Reference List

This list includes references used to derive specimen records as well as those with scientific name Pylodictis olivaris listed in key words.

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16142 News 2007. Biologists remove catfish from Ga. river. The Florida Times-Union. 2007 (May, 15).
29809 Report 1971. Fisheries Survey of the Kalamazoo River. Michigan Department of Natural Resources.
29706 Web Page 2005. Lake Lanier Fishing Records. Accessed on 04/03/2017.
31556 Conference Proceedings 2006. Dakota Chapter of the AFS 2016 Meeting Agenda in American Fisheries Society, Dakota Chapter.
19782 Report 2012. 2011 Asian Carp Monitoring and Rapid Response Plan Interim Summary Reports: Asian Carp Control. Asian Carp Regional Coordinating Committee.
31623 Report 2017. South Dakota Statewide Fisheries Survey, Lewis and Clark, Yankton County. South Dakota Department of Game, Fish and Parks.
31551 Report Hesse, L.W., and G. E. Mestl. 1991. Federal Aid in Fish Restoration Dingell-Johnson Project F-75-R-8: Performance Report Study I. State of Nebraska Game and Parks Commission Fisheries Division.
20883 Database Academy of Natural Sciences Philadelphia. 2011. Academy of Natural Sciences Philadelphia - Ichthyology Collection. Academy of Natural Sciences Philadelphia.
25302 Web Page Alabama Department of Conservation and Natural Resources. 2012. Flathead (Yellow) Catfish Caught in Alabama. Accessed on 12/18/2012.
38418 Report Alabama Division of Wildlife and Freshwater Fisheries. 2015. Alabama freshwater invasive species update. Gulf and South Atlantic Regional Panel on Invasive Species.
25227 Web Page Allen, D. and C. Thomasan. 2012. Recreational Fisheries of the ACE Basin. Accessed on 12/14/2012.
27546 News Allen, J. 2014. Scientists using electro-shock to get catfish species under control. Created on 06/25/2014. Accessed on 06/16/2015.
19604 Web Page 2009. Oregon warm water fishing areas with public access.
25722 Web Page 2013. Oregon Warm Water Fishing Areas With Public Access. Created on 02/11/2013. Accessed on 02/01/2013.
25702 Web Page Angler Guide Arizona. 2012. Arizona Fishing Report. Accessed on 12/13/2012.
1945 Web Page Anonymous. 2001. Oregon's Warm Water Fishing with Public Access.
14147 Web Page Anonymous. 2004. Idaho warm water fish. Accessed on 11/03/2004.
28311 Web Page Anonymous. 2004. Glenrock angler shatters flathead catfish record. Accessed on 01/04/2016.
17853 News Anonymous. 2008. Effort to Knock Out Invasive Flathead Catfish Species Resumes in Georgia’s Satilla River. Outdoor Blogger. 17 May.
18733 News Anonymous. 2009. Flathead catfish found in White Oak River concern biologists. Apex Herald. 2009 (June 23).
25233 Web Page Anonymous. 2009. Chattahoochee river; Uchee Creek results. Created on 08/16/2009. Accessed on 12/17/2012.
25220 Web Page Anonymous. 2010. Flatheads & Bent Rods in South Carolina. Created on 10/04/2010. Accessed on 12/12/2012.
25314 Web Page Anonymous. 2010. Fishing for Catfish a Georgia Tradition. Created on 05/07/2010. Accessed on 12/18/2012.
25309 Web Page Anonymous. 2010. Lower Chattahoochee Catfish Action. Created on 10/04/2010. Accessed on 12/18/2012.
25317 Web Page Anonymous. 2012. West Point flathead catfish. Created on 01/21/2007. Accessed on 12/19/2012.
25303 Web Page Anonymous. 2012. Fish and Fishing in Lake Eufaula (Walter F. George Reservoir) "Bass Fishing Capital of the World". Accessed on 12/18/2012.
25245 Web Page Anonymous. 2012. Fish and Fishing in the Conecuh River. Accessed on 12/17/2012.
25250 Web Page Anonymous. 2012. Northwest Florida. Accessed on 12/17/2012.
25216 Web Page Anonymous. 2012. The State of South Carolina Catfish Records Department. Accessed on 12/11/2012.
25218 News Anonymous. 2012. Bristol 12-year-old wins Wewa Fishing Tournament with 35.03 flathead. Created on 07/06/2012. Accessed on 12/11/2012.
25185 Database Anonymous. 2012. Museum collection records of Pylodictis olivaris in U.S. derived from a search on FishNET on 7 Dec 2012. Anonymous.
