Reference Viewer

Cut-and-Paste Reference:
Smith, H.M. 1896. A review of the history and results of the attempts to acclimatize fish and other water animals in the Pacific states. Bulletin of the United States Fish Commission 15:379-472.
Reference Details:
Reference Number: 32
Type: Journal Article
Author: Smith, H.M.
Date (year): 1896
Article Title:A review of the history and results of the attempts to acclimatize fish and other water animals in the Pacific states.
Journal Name: Bulletin of the United States Fish Commission
Volume: 15
Pages: 379-472
Keywords: historical, Washington, Oregon, California, introduced fish, mammal, Otariidae
Species Profiles and Specimens that use this Reference:

Alosa sapidissima

    AK - Stikine River, at mouth, near Wrangell Island
    AK - Fort Wrangell on Stikine River
    AZ - Colorado River at the Needles
    AZ - Colorado River at The Needles
    AZ - Colorado River at The Needles
    CA - Sacramento River at Tehama
    CA - Sacramento River near Tehama
    CA - Sacramento River near Tehama
    CA - Linsoon Bay, a branch of the harbor of San Francisco
    CA - Vallejo
    CA - Sacramento River
    CA - Wilmington
    CA - Russian River
    CA - Monterey Bay
    CA - Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta
    CA - Wilmington
    CA - East San Pedro
    CA - East San Pedro
    CA - Klamath River
    CA - San Pedro
    CA - Redondo Beach
    CA - Drakes Bay (just north of San Francisco)
    CA - Klamath River
    CA - Klamath River
    CA - San Pablo Bay (north of San Francisco Bay)
    CA - Carquinez Strait, near San Francisco
    CA - Wallace Island near Eureka
    CA - Linsoon Bay, a branch of the harbor of San Francisco
    CA - Sacramento River near Tehama
    CA - Sacramento River near Tehama
    CA - Sacramento River near Tehama
    ID - Bear River at Montpelier
    ID - Bear Lake
    IL - Lake Michigan at Chicago
    NE - Elkhorn River near Omaha
    OH - Lake Erie at Cleveland
    OR - Willamette River at Portland
    OR - Willamette River at Albany
    OR - Rogue River
    OR - Columbia River
    OR - Coquille River
    OR - Rogue River
    OR - Columbia River as far up as the Cascades, 150 miles from the mouth
    OR - The Dalles on the Columbia River
    OR - Columbia River at Cowlitz River
    OR - Off Knappton (=Knapp?)
    OR - Columbia River off Cottonwood Island near the mouth of the
    UT - Ogden
    UT - Jordan River at Ogden
    UT - Weber River at Ogden
    UT - Bear Lake
    UT - Bear River at Cache Junction
    UT - Utah Lake
    UT - Utah Lake
    UT - Jordan River at Ogden
    UT - Utah Lake
    WA - Snake River, near the junction with the Columbia at Ainsworth
    WA - Columbia River at Wallula Junction
    WA - Columbia River
    WA - coastal waters
    WA - Puget Sound drainage
    WA - Columbia River, 2 miles above The Dalles
    WA - The Dalles on the Columbia River
    WA - Point Roberts, Puget Sound, near the mouth of the Fraser River
    WA - Point Roberts, Puget Sound, near the mouth of the Fraser River
    WA - Grays Harbor [Aberdeen, WA]
    WA - Columbia River at Ilwaco
    WA - Columbia River off Chinook
    WA - coastal waters

