Reference List

This list includes references used to derive specimen records as well as those with scientific name Sander vitreus listed in key words.

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REFTypeCut-and-Paste Reference
19422 News 2010. Help eliminate invasive fish from Buffalo Bill Reservoir. codyenterprisecom. August 2, 2010.
19429 Other Cut-and-paste reference not available due to unhandled reference type. Please contact support to request the addition of the 'Other' type.
19604 Web Page 2009. Oregon warm water fishing areas with public access.
25722 Web Page 2013. Oregon Warm Water Fishing Areas With Public Access. Created on 02/11/2013. Accessed on 02/01/2013.
820 Other Cut-and-paste reference not available due to unhandled reference type. Please contact support to request the addition of the 'Other' type.
822 Journal Article Anonymous. 1994. Water body records. Texas Parks & Wildlife News 1994(February 25):1-19.
1945 Web Page Anonymous. 2001. Oregon's Warm Water Fishing with Public Access.
1958 Web Page Anonymous. 2001. Fishing Records - Nevada. Nevada, fishes.
14147 Web Page Anonymous. 2004. Idaho warm water fish. Accessed on 11/03/2004.
27171 News Anonymous. 2014. Non-native walleye numbers double in Clark Fork Delta in three years, elimination not possible. The Columbia Basin Bulletin. Bend, OR. Created on 12/05/2014. Accessed on 01/08/2015.
28090 Database Auburn University Museum. 2014. AUM Fish Collection. Auburn University, Auburn, AL. Created on 10/07/2014. Accessed on 10/19/2015.
376 Journal Article Bailey, R.M., and M.O. Allum. 1962. Fishes of South Dakota. Miscellaneous Publications, Museum of Zoology, University of Michigan 119:1-131.
19544 Report Baker, B.M. 2007. Summary Report of Warmwater Volunteer Angler Diaries 2006. Wash Dept of Fish & Wildlfe, Fish Program, Fish Management Div.
201 Book Baxter, G.T., and J.R. Simon. 1970. Wyoming fishes. Bulletin No. 4. Wyoming Game and Fish Department, Cheyenne, WY.
808 Report Behnke, R.J., and D.E. Benson. 1980. Endangered and threatened fishes of the upper Colorado River basin. Cooperative Extension Service, Colorado State University, Ft Collins, CO.
18431 Journal Article Bellgraph, B.J., C.S. Guy, W.M. Gardner, and S.A. Leathe. 2008. Competition potential between saugers and walleyes in nonnative sympatry. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 137:790-800.
31985 Report Bennett, D. 2017. Texoma Reservoir 2016 Fisheries Management Survey Report. Texas Parks and Wildlife Department, Inland Fisheries Division, Pottsboro, TX.
31577 Report Binion, G., and J. Findeisen. 2015. Lake Corpus Christi 2014 Fisheries Management Survey Report. Texas Parks and Wildlife Department, Inland Fisheries Division, Mathis, TX.
31850 Report Bister, T.J, and L.D. Wright. 2016. Martin Creek Reservoir 2015 Fisheries Management Survey Report. Texas Parks and Wildlife Department, Inland Fisheries Division, Marshall, TX.
31882 Report Bister, T.J, and L.D. Wright. 2016. Lake Monticello 2015 Fisheries Management Survey Report. Texas Parks and Wildlife Department, Inland Fisheries Division, Marshall, TX.
30787 Report Bister, T.J., and J.D. Lechelt. 2016. Fisheries Management Survey Report: Lake Wright Patman. Texas Parks and Wildlife Department, Inland Fisheries Division, Marshall, TX.
50 Book Blatchley, W.S. 1938. The Fishes of Indiana: with descriptions, notes on habits and distribution in the state. The Nature Publishing Co Indianapolis, IN, Indianapolis, IN.
43572 Journal Article Blinick, N.S., D. Link, T.D. Ahrenstorff, B.J. Bethke, A.B. Fleishman, S.E. Janssen, D.P Krabbenhoft, J.K.R. Nelson, H.M. Rantala, C.L. Rude, and G.J.A Hansen. 2024. Increased mercury concentrations in walleye and yellow perch in lakes invaded by zebra mussels
. Science of The Total Environment 957(177515):1-12.
31932 Report Brock, R., T. Hungerford, and C. Fox. 2017. Ray Hubbard Reservoir 2016 Survey Report. Texas Parks and Wildlife Department, Inland Fisheries Division, Fort Worth, TX.