27255 Web Page Arizona Game and Fish Department. 2013. Fishing report, June 27. Created on 06/27/2013. Accessed on 02/03/2016.
27258 Web Page Arizona Game and Fish Department. 2005. Wildlife News - Jan. 25. Created on 01/25/2005. Accessed on 04/01/2015.
27263 Web Page Arizona Game and Fish Department. 2009. Lake Pleasant Flathead. Created on 01/07/2009. Accessed on 04/02/2015.
27260 Web Page Arizona Game and Fish Department. 2010. 45.6 Flathead 1-19-2010. Created on 01/19/2010. Accessed on 04/01/2015.
27264 Web Page Arizona Game and Fish Department. 2013. Did the Rodeo-Chediski fire affect the fish community in the Salt River? Created on 01/01/2013. Accessed on 04/02/2015.
27257 Web Page Arizona Game and Fish Department. 2013. History made: Angler reels in state's heaviest recorded fish. Created on 04/12/2013. Accessed on 04/01/2015.
27265 Web Page Arizona Game and Fish Department. 2013. Flathead Catfish - Saguaro Lake. Created on 09/26/2013. Accessed on 04/02/2015.
27254 Web Page Arizona Game and Fish Department. 2013. Arizona becoming destination for monster flathead catfish. Created on 08/28/2013. Accessed on 04/01/2015.
27262 Web Page Arizona Game and Fish Department. 2015. Mittry Lake. Accessed on 04/02/2015.
25703 Web Page Arizona Game and Fish. 2010. Catfish. Accessed on 02/05/2013.
14512 Journal Article Arterburn, J.E., and C.R. Berry, Jr. 2002. Effect of hook style, bait type, and river location on trotline catches of flathead and channel catfish. North American Journal of Fisheries Management 22(2):573-578.
28672 Conference Proceedings Ashley, K.W., and B. Buff. 1987. Food habits of Flathead Catfish in the Cape Fear River, North Carolina. Pages 93-99 in Proc. Annu. Coni. Southeast Assoc. Fish and Wildl. Agencies.
18845 News Attardo, Vic. 2009. flatheads are gobbling giants of the Schuylkill. The Pottstown Mercury. September 6.
1809 Journal Article Bailey, R.M., and G.R. Smith. 1981. Origin and geography of the fish fauna of the Laurentian Great Lakes basin. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 38(12):1539-1561.
376 Journal Article Bailey, R.M., and M.O. Allum. 1962. Fishes of South Dakota. Miscellaneous Publications, Museum of Zoology, University of Michigan 119:1-131.
24791 Journal Article Bailey, R.M., W.C. Latta, and G.R. Smith. 2004. An atlas of Michigan fishes with keys and illustrations for their identification. Miscellaneous Publications of the University of Michigan Museum of Zoology 192:1-215.
30139 Report Bailey, R.M., W.C. Latta, and G.R. Smith. 2004. An atlas of Michigan fishes with keys and illustrations for their identification - Dataset. Museum of Zoology, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI.
404 Other Cut-and-paste reference not available due to unhandled reference type. Please contact support to request the addition of the 'Other' type.
833 Journal Article Bart, H.L. Jr, M.S. Taylor, J.T. Harbaugh, J.W. Evans, S.L. Schleiger, and W. Clark. 1994. New distribution records of Gulf Slope drainage fishes in the Ocmulgee River system, Georgia. Proceedings Southeastern Fishes Council 30(12):4-10.
13998 News Bauers, S. 2004. Officials confirm N.J. catch was dreaded flathead. The Philadelphia Inquirer. Philadelphia, PA. Created on 08/26/2004. Accessed on 08/27/2004.
23928 Journal Article Baumann, J.R., and T.J. Kwak. 2011. Trophic relations of introduced flathead catfish in an Atlantic river. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 140:1120-1134.
30194 Journal Article Becker, G.C. 1964. The fishes of Lakes Poygan and Winnebago. Transactions of the Wisconsin Academy of Sciences, Arts and Letters 53:29-52.
271 Book Becker, G.C. 1983. Fishes of Wisconsin. University of Wisconsin Press, Madison, WI.
308 Book Beckman, W.C. 1952. Guide to the fishes of Colorado. Colorado Department of Game and Fish, Denver, CO.
33313 News Ben Hooper. 2019. Pennsylvania man's big catfish breaks state record. UPI. Created on 05/10/2019. Accessed on 06/20/2019.