Ambloplites rupestris

    CA - Napa Creek, a tributary of San Pablo Bay

Ameiurus catus

    CA - San Joaquin River near Stockton
    CA - Napa County
    CA - Monterey County
    CA - Los Angeles County
    CA - Fresno County
    CA - Tulare County
    CA - Santa Cruz County
    CA - Shasta County
    CA - Solano County
    CA - Alameda County
    CA - San Diego County
    CA - Yolo County
    CA - Santa Barbara County
    CA - Siskiyou County
    CA - state non-specific
    CA - state non-specific
    CA - Clear Lake
    NV - Washoe Lake
    NV - Truckee River
    NV - Carson River
    NV - Humboldt River
    NV - Washoe County
    NV - Humboldt County
    NV - Churchill County
    NV - Lander County
    NV - Eureka County
    NV - Elko County
    NV - Nye County
    NV - White Pine County
    NV - Washoe Lake
    NV - Washoe Lake
    NV - Carson River at Woodford's, 48 km upriver from Schultz's ranch (site of plant)
    OR - state non-specific
    OR - Columbia River
    OR - Willamette River
    WA - state non-specific
    WA - Cowlitz River
    WA - Silver Lake

Ameiurus melas

    OR - Willamette River at Portland

Ameiurus nebulosus

    CA - ponds and sloughs near Sutterville, CA
    CA - Sacramento area lakes
    CA - lakes and sloughs in the Sacramento Valley
    CA - Clear Lake
    CA - Sacramento area lakes
    OR - state non-specific
    WA - state non-specific

Anguilla rostrata

    CA - slough of the Sacramento River near Sacramento
    CA - inlet of San Francisco Bay near Oakland
    CA - Sacramento River
    CA - Alameda Creek [southeast San Francisco Bay between Hayward and Fremont, CA]
    CA - Suisun Bay [bay east of San Pablo Bay], CA
    CA - Willow Slough
    CA - Sacramento Bay
    CA - Sacramento Bay
    CA - San Francisco Bay, easterly shore
    CA - San Francisco vicinity
    CA - Willow Slough
    NE - Elkhorn River near Omaha

Archoplites interruptus

    NV - state non-specific

Chanos chanos

    CA - stream in Bridgeport [=Cordelia] (can't find on map)

Coregonus clupeaformis

    CA - Donner Lake
    CA - Clear Lake, 80 NW of Sacramento
    CA - Tulare Lake [Dried up]
    CA - Placer County lakes
    CA - Lake Tahoe
    CA - Lake Tahoe
    CA - Donner Lake
    CA - Nevada County lakes
    CA - Eagle Lake
    CA - Tulare Lake [Dried up]
    CA - Mark West Creek
    CA - San Jose Water Company's reservoir
    CA - Chabot Lake
    CA - state non-specific
    CA - Sereno Lake
    ID - Coeur d'Alene Lake
    ID - Lake Pend Oreille
    ID - Hayden Lake, small body of water north of Pend d'Oreille
    NV - Lake Tahoe
    NV - Lake Tahoe
    OR - Klamath Lake near Linkville, at the southern end of the lake
    OR - Kullaby Lake (Culleby), SW of Astoria near coast
    OR - Chetaw Lake
    OR - Laddis Lake
    WA - Lake Washington
    WA - Lacamas Lake
    WA - Silver Lake

Cyprinus carpio

    CA - state non-specific
    CA - state non-specific
    CA - Sutterville Lake near Sacramento [Lake does not exist anymore]
    CA - Alameda County, private pond
    CA - state non-specific
    CA - Blue Lakes
    CA - Lake Merced (San Francisco water supply)
    ID - state non-specific
    ID - Snake River as far up as Glenns Ferry
    ID - Snake River at Weiser
    ID - Snake River at Payette
    NV - state non-specific
    NV - Carson City
    NV - Diamond Valley
    NV - Humboldt River near Winnemucca
    NV - Alkali Lake
    NV - state non-specific
    NV - state non-specific
    NV - Carson City
    NV - Alkali Lake
    OR - Snake River at Huntington
    OR - state non-specific
    OR - Columbia River Basin
    OR - Willamette River
    OR - Snake River at Ontario
    WA - state non-specific
    WA - Columbia River Basin
    WA - Clear Lake, near Spokane
    WA - Silver Lake

