2025].

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For general information and questions about the database, contact Wesley Daniel. For problems and technical issues, contact Matthew Neilson.