30819 Report Bennett, G.W. 1926. The Fishes of Nebraska - Unpublished manuscript. Nebraska Game, Forestation and Parks Commission, Statehouse, Lincoln, NE.
31542 Report Benson, N.G. 1968. Review of fishery studies on Missouri River main stem reservoirs. U.S. Department of the Interior Bureau of Sport Fisheries and Wildlife, Washington, D.C.
29905 Journal Article Berry, C.R., Jr., and B. Young. 2004. Fishes of the Missouri National Recreational River, South Dakota and Nebraska. Great Plains Research 14:89-114.
31531 Journal Article Bister, T.J., D.W. Willis, M.L. Brown, S.M. Jordan, R.M. Neumann, M.C. Quist, and C.S. Guy. 1999. Development of standard weight (Ws) equations and standard length categories for 18 warmwater game and nongame fishes. South Dakota State University Technical Bulletin 12:1-73.
31560 Report Blank, A.J., M.A. Pegg. 2010. Platte River Catfish Population Dynamics: Annual Performance Report, Project No. F-176-R Segment 3. University of Nebraska-Lincoln, School of Natural Resources, Lincoln, NE.
37300 Journal Article Bodine, K.A., J.W. Schlechte, R.A. Ott, D.L. Bennett, and J.D. Norman. 2016. Estimating exploitation and modeling the effects of hand fishing on a Flathead Catfish population in east Texas. North American Journal of Fisheries Management 36(6):6.
37299 Journal Article Bodine, K.A., R.A. Ott, D.L. Bennett, J.D. Norman, and J.W. Schlechte. 2021. Round 2: A 4-year follow-up evaluation of a Flathead Catfish population exposed to hand fishing. North American Journal of Fisheries Management 41.
29553 Journal Article Bonvechio et al. 2016. Population Dynamics of Introduced Flathead Catfish in Two Atlantic Coastal Plain Rivers>Under Differing Management Strategies. Journal of the Southeastern Associated Fish and Wildlife Agencies 3:128-135.
38496 Report Bonvechio, T. 2014. Gulf and South Atlantic Regional Panel Update (GSARP) for Georgia. Georgia Department of Natural Resources Wildlife Resources Division.
38429 Report Bonvechio, T. 2014. Gulf and South Atlantic Regional Panel Update (GSARP) for Georgia. Georgia Department of Natural Resources Wildlife Resources Division.
37298 Book Chapter Bonvechio, T.F., M.S. Allen, D. Gwinn and J.S. Mitchell. 2011. Impacts of electrofishing removals on the introduced Flathead Catfish population in the Satilla River, Georgia in Michaletz, P.H., and V.H. Travnichek, eds. Conservation, ecology, and management of catfish: the second international symposium. American Fisheries Society. Bethesda, MD.
126 Journal Article Botroff, L., J.A. St. Amant, and W. Parker. 1969. Addition of Pylodictus olivaris to the California fauna. California Fish and Game 55(1):90.
14029 Journal Article Bottroff, L., J.A. St. Amant, and W. Parker. 1969. Addition of Pylodictis olivaris to the Californian fauna. California Fish and Game 55(1):90.
31326 Database Bowen, A. 2018. Invasive Species Catch 2017. U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Alpena, MI. Created on 04/16/2018.
25215 Web Page Bowers, B. 2012. South Edisto spits out huge flathead catfish. Created on 04/13/2012. Accessed on 12/11/2012.
31554 Journal Article Braaten, P.J., & C.R. Berry, Jr. 1997. Fish Associations with Four Habitat Types in a South Dakota Prairie Stream. Journal of Freshwater Ecology 12(3):477-489.
25652 Journal Article Branson, B.A. 1967. Fishes of the Neosho River System in Oklahoma. American Midland Naturalist 78(1):126-154.
31520 Web Page Braun, J. and P. King. 2018. Fish Specimens. Sam Noble Oklahoma Museum of Natural History. Occurrence dataset accessed via on 2018-06-26. Accessed on 06/26/2018.
30818 Journal Article Breukelman, J. 1940. The fishes of northwestern Kansas. Kansas Academy of Science (1903- ) 43:367-375.
15629 Journal Article Brown, J.J., J. Perillo, T.J. Kwak, and R.J. Horwitz. 2005. Implications of Pylodictis olivaris (flathead catfish) introduction into the Delaware and Susquehanna drainages. Northeastern Naturalist 12(4):473-484.