31664 Report Brock, R., and T. Hungerford. 2016. Grapevine Reservoir 2015 Survey Report Inland Fisheries Division Monitoring and Management Program. Texas Parks and Wildlife Department, Inland Fisheries Division, Fort Worth, TX.
210 Book Brown, C.J.D. 1971. Fishes of Montana. Montana State University Bozeman, MT.
25717 Report Bureau of Reclamation. 2004. Final Environmental Assessment, Native Fish Restoration in Fossil Creek, Coconino and Tonto National Forests, Arizona. Bureau of Reclamation, Phoenix, AZ. and
25706 Web Page Bureau of Reclamation. 2009. Native Aquatic Species of the Gila River Basin in Arizona and New Mexico - Results of Fish Monitoring on Selected Waters of the Gila River Basin. Accessed on 02/05/2013.
82 Book Burr, B.M., and M.L. Warren, Jr. 1986. A distributional atlas of Kentucky fishes. Scientific and Technical Series No. 4. Kentucky State Nature Preserves Commission, Frankfort, KY.
42855 News Burt, S. 2024. Invasive fish species caught at Strawberry Reservoir, believed to be 'illegally introduced'. Fox 13. Salt Lake City, UT. Created on 01/03/2024. Accessed on 01/05/2024.
19382 Other Cut-and-paste reference not available due to unhandled reference type. Please contact support to request the addition of the 'Other' type.
26681 Web Page Caisman, J. 2011. University of Washington Freshwater Ecology & Conservation Lab: Sander vitreus report. Created on 12/05/2011. Accessed on 01/16/2014.
26266 Database California Department of Fish and Game. 2009. California Aquatic Non-native Organism Database (CANOD). California Department of Fish and Game, Office of Spill Prevention and Response. Created on 03/08/2011. Accessed on 07/20/2011.
704 Book Cardoza, J.E., G.S. Jones, T.W. French, and D.B. Halliwell. 1993. Exotic and translocated vertebrates of Massachusetts. Fauna of Massachusetts Series No. 6. 2nd edition. Massachusetts Division of Fisheries and Wildlife, Westborough, MA.
25730 Report Clarkson, R.S., B.R. Kesner, and P.C. Marsh. 2011. Long-term monitoring plan for fish populations in selected waters of the Gila River Basin, Arizona. U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Arizona Ecological Services, Phoenix, Arizona.
25740 Report Clarkson, R.W. 1998. Results of fish monitoring of selected waters of the Gila River Basin, 1995-1996. U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Arizona Ecological Services, Phoenix, Arizon.
32012 Report Clayton, J., and C. Munger. 2015. White River Reservoir 2014 Fisheries Management Survey Report. Texas Parks and Wildlife Department, Inland Fisheries Division, Canyon, Texas.
31696 Report Clayton, J., and C. Munger. 2016. J. B. Thomas Reservoir 2015 Fisheries Management Survey Report. Texas Parks and Wildlife Department, Inland Fisheries Division, Canyon, Texas.
31839 Report Clayton, J., and C. Munger. 2017. Mackenzie Reservoir 2016 Fisheries Management Survey Report. Texas Parks and Wildlife Department, Inland Fisheries Division, Canyon, Texas.
19222 Report Colorado Division of Wildlife. 2010. Fishery Survey Summaries - Horsetooth Reservoir. Colorado Division of Wildlife.
19148 Report Colorado Division of Wildlife. 2010. Fishery Survey Summaries - Brush Hollow Reservoir. Colorado Division of Wildlife.
19153 Report Colorado Division of Wildlife. 2010. Fishery Survey Summaries - Martin Reservoir. Colorado Division of Wildlife.
19152 Report Colorado Division of Wildlife. 2010. Fishery Survey Summaries - John Martin Reservoir. Colorado Division of Wildlife.
19156 Report Colorado Division of Wildlife. 2010. Fishery Survey Summaries - Nee Gronde Reservoir. Colorado Division of Wildlife.
19167 Report Colorado Division of Wildlife. 2010. Fishery Survey Summaries - Prospect Lake. Colorado Division of Wildlife.
19168 Report Colorado Division of Wildlife. 2010. Fishery Survey Summaries - Pueblo Reservoir. Colorado Division of Wildlife.
