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Reference Details:
Reference Number: 132
Type: Other
Author: Idaho Fish and Game.
Date (year): 1990
Book Title:
Title:Fisheries Management Plan 1991-1995. Appendix I - A list of Idaho fishes and their distribution by drainage.
Thesis/Dissertation Type:
Journal Name:
Publisher:Idaho Fish and Game.
Publisher Location:
Location: NAS
Accessed on:
Created on:
Keywords: Idaho fishes, Oncorhynchus kisutch
Species Profiles and Specimens that use this Reference:

Acipenser transmontanus

    ID - Snake River [drainage] above Shoshone Falls

Alosa sapidissima

    ID - Snake River below Shoshone Falls, up to Hells Canyon

Ameiurus melas

    ID - Spokane (HUC6) non-specific
    ID - Snake River below Shoshone Falls

Ameiurus natalis

    ID - Milner Lake on the Snake River
    ID - Swan Falls Reservoir

Ameiurus nebulosus

    ID - Kootenai (HUC6) non-specific
    ID - Pend Oreille River drainage
    ID - Bear drainage
    ID - Spokane (HUC6) non-specific
    ID - Palouse drainage
    ID - state non-specific
    ID - Snake River above and below Shoshone Falls

Archocentrus nigrofasciatus

    ID - geothermal waters below Shoshone Falls

Carassius auratus

    ID - Snake River below Shoshone Falls
    ID - state non-specific

Coregonus clupeaformis

    ID - Pend Oreille River drainage

Ctenopharyngodon idella

    ID - Snake River above and below Shoshone Falls

Cyprinus carpio

    ID - Palouse drainage
    ID - Snake River above and below Shoshone Falls
    ID - Bear drainage

Esox lucius

    ID - Pend Oreille River drainage
    ID - Spokane (HUC6) non-specific

Esox lucius × masquinongy

    ID - Pend Oreille River drainage
    ID - Spokane (HUC6) non-specific
    ID - Snake River below Shoshone Falls
    ID - Bear drainage
    ID - state non-specific
    ID - Kootenai (HUC6) non-specific

Gambusia affinis

    ID - Bear drainage
    ID - Snake River [drainage] above Shoshone Falls

Ictalurus furcatus

    ID - Snake River above and below Shoshone Falls

Ictalurus punctatus

    ID - Snake River above and below Shoshone Falls
    ID - Kootenai drainages
    ID - Pend Oreille River drainage
    ID - Spokane (HUC6) non-specific
    ID - Bear drainage
    ID - state non-specific

Lepomis cyanellus

    ID - Bear drainage

Lepomis gibbosus

    ID - Kootenai (HUC6) non-specific
    ID - Pend Oreille River drainage
    ID - Spokane (HUC6) non-specific
    ID - Palouse drainage
    ID - Snake River above and below Shoshone Falls

Lepomis gulosus

    ID - Snake River below Shoshone Falls

Lepomis macrochirus

    ID - Snake River above and below Shoshone Falls
    ID - Kootenai (HUC6) non-specific
    ID - Pend Oreille River drainage
    ID - Spokane (HUC6) non-specific
    ID - Palouse drainage
    ID - Bear drainage

Micropterus dolomieu

    ID - Bear drainage
    ID - Pend Oreille River drainage
    ID - Spokane (HUC6) non-specific
    ID - Snake River above and below Shoshone Falls

Micropterus salmoides

    ID - Kootenai (HUC6) non-specific
    ID - Snake River above and below Shoshone Falls
    ID - Pend Oreille River drainage
    ID - Spokane (HUC6) non-specific
    ID - Palouse drainage
    ID - Bear drainage

Misgurnus anguillicaudatus

    ID - Snake River below Shoshone Falls

Notropis hudsonius

    ID - Snake River above and below Shoshone Falls
    ID - Bear River drainage

Noturus gyrinus

    ID - Snake River below Shoshone Falls

Oncorhynchus aguabonita

    ID - Kootenai (HUC6) non-specific
    ID - Spokane (HUC6) non-specific
    ID - Snake River below Shoshone Falls
    ID - state non-specific

Oncorhynchus clarkii utah

    ID - Snake River [drainage] above Shoshone Falls

Oncorhynchus clarkii henshawi

    ID - Snake River above and below Shoshone Falls
    ID - state non-specific

Oncorhynchus kisutch

    ID - Snake River above and below Shoshone Falls

Oncorhynchus nerka

    ID - Snake River below Shoshone Falls
    ID - state non-specific

Oncorhynchus tshawytscha

    ID - Spokane (HUC6) non-specific

Oreochromis mossambicus

    ID - geothermal waters below Shoshone Falls

Perca flavescens

    ID - Kootenai (HUC6) non-specific
    ID - Pend Oreille River drainage
    ID - Spokane (HUC6) non-specific
    ID - state non-specific
    ID - Snake River above and below Shoshone Falls
    ID - Bear drainage

Pimephales promelas

    ID - Snake River below Shoshone Falls

Poecilia reticulata

    ID - geothermal waters of Bear drainage
    ID - state non-specific

Pomoxis annularis

    ID - Snake River below Shoshone Falls

Pomoxis nigromaculatus

    ID - Bear drainage
    ID - Kootenai (HUC6) non-specific
    ID - Pend Oreille River drainage
    ID - Spokane (HUC6) non-specific
    ID - Palouse drainage
    ID - Snake River above and below Shoshone Falls
    ID - state non-specific

Salmo salar

    ID - Snake River below Shoshone Falls

Salmo trutta

    ID - Pend Oreille River drainage
    ID - Spokane (HUC6) non-specific
    ID - Snake River above and below Shoshone Falls
    ID - Bear drainage

Salvelinus alpinus oquassa

    ID - Snake River below Shoshone Falls
    ID - Snake River below Shoshone Falls

Salvelinus fontinalis

    ID - Kootenai (HUC6) non-specific
    ID - Pend Oreille River drainage
    ID - Spokane (HUC6) non-specific
    ID - Palouse drainage
    ID - Snake River above and below Shoshone Falls
    ID - Bear drainage
    ID - state non-specific

Salvelinus namaycush

    ID - Pend Oreille River drainage
    ID - Snake River above and below Shoshone Falls
    ID - Bear drainage

Sander canadensis

    ID - Bear drainage

Sander vitreus

    ID - Snake River below Shoshone Falls
    ID - Bear drainage

Siphateles bicolor

    ID - Snake River below Shoshone Falls

Thymallus arcticus

    ID - Kootenai (HUC6) non-specific
    ID - Spokane (HUC6) non-specific
    ID - Snake River above and below Shoshone Falls
    ID - state non-specific

Tilapia zillii

    ID - geothermal waters below Shoshone Falls

Tinca tinca

    ID - Spokane (HUC6) non-specific

Xiphophorus hellerii

    ID - state non-specific
    ID - geothermal waters of Bear drainage

Xiphophorus sp.

    ID - geothermal waters of Bear drainage
    ID - state non-specific


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Citation information: U.S. Geological Survey. [2025]. Nonindigenous Aquatic Species Database. Gainesville, Florida. Accessed [2/3/2025].

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For general information and questions about the database, contact Wesley Daniel. For problems and technical issues, contact Matthew Neilson.