28844 Report Bulak, J., J. Crane, L. Leitner, and A.D. Robb. 1998. Statewide Research - Freshwater Fisheries; ANNUAL PROGRESS REPORT> F-63; July 1, 1997 through June 30, 1998. S.C. Department of Natural Resources, Division of Wildlife and Freshwater Fisheries.
25717 Report Bureau of Reclamation. 2004. Final Environmental Assessment, Native Fish Restoration in Fossil Creek, Coconino and Tonto National Forests, Arizona. Bureau of Reclamation, Phoenix, AZ. and
25706 Web Page Bureau of Reclamation. 2009. Native Aquatic Species of the Gila River Basin in Arizona and New Mexico - Results of Fish Monitoring on Selected Waters of the Gila River Basin. Accessed on 02/05/2013.
1552 Journal Article Burkhead, N.M, R.E. Jenkins, and E.G. Maurakis. 1980. New records, distribution and diagnostic characters of Virginia ictalurid catfishes with an adnexed adipose fin. Brimleyana 4:75-93.
1760 Journal Article Cahn, A.R. 1927. An ecological study of southern Wisconsin fishes. Illinois Biological Monographs 11(1):1-151.
25721 Report Cailteux, R.L., D.A. Dobbins, and R.S. Land. 2002. Evaluating Sportfish and Catfish Populations in Northwest Florida Lakes and Streams. Wallop-Breaux Federal Aid Project F-37. Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission, Tallahassee, FL.
25310 Web Page Carroll, M. 2012. Nice Flathead caught on the Chattahoochee River on Ft Benning. Created on 02/03/2012. Accessed on 12/10/2012.
14432 Web Page Center for Marine Science, University of North Carolina, Wilmington. 2004. Nonnative fishes of the Cape Fear River system.
30820 Journal Article Chadwick, J.W., S.P. Canton, D.J. Conklin Jr., and P.L. Winkle. 1997. Fish Species Composition in the Central Platte River, Nebraska. The Southwestern Naturalist 42(3):279-289.
384 Book Churchill, E.P., and W.H. Over. 1933. Fishes of South Dakota. SD Dept Game and Fish Pierre, SD.
29678 News Clark, R. 2014. Bangor Township angler reels in big old flathead catfish from Saginaw River. Michigan. 2014 (May 31). Created on 05/31/2014. Accessed on 03/24/2017.
25730 Report Clarkson, R.S., B.R. Kesner, and P.C. Marsh. 2011. Long-term monitoring plan for fish populations in selected waters of the Gila River Basin, Arizona. U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Arizona Ecological Services, Phoenix, Arizona.
25740 Report Clarkson, R.W. 1998. Results of fish monitoring of selected waters of the Gila River Basin, 1995-1996. U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Arizona Ecological Services, Phoenix, Arizon.
31426 Report Clayton, J. and C. Munger. 2013. ALana Henry Reservoir 2013 Fishereies Management Survey Report. Texas Parks and Wildlife Department, Inland Fisheries Division, Canyon, Texas.
32293 Report Clayton, J., and C Munger. 2018. Alan Henry Reservoir 2017 Fisheries Management Survey Report. Texas Parks and Wildlife Department, Inland Fisheries Division, Canyon, TX.
32012 Report Clayton, J., and C. Munger. 2015. White River Reservoir 2014 Fisheries Management Survey Report. Texas Parks and Wildlife Department, Inland Fisheries Division, Canyon, Texas.
31839 Report Clayton, J., and C. Munger. 2017. Mackenzie Reservoir 2016 Fisheries Management Survey Report. Texas Parks and Wildlife Department, Inland Fisheries Division, Canyon, Texas.
378 Book Chapter Cleary, R.E. 1956. The distribution of the fishes of Iowa. Pages 267-324 in Harland, J.R., and E.B. Speaker, eds. Iowa fish and fishing. Iowa Conservation Commission. Des Moines, IA.
28404 News Cleveland, R.H., Jr. 2010. Hooking a Mississippi monster. GAME&FISH. Created on 09/30/2010. Accessed on 02/01/2016.
19168 Report Colorado Division of Wildlife. 2010. Fishery Survey Summaries - Pueblo Reservoir. Colorado Division of Wildlife.
26100 Web Page Colorado Division of Wildlife. 2013. Fishing:Awards and Records:Records by Weight. Created on 04/29/2013. Accessed on 04/29/2013.
28413 Web Page Colorado Parks and Wildlife. 2011. DOW to recommend suspending fish limits at Bonny. Created on 04/21/2011. Accessed on 02/02/2016.