19182 Report Colorado Division of Wildlife. 2010. Fishery Survey Summaries - Trinidad Reservoir. Colorado Division of Wildlife.
19195 Report Colorado Division of Wildlife. 2010. Fishery Survey Summaries - Boyd Lake. Colorado Division of Wildlife.
19208 Report Colorado Division of Wildlife. 2010. Fishery Survey Summaries - Chatfield Reservoir. Colorado Division of Wildlife.
19218 Report Colorado Division of Wildlife. 2010. Fishery Survey Summaries - Estes Lake. Colorado Division of Wildlife.
19187 Report Colorado Division of Wildlife. 2010. Fishery Survey Summaries - Aurora Reservoir. Colorado Division of Wildlife.
19189 Report Colorado Division of Wildlife. 2010. Fishery Survey Summaries - Barr Lake. Colorado Division of Wildlife.
19194 Report Colorado Division of Wildlife. 2010. Fishery Survey Summaries - Boulder Reservoir. Colorado Division of Wildlife.
19209 Report Colorado Division of Wildlife. 2010. Fishery Survey Summaries - Cherry Creek Reservoir. Colorado Division of Wildlife.
19186 Report Colorado Division of Wildlife. 2010. Fishery Survey Summaries - Arvada Blunn Reservoir. Colorado Division of Wildlife.
19223 Report Colorado Division of Wildlife. 2010. Fishery Survey Summaries - Jackson Reservoir. Colorado Division of Wildlife.
19205 Report Colorado Division of Wildlife. 2010. Fishery Survey Summaries - Carter Lake. Colorado Division of Wildlife.
19213 Report Colorado Division of Wildlife. 2010. Fishery Survey Summaries - Douglas Reservoir. Colorado Division of Wildlife.
19230 Report Colorado Division of Wildlife. 2010. Fishery Survey Summaries - Lonetree Reservoir. Colorado Division of Wildlife.
19234 Report Colorado Division of Wildlife. 2010. Fishery Survey Summaries - Lon Hagler Reservoir. Colorado Division of Wildlife.
19235 Report Colorado Division of Wildlife. 2010. Fishery Survey Summaries - McIntosh Lake. Colorado Division of Wildlife.
19246 Report Colorado Division of Wildlife. 2010. Fishery Survey Summaries - Union Reservoir. Colorado Division of Wildlife.
19258 Report Colorado Division of Wildlife. 2010. Fishery Survey Summaries - McPhee Reservoir. Colorado Division of Wildlife.
19228 Report Colorado Division of Wildlife. 2010. Fishery Survey Summaries - Lake Loveland. Colorado Division of Wildlife.
19245 Report Colorado Division of Wildlife. 2010. Fishery Survey Summaries - Standley Lake. Colorado Division of Wildlife.
19264 Report Colorado Division of Wildlife. 2010. Fishery Survey Summaries - Vallecito Reservoir. Colorado Division of Wildlife.
211 Book Cooper, E.L. 1983. Fishes of Pennsylvania and the Northeastern United States. Pennsylvania State University Press University Park, PA.
160 Journal Article Cope, E.D. 1865. Note on the fishes brought from Platte River, near Riley, by Dr. William A. Hammond. Proceedings of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia 17:85-87.
25928 Database Cornell University Museum of Vertebrates. 2013. Cornell University Museum of Vertebrates ichthyology collection. Accessed through GBIF data portal, Cornell University Museum of Vertebrates, Ithaca, NY. Created on 05/03/2013. Accessed on 05/14/2013.
146 Book Cross, F.B. 1967. Handbook of fishes of Kansas. State Biological Survey and University of Kansas Museum of Natural History Misc Publ No 45 Topeka, KS.
31492 Report Cummings, G.A., and M.J De Jesus. 2015. Canyon Reservoir 2015 Fisheries Management Survey Report. Texas Parks and Wildlife Department, Inland Fisheries Division, San Marcos, TX.
97 Journal Article Dahlberg, M.D., and D.C. Scott. 1971. Introductions of freshwater fishes in Georgia. Bulletin of the Georgia Academy of Science 29:245-252.
14307 News Daniels, R. 2005. New fish transform Hudson. Poughkeepsie Journal. January 16, 2005.
31455 Report De Jesús, M.J., and M. Farooqi. 2015. Buchanan Reservoir 2015 Fisheries Management Survey Report. Texas Parks and Wildlife Department, Inland Fisheries Division, San Marcos, TX.
