Total records: 44
ImagesGroupFamilyScientific NameCommon NameMore infoNative Habitat Species Origin
Craspedacusta sowerbiiCoelenterates-HydrozoansOlindiidae Craspedacusta sowerbii freshwater jellyfish Collection info
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Freshwater Exotic
Alosa chrysochlorisFishesClupeidae Alosa chrysochloris Skipjack Herring Collection info
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Freshwater-Marine Native Transplant
Alosa pseudoharengusFishesClupeidae Alosa pseudoharengus Alewife Collection info
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Freshwater-Marine Native Transplant
Ameiurus natalisFishesIctaluridae Ameiurus natalis Yellow Bullhead Collection info
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Freshwater Native Transplant
Carassius auratusFishesCyprinidae Carassius auratus Goldfish Collection info
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Freshwater Exotic
Chrosomus oreasFishesCyprinidae Chrosomus oreas Mountain Redbelly Dace Collection info
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Freshwater Native Transplant
Clinostomus elongatusFishesCyprinidae Clinostomus elongatus Redside Dace Collection info
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Freshwater Native Transplant
Clinostomus funduloidesFishesCyprinidae Clinostomus funduloides Rosyside Dace Collection info
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Freshwater Native Transplant
Culaea inconstansFishesGasterosteidae Culaea inconstans Brook Stickleback Collection info
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Freshwater Native Transplant
Cyprinella galacturaFishesCyprinidae Cyprinella galactura Whitetail Shiner Collection info
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Freshwater Native Transplant
Cyprinus carpioFishesCyprinidae Cyprinus carpio Common Carp Collection info
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Freshwater Exotic
Dorosoma petenenseFishesClupeidae Dorosoma petenense Threadfin Shad Collection info
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Freshwater-Marine Native Transplant
Esox luciusFishesEsocidae Esox lucius Northern Pike Collection info
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Freshwater Native Transplant
Esox lucius × masquinongyFishesEsocidae Esox lucius × masquinongy tiger muskellunge Collection info
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Freshwater Native Hybrid
Esox masquinongyFishesEsocidae Esox masquinongy Muskellunge Collection info
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Freshwater Native Transplant
Fundulus catenatusFishesFundulidae Fundulus catenatus Northern Studfish Collection info
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Freshwater Native Transplant
Lepomis auritusFishesCentrarchidae Lepomis auritus Redbreast Sunfish Collection info
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Freshwater Native Transplant
Lepomis gibbosusFishesCentrarchidae Lepomis gibbosus Pumpkinseed Collection info
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Freshwater Native Transplant
Lepomis gulosusFishesCentrarchidae Lepomis gulosus Warmouth Collection info
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Freshwater Native Transplant
Lepomis microlophusFishesCentrarchidae Lepomis microlophus Redear Sunfish Collection info
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Freshwater Native Transplant
Luxilus cornutusFishesCyprinidae Luxilus cornutus Common Shiner Collection info
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Freshwater Native Transplant
Micropterus coosaeFishesCentrarchidae Micropterus coosae Redeye Bass (sensu lato) Collection info
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Freshwater Native Transplant
Morone chrysopsFishesMoronidae Morone chrysops White Bass Collection info
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Freshwater-Marine Native Transplant
Morone saxatilisFishesMoronidae Morone saxatilis Striped Bass Collection info
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Freshwater-Marine Native Transplant
Notropis telescopusFishesCyprinidae Notropis telescopus Telescope Shiner Collection info
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Freshwater Native Transplant
Oncorhynchus mykissFishesSalmonidae Oncorhynchus mykiss Rainbow Trout Collection info
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Freshwater-Marine Native Transplant
Piaractus brachypomusFishesCharacidae Piaractus brachypomus pirapitinga, red-bellied pacu Collection info
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Freshwater Exotic
Pimephales promelasFishesCyprinidae Pimephales promelas Fathead Minnow Collection info
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Freshwater Native Transplant
Pomoxis annularisFishesCentrarchidae Pomoxis annularis White Crappie Collection info
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Freshwater Native Transplant
Pomoxis nigromaculatusFishesCentrarchidae Pomoxis nigromaculatus Black Crappie Collection info
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Freshwater Native Transplant
Rhinichthys cataractaeFishesCyprinidae Rhinichthys cataractae Longnose Dace Collection info
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Freshwater Native Transplant
Salmo truttaFishesSalmonidae Salmo trutta Brown Trout Collection info
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Freshwater Exotic
Salmo trutta × Salvelinus fontinalisFishesSalmonidae Salmo trutta × Salvelinus fontinalis tiger trout Collection info
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Freshwater Exotic Hybrid
Corbicula flumineaMollusks-BivalvesCyrenidae Corbicula fluminea basket clam Collection info
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Freshwater Exotic
Dreissena polymorphaMollusks-BivalvesDreissenidae Dreissena polymorpha zebra mussel Collection info
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Freshwater Exotic
Acorus calamusPlantsAcoraceae Acorus calamus single-vein sweetflag Collection info
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Freshwater Exotic
Egeria densaPlantsHydrocharitaceae Egeria densa Brazilian waterweed Collection info
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Freshwater Exotic
Hydrilla verticillata verticillataPlantsHydrocharitaceae Hydrilla verticillata verticillata whorled hydrilla Collection info
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Freshwater Exotic
Iris pseudacorusPlantsIridaceae Iris pseudacorus yellow iris Collection info
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Freshwater Exotic
Ludwigia grandifloraPlantsOnagraceae Ludwigia grandiflora large-flower primrose-willow Collection info
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Freshwater Exotic
Murdannia keisakPlantsCommelinaceae Murdannia keisak marsh dewflower Collection info
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Freshwater Exotic
Myriophyllum aquaticumPlantsHaloragaceae Myriophyllum aquaticum parrot feather Collection info
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Freshwater Exotic
Myriophyllum spicatumPlantsHaloragaceae Myriophyllum spicatum Eurasian watermilfoil Collection info
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Freshwater-Brackish Exotic
Najas minorPlantsHydrocharitaceae Najas minor brittle waternymph Collection info
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Freshwater Exotic
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Citation information: U.S. Geological Survey. [2024]. Nonindigenous Aquatic Species Database. Gainesville, Florida. Accessed [9/7/2024].

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For general information and questions about the database, contact Wesley Daniel. For problems and technical issues, contact Matthew Neilson.