28412 Web Page Colorado Parks and Wildlife. 2015. Flathead catfish state record broken by La Junta man. Created on 02/02/2015. Accessed on 02/02/2016.
25222 News Cope, B. 2011. Redbreast stocking continues on Edisto River. South Carolina Sportsman. 2010 (November 23). Created on 11/23/2011. Accessed on 12/12/2012.
25928 Database Cornell University Museum of Vertebrates. 2013. Cornell University Museum of Vertebrates ichthyology collection. Accessed through GBIF data portal, Cornell University Museum of Vertebrates, Ithaca, NY. Created on 05/03/2013. Accessed on 05/14/2013.
1554 Book Cross, F.B., and J.T. Collins. 1995. Fishes in Kansas. University of Kansas Natural History Museum, Lawrence, KS.
25639 Journal Article Crossman, E.J., and J.H Leach. 1979. First Canadian record of a flathead catfish. Canadian Field-Naturalist 93:179-180.
29629 Other Cut-and-paste reference not available due to unhandled reference type. Please contact support to request the addition of the 'Other' type.
18175 Web Page Crowley, S. 2008. North Florida Catfish Hotspots.
97 Journal Article Dahlberg, M.D., and D.C. Scott. 1971. Introductions of freshwater fishes in Georgia. Bulletin of the Georgia Academy of Science 29:245-252.
884 News Dames, R. 1994. Florida's monster mudcats. Florida Wildlife. 3/4:18-19.
37301 Journal Article Daugherty, D.J., and T.M. Sutton. 2005. Seasonal movement patterns, habitat use, and home range of Flathead Catfish in the Lower St. Joseph River, Michigan. North American Journal of Fisheries Management 25(1):1.
29726 Journal Article Davis, E. 2010. Alabama Catfish Prospects. Alabama Game and Fish 2010(Sept 28).
29707 News Davis, Jordan. 2015. Another Lake Lanier Catfish Record Broken. Georgia Outdoor News. Created on 07/17/2015. Accessed on 04/03/2017.
30296 Report Davis, R.A. 1985. Evaluation of flathead catfish as a predator in a Minnesota lake. No.. 384. Minnesota Department of Natural Resources, Division of Fish and Wildlife.
1947 Other Cut-and-paste reference not available due to unhandled reference type. Please contact support to request the addition of the 'Other' type.
21031 Other Cut-and-paste reference not available due to unhandled reference type. Please contact support to request the addition of the 'Other' type.
1796 News Dickson, T. 1997. Hunting flatheads. The Times Union. Jacksonville, FL. 31 August:A1, A14.
31535 Journal Article Dieterman, D. and C.R. Berry, Jr. 1998. Fish Community and Water Quality Changes in the Big Sioux River. The Prairie Naturalist 30(4):199-224.
1577 Book Dill, W.A., and A.J. Cordone. 1997. History and status of introduced fishes in California, 1871-1996. Fish Bulletin 178. California Department of Fish and Game, Sacramento, CA.
25718 Journal Article Dobbins, D.A., R.L. Cailteux, S.R. Midway, and E.H. Leone. 2012. Long-term impacts of introduced flathead catfish on native ictalurids in a north Florida, USA, river. Fisheries Management and Ecology 19:434-440.
30822 Journal Article Eberle, M.E., T.L. Welker, and T.L. Welker. 1996. Survey of Fishes from Rattlesnake Creek in Central Kansas. Transactions of the Kansas Academy of Science 99(1-2):29-38.
29708 Web Page E'Dalgo, Savannah. 2016. New Lake Lanier Flathead Catfish Record. Created on 08/18/2016. Accessed on 04/03/2017.
29796 News Editor, Rockford Register. 1976. Catfish big as submarines. The Rockford Register. Rockford, Michigan. 1976 (October 26). Created on 10/26/1976. Accessed on 04/13/2017.
29267 Journal Article Evermann, B.W., and U.O. Cox. 1896. Report upon the fishes of the Missouri River basin. Report to the U.S. Commissioner of Fish and Fisheries 20:325-429.
25319 Web Page Faulds, A. 2002. Meet the Flathead Catfish, Introduced to the Delaware river Watershed. Accessed on 12/19/2012.
25720 Web Page 2013. Colorado flathead catfish. Accessed on 02/06/2013.
25258 Web Page Fishmaster1203. 2012. Flathead catfish fever - West Point Lake. Created on 12/24/2007. Accessed on 12/17/2012.