31433 Report De Jesús, M.J., and M. Farooqi. 2016. Austin Reservoir 2016 Fisheries Management Survey Report. Texas Parks and Wildlife Department, Inland Fisheries Division, San Marcos, TX.
31687 Report De Jesus, M.J., and M. Farooqi. 2014. Inks Reservoir 2013 Fisheries Management Survey Report. Texas Parks and Wildlife Department, Inland Fisheries Division, San Marcos, TX.
279 Journal Article Deacon, J.E., and J.E. Williams. 1984. Annotated list of the fishes of Nevada. Proceedings of the Biological Society of Washington 97(1):103-118.
1952 Other Cut-and-paste reference not available due to unhandled reference type. Please contact support to request the addition of the 'Other' type.
1561 Other Cut-and-paste reference not available due to unhandled reference type. Please contact support to request the addition of the 'Other' type.
1559 Other Cut-and-paste reference not available due to unhandled reference type. Please contact support to request the addition of the 'Other' type.
1953 Other Cut-and-paste reference not available due to unhandled reference type. Please contact support to request the addition of the 'Other' type.
1792 Other Cut-and-paste reference not available due to unhandled reference type. Please contact support to request the addition of the 'Other' type.
1947 Other Cut-and-paste reference not available due to unhandled reference type. Please contact support to request the addition of the 'Other' type.
1956 Other Cut-and-paste reference not available due to unhandled reference type. Please contact support to request the addition of the 'Other' type.
1948 Other Cut-and-paste reference not available due to unhandled reference type. Please contact support to request the addition of the 'Other' type.
1949 Other Cut-and-paste reference not available due to unhandled reference type. Please contact support to request the addition of the 'Other' type.
1954 Other Cut-and-paste reference not available due to unhandled reference type. Please contact support to request the addition of the 'Other' type.
1556 Other Cut-and-paste reference not available due to unhandled reference type. Please contact support to request the addition of the 'Other' type.
1950 Other Cut-and-paste reference not available due to unhandled reference type. Please contact support to request the addition of the 'Other' type.
21022 Other Cut-and-paste reference not available due to unhandled reference type. Please contact support to request the addition of the 'Other' type.
25649 Other Cut-and-paste reference not available due to unhandled reference type. Please contact support to request the addition of the 'Other' type.
19355 Other Cut-and-paste reference not available due to unhandled reference type. Please contact support to request the addition of the 'Other' type.
18787 Other Cut-and-paste reference not available due to unhandled reference type. Please contact support to request the addition of the 'Other' type.
18958 Other Cut-and-paste reference not available due to unhandled reference type. Please contact support to request the addition of the 'Other' type.
20979 Other Cut-and-paste reference not available due to unhandled reference type. Please contact support to request the addition of the 'Other' type.
1557 Other Cut-and-paste reference not available due to unhandled reference type. Please contact support to request the addition of the 'Other' type.
25379 Other Cut-and-paste reference not available due to unhandled reference type. Please contact support to request the addition of the 'Other' type.
21031 Other Cut-and-paste reference not available due to unhandled reference type. Please contact support to request the addition of the 'Other' type.
18948 Other Cut-and-paste reference not available due to unhandled reference type. Please contact support to request the addition of the 'Other' type.
31494 Report Dennis, J.A., and R.A. Myers. 2014. Casa Blanca Reservoir 2014 Fisheries Management Survey Report. Texas Parks and Wildlife Department, Inland Fisheries Division, San Antonio, TX.
68 Book Douglas, N.H. 1974. Freshwater fishes of Louisiana. Claitor's Publishing Division, Baton Rouge, LA.
31936 Report Driscoll, T., and D. Ashe. 2015. Sam Rayburn Reservoir 2014 Fisheries Management Survey Report. Texas Parks and Wildlife Department, Inland Fisheries Division, Brookeland, Texas.
28313 Journal Article Duncan, M.B., R.G. Bramblett, and A.V. Zale. 2016. Distributions of Small Nongame Fishes in the Lower Yellowstone River. American Midland Naturalist 175(1):1-23.
313 Journal Article Ellis, M.M. 1914. Fishes of Colorado. University of Colorado Studies 11(1):5-136.
705 Book Etnier, D.A., and W.C. Starnes. 1993. The fishes of Tennessee. The University of Tennessee Press, Knoxville, TN.