Esox americanus vermiculatus

    CA - Lake Cuyamaca, near San Diego

Esox lucius

    CA - Lake Cuyamaca, near San Diego
    CA - Feather River
    CA - Lake Cuyamaca, near San Diego
    CA - Lake Cuyamaca, near San Diego
    ID - Boise River near Boise

Esox masquinongy

    CA - Lake Merced (San Francisco water supply)
    CA - Lake Merced (San Francisco water supply)

Ictalurus punctatus

    CA - Bolsa Chica River [Channel]
    CA - San Joaquin River near Stockton
    CA - Lake Cuyamaca, near San Diego
    CA - Feather River
    CA - Sacramento River as far as Kenneth
    CA - San Joaquin to Tulare Lake
    CA - Mokelumne River
    CA - Lake Cuyamaca, near San Diego
    ID - Boise River
    ID - Natatorium Lake in Boise
    ID - Natatorium Lake in Boise
    WA - Clear Lake
    WA - Deer Lake

Lepomis cyanellus

    CA - California State Hatchery at Sisson (now Mt. Shasta hatchery)
    CA - Elsinore Lake near Elsinore
    CA - Bolsa Chica River [Channel]
    CA - Lake Cuyamaca, near San Diego
    WA - Loon Lake
    WA - Sprague Lake (formally Colville Lake)
    WA - Loon Lake
    WA - Deer Lake
    WA - Deer Lake

Lepomis gulosus

    CA - Lake Cuyamaca, near San Diego
    CA - Feather River
    CA - hatchery pond at Sisson (now Mt. Shasta)
    CA - hatchery pond at Sisson (now Mt. Shasta)
    ID - Boise River near Boise
    WA - Loon Lake

Lepomis macrochirus

    CA - California State Hatchery at Sisson (now Mt. Shasta hatchery)
    CA - Elsinore Lake near Elsinore
    CA - Bolsa Chica River [Channel]
    CA - Lake Cuyamaca, near San Diego
    WA - Loon Lake
    WA - Sprague Lake (formally Colville Lake)
    WA - Loon Lake
    WA - Deer Lake
    WA - Deer Lake

Micropterus dolomieu

    CA - Napa River
    CA - Alameda Creek [southeast San Francisco Bay between Hayward and Fremont, CA]
    CA - Crystal Spring Reservoir of the Spring Valley Water Company
    CA - Lake Temescal, near Oakland
    CA - Russian River
    CA - San Andreas Reservoir near San Francisco
    CA - Clear Lake
    CA - Thermalito Reservoir
    CA - Sweetwater Reservoir
    CA - Clear Lake
    CA - Blue Lake [two Blue Lakes Upper and Lower]
    CA - Pajaro River
    CA - Laguna Lake at San Luis
    CA - Monterey County, reservoirs (San Antonio Reservoir)
    CA - San Luis Obispo County, reservoirs
    CA - lake at El Monte
    CA - Freshwater Lagoon
    CA - San Joaquin River near Herndon
    CA - Lake Yosemite
    CA - Stony Lake (Stone Lagoon)
    CA - Keweah River
    CA - Garvey Lake, San Gabriel
    CA - small waters
    CA - small waters
    CA - Santa Barbara County, small waters
    CA - San Bernardino County, small waters
    CA - Tulare County, small waters
    CA - state non-specific
    CA - Tule River
    CA - headwaters of the American River
    CA - headwaters of the San Joaquin River
    CA - Sacramento River at Colusa
    CA - Clear Lake
    CA - Irvine Lake
    NV - Carson River
    NV - Washoe Lake
    NV - private reservoir near Carson