25318 Web Page Fishmaster1203. 2012. West Point Lake Catfish Report. Created on 08/08/2008. Accessed on 12/19/2012.
25231 Web Page Fishmaster1203. 2008. Chattahoochee Flatheads. Created on 12/28/2008. Accessed on 12/17/2012.
29754 Database FishNet. 2014. FishNet. Created on 06/16/2014. Accessed on 12/06/2017.
25166 Web Page Florida Fish and Wildlife Commission. 2012. Record fish.
26402 Database Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission. 2000. Florida Freshwater Fisheries Database via MARIS. Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission.
33386 News Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission. 2019. FWC certifies new state record flathead catfish. Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission. Created on 07/03/2019. Accessed on 07/05/2019.
25316 Web Page Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission. 2012. FWC News Releases 4/14/04: Hosford angler lands record flathead. Created on 04/14/2004. Accessed on 12/19/2012.
29166 Database Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission. 2016. FL FWC Long-term monitoring database. Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission, Tallahassee, FL.
27962 Report Florida Game and Fresh Water Fish Commission. 1980. Flathead catfish investigations. Annual Progress Report for FY 1979/1980. Florida Game and Fresh Water Fish Commission.
28281 Report Florida Game and Fresh Water Fish Commission. 1980. Flathead catfish investigations. Annual Progress Report for FY 1979/1980. Unpubl Rept for the Florida Game and Fresh Water Fish Commission, Tallahassee, FL.
24094 Web Page Florida Game and Fresh Water Fish Commission. 1998. Record Fish, Big Catch Program.
18857 Database Florida Museum of Natural History. 2009. Ichthyology Collection database. University of Florida, Gainesville, FL.
31619 Report Fogle, N.E. 1961. Report fisheries investigations during the second year of impoundment of Oahe Reservoir. South Dakota Game, Fish and Parks.
31618 Report Fogle, N.E. 1964. Summation of four years of creel census July 1959 through June 1963 on Oahe tailwaters. South Dakota Department of Game, Fish and Parks.
33297 Journal Article Fuller, P.L., and G.E. Whelan. 2018. The flathead catfish invasion of the Great Lakes. Journal of Great Lakes Research 44(5):1081-1092.
17851 Book Chapter Galat, D.L., C.R. Berry, W.M. Gardner, J.C. Hendrickson, G.E. Mestl, G.J. Power, C. Stone, and M.R. Winston. 2005. Spatiotemporal Patterns and Changes in Missouri River Fishes. In. Pages 249-291 in J. N. Rinne, R. M. Hughes, and R. Calamusso, eds. Historical changes in fish assemblages of large American Rivers. American Fisheries Society Symposium 45. American Fisheries Society. Bethesda, MD.
26212 Database GBIF. 2013. Global Biodiversity Information Facility (GBIF) Database. Global Biodiversity Information Facility. Accessed on 03/05/2024.
26390 Database Georgia Department of Environmental Resources. 2010. Georgia Annual Standardized Reservoir Sampling data via MARIS. Georgia Department of Natural Resources.
26405 Database Georgia Department of Natural Resources. 2010. Georgia Annual Standardized River Sampling via MARIS. Georgia Department of Natural Resources.
26388 Database Georgia Department of Natural Resources. 2010. Georgia Wade-able Streams Fish Index of Biotic Integrity Sampling data via MARIS. Georgia Department of Natural Resources.
25160 Web Page Georgia Department of Natural Resources. 2012. Georgia Reservoir Fishing Information - Lake Seminole.
29709 Web Page Georgia Department of Natural Resources. 2014. North Georgia Fishing Report: June 6, 2014. Created on 06/06/2014. Accessed on 04/03/2017.
15528 Web Page Georgia Outdoor News. 2001. Georgia Lake Records, Reservoir Records.
37296 Thesis or Dissertation Gima, A. 2009. An evaluation of triploid Flathead Catfish. Unpublished M.S. thesis. Auburn University, Auburn, AL.
18114 Database Global Biodiversity Information Facility (GBIF). 2008. Global Biodiversity Information Facility (GBIF) Data Portal.
25315 Web Page Gonzalez K. 2012. Top 5 Rivers in Florida to Catch Flathead Catfish. Created on 11/15/2012. Accessed on 12/19/2012.
28926 Journal Article Goodchild, Á.C. 1993. Status of the flathead catfish, Pylodictis olivaris, in Canada. Canadian Field-Naturalist 107(4):410-416.
1555 Report Gorges, M. 1994. Wyoming resident fish habitat management strategy. Bureau of Land Management, Wyoming State Office, Cheyenne, WY.