305 Book Everhart, W.H., and W.R. Seaman. 1971. Fishes of Colorado. Colorado Game, Fish and Parks Division Denver, CO.
31597 Report Farooqi, M., and M.J. De Jesus. 2014. Georgetown Reservoir 2013 Fisheries Management Survey Report. Texas Parks and Wildlife Department, Inland Fisheries Division, San Marcos, TX.
31999 Report Farooqi, M., and M.J. De Jesus. 2015. Travis Reservoir 2014 Fisheries Management Survey Report. Texas Parks and Wildlife Department, Inland Fisheries Division, San Marcos, TX.
31776 Report Farooqi, M., and M.J. De Jesus. 2016. Lady Bird Reservoir 2015 Fisheries Management Survey Report. Texas Parks and Wildlife Department, Inland Fisheries Division, San Marcos, TX.
31838 Report Farooqi, M., and M.J. De Jesus. 2017. Lyndon B. Johnson Reservoir 2016 Fisheries Management Survey Report. Texas Parks and Wildlife Department, Inland Fisheries Division, San Marcos, TX.
1797 Journal Article Fetterolf, C.M., Jr. 1956. Stocking as a management tool in Tennessee Reservoirs. Proceedings of the annual conference of the Southeastern association of fish and wildlife agencies 10:275-284.
15545 Web Page Field & Stream Online. 2001. Field & Stream Online - Destinations - Arizona.
25899 Database Florida Museum of Natural History. 2013. Florida Museum of Natural History ichthyology collection. Accessed through GBIF data portal, Florida Museum of Natural History, Gainesville, FL. Accessed on 04/09/2013.
408 Report Ford, H.C., H.C. Demuth, G.H. Welshons, S.B. Stillwel, L. Streuber, and W.L. Powell. 1892. Report of the Fish Commissioners for the years 1889-1891. Edwin K Meyers, State Printer, Harrisburg, PA.
15313 Web Page Four Seasons Campground and Resort. 2003. Fishing Information.
57 Report Fowler, H.W. 1906. The Fishes of New Jersey in Annual Report to the New Jersey State Museum for 1905. MacCrellish and Quigley, State Province Trenton, NJ.
59 Journal Article Fowler, H.W. 1952. A list of the fishes of New Jersey, with off-shore species. Proceedings of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia 104:89-151.
31001 News French, B. 2018. Wyoming fisheries folk battle walleye invasion in Buffalo Bill Reservoir. The Casper Star-Tribune. Casper, WY. January 29. Created on 01/29/2018. Accessed on 02/02/2018.
42359 Journal Article Gartshore, D.J., and M.D. Rennie. 2023. Decline of young-of-year walleye (Sander vitreus) growth due to Bythotrephes impacts predicted from bioenergetic principles. Biological Invasions 25:2643-2658.
26212 Database GBIF. 2013. Global Biodiversity Information Facility (GBIF) Database. Global Biodiversity Information Facility. Accessed on 03/05/2024.
27542 News Geiger, A. 2014. Invasive fish spread across NW Montana. The Western News. Libby, MT. 8 (5). Created on 08/05/2014. Accessed on 06/11/2015.
29124 Journal Article Geisler, M.E., M.D. Rennie, D.M. Gillis, and S.N. Higgins. 2016. A predictive model for water clarity following dreissenid invasion. Biological Invasions 18(7):1989-2006.
141 Book George, C.J. 1981. The fishes of the Adirondack Park. New York State Department of Environmental Conservation, Albany, NY.
32013 Report George, S., R. Brock, and T. Hungerford. 2016. White Rock Reservoir 2015 Fisheries Management Survey Report. Texas Parks and Wildlife Department, Inland Fisheries Division, Fort Worth, TX.
40197 Database George, S.D., B.P. Baldigo, and D.R. Winterhalter. 2021. Fish community and substrate data from tributaries to the Mohawk River. U.S. Geolgical Survey. Created on 04/09/2021. Accessed on 03/15/2023.
40198 Report George, S.D., D.R. Winterhalter, and B.P. Baldigo. 2023. Survey of fish communities in tributaries to the Mohawk River, New York, 2019: U.S. Geological Survey Scientific Investigations Report 2022–5121. U.S. Geological Survey, Reston, VA.