Micropterus salmoides

    CA - Lake Cuyamaca, near San Diego
    CA - Feather River near Gridley
    CA - State Fish Hatchery at Sisson (now Mt. Shasta)
    CA - Buena Vista Lake near Bakersfield [Lake dried up]
    CA - reservoir near San Diego
    CA - Elsinore Lake near Elsinore
    ID - Shepherd Lake (at Sagle)
    ID - Boise River near Boise
    ID - pond connected to the Boise River owned by Mr. Ridenbaugh, 1.5 acres
    ID - 2.5 acre pond near Boise River
    ID - pond connected to the Boise River owned by Mr. Ridenbaugh, 1.5 acres
    OR - Willamette River near Salem
    OR - Dove Lake near Salem
    OR - Mill Creek a tributary to the Willamette River
    OR - Big Creek, a branch of the Powder River
    UT - Weber River near Ogden
    UT - Utah Lake at Battle Creek
    UT - Salt Lake area
    WA - Lake Washington
    WA - Loon Lake
    WA - Sprague Lake (formally Colville Lake)
    WA - Loon Lake
    WA - Liberty Lake
    WA - Clear Lake, near Spokane
    WA - McDonald Lake
    WA - Loon Lake
    WA - Deer Lake
    WA - American Lake
    WA - Liberty Lake
    WA - Gravelly Lake
    WA - Clear Lake, near Spokane
    WA - Lake Padden
    WA - Spokane County, private lake
    WA - public lake Skagit County
    WA - Loon Lake
    WA - Cavanaugh Lake
    WA - Silver Lake
    WA - Lake Saint Clair
    WA - state non-specific
    WA - Clear Lake, near Spokane

Micropterus sp.

    CA - Napa Creek, a tributary of San Pablo Bay
    WA - Silver Lake
    WA - Otter Lake
    WA - Medical Lake
    WA - Ring Lake

Morone chrysops

    CA - hatchery at Sisson (now Mt. Shasta)

Morone saxatilis

    CA - Carquinez Strait at Martinez, CA
    CA - Suisun Bay at Army Point
    CA - Monterey Bay
    CA - Straits of Carquinez Harbor
    CA - San Francisco Bay near Sausalito
    CA - Monterey Bay
    CA - Alameda (near)
    CA - San Francisco Bay
    CA - Sacramento River
    CA - San Francisco Bay (offered for sale in market)
    CA - San Francisco Bay (offered for sale in market)
    CA - Sacramento River, lower
    CA - San Joaquin River, lower
    CA - San Pablo Bay (north of San Francisco Bay)
    CA - San Joaquin River for up to 20 miles above Bouldin Island
    CA - San Joaquin River at Grayson
    CA - Sacramento River up to Sacramento
    CA - Sacramento River at Fremont (7 miles above Sacramento)
    CA - Suisun Bay Slough
    CA - Tomales Bay (just north of San Francisco)
    CA - Creamery Slough, small slough between Tomales Bay and the Russian River
    CA - Russian River up to Guerneville (20 miles)
    CA - Russian River
    CA - Russian River
    CA - Russian River
    CA - Monterey Bay
    CA - Monterey Bay
    CA - Santa Cruz
    CA - Capitola on Monterey Bay
    CA - Redondo Beach
    CA - San Diego drainage
    CA - California/Oregon state line
    CA - San Francisco Bay at Berkeley Flats
    CA - San Joaquin River, lower
    CA - Middle River (trib. of the San Joaquin?)
    CA - Old River (trib. to San Joaquin)
    CA - San Joaquin (HUC6) non-specific
    CA - San Francisco Bay
    CA - San Francisco Bay area (for sale in market)
    CA - Monterey Bay
    CA - San Francisco Bay at Berkeley Flats

Oncorhynchus mykiss

    NV - state non-specific

Oncorhynchus tshawytscha

    NV - state non-specific

Perca flavescens

    CA - Feather River
    CA - Lake Cuyamaca, near San Diego
    ID - private ponds near Hauser and Shoshone (SPLIT)
    WA - Loon Lake
    WA - Sprague Lake (formally Colville Lake)
    WA - Loon Lake
    WA - South Palouse River
    WA - Loon Lake
    WA - Lake Saint Clair
    WA - Silver Lake
    WA - Loon Lake
    WA - Newman Lake