29598 Journal Article Granfors, Q. 2014. Flathead catfish population estimate and assessment of population characteristics, Diamond Valley Lake, California. California Fish and Game 100(4):652-664.
31537 Journal Article Groen, C.L., and J.C. Schmulbach. 1978. The Sport Fishery of the Unchannelized and Channelized Middle Missouri River. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 107(3):412-418.
1491 Journal Article Guier, C.R., L.E. Nichols, R.T. Rachels. 1981. Biological investigation of flathead catfish in the Cape Fear River. Proc. Annual Conference S.E. Assoc. Fish & Wildl. Agencies 35:607-621.
31616 News Hagen, L. 2018. SD river study puts monetary reward tags on catfish. West Fargo Pioneer. Fargo, ND. Created on 07/20/2018. Accessed on 07/20/2018.
30823 Journal Article Hall, H.H. 1934. An Ecological Study of the Fishes of Mineral Lake, Kansas. Transactions of the Kansas Academy of Science (1903-) 37:225-233.
31527 Book Harlan, J.R., E.B. Speaker. 1951. Iowa fish and fishing. State of Iowa, Des Moines, IA.
31526 Book Harlan, J.R., E.B. Speaker, and R.M. Bailey. 1951. Iowa fish and fishing. Iowa State Conservation Commission, Des Moines, IA.
13443 Web Page Hatch, J.T., and K. Schmidt. 2002. Fishes of Minnesota: Distribution in 8 Major Drainage Basins. Accessed on 01/09/2002.
29401 Journal Article Hedden, S.C. and K.B. Gido. 2016. Movement distances and activity of introduced flathead catfish (Plyodictis olivaris) in the Upper Gila river basin, New Mexico, and potential impacts on native fishes. The Southwestern Naturalist 61(3):210-216.
28519 Journal Article Hedden, S.C., K.B. Gido, and J.E. Whitney. 2016. Introduced Flathead Catfish consumptive demand on native fishes of the Upper Gila River, New Mexico. North American Journal of Fisheries Management 36(1):55-61.
31624 Report Hesse, L.W. 1993. The Status of Nebraska Fishes in the Missouri River: Flathead Catfish (Pylodictis olivaris), Ictaluridae. and Blue Catfish (Ictalurus furcatus), Ictaluridae. State of Nebraska Game and Parks Commission, Norfolk, NE.
1662 Book Chapter Hocutt, C.H., R.E. Jenkins, and J.R. Stauffer, Jr. 1986. Zoogeography of the fishes of the central Appalachians and central Atlantic coastal plain. Pages 161-212 in Hocutt, C.H., and E.O. Wiley, eds. The zoogeography of North American freshwater fishes. John Wiley and Sons. New York, NY.
25714 Web Page 2012. Lake Pleasant Arizona. Accessed on 02/05/2013.
25704 Web Page 2013. Arizona Fishing Reports and News.`. Accessed on 02/05/2013.
29753 Journal Article Hubbs, C.L., and C.W. Greene. 1926. Further notes on the fishes of the Great Lakes and tributary waters. Univ. Mich. Mus. Zool ., Misc. Publ 15:1-77.
1362 Book Chapter Hubert, W. 1994. Exotic fishes. Pages 158-174 in Parish, T.L., and S.H. Anderson, eds. Exotic species manual. Wyoming Game and Fish Department. Laramie, WY.
13018 Database Idaho Fish and Game. 1998. Official list of Idaho record fish (as of October, 1997). (2004 version).
27462 Database iMapInvasives. 2018. Pennsylvania iMapInvasives. Pennsylvania Natural Heritage Program, Pittsburgh, PA. Accessed on 12/15/2016.
25944 Database iNaturalist. 2024. Accessed on 08/13/2024.
28321 Web Page Iowa Aquatic Gap Analysis Program. 2004. Iowa Fish Atlas: Flathead Catfish-Pylodictis olivaris. Accessed on 01/07/2016.
1867 Journal Article Jackson, D.C. 1999. Flathead catfish: biology, fisheries, and management. American Fisheries Society Symposium 24:23-36.
706 Book Jenkins, R.E., and N.M. Burkhead. 1994. Freshwater fishes of Virginia. American Fisheries Society, Bethesda, MD.
25305 Web Page JimmyRRat. 2006. Jimmy Flathead. Created on 04/30/2006. Accessed on 12/18/2012.
28418 Journal Article Johnson, T.B. 2001. Flathead Catfish. Arizona Game and Fish Wildlife Views Magazine(March/April):14.