31523 Report Goldstrohm, N., amd M. Homer Jr. 2015. Cisco Reservoir 2015 Fisheries Management Survey Report. Texas Parks and Wildlife Department, Inland Fisheries Division, Abilene, TX.
31982 Report Goldstrohm, N., and M. Homer, Jr. 2015. Sweetwater Reservoir 2014 Fisheries Management Survey Report. Texas Parks and Wildlife Department, Inland Fisheries Division, Abilene, TX.
1555 Report Gorges, M. 1994. Wyoming resident fish habitat management strategy. Bureau of Land Management, Wyoming State Office, Cheyenne, WY.
27110 Report Gould, W.R. 1995. A report on the early distribution and sources of walleye (Stizostedion vitreum) in Montana. Montana Department of Fish, Wildlife and Parks, Helena, MT.
161 Journal Article Graham, I.D. 1885. Some Kansas fishes now in the college museum. The Industrialist 10(30):4.
158 Journal Article Graham, I.D. 1885. Preliminary list of Kansas fishes. Transactions of the Kansas Academy of Science 9:69-78.
775 Journal Article Hall, G.E. 1956. Additions to the fish fauna of Oklahoma with a summary of introduced species. The Southwestern Naturalist 1(1):16-26.
13692 Report Halliwell, D.B. 2003. Introduced Fish in Maine.
37890 Journal Article Hansen, G.J.A., T.D. Ahrenstorff, B.J. Bethke, J.D. Dumke, J. Hirsch, K.E. Kovalenko, J.F. LeDuc, R.P. Maki, H.M. Rantala, and T. Wagner. 2020. Walleye growth declines following zebra mussel and Bythotrephes invasion. Biological Invasions 22:1481-1495.
103 Journal Article Hartel, K.E. 1992. Non-native fishes known from Massachusetts freshwaters. Occasional Reports of the MCZ Fish Department 2:1-9.
16076 Book Hartel, K.E., D.B. Halliwell, and A.E. Launer. 2002. Inland fishes of Massachusetts. Massachusetts Audubon Society, Lincoln, MA.
25960 Database Harvard University. 2013. Museum of Comparative Zoology specimen collection. Accessed through GBIF data portal, Harvard University, Cambridge, MA. Created on 04/11/2012. Accessed on 04/10/2013.
13443 Web Page Hatch, J.T., and K. Schmidt. 2002. Fishes of Minnesota: Distribution in 8 Major Drainage Basins. Accessed on 01/09/2002.
30715 Journal Article Haxton, T. 2015. Characteristics and Spatial Segregation of Sympatric Saugers and Walleyes in the Ottawa River, Canada. North American Journal of Fisheries Management 35(3):418-430.
31634 Journal Article Heckmann, R.A., C.W. Thompson, and D.A. White. 1981. Fishes of Utah Lake. Great Basin Naturalist Memoirs 5(8):107-127.
27468 Journal Article Herke, H.W. 1969. Florida Walleye? Proceedings of the Annual Conference of the Southeastern Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies 23:648-650.
27112 Journal Article Hoagstrom, C.W, and C.R. Berry, Jr. 2010. The native range of walleyes in the Missouri River drainage. North American Journal of Fisheries Management 30:642-654.
1662 Book Chapter Hocutt, C.H., R.E. Jenkins, and J.R. Stauffer, Jr. 1986. Zoogeography of the fishes of the central Appalachians and central Atlantic coastal plain. Pages 161-212 in Hocutt, C.H., and E.O. Wiley, eds. The zoogeography of North American freshwater fishes. John Wiley and Sons. New York, NY.
952 Journal Article Holden, P.B., and C.B. Stalnaker. 1975. Distribution and abundance of mainstream fishes of the middle and upper Colorado River basins, 1967-1973. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 104(2):217-231.
208 Book Holton, G.D. 1990. A field guide to Montana fishes. Montana Department of Fish, Wildlife and Parks Helena, MT.
31962 Report Homer, M. D., and N. Goldstrohm. 2015. Stamford Reservoir 2014 Fisheries Management Survey Report. Texas Parks and Wildlife Department, Inland Fisheries Division, Abilene, TX.
31570 Report Homer, M. D., and N. Goldstrohm. 2016. Clyde Reservoir 2016 Fisheries Management Survey Report. Texas Parks and Wildlife Department, Inland Fisheries Division, Abilene, TX.