Pomoxis annularis

    CA - Lake Cuyamaca, near San Diego
    ID - Shepherd Lake (at Sagle)
    ID - Boise River near Boise
    WA - Lake Washington
    WA - Loon Lake
    WA - Liberty Lake
    WA - Deer Lake

Pomoxis nigromaculatus

    CA - Lake Cuyamaca, near San Diego
    ID - Shepherd Lake (at Sagle)
    ID - Boise River near Boise
    WA - Lake Washington
    WA - Loon Lake
    WA - Liberty Lake
    WA - Deer Lake

Salmo salar sebago

    CA - Sereno Lake

Salmo salar

    CA - Sacramento River at Redding
    CA - Trinity River

Salmo salar sebago

    CA - Donner Lake
    CA - San Francisquito Creek
    CA - Tulare Lake [Dried up]
    CA - San Leandro Creek and Lake
    CA - reservoir at Almshouse, San Francisco
    CA - Echo Lake [=Lily Lake] 2 parts upper and lower
    CA - Butterfly Creek
    CA - Chabot Lake
    CA - Independence Lake
    CA - Laguna Honda
    CA - Prosser Creek, a tributary of the Truckee River
    CA - Blue Lake [ two Blue Lakes Upper and Lower]
    CA - Independence Lake
    CA - Donner Lake
    CA - Bigler Lake (Lake Tahoe)
    CA - state non-specific
    CA - the Country Club (San Francisco) [Bear Valley Country Club, building tore down in 1950, located by Bear Valley Gulch Creek]
    CA - the Country Club (San Francisco) [Bear Valley Country Club, building tore down in 1950, located by Bear Valley Gulch Creek]
    CA - Lake Tahoe
    CA - state non-specific
    CA - Donner Lake
    CA - Arroyo de la Laguna, near Sunol
    CA - Truckee River
    CA - Lake Honda (=Laguna Honda)
    CA - Espinosa Lake
    CA - the Country Club (San Francisco) [Bear Valley Country Club, building tore down in 1950, located by Bear Valley Gulch Creek]
    CA - state non-specific
    CA - state non-specific
    NV - Lake Tahoe
    NV - Truckee River
    NV - Carson River
    NV - Truckee River
    NV - Humboldt River
    NV - Carson River
    NV - Lake Tahoe
    NV - Truckee River
    NV - Humboldt River
    NV - Carson River
    NV - Lake Tahoe

Salmo trutta

    CA - Supply Mill Creek near Hoopa Valley
    CA - Fish Tang Creek (=Tish Tang), Hoopa Valley, trib of Trinity River
    CA - Three Creeks near Hoopa Valley
    CA - Redwood Creek [2 within county]
    CA - Elk River near Eureka
    CA - Larabee Creek, a tributary of Eel River(intersects near Larabee)
    CA - Country Club (San Francisco)
    CA - lake near the Sisson hatchery (now Mt. Shasta)
    CA - Webber Lake, 48 airkm due west of Reno
    CA - lake near the Sisson hatchery (now Mt. Shasta)
    ID - Reynolds, private pond