32290 Journal Article Jones, B.D>, and D.B. Noltie. 2007. Flooded flatheads: evidence of increased growth in Mississippi River Pylodictis olivaris (Pisces: Ictaluridae) following the Great Midwest Flood of 1993. Hydrobiologia 592:183-209.
37303 Journal Article Kaar, C.R.J., C. Plikaitis, K.W. Germino, and A.K. Nakanishi. 2014. Catfish noodling forearm injury requiring urgent surgical treatment: A case report and review of the literature. Wilderness & Environmental Medicine 25(1):75-79.
29740 Web Page Kansas Department of Wildlife, Parks and Tourism. 2017. Fishing Forecast Information. Created on 01/17/2017. Accessed on 04/07/2017.
33672 Database Kansas Department of Wildlife, Parks, and Tourism. 2019. Stocking records for Flathead Catfish.
25165 News Kirkland, S. 2012. Flathead catfish common in Northwest Florida rivers. Walton Outdoors. 28 April. Created on 04/28/2012. Accessed on 12/11/2012.
19532 Web Page Kornegay, B. 2009. Giant Cats in the Panhandle. Accessed on 02/25/2010.
25230 News Kornegay, B. 2012. OUTDOORS FEATURE: Flathead catfish are big, bad, ugly and fun. Created on 06/04/2012. Accessed on 12/14/2012.
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51 Book Morris, J., L. Morris, and L. Witt. 1972. The fishes of Nebraska. Nebraska Game and Parks Commission, Lincoln, NE.
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38426 Conference Proceedings Rider, S. 2014. Update on AIS in the freshwaters of Alabama. Page 2pp in Gulf and South Atlantic Regional Panel on aquatic invasive species. Alabama Division of Wildlife and Freshwater Fisheries.
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716 Book Robison, H.W., and T.M. Buchanan. 1988. Fishes of Arkansas. University of Arkansas Press, Fayetteville, AR.
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29680 Journal Article Schmitt, J.D., E.M. Hallerman, A. Bunch, Z. Moran, J.A. Emmel, and D.J. Orth. 2017. Predation and prey selectivity by nonnative catfish on migrating alosines in an Atlantic slope estuary. Marine and Coastal Fisheries: Dynamics, Management, and Ecosystem Science 9(1):108-125.
31528 Book Scholz, A.T., and H.J. McLellan. 2010. Fishes of the Columbia and Snake River Basins in Eastern Washington. Eastern Washington University, Cheney, WA.
30826 Journal Article Schoonover, R., and W.H. Thompson. 1954. A Post-Impoundment Study of the Fisheries Resources of Fall River Reservoir, Kansas. Transactions of the Kansas Academy of Science (1903-) 57(2):172-179.
30184 Report Schrouder, K.S., R.N. Lockwood, and J.P. Baker. 2009. Tittabawassee River assessment. Michigan Department of Natural Resources, Ann Arbor.
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133 Book Simpson, J., and R. Wallace. 1978. Fishes of Idaho. University of Idaho Press, Moscow, ID.
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24001 Journal Article Starnes, W.C., J. Odenkirk, and M.J. Ashton. 2011. Update and analysis of fish occurrences in the lower Potomac River drainage in the vicinity of Plummers Island, Maryland-Contribution XXXI to the natural history of Plummers Island, Maryland. Proceedings of the Biological Society of Washington 124(4):280-309.
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25606 Web Page Unknown. 2009. Flathead Catfish. Accessed on 12/10/2012.
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1390 Report Walker, P. 1993. A list of the endemic and introduced fishes of Colorado-March 1993. Aquatic Resources Section - Fish Health Unit.
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213 Book Wydoski, R.S., and R.R. Whitney. 1979. Inland Fishes of Washington. University of Washington Press Seattle, WA.
13708 Book Wydoski, R.S., and R.R. Whitney. 2003. Inland Fishes of Washington. Second Edition. American Fisheries Society, Bethesda, MD in association with University of Washington Press, Seattle.
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1586 Journal Article Yerger, R.W. 1977. Fishes of the Apalachicola River. Florida Marine Research Publications 26:22-33.
679 Book Chapter Zuckerman, L.D., and R.J. Behnke. 1986. Introduced fishes in the San Luis Valley, Colorado. Pages 435-453 in Stroud, R.H, ed. Fish culture in fisheries management. Proceedings of a symposium on the role of fish culture in fisheries management at Ozark, MO. American Fisheries Society. Bethesda, MD.
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