31453 Report Homer, M. D., and N. Goldstrohm. 2016. Brownwood Reservoir 2016 Fisheries Management Survey Report. Texas Parks and Wildlife Department, Inland Fisheries Division, Abilene, TX.
360 Report Howells, R.G. 1992. Annotated list of non-native fishes, mollusks, crustaceans, and aquatic plants, in Texas waters. Management Data Series No. 78. Texas Parks and Wildlife Department, Austin, TX.
37504 Journal Article Hoyle, J.A., J.P. Holden, and M.J. Yuille. 2017. Diet and relative weight in migratory walleye (Sander vitreus) of the Bay of Quinte and eastern Lake Ontario, 1992-2015. Journal of Great Lakes Research 43(5):5.
1179 Journal Article Hubbs, C.L., W.I. Follett, and L.J. Dempster. 1979. List of the fishes of California. Occassional Papers of the California Academy of Sciences 133:1-51.
1362 Book Chapter Hubert, W. 1994. Exotic fishes. Pages 158-174 in Parish, T.L., and S.H. Anderson, eds. Exotic species manual. Wyoming Game and Fish Department. Laramie, WY.
31829 Report Hungerford, T., and R. Brock. 2016. Lewisville Reservoir 2015 Fisheries Management Survey Report. Texas Parks and Wildlife Department, Inland Fisheries Division, Fort Worth, TX.
31586 Report Hungerford, T., R. Brock, C. Fox-Holt. 2017. Eagle Mountain Reservoir 2016 Fisheries Management Survey Report. Texas Parks and Wildlife Department, Inland Fisheries Division, Fort Worth, TX.
31451 Report Hysmith, B.T., and J.H. Moczygemba. 2013. 2013 Fisheries Management Survey Report Bridgeport Reservoir. Texas Parks and Wildlife Department, Inland Fisheries Division, Pottsboro, TX.
31826 Report Hysmith, B.T., and J.H. Moczygemba. 2015. Lavon Reservoir 2014 Fisheries Management Survey Report. Texas Parks and Wildlife Department, Inland Fisheries Division, Pottsboro, TX.
89 Report Ichthyological Associates. 1976. Reports to Delmarva Power, Wilmington, DE of fishes collected during 1973-1975.
17042 Report Idaho Department of Fish and Game. 2007. Fisheries Management Plan 2007 – 2012. Boise, ID.
24461 Database Idaho Department of Fish and Game. 2012. Idaho Department of Fish and Game fish stocking database, 1967-2012. Idaho Department of Fish and Game.
13018 Database Idaho Fish and Game. 1998. Official list of Idaho record fish (as of October, 1997). (2004 version).
132 Other Cut-and-paste reference not available due to unhandled reference type. Please contact support to request the addition of the 'Other' type.
25944 Database iNaturalist. 2024. Accessed on 08/13/2024.
706 Book Jenkins, R.E., and N.M. Burkhead. 1994. Freshwater fishes of Virginia. American Fisheries Society, Bethesda, MD.
38002 Report Jeppson, P., and T. Vaughn. 1952. Fisheries investigations of Lake Pend Oreille, Idaho 1951. Biological and economic survey of fishery resources in Lake Pend Oreille. Idaho Department of Fish and Game, Boise, ID.
12020 Book Jones, D.J. 1963. A history of Nebraska's fishery resources. Nebraska Game, Forestation and Parks Commission.
1308 Journal Article Kendall, W.C. 1914. An annotated catalogue of the fishes of Maine. Proceedings of the Portland Society of Natural History 3:1-198.
110 Book Koster, W.J. 1957. Guide to the Fishes of New Mexico. University of New Mexico Press Albuquerque, NM.
25 Journal Article Kraai, J.E., W.P. Provine, and J.A. Prentice. 1983. Case histories of three walleye stocking techniques with cost-to-benefit considerations. Proc. 37th Ann. Conf. SE Assoc. Fish, Wildl. Agencies 37:395-400.
37614 Journal Article Krueger, D.M., E.S. Rutherford, D.M. Mason, and Y. Cha. 2016. Foraging ecology of walleye and brown trout in a Great Lakes tributary. Journal of Great Lakes Research 42(1):1.
31926 Report Lang, T., and R. Mauk. 2015. Possum Kingdom Reservoir 2014 Fisheries Management Survey Report. Texas Parks and Wildlife Department, Inland Fisheries Division, Wichita Falls, Texas.
