NAS - Nonindigenous Aquatic Species
Simpson, J., and R. Wallace. 1978. Fishes of Idaho. University of Idaho Press, Moscow, ID.
Reference Number: 133 Type: Book Author: Simpson, J., and R. Wallace. Date (year): 1978 Edition: Title:Fishes of Idaho. Publisher:University of Idaho Press Publisher Location:Moscow, ID Volume: Pages: 237 pp URL: Keywords: Idaho fishes
Alosa sapidissima ID - Bear River at Montpelier ID - Bear Lake ID - Snake River to Lewiston (whole length of state)
Ameiurus melas ID - Chatcolet Lake (St. Joe River) ID - several small lakes which form the Coeur d'Alene Lake chain ID - several isolated areas of southwestern ID
Ameiurus nebulosus ID - numerous lakes, reservoirs and ponds throughout the state from Boise north ID - numerous lakes, reservoirs and ponds throughout the state from Boise north ID - numerous lakes, reservoirs and ponds throughout the state from Boise north ID - numerous lakes, reservoirs and ponds throughout the state from Boise north ID - numerous lakes, reservoirs and ponds throughout the state from Boise north ID - numerous lakes, reservoirs and ponds throughout the state from Boise north ID - numerous lakes, reservoirs and ponds throughout the state from Boise north
Carassius auratus ID - state non-specific ID - Julia Davis Lagoon in Boise
Coregonus clupeaformis ID - Lake Pend Oreille ID - Lake Pend Oreille ID - Coeur d'Alene Lake ID - Hayden Lake, small body of water north of Pend d'Oreille ID - Bear Lake near Fish Haven, ID
Cyprinus carpio ID - Bear Lake County ID - Oneida County
Esox lucius ID - Boise River ID - Clark Fork River ID - Coeur d'Alene drainage lakes ID - farm pond near Orofino ID - Clark Fork River below Cabinet Gorge Dam ID - several lateral lakes along the lower Coeur d'Alene River
Gambusia affinis ID - levee ponds at Lewiston ID - four ponds in Elmore County ID - four ponds in Elmore County
Gila atraria ID - Island Park Reservoir and other small reservoirs in that area (on upper Henry's Fork)
Ictalurus punctatus ID - Snake River from Lewiston to Burley ID - Boise River ID - Little Wood River ID - Snake River at Burley ID - Snake River between Glenns Ferry and Weiser ID - Snake River from Swan Falls (Ada/Elmore line) to the Columbia River
Lepomis cyanellus ID - Bear Lake County, reservoirs ID - Franklin County, reservoirs ID - Oneida County, reservoirs
Lepomis gibbosus ID - state non-specific ID - C J Strike Reservoir and Snake River downstream to Brownlee Reservoir ID - state non-specific ID - SW Idaho ID - SW Idaho
Lepomis gulosus ID - C.J. Strike Reservoir drainage ID - Snake River near Boise ID - lower Payette River ID - Brownlee Reservoir on the Snake River ID - Snake River between Strike and Brownlee Reservoirs
Lepomis macrochirus ID - southwestern Idaho ID - Lake Cascade (Cascade Reservoir) ID - Lewiston levee ponds ID - Bear River drainage ID - Moscow area ID - ponds in SE part of state
Micropterus dolomieu ID - Muldoon Lake on Muldoon Creek ID - Snake River below Hagerman ID - lower Boise River ID - lower Payette River ID - Wood River ID - Clearwater River ID - Anderson Ranch Reservoir (Boise River) ID - Dworshak Reservoir (North Fork Clearwater River) ID - much of the Snake River and lower portions of its major tributaries
Micropterus salmoides ID - Boise, private pond ID - Boise River ID - state non-specific
Noturus gyrinus ID - lower Boise River ID - Snake River at Weiser ID - Snake River downstream from the Swan Falls Dam ID - Snake River upstream of the Brownlee Reservoir
Oncorhynchus aguabonita ID - several lakes in the Sawtooth Mountains ID - state non-specific ID - six un-named lakes north of Imogene Lake (drainage based on if in same huc) ID - two lakes on the west fork of the Payette River not far from Edna lake ID - two un-named lakes below Castle Peak ID - Alpine Creek, head of ID - state non-specific
Oncorhynchus keta ID - Bear Lake
Osmerus mordax ID - several lakes in the Sawtooth Mountains (13 total)
Perca flavescens ID - state non-specific
Pimephales promelas ID - Perrine Trout Farm (near Perrine?) ID - Twin Falls ID - Quayle Lake ID - Perrine Trout Farm (near Perrine?) ID - Quayle Lake
Poecilia reticulata ID - warm springs in Little Lost River Valley, near Howe
Pomoxis annularis ID - state non-specific
Pomoxis nigromaculatus ID - state non-specific
Pylodictis olivaris ID - Snake River from Lewiston to Swan Falls ID - Snake River from Lewiston to Swan Falls ID - Snake River from Lewiston to Swan Falls ID - Snake River from Lewiston to Swan Falls ID - Snake River from Lewiston to Swan Falls ID - Snake River from Lewiston to Swan Falls ID - Snake River from Lewiston to Swan Falls
Salmo salar ID - Payette Lake ID - several lakes in the Sawtooth Mountains
Salmo trutta ID - Clark Fork River ID - Portneuf River ID - Lake Pend Oreille ID - Snake River from American Falls to Weiser ID - state non-specific ID - Bear River ID - Owyhee County ID - state non-specific
Salvelinus alpinus oquassa ID - Alice Lake ID - Vernon Lake ID - Redfish Lake ID - Sawtooth Lakes
Salvelinus fontinalis ID - state non-specific
Salvelinus namaycush ID - Bear Lake ID - Priest Lake ID - Priest Lake ID - Priest Lake ID - Payette Lake ID - Palisades Reservoir ID - Lake Pend Oreille
Sander vitreus ID - Lake Pend Oreille ID - Salmon Falls near Twin Falls ID - Mud Lake ID - Salmon Falls Reservoir ID - Mud Lake
Siphateles bicolor ID - lower Boise River ID - Lucky Peak Reservoir (Boise River)
Thymallus arcticus ID - Henrys Fork of the Snake River above Island Park Reservoir ID - Coffee Pot rainbow trout spawning station (near Island Park Res.) ID - South Fork of the Payette River ID - state non-specific ID - state non-specific
Tinca tinca ID - Lake Pend Oreille ID - Hayden Lake, small body of water north of Pend d'Oreille ID - Coeur d'Alene drainage ID - St. Joe drainage ID - state non-specific ID - Kelso Lake ID - Coeur d'Alene Lake system ID - Chatcolet Lake (St. Joe River) ID - lake system adjacent to St Maries
The data represented on this site vary in accuracy, scale, completeness, extent of coverage and origin. It is the user's responsibility to use these data consistent with their intended purpose and within stated limitations. We highly recommend reviewing metadata files prior to interpreting these data.
Citation information: U.S. Geological Survey. [2025]. Nonindigenous Aquatic Species Database. Gainesville, Florida. Accessed [2/11/2025].
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