Salvelinus fontinalis

    CA - North Fork of the American River
    CA - Alameda Creek headwaters
    CA - San Andreas Reservoir near San Francisco
    CA - Mendocino County
    CA - Sonoma County
    CA - Napa County
    CA - Yolo County
    CA - Calaveras Creek (flows into Calaveras Reservoir)
    CA - Calaveras Creek (flows into Calaveras Reservoir)
    CA - streams tributary to San Francisco Bay
    CA - Prosser Creek, a tributary of the Truckee River
    CA - North Fork of the American River
    CA - Siskiyou County
    CA - Contra Costa County
    CA - Alameda County
    CA - Placer County
    CA - Nevada County
    CA - Santa Cruz County
    CA - San Mateo County
    CA - Monterey County
    CA - Los Angeles County
    CA - San Diego County
    CA - Yuba County
    CA - Santa Clara County
    CA - North Fork of the American River
    CA - Truckee River
    CA - state non-specific
    CA - Sacramento River tributaries
    CA - Klamath River
    CA - Robinson Creek [tributary to East Walker River]
    CA - state non-specific
    CA - Three Creeks near Hoopa Valley
    CA - Redwood Creek at Berry's Crossing [2 creeks with in county]
    CA - Supply [Mill] Creek, Hoopa Valley
    CA - Blackwood Creek, Lake Tahoe
    CA - Lake Tahoe
    CA - Taylor Creek, Lake Tahoe
    CA - Truckee River
    CA - Truckee River tributaries
    CA - Prosser Creek, a tributary of the Truckee River
    CA - Alder Creek, Trib of Prosser Creek
    CA - Cold Stream, a small creek above the town of Truckee
    CA - Lake of the Woods, a small sheet of water above and near Webber Lake
    CA - Webber Lake, 48 airkm due west of Reno
    CA - headwaters of American River
    CA - headwaters of the Yuba River
    CA - headwaters of the Feather River
    CA - small streams in the Shasta Region
    CA - small creeks around the town of Sisson (now Mt. Shasta)
    CA - headwaters of small streams of the Sacramento River
    CA - headwaters of small streams of the McCloud River
    CA - Yosemite Valley
    CA - Bridal Veil Creek, Yosemite
    CA - near Wawona in some of the lakes, Yosemite
    CA - King River region
    CA - state non-specific
    CA - state non-specific
    NV - Marlette Lake, east of Lake Tahoe
    NV - Carson River
    NV - Walker River
    NV - Truckee River
    NV - Humboldt River
    NV - Washoe Lake
    NV - state non-specific
    NV - state non-specific
    NV - Truckee River
    NV - Carson River
    NV - Humboldt River
    NV - state non-specific
    NV - Lake Tahoe
    NV - state non-specific
    NV - Truckee River
    NV - Carson River
    NV - Humboldt River
    NV - Humboldt River
    NV - Carson River
    NV - Truckee River
    NV - Lake Tahoe
    NV - Humboldt River
    NV - state non-specific
    OR - South Fork of Umatilla River near Gibbon, OR
    OR - Dead Point Stream tributary, near Hood River Station, OR
    WA - Twin Lakes
    WA - Mountain Lake, Moran State Park, Orcas Island
    WA - Kelly Lake
    WA - Hooker Lake (aka Leland Lake)
    WA - Cranberry Lake
    WA - Johns Lake (aka Munson Lake)
    WA - Lake Washington
    CA - Tish [Fish] Tang a Tang Creek

Salvelinus namaycush

    CA - Lake Tahoe
    NV - Lake Tahoe
    NV - Lake Tahoe
    NV - Lake Tahoe
    NV - Lake Tahoe
    NV - Truckee River
    NV - Walker Lake drainage
    NV - Lake Tahoe
    NV - state non-specific

Sander vitreus

    CA - Sacramento River opposite Sacramento City

Tautoga onitis

    CA - San Francisco Bay near Oakland

Tinca tinca

    WA - Diamond Lake
    ID - Kootenai County, a lake and a pond
    ID - Latah County, pond
    NV - Virginia City
    OR - Older Springs (Springs near Hayward?)
    WA - Fourth of July Lake
    WA - Fetz Lake
    WA - Spokane County, pond
    WA - Diamond Lake

Zalophus californianus

    CA - Lake Merced (San Francisco water supply)


The data represented on this site vary in accuracy, scale, completeness, extent of coverage and origin. It is the user's responsibility to use these data consistent with their intended purpose and within stated limitations. We highly recommend reviewing metadata files prior to interpreting these data.

Citation information: U.S. Geological Survey. [2025]. Nonindigenous Aquatic Species Database. Gainesville, Florida. Accessed [2/12/2025].

Contact us if you are using data from this site for a publication to make sure the data are being used appropriately and for potential co-authorship if warranted.

For general information and questions about the database, contact Wesley Daniel. For problems and technical issues, contact Matthew Neilson.