27164 Journal Article Lawson, Z.J., and S.R. Carpenter. 2014. A morphometric approach for stocking Walleye fingerlings in lakes invaded by Rainbow Smelt. North American Journal of Fisheries Management 34:998-1002.
1651 Journal Article Lee, D.A., S.P. Platania, C.R. Gilbert, R. Franz, and A. Norden. 1981. A revised list of the freshwater fishes of Maryland and Delaware. Southeastern Fishes Council Proceedings 3(3):1-10.
275 Book Lee, D.S., C.R. Gilbert, C.H. Hocutt, R.E. Jenkins, D.E. McAllister, and J.R. Stauffer, Jr. 1980. Atlas of North American freshwater fishes. North Carolina State Museum of Natural History, Raleigh, NC.
32249 Journal Article Maclean, J., and J.J. Magnuson. 1977. Species Interactions in Percid Communities. Journal of the Fisheries Board of Canada 43(10):1941-1951.
13648 Journal Article Madison, D. 2003. Outlaw Introductions. Montana Outdoors 2003(July/August):26-35.
26375 Report Makinster, A.S., M.A. Hangsleben, R.S. Rogers, and W.R. Persons. 2009. Status of the Lees Ferry rainbow trout fishery with additional input regarding potential impacts of the 2008 high flow experiment. 2008 annual report. Arizona Game and Fish Department, Phoenix, AZ.
26377 Report Makinster, A.S., R.S. Rogers, and B. Persons. 2007. Status of the Lee's Ferry trout fishery. 2006 annual report. Arizona Game and Fish Department, Phoenix, AZ.
26378 Report Makinster, A.S., R.S. Rogers, W.R. Persons, M.H. Hangsleben, and S.R. Hurteau. 2008. Status of the Lee's Ferry rainbow trout fishery. 2007 annual report. Arizona Game and Fish Department, Phoenix, AZ.
30709 Report Martinez, P.J. 2006. Westslope warmwater fisheries. Colorado Division of Wildlife Fish Research Section, Fort Collins, CO.
31457 Report Mauk, R, and T. Lang. 2016. Buffalo Creek Reservoir 2016 Fisheries Management Survey Report. Texas Parks and Wildlife Department, Inland Fisheries Division, Wichita Falls, Texas.
31584 Report Mauk, R, and T. Lang. 2017. Diversion Reservoir 2016 Fisheries Management Survey Report. Texas Parks and Wildlife Department, Inland Fisheries Division, Wichita Falls, Texas.
1502 Journal Article McMahon, T.E., and D.H. Bennett. 1996. Walleye and northern pike: boost or bane to northwest fisheries? Fisheries 21(8):6-13.
38001 News McNally, B. 2022. Illegally stocked Walleye in Idaho triggers investigation. Outdoor Life. Created on 05/16/2022. Accessed on 05/17/2022.
162 Book Menhinick, E.F. 1991. The freshwater fishes of North Carolina. North Carolina Wildlife Resources Commission, Raleigh, NC.
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1957 Web Page Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife. 2000. Warm and Cold Water Game Fish Records.
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85 Book Raasch, M.S., and V.L. Altemus, Sr. 1991. Delaware's freshwater and brackish water fishes - a popular account. Delaware State College Center for the Study of Del-Mar-Va Habitats and the Society of Natural History of Delaware, Dover, DE.
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1 Book Sublette, J.E., M.D. Hatch, and M. Sublette. 1990. The fishes of New Mexico. University of New Mexico Press, Albuquerque, NM.
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35 Book Chapter Webster, D.A. 1941. The life histories of some Connecticut fishes. Pages 122-227 in A fishery survey of important Connecticut lakes. Bulletin 63. State Geological and Natural History Survey of Connecticut, Department of Environmental Protection. Hartford, CT.
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213 Book Wydoski, R.S., and R.R. Whitney. 1979. Inland Fishes of Washington. University of Washington Press Seattle, WA.
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679 Book Chapter Zuckerman, L.D., and R.J. Behnke. 1986. Introduced fishes in the San Luis Valley, Colorado. Pages 435-453 in Stroud, R.H, ed. Fish culture in fisheries management. Proceedings of a symposium on the role of fish culture in fisheries management at Ozark, MO. American Fisheries Society. Bethesda, MD.


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